Lucy Wickshire

Chapter 149

King Larken had a blank yet cold look in his eyes as he looked down at the orgy. The king"s face made some shiver as never had they thought him a brutal and scary man till this day. Queen Raine"s expression looked of someone having fun and enjoying the lively atmosphere. The prince did not dare look away, his eyes radiating a calm that was chilling to those who looked. They wondered if he was possessed or had lost all brain power from watch his mother"s torture.

The men were getting creative; they hung the tortured princess upside down, with her head in the water choking on all the dirty liquid and her legs spread wide in the air, as she was penetrated. They did not hold her in that position for long; they did not want her to die yet. Princess Lilith had cried all the tears her life time had to offer and could not muster any more energy or tears. She had drank dirty water, pee and even the barbaric men"s hot liquid as they e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed. She had no more strength to fight; she watched as her discarded dress was torn and made into a rope, tied around her neck, and used to drag her through the forest. One man was the strongest and the most scary. His eyes radiated hostility that caused the others to back away.

Princess Lilith held unto the rope on her neck and pulled down as she was dragged, for fear of being strangled to death. Her skin peeled, as her naked form was dragged through the forest. She the pain caused her to let out one more tear that pitifully slid down her cheek. She heard one last cheer; as she felt herself lifted by arm into the air and thrown unto the stage, before darkness descended.

The arena vibrated with cheers at the sight of Princess Lillith"s lifeless body. Queen Raine got up with a smile, her eyes trained on the naked form of Princess Lilith.

"I give you your champion!" she said and the audience cheered. The winner looked round the cheering crowd with his strong arms in the air. His actions caused the cheers to get louder.

"There is your axe, the symbol of your strength!" Queen Raine pointed at the axe stuck to the stage wooden floor.

"Remove her head from her body and show the crowd!" Queen Raine instructed and the champion walked towards it. As told, he approached the naked form of Princess Lilith and raised his axe in the air. Silence descended upon the arena, but the smell antic.i.p.ation in the air, stuck fast to one"s nose.

The champion swung down with all his strength only to be kicked away by an invisible force. Confusion filled the air, as all trained their eyes on the young man standing in place of the champion. Queen Raine frowned, so did the king.

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