Love At First Bite

Chapter 7

body shook from the force of the electricity. It had to be unbearable. And still he held on, pulling at the wire until he"d torn

through it. Amazed by his strength and courage, she was crying by the time he threw the switch and turned the electricity off. "There"s another-" Before she could say more the electricity returned. She jerked her feet up as a thousand curses came to her mind for the people who"d rigged this d.a.m.ned place.

Velkan grabbed ahold of the cage and snarled an instant before he punched straight through the metal floor. Two seconds later, he pulled a thick wire up from underneath and tore it in half.

The humming ceased as the electricity vanished again.

Too scared to put her faith in that, she waited for it to return. And as each second ticked by while she watched Velkan"s frayed appearance, relief coursed through her.

He"d done it. Her tears coursed down her cheeks as grat.i.tude swelled in her heart. In spite of the fact that she wasn"t worth it, he"d come for her. And in that moment, she remembered exactly why she loved this man. She remembered all the reasons that she"d wanted to spend her life by his side.

Velkan reached for her.

Until sunlight cut across his body. Hissing, he jerked back, instinctively covering his face. Then he took another step toward her only to have more mirrors turned to him.

Even so, he crawled toward her, while Stephen and the others kept the mirrors on him, so that he could loosen her hands. She

quickly freed herself.

Her rage mounting, Retta tried to wrap herself around her husband, but she wasn"t large enough to cover him from the deadly rays that made his skin blister and boil. His entire body was smoldering as he tried to make it toward the wall where there were still shadows.

He staggered at the same time Stephen and the others left the house. They were coming to finish Velkan off, but she"d be

d.a.m.ned if they"d get to him without fighting her.

Retta stood her ground, ready to battle until she felt someone grab her from behind. She turned to strike but caught herself as she saw a friendly face.

"It"s me," Francesca said as she flashed them from the garden.

One second Retta was a hair from death, and in the next she was in a room she hadn"t seen in centuries...

Velkan"s bedroom.

Retta"s heart pounded in fear. "We can"t leave him."

"We didn"t."

She looked around her as Viktor flashed into the room with Velkan in tow before he sank to the floor between Andrei and Viktor. Horror filled her as she stared at what remained of him. He was bloodied and scorched. The scent of burnt hair and flesh invaded her senses, making her queasy.

But she didn"t care. Terrified that he was dying, she rushed to Velkan"s side and rolled him over. Tears gathered to choke her as she saw the damage done to him. "Velkan?"

He didn"t speak. He merely stared at her and blinked.

Pushing her aside, Viktor and Andrei picked Velkan up from the floor and moved him to the bed:

Retta followed, wanting to help.

"You should go," Viktor said coldly as Andrei struggled to peel Velkan"s shirt from the flesh that seemed to be melted to it.

"You"ve done enough damage."

"He"s my husband."

Viktor narrowed his cold blue eyes at her. "And you walked out on him five hundred years ago. Remember? Do him a favor and

let history repeat itself."

"Viktor!" Francesca snarled. "How dare you."

"It"s all right," Retta said, calming down her friend. "He"s only doing his job."

Then Retta moved to stand beside Viktor. This time when she spoke, she lowered her voice and let her raw emotions show in

every syllable. "Get in my way again, boy, and you"re going to learn that Velkan isn"t the only one in this family who has fangs."

That said, she pushed her way past him to reach the bed where Velkan lay.

She wasn"t sure if he was still conscious until she paused by his side. Her stomach shrank at the sight of his blistered and charred skin.

But it was the pain in his eyes that took her breath. In spite of the part of her that wanted to run from the horrible sight of him, she reached out and placed her hand to an undamaged part of his cheek.

He closed his eyes as if he savored her touch.

"Thank you, Velkan," she breathed.

"He told me we would both drink the potion and that my father would see us dead, then leave us in peace."

Viktor nodded. "And you drank it first."

"Of course, and then I saw him drink it right after me."

Viktor shook his head. "He never swallowed it. Once you were unconscious, he spat it out and placed you in state for viewing.

He was afraid that if you were both unconscious your father would behead both of you. So he remained conscious and told your father that you"d died of disease. Your father promised him that once he saw you, he would be content to take Velkan and leave. Velkan submitted to him and had to watch him kill you."

And she had run out on him...

Again, her gaze went to Francesca for verification. "Why didn"t you tell me?"

Her gaze sad, Francesca sighed. "You didn"t want to hear it. If I ever tried to take his side, you yelled at me, so I learned to

drop the subject."

It was true and Retta knew it. She had no one to blame but herself.

Retta"s heart ached as she thought about how many years... no, centuries she"d deprived herself and Velkan of because she"d

been stupid and unforgiving. No wonder Viktor hated her. She deserved it.

Clenching her teeth, she looked up at the picture over the fireplace-the one that had been her wedding portrait. Tears gathered

in her eyes as she recalled the day it"d been sketched. The sight of Velkan on the wall, watching her with nothing but adoration on his face. He"d looked like a woodland sprite come to life to stand guard over her.

She blinked away her tears before glancing back at the bed where her husband lay. "We have to get him healed."

"Why?" Viktor asked.

"So that I can apologize."

But getting Velkan healed proved to be easier said than done. The sun damage was hard for even an immortal to overcome. Not to mention they still had the threat of the Order out there wanting them dead. At least here in Velkan"s home the Order couldn"t get to them.

"You should go rest."

Retta looked up at Raluca"s voice. The older woman stood in the doorway with a chiding look on her face.

Retta stretched in her chair to ease her sore and cramped muscles. She"d been by Velkan"s side for the last four days while he

slept. At first his continued sleep had seriously concerned her, but Raluca and Viktor had a.s.sured her that it was natural for a

Dark-Hunter to sleep like that whenever he was injured. It was what enabled his body to heal.

True to their words, every day Velkan"s skin did seem better than the day before. Now he merely looked as if he had a serious sunburn and the bruises were all but gone.

"I don"t feel like resting," Retta said quietly.

"You have barely eaten or slept."

"It"s not like I can get sick of die."

Raluca tsked at her as she turned around muttering. "Fine. I"ll bring your food here, but trust me. If the prince awakens he will be grateful he doesn"t have a heightened sense of smell."

Highly offended, Retta daintily sniffed at herself to make sure she didn"t stink.

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