Love Fraudster

Chapter Four – Two Horse Stick Toy

Chapter Four – Two Horse Stick Toy

By the time Lin Qi finished changing his clothes, Li Liheng was already sitting quietly on the chair and drinking tea.

When he saw Lin Qi came out, he curved his eyes and forming a smile as gentle as before and said, "A Qi, just now uncle Lin send someone over to ask us to hurry up. Let"s go right away."

Lin Qi glared at the other person when he heard that and angrily said, "Wasn"t it"s you that said that you"re going to take the clothes? It took you half a day1 to come back, of course we"re late!" After saying that, he walked straight out of the door.

Li Liheng flowing following behind Lin Qi closely with a bitter smile and rubbed his nose. How could he possibly tell someone that he"s going to put out the fire that was caused by them?

Lin family hall

After seeing the real Lin Jingtian, only then one could understand how much he loves this one Lin family son —— knowing that it was the concubine born sons who pushed Lin Qi to the water this time, to one surprise, he sent them to live in the Lin family house on a small town directly.

Previously, the original owner of the body had pleaded to let them off the hook, but they simply didn"t even give him less trouble, and even played a role in breaking off his ties with the Lin family by pushing the waves and adding the billows2.

But the current Lin Qi is not that kind, this punishment is the price of the few mouthful of water he need to drank in vain when he arrived…

This way, after Lin Jingtian finished caring for Lin Qi, he seemed to realizing that there was another youth that was standing on the side. He gave Li Liheng a deep look. Li Liheng smiled gently, “Uncle Lin.”

Although Li Liheng is young, but he asked for advice in an open-minded way, and in addition, he"s very knowledgeable about some matters3. The two of them naturally chatted happily with each other. At least, it looks like that on the surface.

Lin Qi has been listening quietly to their conversation, until Father Lin voice came in his ear, "A Qi is equally just like A Heng, my heart unknowingly want to save as much as I can…”4

Li Liheng face, who had been smiling all along, stiffened for a moment, then his eyebrows and eyes curved to a smile and said, "With Uncle Lin pampering, A Qi naturally doesn"t have to worry about anything else."

But Lin Jingtian just smiled and added : "Ah Heng rarely coming here for even once, just stay with us for a few days.”

Li Liheng only nodded in agreement.

Lin Qi and Li Liheng went out of the hall together, and it was obvious that Li Liheng was looking somewhat absent minded.

Beside him, Lin Qi has been glancing at him several times, cheeks bulging as he want to talk but stopped midway, and finally, he opened his mouth and said awkwardly, "Hey, are you… thinking about Uncle Li?"

Li Liheng, who was next to him, suddenly leaned to his side and looked at Lin Qi fixedly. Lin Qi was somewhat embarra.s.sed to even open his eyes, and said : "What my father said just now… that… you don"t want… uh…" the juvenile frowned tightly. It"s like he doesn"t know how to use words to express comfort, and in the end the more he talk the more he"s at loss to what to say…

Finally, the juvenile broke out, striding forwards and grasped the hand of the person beside him while shouting, "How much nerves you have on your head? Idiot, go wash yourself and sleep, how annoying!"

Li Liheng were stupefied and looking at the angry expression of the juvenile who was half his head shorter than him on the front —— they said that at a time like this, it should be the situation when one show the kindness, goodness and comfort5? And then at the time when one is vulnerable, making some sort of promises like6 "I will accompanied you for a lifetime" or "you still have me" or something?

However, what Li Liheng didn"t know is —— that his own lips were smiling slightly as his gaze fall to the other person that clasped his hand tightly.

Lin Qi suddenly heard a cheerful voice in his mind, “Xiao Qi, the resentment value of the client has dropped by 8o%7… Soon you won"t need to take care of this goods8 anymore…"

The corner of Lin Qi"s mouth twitched, saying that this Holy Mother resentment value is so easy to wiped out… This problem only need him to seduce the goods to drop by 80%!

The next morning, Li Liheng was still asleep when his quilt was taken by someone and the intruder pulling him up urgently.

His mind is still clouded, but he still have a good temperament and said : "A Qi, what"s the matter this early?"

Li Qi hrumphed twice, grabbing his collar and said, "Do you see any changes in this young master? “Looking at the juvenile"s extremely proud expression, Li Liheng couldn"t help but looking at him up and down earnestly ——

The juvenile is still having the refined look and the general facial appearance, such as his shining black eyes that just like a sly little cat, straight and delicate nose, a pinkish and glossy thin lips, smooth and elastic skins that looks like it will break in one blow of wind… And right now, that pair of eyes were looking at him with pride and arrogance…

In a second, all of the sleepiness is discarded, and the mind is butchered… Li Liheng looked at the juvenile in front of him while holding his breath, he suddenly feeling at loss at what to do. Some beautiful scenes floating in the mind, tranced, the heart beating extremely fast…

This is the result of Love Fraudster ability9 —— it is to bring all of the basic foundation to the fullest capabilities, and in front of the prey, he is the devil that penetrating through the heart, but he"s also the evil spirit that could seize the mortal soul…

Li Liheng is crying bitterly10 at the moment, he feels that he"s out of control again…

The juvenile in front of him frowned as he see him not answering him for a long time and said with dissatisfaction : "Hey, don"t you figured out that this young master has grown a bit taller?" It turned out that this guy was still thinking about his height problem, and right now his voice became more and more arrogant!

Li Liheng hand holding his forehead and was silent for a moment. The person I front of him is just like a demon cat that was sneaking to this world from the evil world, willful and arrogant! Unknowingly from the mortals! Confusing the mind of the entire human realms, yet he himself unaware of it!!11

"A Qi…" Li Liheng called him softly, his voice is rather gloomy and husky. His gaze swept between the two people height, clarifying the truth directly with the facts.

The juvenile face was downcast for a moment, and the next second he"s already puffing up his cheeks, and glancing at Li Liheng fiercely, then flicking his sleeve12 and leaving that place, his expression shows his absolute headstrong character.

So the reason why A Qi disturbing other people dreams this early in the morning and making the bloods rushing forth13 is simply because he though he were growing a bit taller? —— Li Liheng looking at his lower half and laughing bitterly again and again, but there was a vague indulgences deep in his eyes.

In the afternoon, when Lin Qi was wandering around the backyard, he heard the voice of two little servant girls talking ——

"What is that young master Li doing? The day has cooled down, why is he still soaking in the lotus pond?"

"Isn"t that right? He"s been soaking the whole afternoon!" …

Lin Qi looked at the sky —— Is this the moment when Li Liheng completely hooked up with the original owner of the body?

In other words, he bribed the two small servant girls to mentioning the message to the original host, then he waited for Lin Qi to run to him in the water, seeing him anxiously looking for his childhood friend, the original host gave him his trust14…

"Xiao Qi, are we going to go then?

"Of course! The prey has dig a hole to jump in, so how can we not go?" Lin Qi"s eyes lit up with delight, and he ran to the direction of lotus pond at a very fast pace.

Little Egg thinking deeply, following Xiao Qi to play to his heart content —— this goods is courting death! …

Raws words count : 2.204

h.e.l.lo all. I"m just going to talk a little. It"s fine if you ignore this.

I"ve been dealing with a lot of my emotions problems lately. Having issues with self worth and all. I just feel too sad and overly tired and don"t feel that great overall. I simply don"t want to do and dealing with anything for some time.

I actually has considered to dropping this novel because I don"t have much interest in this novel, but since I"ve translated until this chapter already (and maybe also because of my own selfishness), I figured I should just continue until the very end.

Although I don"t have the love for this novel, I feel that it will be unfair for the reader if I dropped this now and no one picking it up, so I"ll do my best to update as frequently as I can until it"s ended rather than left it hanging. It"s feels like more of a duty than doing something that I like doing.

And I don"t plan to translating this half a.s.sedly either. Copying directly from the mtl doesn"t sit right for me, and that also why I ended up taking a very long time to translate a single chapter because I"ll be stuck on a single sentence for far too long time than its needed when dealing with some weird phrasing sentence and bad internet.

And I"m not sure but there"s a sequel for this novel? The author name is different and I didn"t translate it enough to know the entirely of the novel thoroughly because I rather leave the next chapter alone than mtl and reading everything completely so I can get some motivation to translate the next chapter (didn"t work with this novel) kind of person.

I"m sorry for my inconsistency about my words about the updated time this novel, and this novel won"t be having any schedules from now on.

And also, I wasn"t that focuses when translating this chapter, so if you find some weird sentence, please do tell me.

Now that my pity party and excuses has ended, I just want to say that the next update will be the first chapter of the new novel that I picked up recently. Just remember that it"s vore/gore, so if you"re not into it, it"s fine to skip it.

taking a very long time, not actual day. ↩ 推波助澜 (tuī bō zhù lán) basically is to encourage something to get bigger. The same as to add fuel to the fire. ↩ not sure. Raws : 加之对一些事情见识过人 ↩ I don"t think this is right. 阿七要是也像阿恒你一样,我不知要省多少心… ↩ 话说这种时候,不应该是展示善良美好真情安慰么 ↩ I don"t know if this is a typo or not on the Chinese character. The raw have this : 神马 (shénmǎ) which mean mythical horse or is an internet slang for 什么 (shénme) which mean what or who. But this is only started on 2010, and an earliest reference dated back to the Confucius era with a saying how despite all the money, wealth and fortune, to him it"s just floating clouds. In other words, it"s not worth mentioning. I"m just taking liberty of this words : 答应神马 ↩ not sure if its became 80% of reduced by 80%. Raws : 雇主的怨恨值下降了8o% ↩ they probably calling Li Liheng 货 (huò), which mean goods, product, money, and commodity. Basically Li Liheng is just their profit making things, I guess, so if you see goods, or the like, big chance they"re referencing Li Liheng. ↩ remember Lin Qi employee form at chapter one? This is the ability at work. ↩ 叫苦不迭 (jiàokǔ bùdié) mean complain without stopping or incessant grievances. ↩ This might be right but you can check it yourself to be sure of it : 不知凡俗!惑乱红尘却全不自知!! ↩ raw said swinging his arm, and this might be the better English equivalent as the ancient China clothes have wide sleeve. ↩ read; aroused. Most likely, you could check the raws : 撩拨的人热血上涌就只是为了长高了那么一点么? ↩ I actually can"t really make sense of it, but here"s the raw : 看他焦急的寻找两人幼时竹马时,原身送给他的信物…… ↩

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