{93a} Page 9.

{94a} Page 226.

{96a} "Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society."

Williams and Norgate, 1858, p. 61.

{102a} "Zoonomia," vol. i., p. 505.

{104a} See "Evolution Old and New." p. 122.

{105a} "Phil. Zool.," i., p. 80.

{105b} Ibid., i. 82.

{105c} Ibid. vol. i., p. 237.

{107a} See concluding chapter.

{122a} Report, 9, 26.

{135a} Ps. cii. 25-27, Bible version.

{136a} Ps. cx.x.xix., Prayer-book version.

{140a} Contemporary Review, August, 1885, p. 84.

{142a} London, David Bogue, 1881, p. 60.

{144a} August 12, 1886.

{150a} Paris, Delagrave, 1886.

{150b} Page 60.

{150c} "OEuvre completes," tom. ix. p. 422. Paris, Garnier freres, 1875.

{150d} "Hist. Nat.," tom. i., p. 13, 1749, quoted "Evol. Old and New," p. 108.

{156a} "Origin of Species," ed. vi., p. 107.

{156b} Ibid., ed. vi., p. 166.

{157a} "Origin of Species," ed. vi., p. 233.

{157b} Ibid.

{157c} Ibid., ed. vi., p. 109.

{157d} Ibid., ed. vi., p. 401.

{158a} "Origin of Species," ed. i., p. 490.

{161a} "Origin of Species," ed. vi., 1876, p. 171.

{163a} "Charles Darwin," p. 113.

{164a} "Animals and Plants under Domestication," vol. ii., p. 367, ed. 1875.

{168a} Page 3.

{168b} Page 4.

{169a} It should be remembered this was the year in which the "Vestiges of Creation" appeared.

{173a} "Charles Darwin," p. 67.

{173b} H. S. King & Co., 1876.

{174a} Page 17.

{195a} "Phil. Zool.," tom. i., pp. 34, 35.

{202a} "Origin of Species," p. 381, ed. i.

{203a} Page 454, ed. i.

{205a} "Principles of Geology," vol. ii., chap. x.x.xiv., ed. 1872.

{206a} "Naturliche Schopfungsgeschichte," p. 3. Berlin, 1868.

{209a} See "Evolution Old and New," pp. 8, 9.

{216a} "Vestiges," &c., ed. 1860; Proofs, Ill.u.s.trations, &c., p.


{216b} Examiner, May 17, 1879, review of "Evolution Old and New."

{218a} Given in part in "Evolution Old and New."

{219a} "Mind," p. 498, Oct., 1883.

{224a} "Degeneration," 1880, p. 10.

{227a} E.g. the Rev. George Henslow, in "Modern Thought," vol. ii., No. 5, 1881.

{232a} "Nature," Aug. 6, 1886.

{234a} See Mr. Darwin"s "Animals and Plants under Domestication,"

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