Lucy Wickshire

Chapter 186

Lord Morge led the way into an unmarked carriage and they started their journey back to the capital. The silence in the carriage was deafening. Lady Teel was tensed, Lord Morge closed his eyes and relaxed, Queen Raine stared blankly at the leather seats; the location of her thoughts, only she knew.

"We are here." the coachman announced and Lord Morge opened his eyes. This caused the two women to frown. Didn"t they just leave? Not much time had pa.s.sed since then, yet they had arrived? Cautiously, they stepped out of the carriage after Lord Morge and found themselves in a dark tunnel. Torches lit the way, allowing one to see it"s brick walls and paved floors.

"Where are we?" Lady Teel asked.

"This is the Merve manor in the capital." Lord Morge answered.

"How?" Queen Raine asked.

"Lady Wickshire had a short distance portal installed here, so Lord of Merve can move unhindered." Lord Morge answered.

"Yet, you tell us this?" Lady Teel was suspicious.

"The lady thinks it matters not if you know of it now." Lord Morge answered. He led them through the tunnel, up a spiral staircase and out into a bright hallway. The bright light streaming from the windows, told them they were out of the tunnels.

"Someone, come!" Lord Morge called.

"My lord." a maid greeted.

"Lord of Merve?"

"He has been awaiting your return." the maid answered.

"Lead the way." Lord Morge and the rest followed the maid to the study on the second floor. Inside the study, sat Lord of Merve with a gla.s.s of ciere.

"You took long." Lord of Merve commented as Lord Morge walked in.

"Queen Raine was asleep." Lord Morge answered lazily before taking a seat. He gestured to the others to do as well, and immediately the room seemed smaller than it actually was.

"I want to know of your plan." Lady Teel went straight to the point. It was not just her, Queen Raine was curious as well. The ministers on the other hand, had already been told their role in this play. They only went along to pick up Queen Raine so that Lady Teel would trust them.

"You do not need to know. You only need to do as told." Lord Morge answered calmly. Lady Teel"s eyes narrowed at this.

"Do you know who I am?" she threatened.

"Someone still hoping for her daughter to be royalty in a first rate kingdom." Lord of Merve answered.

"Do you think that matters right now? As the head of the Teel family and the...." she started to say.

"The Teel family? The ancients set eyes on your Jade hand years ago, but you suddenly went missing with the Jade token; the only thing that can control the Jade hand. Then your daughter suddenly appears after so many years as queen of Juhntt. They had no choice but to step back." Lord of Merve said.

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