Lord Of The Oasis

Chapter 554: The G.o.d In the Village

Chapter 554: The G.o.d In the Village

When Kant heard Baheshtur’s words, he carefully looked at the army that had been reduced to the initial stage of the grand knight and had rushed out of the village for the fourth time.

Kant had only roughly glanced at the relief sculptures on both sides of the temple at that time, but Kant’s memory was very good. He had some faint memories on some special-looking faces.

Now that he looked carefully, and with the reminder of Baheshtur’s words, he indeed found that among the troops that rushed out of the village, there were a few grand knights with unique features. They looked exactly the same as the relief sculptures on the walls on both sides of the temple gate that came in.

“What’s going on?” Kant frowned slightly and asked Baheshtur with some doubt. He was the first to discover this point, and perhaps he would have his own opinion.

Baheshtur shook his head and said respectfully, “Lord, I’m not sure about this either. Lord, why don’t you ask the mages. They should be more thorough in their research on extraordinary powers.”

The Swadian Royal Knights charged forward and quickly killed the hundred enemy soldiers who had just charged out with the strength of the grand knights.

As expected, the corpses of these people who had been killed turned into a red light and disappeared once again.

Then, they charged out from the village for the fifth time. This time, their strength was only at the peak of the official knights.

Kant called over a mage, he asked, “These knights who charged out from the village have never died. Their appearances are exactly the same as the relief sculptures on the walls of the hall before we entered. Do you know what’s going on?”

The mage thought carefully for a moment and said to Kant hesitantly, “We mages study the profound truth. Power comes from the insight into the truth of the world. It’s a completely different field from the clergy.”

Kant heard the mage’s words and was very disappointed. “So, you don’t know what’s going on?”

The mage nodded and shook his head. He said to Kant in an uncertain tone, “Lord, I don’t dare to answer you with certainty. This situation is somewhat similar to what I know.”

Kant’s eyes lit up slightly. He was confused about these people who could be resurrected even after they died. He asked the mage in a somewhat hurried tone, “What situation?”

The mage glanced at the official knights who were easily killed by the Swadian Royal Knights, he said respectfully to Kant, “Lord, these people who can be resurrected from the dead are very much like a clergyman — holy spirit.”

“holy spirit?”

“Yes, holy spirit?”

Kant had never heard of this term. He only knew about priests and pastors. There were also ascetics in some churches, but he had never heard of the holy spirit.

“What is the holy spirit?” Kant’s tone was filled with curiosity. To be able to come back from the dead, this ability was simply too abnormal.

“It is said that the holy spirit is the most devout believer of the G.o.ds. It was personally brought to the Divine Kingdom by the G.o.ds to change jobs. It can directly use the power of faith and is the most powerful force in the hands of the G.o.ds.” The mage paused then continued, “If it is in the Divine Kingdom of the G.o.ds, the holy spirit is an immortal existence. Even if the G.o.ds sent it out of the Divine Kingdom, the fallen holy spirit can still be resurrected in the Divine Kingdom of the G.o.ds.”

Kant heard the mage’s explanation and nodded. These people who had never died were somewhat similar to the mage when he spoke of the holy spirit.

However, the G.o.d of War, Edmund, did not ascend the Divine Kingdom.

Otherwise, such a major event would definitely be recorded.

Kant thought so and asked the wizard, “Do you know what the Divine Kingdom Is?”

The mage respectfully said to Kant, “Lord, the Divine Realm is a demiplane that was created when the G.o.ds did not have the ability to ascend the Divine Kingdom. It is the predecessor of the Divine Kingdom.”

“No wonder!” Kant nodded.

These people who kept dying and resurrecting were most likely the holy spirits of the G.o.d of War, Edmund.

When they had asked the priests and knights of the War Temple who had surrendered, they had said that only the most devout believers of the G.o.d of War were qualified to enter the temple where they had entered.

This was very suitable for the holy spirit’s job transition.

The G.o.d of War had been a G.o.d for 7,000 years, but he had only acc.u.mulated 100 holy spirits in this Divine Realm. It could be seen how devout the faith of the holy spirit before the job transition was.

Kant looked at the army who had died and resurrected again and continued to ask the mage, “Is there any way to completely kill the holy spirit?”

The mage’s tone was solemn as he replied, “Lord, if you want to completely kill the holy spirit, there’s only one way!”

“What way?” Kant’s tone was slightly excited as he asked. Although these guys were getting weaker and weaker, they kept resurrecting, and directly blocked the entrance of the village, preventing his troop from entering to search.

The mage’s expression became solemn, and his tone was very heavy, “Slaughter the G.o.d!”


Kant was helpless when he heard this answer. It was precisely because these guys had been blocking the entrance that his army could not enter and search for the whereabouts of the G.o.d of War.

They had no choice but to kill these guys over and over again. Looking at the situation, their strength had been decreasing, and there would come a time when they would be reduced to the strength of ordinary people. At that time, Kant wanted to see if they could continue to be revived.

The slaughter continued. These holy spirits of the G.o.d of War died and were revived again and again, but their strength continued to fall.

High-level official knight — middle-level official knight — low-level official knight — peak knight attendant…

Until they were killed again when their strength was low-level knight Squire, they finally did not rush out of this small village.

Just as Kant was about to lead his troop into the village to conduct a search, the earth suddenly shook.

A majestic red light soared into the sky from the village, and an extremely powerful pressure burst out from the village, fiercely pressing down on Kant and his army.

After the red light dispersed, a majestic red figure standing ten meters tall appeared in the village.

His body was too tall, and his upper body completely exceeded the height of the village.

When Kant saw the face of the red giant, he couldn’t help but exclaim, “The G.o.d of War — Edmund!”

The appearance of this red giant was exactly the same as the G.o.d of War, Edmund’s statue in the main hall of War Temple. However, compared to his statue, this guy was obviously much bigger.

“Baron Kant…”

The ten-meter-tall giant, the G.o.d of War, Edmund, suddenly spoke. His voice was as loud as thunder and turned into a huge sound wave that attacked Kant and his troop.

If it was an ordinary army facing such a huge monster, these earth-shattering words would probably cause the soldiers’ hearts to be filled with fear, causing their morale to drop crazily.

However, Kant and his troops remained unmoved, waiting for the battle.

One of the components of Kant’s extraordinary equipment set was the cape, “Glory. Bright Red Movement”. Even when facing the G.o.d of War, its effect did not weaken at all. The entire army’s morale was extremely high.

The battle with the 100 holy spirits had already raised Kant’s army’s morale to its peak status.

Kant said with a serious expression, “Listen up, everyone, maintain a firm formation and slowly retreat!”

Kant did this not because he saw that the G.o.d of War’s body was too huge and was planning to retreat.

He was just clearing the battlefield for the upcoming battle.

At this time, the cloak on his back was still rattling. This proved that this was still a battlefield.

When the ten-meter-tall G.o.d of War appeared, they did not immediately start a war. Instead, they spoke. However, Kant was certain that there would definitely be a battle between them.

The ten-meter-tall G.o.d of War, Edmund, quietly watched Kant’s troops retreat a hundred meters away. Then, he suddenly jumped out of the village, causing the ground to tremble.


The 10-meter-tall G.o.d of War, Edmund, suddenly roared towards the sky.

Boundless red light suddenly appeared from his body.

Just like the previous holy spirits, the G.o.d of War, Edmund, also underwent a transformation.

The G.o.d of War, Edmund, suddenly had a blood-red armor on his body. A terrifying warhorse that was 10 meters tall also appeared beneath him, and the warhorse was covered in heavy armor.

The G.o.d of War was riding on the horse. It was no less than fifteen meters tall and looked extremely terrifying.

A twenty-meter-long lance appeared in the hand of the G.o.d of War, Edmund. Kant’s scalp went numb when he saw it.

The G.o.d of War shook the reins of the horse. The warhorse that was ten meters tall suddenly raised its front hooves and almost stood up. The neighing sound of the horse was like rolling thunder, deafening.


The front hooves of the warhorse stomped on the ground, and the earth shook violently again.

The G.o.d of War pointed his lance at Kant and spoke again with a voice like thunder, “Baron Kant…”

The G.o.d of War, Edmund’s exaggerated figure, coupled with the warhorse beneath him, made Kant worried.

With the power of the G.o.d of War Edmund, could he really rely on these armies to resist and capture him?

Kant didn’t know what the G.o.d of War, Edmund, was going to say first. Seeing him call his name for the second time, he immediately said, “G.o.d of War, Edmund, what do you have to say?”

“Why is your target me, the G.o.d of War? Among the G.o.ds, am I, Edmund, weak and easy to bully?”

Kant didn’t quite understand the meaning of the G.o.d of War’s words. It seemed that the G.o.d of War, Edmund, had long thought that Kant’s target was him.

This would explain why War Temple had sent all its forces to weaken Kant’s army.

If they weakened Kant a little more, the G.o.d of War would have to face fewer Kant’s army. From this point, it seemed that the G.o.d of War was also afraid of Kant’s strength.

Kant frowned slightly at Edmund’s words. He wanted to deal with Edmund because of the system’s main quest. He did not believe that Edmund, as a G.o.d, would submit to him.

However, Kant would not tell Edmund this reason.

After a moment, Kant circulated his extraordinary power and said with a thunderous voice, “At this point, it’s useless to say anything more. It’s just a battle!”

Even though the G.o.d of War’s aura was majestic, and he was fifteen meters tall with his warhorse, so what?

Kant was initially shocked by the G.o.d of War, Edmund, but after carefully sensing Edmund’s strength, he was certain that he had overestimated his strength.

Although the G.o.d of War, Edmund, was tall and had a terrifying aura, his aura was completely unable to contend with the aura of Kant’s entire troop.

It was not as if Kant had never seen someone with such strength before.

Just yesterday, when Kant led his army to attack the east city gate of Lionheart City, a man named Tyr. Isai. Maud who led 50 extraordinary knights and met him once.

Tyr. Isai. Maud’s aura was even stronger than that of the G.o.d of War Edmund.

The G.o.d of War, Edmund’s strength was only on par with one of the 50 extraordinary knights.

Although compared to them, the G.o.d of War, Edmund’s physique was too huge and terrifying, his aura would not lie. Edmund’s strength was indeed on par with any one of the 50 extraordinary knights.

This discovery made Kant heave a sigh of relief. After all, the G.o.d of War, Edmund, might just be a paper tiger. He only looked like he was bluffing.

But Tyr. Isai. Maud’s strength shocked Kant.

The strength of the 50 extraordinary knights he led was actually comparable to that of the G.o.d of War, Edmund. Such a thing was too unbelievable. Was the strength of a n.o.ble that strong?

The n.o.ble and the church were in a balance in the human countries. The n.o.ble was stronger than the church, but they did not have a crus.h.i.+ng advantage. Could all of this be an illusion?

After answering the G.o.d of War, Edmund’s question, Kant immediately said in a deep voice, “Mages, listen to my orders. Directly use Nature Summon and summon the golem to the vicinity of the G.o.d of War, Edmund. Surround the G.o.d of War with the golem and attack it at the same time!”

“Rhodok Sharpshooter, listen to my orders. Target the knee joint of the left foreleg of the warhorse under the G.o.d of War, Edmund. Shoot it down!”

A warhorse that was ten meters tall looked too terrifying. It was also because of its size that its knee had become the size of a round table with a diameter of one meter. It was very easy to aim at.

Although the aura of the G.o.d of War, Edmund, was only equivalent to that of an ordinary extraordinary knight, which shocked Kant. Kant had seen how powerful an extraordinary knight could be. He did not dare to be careless.

Therefore, Kant did not dare to charge at the G.o.d of War, Edmund, on his ten-meter-tall warhorse. Kant was not sure if his troop would be able to withstand the charge of the G.o.d of War, Edmund, on such a terrifying warhorse.

Not to mention anything else, just based on their size, this was a very terrifying power.

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