MMSTEM Chapter 23

This chapter was edited by Random.AleX and me.

Three people stopped strolling in the garden when w.a.n.g Hai came. Mysteriously, there was an invitation card from Mo Qi Sheng. Huang Fu Yue Xun and Mo Qi Liang glanced at each other and walked to another place to discuss about this matter, ignoring Li Wan Wan. Even Huang Fu Yue Xun didn’t comfort Li Wan Wan. Woman’s jealousy, how could a man understand? After all, he wouldn’t understand.
“What do you think of this invitation?” Huang Fu Yue Xun fiddled the invitation card. Thought this invitation card didn’t resemble the outer appearance; simple yet elegant but in contrast, hid tricks.
“w.a.n.gye, aren’t you asking the wrong person?” Mo Qi Liang thought it was better to avoid him first and later think carefully of this matter. However, she didn’t expect Huang Fu Yue Xun would ask her.
“A bit unusual. Aren’t you standing at Benw.a.n.g’s side?” The way Huang Fu Yue Xun spoke emitted a dangerous aura. Probably, Mo Qi Liang wouldn’t be able to come out from the study room if she answers wrongly. Whenever she was in this room, nothing good happens. Last time, she was kidnapped, this time, perhaps will be killed by him.
“Indeed, I can stand at w.a.n.gye’s side. However, w.a.n.gye needs to give me some benefits, right?”
“Win an inch, want a foot (means not satisfied with small gains). Benw.a.n.g can kill you regardless of when or where.”
“I know w.a.n.gye’s authority. However, after we were married, your days of living are not satisfactory, right?” Suddenly, Mo Qi Liang recalled the scene where You Qi Jia Tian kidnapping her. Didn’t expect at that time, two groups of people arrived together. You Qing Jia Tian’s men target was Huang Fu Yue Xun but captured her. These groups were from killer organisation, could have kill or capture her but Huang Fu Yue Xun’s men went against Mo Qi Liang and didn’t fulfil the tasks given (refer to task: protect Mo Qi Liang). Mo Qi Liang a.s.signed people to investigate this matter and should have known the investigations result by tonight. Now thought about it, the person behind it, should be Mo Qi Sheng

“What do you mean?”
“Nothing. I Just feel we must go; this invitation. Could it be that, w.a.n.gye didn’t want to know the purpose of the invitation?” According to this invitation card, all the young handsome talented people in Lin’an City received this invitation which means large crowd of young talented people were invited. Mo Qi Sheng absolutely will think that The Emperor might have paid attention to it. However, this event will be boring if it was just as pure and simple. Therefore, it’s not too much if Mo Qi Liang attends it.
“You even tricked your own father.” Didn’t know whether Huang Fu Yue Xun said this to Mo Qi Liang or to himself. Anyway, it sounds like a hint of teasing.
“Same to you. Play foul tricks to obtain goals.”
“It’s a must to become an Emperor.”
Mo Qi Liang never believed in gaining something without loss. If it could have happen, why were there always people harmed by others.
“Benw.a.n.g will become your friend if you were a man.”
“Earlier, I knew w.a.n.gye favors men over women. So, I didn’t put high hopes on w.a.n.gye. However, I’m willing to support and a.s.sist w.a.n.gye if w.a.n.gye willing to fulfil my wish.” This country will be better if falls to w.a.n.gye rather than Huang Fu Yue Yang. However, Huang Fu Yue Xun’s capability is still weak and couldn’t ascend to the throne even if aided by the richest Mu Rong Family. Mo Qi Liang’s hand was itchy and wanted to get involved too.
“You really think you have rights?”
“Better than adding one more enemy, isn’t that so?”
“Benw.a.n.g believes you at the moment.”
“Will not let Benw.a.n.g get disappointed as much as possible.” Mo Qi Liang didn’t have a habit of guaranteeing. She is the type of person; that will do what she wants. As in choosing to stay beside Huang Fu Yue Xun, more or less it related to the grudges towards Bai Qing Yan. How generous and forgiving she was, she wouldn’t forget she was a child without parents love. That kind of childhood, she won’t forgive them. Agreed to get married to Huang Fu Yue Xun was an evident break of the relationship of mother and daughter. Therefore, why else she cares for them?
The banquet will start at shenshi (3-5pm). Now the time was weishi (1-3pm). Suddenly, Mo Qi Liang felt she needs to meet Mo Qi Sheng first. After all, bloodline couldn’t change. Moreover, Huang Fu Yue Xun agreed if she did it this way. He a.s.signed two high martial art bodyguards to avoid unnecessary things happening to Mo Qi Liang. The first words Mo Qi Liang used after reaching the Prime Minister Master was, things have remained the same, but people have changed. The only thing didn’t change was the people in this mansion still didn’t recognise her. Don’t tell her that she needs to break inside to go in? Not worth it at all. Without any better option, she waited servants to inform Mo Qi Sheng.
“My lovely daughter. Fortunately, you are fine. Or else, father will be in guilt, unable to sleep in peace.” Who could tell Mo Qi Liang, who was the old man walking from Prime Minister Mansion? Mo Qi Sheng? She would rather see him in a wicked and sly manner. Couldn’t accept the way he talked, too disgusting ah.
“Recently, is Prime Minister well?” Mo Qi Liang forced herself to smile and felt her face was stiff. However, people who saw this scene thought the father was gentle and kind while the daughter was filial. They have eyes to see clearly, isn’t that so!
“Liang Er still blamed father didn’t find you in time? To go as far as not calling me father. Father has neglected you and didn’t protect you properly. How to not let your dead mother down?” Mo Qi Sheng nevertheless with guilty expression whereas when Mo Qi Liang heard ‘dead mother’, she came back to her senses.
“Bai Qing Yan is dead?” The cold voice didn’t bring any feelings. Mo Qi Sheng startled and not pretending anymore because both of them reached the inner hall where n.o.body will see them.
“Yes.” Mo Qi Sheng said without guilt. Right, couldn’t make use of Bai Qin Yan anymore. Perhaps turns into a hindrance. That kind of person he is, wouldn’t let Bai Qing Yan stay any longer. Bai Qing Yan was still naïve.
“How did she die?” Mo Qi Liang didn’t expect, first time coming home after marriage, would hear this news. It was a lie if she said she wasn’t sad. After all, she lived with her for 16 years, impossible not to have a bit of feelings.
“Fell into the water and drowned.” The way Mo Qi Sheng spoke was just like asking what to eat today, that kind of relaxed feeling. Obviously she was his woman but because of the power and authority, he a.s.sumed this incident as a mishap. This kind of lie also can. How could Mo Qi Liang believe it? She wouldn’t let Bai Qing Yan die without justice. Regardless of time, she wouldn’t let the murderer have an easy time.
“You should know who did it, right?” Mo Qi Liang said with interrogative manner and the tone was firm and steady.
“You are cleverer than your mother. If she was like you, she wouldn’t die so early.” Mo Qi Sheng only likes her beauty when young. Now she’s old and still had that kind of hope, who was able to stand it? Someone helped him to settle her, that can’t be better than anything else.
“If she was me, she wouldn’t look at an immoral and despicable man? Prime Minister is overly estimating yourself too great.” Mo Qi Liang sneered. If she was sent a dozen of this type of man, she wouldn’t accept them. Bai Qing Yan visions was not so good.
“Don’t forget your surname is Mo Qi; Mo Qi Sheng’s daughter.” Mo Qi Sheng endured anger silently. This younger daughter was cleverer than elder daughter. It’s better to entice her. If couldn’t, let Mo Qi Liang accompany her dead mother.
“This family name quite pleasant to hear and can produce a character like Prime Minister. I should be happy, right?” Mo Qi Liang didn’t care if they would tear at each other face. She wasn’t Mo Qi Liang if she didn’t have this kind of thought.
“I understand your mother death brings you sadness. Don’t you hate your mother? After she died, she will not restrict your acts. Benxiang (refer to Prime Minister) couldn’t use her to threaten you, right?” Mo Qi Sheng turned into a person coaxing a child.
Mo Qi Liang was no longer was a child. Impossible she would listen to him right away. Since he was unwilling to say who the murderer is, then, she will investigate who the murderer is. She didn’t believe they would handle this matter perfectly, should have a hint of mistake.
“Because of me, Prime Minister thinks of it thoroughly. Really have to thank endlessly. Does not know where Prime Minister buried her body?”
“Had incinerated.” Afraid didn’t know where the body has been thrown? Mo Qi Liang secretly thought of it. Mo Qi Liang thought the possibility of her own mother’s body in the wild forest. For the first time, Mo QI Liang felt she was not filial.
Although there was nothing between them, still they were bloodline connected. After death, naturally, people will think a lot. Mo Qi Liang sighed with sorrow. She knew she was only regretting without tears.
“Prime minister’s act is quick. Probably her future funeral has been arranged earlier by Prime Minister. Don’t know if Prime Minister always dreams of her. After all, she has loved you for her whole life. Even loved you until death.” Mo Qi Liang never believes in ghost women. However, Mo Qi Sheng face changed color, afraid he had done a shameful deed, afraid a ghost will knock on the door.
“It has been a while, we, father and daughter, have not seen each other. So, don’t talk about sad matters. Father will brings you to see mother (refer to first wife of Mo Qi Sheng) and your sister.”
Mo Qi Liang admired Mo Qi Sheng especially the speed of face changing, turned Bai Qin Yan’s matter into sad matter and still wanted Mo Qi Liang to see the murderer. She didn’t know what he was thinking about, he thought could dissolve her hatred towards him. Mo Qi Liang really wanted to see the expressions where Su Zi Qiao and Mo Qi Jing meet her. Would they have uneasy feelings and felt bad after seeing her, if not, she would love to play with them, isn’t that so?
Mo Qi Liang looked towards the window. If you can see, this is the last time I will fight for you. Hope you are able to die peacefully. Next reincarnation, look for a good guy to marry (Mo Qi Liang said to Bai Qin Yan).

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