
Willow smiled, but a sadness haunted his face. "Her name was Evening Star, but I have lost her, Lord. We were together the night before the battle, when she gave birth to a beautiful foal, but after the battle she vanished. I looked everywhere and I cannot find her."

The warriors smiled at each other and began moving forwards toward the row of tables the servers had set upon the Causeway for the victory feast, but Thoron straightened

aup, his eyebrows drawn fiercely together, and bade them remember who stood before them. Who, when all had seemed lost, had won the black gates and turned defeat into victory.

"We shall ask the Owls and the Warhorses to search for Evening Star and her new-born foal, but if she is not found before tomorrow"s sun sets every Galloper here at World"s End will ride out and scour the countryside."

"Come warriors, Marchers, Archers and Tunnellers, we are going to eat this victory table bare, and then young Kyot will keep his promise and eat the chair I sit upon!" shouted Thunderstone, leading Thoron to the Honour Chair at the centre of the highest table.

-"We must call a Battle Council," Tombel demanded, taking the chair on the left of Thoron.

"The Nightmare is loose in Elundium," replied Thunderstone from Thoron"s right.

"And the King is siege-locked in the Granite City," Errant called from further down the table.

Thane watched his grandfather picking at his food, lifting it to his mouth, chewing a little and then returning it to the plate.

Quietly he caught a server"s eye and beckoned him. "Give me your serving cloth. I will serve my grandfather, he is not yet strong enough for raw meats."

Thoron smiled as Thane came to his aid, and pulling him close he whispered, "I cannot eat. Krulshards fills my mind with dread.

We must speak privately of him before the Battle ~ Council is called." ;

Thane felt a cold shiver at the mention of the Nightmare"s name, as if an icy hand had touched his spine. Kyot came laughing to Thoron"s chair and linked his arm through Thane"s.

"We are brothers, Thoron, and closer friends you have never seen. Let me wait with him and serve you all you desire."

Evening had drawn the shadows long before the feast was finished and huge bonfires were lit upon the Causeway Field

The Warhorses, Owls, Border Runners and men of Elude


dium gathered for the Battle Council. Thunderstone took the centre of the field, drove the point of the horse-tail sword deep into the turf and waited for silence before he spoke. "When this blade draws a shadow from the new sun then this council will end."

"We should ride with the rising sun and break the siege of the Granite City!" Tombel shouted.

"Follow the Master of Nightbeasts," called another voice.

"Both paths will be along the same road," said another.

"Strengthen Underfall and repair the doors," Tiethorm shouted against the rising clamour of anxious voices.

"Thane," Thoron whispered, an edge of worry in his voice, taking his grandson into the shadows away from the firelight and sitting down by his side. "I urged you to take battle counsel, for that is the warrior way, but now that I am sure that Krulshards has escaped into Elundium I know you must follow him. He has linked your name with fair Elionbel"s; he knows of your love through that cursed finger bowl and he will take the fastest road through Notley Marsh to the Wayhouse at Woodsedge to take her in revenge for his defeat before the Gates of Night. I know it."

"Elionbel," Thane cried, closing his fingers on the broken chain that hung from his belt.

"No matter what Tombel thinks of you, low born or base, bloodworthy or not, you must follow the Nightmare," urged Thoron. "There are leaders here, my boy, plenty enough to rescue ten Granite Kings, but you dared to enter the darkness to rescue me. I know you have the power to follow Krulshards.

Go! Take the wild road through Notley Marsh. Go! Go now, or it will be too late!"

Thane rose to his feet and called softly into the flickering firelight for Esteron and Mulcade. "Will you follow me?" he asked, his hand on Thoron"s arm.

"When darkness holds the Greenway"s edge and the grey hours have yet to light the sky, look for me then, or call my name, and I shall come to you with the soft jingle of battle


harness and the thunder of Warhorse hooves." Esteron nudged Thane"s arm and Mulcade silently stooped on to his: shoulder.

Thoron turned his head towards the darker edges of the Causeway. "Men will council, Thane, strutting and shouting to make themselves strong in the darkness, but listen - out there beyond the firelight, there is the greatest power in all Elundium!" Thane turned his head and heard beyond the

noisy Battle Council the thunder of hootbeats on the edge of the wind. "I will follow you, Thane, on Equestrius, the Lord of Horses, but first I must honour my pledge to Willow and find Evening Star and her new-born foal."

Thane quickly mounted Esteron and handed the sword he carried to Thoron. "Eagle Owl carried your blade the length of Elundium. I only borrowed it to set you free."

"But you will need it against the Nightmare," Thoron insisted, making to give it back.

"I am well armed. I have the dagger Duclos gave to me on the lawns of Gildersleeves. Give my farewell to Thunderstone, tell him we will meet again before the great lamp of Underfall."

"Beware the Nightbeasts on the road," Thoron called into the darkness, but Thane had gone, galloping over the soft turf of the Causeway Field towards the ancient road that led to Notley Marsh.

"Men will council," laughed a voice at Thoron"s side.

"Nevian!" Thoron cried, spinning round towards the shrouded figure. For long moments they stood eye to eye.

"You did not forget me or abandon me in the darkness,"

Thoron whispered, reaching out a hand to touch the muted colours in the rainbow cloak.

"Many threads were pulled, old friend, to set you free."

"But what is the bidding? What is the pledge-task that you would take in payment?" Thoron asked, sinking to his knees and offering up the hilt of his sword.

Nevian laughed, a sharp glint in his eye. "You see deeper


than most men, Thoronhand, and you know that nothing is ever given without a price. The fate of Elundium may yet balance on Thane"s shoulders and he may need your sword again. I pledge you to keep it safe for him and in his hour of need offer up the hilt to Eagle Owl, for he will wait, ready perched on your shoulder, to carry the blade to Thane"s hand.

For when the Nightmare haunts Elundium no more, a new King will stand upon the Causeway Field, his banner shining in the sunlight."

"Nevian!" Thoron cried, feeling the rainbow cloak melt beneath his touch. "Who will be that King?"


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