ou Qing Jia Tian unhurriedly said after came out from the prison.

Mo Qi Liang replied with a smile and slightly distressed. As for revenge, she didn’t have any idea. She only wanted to let others know that she is not the person easy to bully. It doesn’t matter if it is a small issue, however, if the issue is serious, she afraid that will bring out the darkest side of her. Not because of she is not cruel enough but she didn’t want to because if something happened, regret will be useless

“They will die, right?” Mo Qi Liang considered understood the medicine well. She didn’t include purify which Li Shuang’s blood vessel will burst and die.

“At this moment, you still want to be kind?” You Qing Jia Tian asked. If she say yes, probably he will let them live.

“No, it’s rare to die at its own place.” For Li Shuang that kind of person who dies due to love affair, probably he will thank Mo Qi Liang arrangement whereas Cheng Jin Yun considered unlucky. Who asked them became a couple. Moreover Mo Qi Liang couldn’t tolerate people who slapped her. That’s why if met Mo Qi Liang, considered very unlucky for Cheng Jin Yun case, next reincarnation, find a good man to marry.

“Thank you for saving me, and thank you for settle them.” Mo Qi Liang sincerely expresses her grat.i.tude. These words can be counted as goodbye words before leaving him. It’s time for her to leave. Didn’t have anything to miss this place, right….

This awkward atmosphere, You Qing Jia Tian dissatisfied after she said however he didn’t express it and simply asked, “Your grat.i.tude not sincere at all.”

“What should I do to show my grat.i.tude? Master.” Mo Qi Liang very happy when think of escape this cage and also relax when think of n.o.body will harm her. Flattered You Qing Jia Tian is not a dumb choice.

You Qing Jia Tian didn’t expect Mo Qi Liang said so. In a moment, he didn’t know what else to make Mo Qi Liang express her grat.i.tude and blurt out, “This master still haven’t eaten until now.”

“As simple as that? Your Master, what do you want to eat. This servant will cook immediately and will need your kitchen.” Mo Qi Liang couldn’t guarantee that Qin Yuan’s kitchen contaminated with poison.

You Qing Jia Tian glanced at Mo Qi Liang and hinted to follow him. Two people walking towards You Qing Jia Tian’s manor. Mo Qi Liang walked behind him and smelled faint mint odour. She didn’t know this smell would give her deep memory. Mo Qi Liang shakes her head, perhaps thinks too much.

As expected, this place was the same place where she used without permission. You Qing Jia Tian’s kitchen forever have fresh vegetables and fruits. However, with her cooking skill she couldn’t cook many dishes that could fill up the table.

“Master, please wait here and the dishes will be ready in moment. This servant will cook without delay.” Mo Qi Liang sweetly smiles at You Qing Jia Tian and close the kitchen door.

You Qing Jia Tian thought it’s funny to see Mo Qi Liang att.i.tude and obediently wait. It’s seldom occurring this situation where these two people have a nice and harmony talks which You Qing Jia Tian has forgotten his initial evil intentions.

There was sound coming from the kitchen which sounded battles. Last time, shifu mentioned the way she cooked same as the natural disaster. However she disagrees as when cooking more or less should have sounds. That’s why all this time, she cooked in that way. Moreover cooking is one of the things she enjoys the most. All the ingredients can be mix and cook together to make a nice and delicious dish which she felt accomplished.

As only two people eat meals, Mo Qi Liang kept her principles not to waste food. Hence, she only cooked six dishes with a soup. If You Qing Jia Tian still picky, she doesn’t know what else she would cook. Initially, she wanted to cook four dishes with a soup but when think of You Qing Jia Tian will petty, she added two dishes.

You Qing Jia Tian patiently waited and looked at the dishes on the table which he felt warm and home feeling. Since kid, he lived with shifu and didn’t know what so-called family is. People who cast him away due to unknown reason, he already used to it.

“Try the dishes, not sure whether my cooking skill has improved.” Mo Qi Liang sat in front of You Qing Jia Tian. Mo Qi Liang had a same feeling with You Qing Jia Tian where this meal has brings them the long lost; warm and home feelings.

Both of them ate harmoniously and didn’t talk, even didn’t look at each other. Time was past very slow. These quiet and harmony mood had interrupted by a person who knocked the door.

“Master, servant has something to report.”

You Qing Jia Tian creased eyebrow and put down the chopsticks and bowl. Without saying anything, he left and the servant also disappeared.

Mo Qi Liang looked at the You Qing Jia Tian’s back, her expression filled with lots of feelings. Now is a good opportunity to escape, but why she still hesitates? Is it because, stayed too long and have a feeling?

Finally, Mo Qi Liang has a chance to escape and didn’t have any signs that You Qing Jia Tian will come back. Due to the incident of Li Shuang, You Qing Jia Tian’s bodyguard has been punished and n.o.body was guarding Mo Qi Liang. This has increased the chance to escape. Moreover, it’s not the first time she think of this matter. Earlier, she had found a girl replacement where the person looks like her. The only she felt incomplete was she unable to make a mask and only depends on makeup that resulted in 70% similarity. Probably n.o.body will notice as it was at night.

In other manor, there was a servant stay in her room. Mo Qi Liang quietly entered Hong Xiu’s room and let out a fragrance drug where this drug dosage able to make her sleep for whole night. The next day when she wakes up, Mo Qi Liang already left the place.

Mo Qi Liang quietly laid Hong Xiu on the bed. To avoid unfortunate case, she tied her with ropes. She opened the wardrobe and looked for dark color shirt. Last time, she accidentally heard from Xiao Bai that Hong Xiu, Liu Chang and other servants freely go in and out of the manor. Moreover, Hong Xiu went outside at midnight before. So, it is not difficult to go outside tonight.

All preparation was done. Mo Qi Liang step by step walked towards main door. On her way, she met two people who was patrolling. She lowered her head and relaxed as n.o.body notice she wasn’t Hong Xiu.

Nearer to the door, Mo Qi Liang’s hand was cold sweat however she pretends calm and walked. However, a voice has startled her.

“Miss Hong Xiu wants to go where at this late night?” A loud voice from gatekeeper asked and looked at ‘Hong Xiu’.

“Go outside to work.” Mo Qi Liang gathered courage and answered. Fortunately, that man’s attention was low. Even though a bit weird, he didn’t make it difficult to Hong Xiu as her tempered very bad. He was a small gatekeeper couldn’t compared to a person who stand and serve beside Master. He didn’t forget his status.

Mo Qi Liang let out one breathes and continued to walk the tunnels. She felt someone watching her. Anyway, place a dumb housekeeper at the important place; exit door. Didn’t know how and when die if enemy invade. She gradually walked further and they looked away from her. It was close call. Finally, spent almost an hour and able to see low light which also means that reaching soon. Pushed the last door of tunnel, Mo Qi Liang walked and found herself in mountain. Wild animals will come out at this time. She didn’t want to escape from crocodile’s mouth enter a tiger’s mouth. She walked faster to avoid become meal of carnivore animals.

Mo Qi Liang walked in one direction and immediately climbed the tree if she found something wrong. Finally, it was not danger anymore as she walked out from the mountain. However, she doubted where she was as there were few houses.

She anyhow asked a family and found out that she was at the Northern part of Lin’an City. She didn’t expect that there were desolate place. Looks like the Emperor, Huang Fu Zhuo Tian didn’t do much and the Chi An country was not that powerful and rich. Of course, all this guessed from Mo Qi Liang. She didn’t want to see Chi An collapse or else troublesome to move to other place.

The sky slowly brightened; dawn. Mo Qi Liang wasn’t tired at all and only thinks of leaving this place soonest as she worried. Mo Qi Liang didn’t have much valuable items but sufficient to get transport back to Chi An. Finally, Mo Qi Liang saw Lin’an and was touched; unable to express the feelings. At this moment, she only wanted to find a place and sleep. Afraid that when woke up, she found herself in underworld.

Mo Qi Liang very fast fell asleep. She successfully escapes and didn’t think that she herself able to run away from the secret place; won’t face jealous and resentment anymore.

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