Love Late

Chapter 20 will be separated into 3 parts. Happy reading! :)

Translator: dairytea

Proofreaders: ayszhang, Marcia, Kai

 Vol. 2
Chapter 20 will be separated into 3 parts. Happy reading! :)
Chapter Twenty Part One

Ke Luo stayed two more days before he had to return to TCity.  Lately, he had been occupied withflying back and forth between the two places and lost so much weight that hischin had become sharp.  Given that I hadalready recovered, Xie Yan invited everyone to go soak in an indoor spa toproperly relax.

In fact, I didn’t buy this “relax.”  As if four gay guys soaking in one pool couldmanage to “relax.”  We’d be lucky if themarried couple didn’t do anything indecent.

Plus I didn’t know whether I’d have an embarra.s.sing reactionupon seeing Ke Luo half-naked.  If I madea fool of myself, Xie Yan would never let the chance to poke fun at me slip by.

Letting my thoughts run wild, I took off my clothes, wrapped atowel around my waist, and somewhat uneasily walked out of the changing room.

In fact, I really thought that Ke Luo had been treating me verywell as of late.

Even so much as a bit better than how he had been treating ShuNian.  I had no idea whether or not itwas just my imagination.

When I reached the poolside, I saw that the three men werealready in the water.  The atmosphere wasstrange.  Xie Yan could hardly concealthe snickering and teasing across his entire face.  Shu Nian was somewhat embarra.s.sed.  And as for Ke Luo, I looked at his slightlyflushed, embarra.s.sed face, and then looked into the water.

The little b.a.s.t.a.r.d already had a reaction.

My heart only pounded once before it settled back down. poiuyqwertyukjgasdfgcvbnlkjhertyu yuiojsdfghj fghjk vbn dfgher

I was kind of p.i.s.sed off and felt the urge to boot him to Mars,eliminating a hazard for my brother.

However, the one to actually migrate to Mars should have beenme. 

I loosened my towel as well and calmly went into the water.

It would always be like this. Even if he had responded back a little when I had forced a kiss on him,he was still the most impulsive when he was with Shu Nian.

I suppose the hot spring was nice regardless of whether Ienjoyed it.  I took a couple of deepbreaths and closed my eyes to rest. edtigunijijjresurisigfuurpser9w9u3rwih_No_Re_Postin"_joiejri

The crisis wrap-up could be considered satisfactory forall.  Tong Shan’s end was settled withthe help of Lu Yu.  Shao Yan and I wentour separate ways.  Xie Yan could continue to securely manage thecompany in his hands.  And I, hereafter,could once again indulge in a life of debauchery, chasing all kinds ofbeautiful young men.

Life is too short, so you have to enjoy it to the fullest.

Everyone, including the past me, was all busy coming and going:giving up on a relationship and later starting a relationship, giving up on aflavorless one and searching for the next suitable one.

I had once been so carefree and awake.  Why wasn’t I doing that now instead of getting tangled up with Ke Luo, happy one moment and disappointed the next?  Ishould be playing around until I wasfifty years old, fifty-five, or evensixty. Eh? Why is my translations on here? read at our official Chinese BL site

Just as I was about to enjoy a whole new, vibrant,restraint-free life of seeing the rainbow after the wind and rain, theatmospheric pressure at home began to drop again with a faint sense of a stormarising.

 My brother and hishusband had always been an affectionate and harmonious couple.  When watching TV, Shu Nian’s legs wouldinevitably become Xie Yan’s pillow.  After a meal, they would wash the dishes together.  And when they had ice cream, they would always just have one cup to share.

However these past few days, they hadn’t been watching the eighto’clock soap opera on schedule.  Even atthe dinner table, Xie Yan was nowhere to be seen.  His phone calls and personal matters increased.  Hedidn’t even have the time to eat the cake that Shu Nian had spent an entireafternoon painstakingly baking.  To putit simply, that love-crazed man who would stick to his wife like chewing gumseemed to have vanished.

It wasn’t just Shu Nian who was a little concerned; even Isensed something was wrong.  But when Iasked Shu Nian if they had some kind of conflict, he could only shake his head at a loss.I edit my translation all the time even after release, so read this from our official site.

We had originally agreed to go skiing together for the weekend;even Ke Luo flew over from T City, yet Xie Yan didn’t show up.

I oddly asked, “How come he’s not here this early in the morning?  Don’ttell me he didn’t come back last night?”

Shu Nian quickly explained, “Some relatives arrived yesterday.  He’s responsible for receiving them, so hehad to spend the night at the main residence.”

“Why didn’t you go with him?”

Shu Nian somewhat awkwardly turned around to reach for the phoneand said, “I’ll call him to hurry it up.”

The conversation seemed very normal.  It’s just that the tone of voice wasn’t thehair-raising, sappy kind it had been before. What’s more, it was brief.  He hadhung up after talking for only a short while. Shu Nian smilingly said with embarra.s.sment, “They’re all elders.  It’s rare for them to come pay a visit, so hehas to accompany them for an entire day. He won’t be coming back today.  Howabout you guys go out and have some fun first?”

Ke Luo and I exchanged looks for a moment.  We could tell that he was in a depressed mood.

“You’re not going?” If you see this, this site is reposting w/o permission.

Shu Nian shook his head. “I’m scared of falling anyway. You guys go have a good time. I’ll stay at home and prepare snacks for you guys to eat when you come back.”

Shu Nian wasn’t going, and so Xiao Jia, who would always stickto him, refused to leave home.  I had nochoice but to go with Ke Luo, just the two of us, to the skiing slopes. Do not repost. Only read at 

Compared to Ke Luo, who was an all-around athlete, I typicallyjust knew how to play golf and sweat in the gym.  So when it came to skiing, I was a totalnewbie.  After fully equipping myself, Iwent to start out from a low ski slope with my heavy skis in tow.

I wholeheartedly wanted to display my dashing posture, but whowould have thought that as soon as I set out, I took a tumble.  Ke Luo suppressed his laughter as he helpedme up.  I made an effort to appear calmas I continued to strike a pose.

I’m usually more composed. After listening to Ke Luo explain and instruct me on how to control myspeed and watching him demonstrate how to ski down, I pulled myself togetherand started to ski again.

At last, I gradually got a feel for it beneath my feet and, justas I was so proud of myself, I heard from behind me some newbie crying out,“Move!  Move outta the way!  Watch out!” I hadn’t learned how to control my direction yet, so how was I supposedto move out of the way?  The little girlbrushed past my side, and I unsteadily took a swerve.  I actually didn’t fall down right away, and Ieven uncontrollably skied down again for a little while.

I was about to kiss the ground and, just as I was thinking thatmy a.s.s was very likely going to fracture from the fall this time, Ke Luo caughtup with me.  He reached out and caughtme.

We tumbled to the ground together.  I didn’t fall hard, and yet I firmly crushedhim beneath me.  I couldn’t stop feelingembarra.s.sed.  The kids nearby all quicklyburst out giggling.  I just about lost myold face.(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Ke Luo looked up at me from below and rubbed my back.  He smilingly asked, “You okay?”

My heart beat wildly again, and when I stood up, my legs feltweak.  “I’m okay, I’m okay.”

When I’m with him, I would always display a plummetingperformance.  And after experiencing thatroll just now, my ability to tumble reached a whole new level.

On my final attempt, I succeeded in breaking my skis.

The awesome fall had stupefied everyone who had beenwatching.  Even the staff members froze,thinking that it was most likely fatal. Without a second thought, Ke Luo had come up to me and thrown his armsaround me.  He had actually broken outinto a cold sweat.  This guy really had afondness for the injured and sick, didn’t he?

Even I was surprised that apart from twisting my ankle, I cameout practically unscathed.  I didn’t knowif it that meant my skills were superb. Upon seeing Ke Luo’s overly startled pale face, I smilingly said, “Howwas my fall?”

“Yeah.”  He nodded andsmiled.  “It was spectacular.  You’d get a ten.”

I laughed and watched him patiently help me remove the skis thatwere caught with my boots.  The bratseemed to have developed a sense of humor. 

If not for the precious Shu Nian being in the lead, I reallywould have thought he had fallen for me. You should read this on bltranslation(dot)blogspot(dot)com!

After skiing, we went to eat while we were at it.  For the sake of consoling the injured, Ke Luotreated me to an expensive dinner.  Wechatted and ate.  The topic graduallyturned toward the number of things that weren’t quite right between Shu Nianand Xie Yan.

“My guess is that they’re fighting.”

Ke Luo pondered for a moment. “That’s odd.  Why on earth arethey fighting?”

Indeed, I couldn’t really figure out the cause either.  From the looks of it, the two were reallywell-matched; even their slightest habits and tastes were in tune.

In the end, I could only conclude by say, “Well, s.e.x life is veryimportant.”  If it isn’t worked out, itcould definitely cause problems.

Ke Luo laughed.  “Like youwould know.”

I let out a sigh after finishing one gla.s.s.  “I know it the best.”  When it comes to s.e.x, if I’m not an expertthen who is?

Ke Luo broke into laughter again. 

It wasn’t much at all, and few of his teeth were exposed, yet itwas dazzling.

I stared at him in a daze and poured another drink.  I drank and drank, then said to him, “Youlittle brat, you seem to have gotten hotter.”

Ke Luo was stunned for a moment, a bit embarra.s.sed.  He no longer blushed that easily; but when helowered his face to conceal it, the appearance of him lowering his head andthen touching a finger to his forehead wasvery captivating.

“What’s there to be embarra.s.sed about?”  I shook afinger at him.  “I won’t ask youto sleep with me ever again.  Noworries.”

Still wanting to take advantage of the effect of alcohol tocontinue my bold words, I suddenly heard a man’s voice slightly rise up,“Waiter, check.”

Ke Luo and I simultaneously looked up.  That man sitting diagonally in front with hisback toward us... wasn’t that Xie Yan?

It wasn’t strange b.u.mping into him here.  There were only a few restaurants that people like us would choose.  It’s just that the person sitting across fromhim wasn’t some rickety-old elder, but a pretty young woman with fine makeup,wearing a black tube-top knee-length c.o.c.ktail dress with gold borders, and fully adorned with jewelry. Hung on her chair were her Chanel coat and cashmere shawl.  This was certainly not the kind of clothesyou would wear for some chance encounter or dining out with a co-worker orfriend, but rather the attire for a formal dinner.

A handsome, elegant gentleman, a charming, well-dressed young lady, a first-cla.s.s romanticrestaurant—such a picturesque scene.

I thought of that idiotic man, who would only bury his head inwork, diligently cleaning, cooking all day long, and looking after the kids;who was too timid to wear anything too flashy because he saw himself crippledand scarred.  Even just the two of themeating out was a huge matter—being reminded by his “parents-in-law” that twomen sitting together on a banquette was too ostentatious and would bring Xie Yan unwantedtrouble.  Thus, apart from going to work,he would hole up at home all day.  After all these years, they still had not gone to the cinema once together.

I put down my drink and shotup.  Ke Luo got up after me.  I strode on over and stood in front of thecouple who was just about to leave. “Young master Xie.”

Once Xie Yan saw us, his face changed immediately.  His look of uneasiness and surprise made me even more p.i.s.sed off, so I smilinglysaid, “Who could have thought that your elder would be so young and pretty.”

The beautiful woman was slightly puzzled, but still smiled in greeting.  And I never really paid any mind to theobject of the affair.  I would onlythrash the h.e.l.l out of the a.s.shole who was having the affair.

“Lee, Ke Luo, may we speak in private?”

“No rush.  You stillhaven’t introduced this charming lady to us.”

Upon hearing my words, the woman cracked a smile and reached out to naturally slip her arm through XieYan’s arm.  Feeling slightly awkward, XieYan drew back his hand and said to her, “I have a matter to discuss withthem.  You go back first.  The driver is waiting outside.”

How considerate.

I’ll slightly restrain myself this time so as to avoid security interventionagain.  We went to the restroom.  As luck would have it, there was no oneinside.  With a pale face, Xie Yan said,“It’s not what you think.”

I smilingly said, “Then what else could it be?”

“I don’t like her at all.”

“And?  You have the nerveto say it’s not a blind date?”

Shortly after Xie Yan hesitated, I had already given a hard blowto his face and then to his stomach.

“Those two were for me.  The rest is on Shu Nian’s behalf.”

Xie Yan struggled up and made only one utterance, “Don’t tellShu Nian.”

If it weren’t for Ke Luo holding me back, I probably would havereally beaten him to death.


Dairytea: The ski scene is adorable~<3 and="" just="" when="" i="" thought="" everything="" was="" getting="" better...why,="" xie="" yan?="">

Chapter 20b

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