i Liang was merry for two families and reflected the hidden meaning of it. The concubines whose were not so doted by Prince Lie had gathered with the valuable items which they kept with them since they married. They looked at the w.a.n.g Fei’s signboard (refer to the room’s name). They chose to stand at the other side whose was w.a.n.gye sweetheart, her status more or less same with w.a.n.gfei and believed that their choice was correct.

“What is the meaning of this?” Mo Qi Liang just came back to Prince Mansion, even sat on a chair yet to be warmed and heard the voice saying; concubines pay a visit w.a.n.gfei. What was the purpose of visit as she herself didn’t know what happened to her. Since they came to visit her, Mo Qi Liang didn’t have any valid reason refuse to see them. However, she regret after met them. Every of them didn’t know whether they purposely or sincerely; their face were pale and the clothes they were wearing just like attending funeral. She didn’t mind it but if outsider saw this scene, probably this place will look like full of ghosts. Even the servants were trembling when pouring the tea.

“w.a.n.gfei, we gathered all these items for you. Please don’t mind our small intention.” Said the woman who led this group of woman. Her face not so white and when flattered, her face showed visible lines which quite scary.

“You all should know what my status in Prince Mansion is. There is no need to bring your favorite items to win my favor? Why not spend this thought in w.a.n.gye which may bring fortunate life in Prince Mansion.” Said Mo Qi Liang who just like mother of this owner mansion.

Every word and action didn’t anger them. Her wish is to pa.s.s the day in peace, that’s why she need to control this group of woman to avoid the unnecessary troublesome.

“w.a.n.gfei, what are you talking about? You are truly and officially w.a.n.gfei’s Imperial wife, this low concubine naturally will take your guide/lead. Don’t dare to have disobedient intentions. “ Said the woman who led the group with the fear expression. Even though the rest didn’t say so, their face showed loyalty.

Mo Qi Liang couldn’t reject their intentions when encountered this situation. “Since you have said so, I will not say anymore. But please take back all these items. Likely, you have memorable feelings on these items; lingering feelings towards w.a.n.gye. Will have grasp remembrance with these items stay with you.” Mo Qi Liang suddenly pity to this group of woman. For whole life, can only depends on one man but that guy never treasure them. Actually felt sorry to them. Mo Qi Liang words touched their bottom of heart. Each of them lowered their head and even red eyes which made Mo Qi Liang didn’t know what to do.

“But still need to mention ugly words, in days ahead, I couldn’t guarantee can give or hopes for w.a.n.gye’s dotes because all this fond and dotes have to depend yourself to fight for it.” Mo Qi Liang words increased their hopes and disappointed at the same time

From the beginning till the end, the grievance became stronger. Mo Qi Liang helplessly pa.s.sed the time and let them think properly.

When to love yourself more than love a man, probably they won’t appear in front of Mo Qi Liang anymore. But then, she knew it’s impossible. Just after this group of woman left, Huang Fu Yue Xun walked in. Probably, he had met this group of woman with pale face, not nice-looking good.

“What is going on with this group of woman?” Indeed, Huang Fu Yue Xun still cares them.

“Seek protection from me. Afraid that w.a.n.gye didn’t go to them for a long time.”

“w.a.n.gfei, you are generous. Don’t tell me, w.a.n.gfei didn’t want me always keep you accompany?”

“w.a.n.gye, it’s unnecessarily to use this trivial thingy to try on me. Rest a.s.sured, unless there is no choice, I will not let out my intentions on w.a.n.gye for the time being.”

“What kind of intentions you have?”

“Just said only. w.a.n.gye, don’t take it serious. Actually, why do you come here?” Huang Fu Yue Xun realized the purpose of coming here when he was reminded by Mo Qi Liang.

“Enter Emperor’s Palace with Benw.a.n.g now.”

“Enter Emperor’s Palace? w.a.n.gye, don’t mind to explain in details?” Mo Qi Liang couldn’t recall who else she knew in Emperor’s Palace. She, who didn’t receive favor from anyone should be n.o.body will want to see her. In addition, Imperial Palace undoubtedly was another battlefield. Mo Qi Liang couldn’t stand anymore.

“You can only listen to Benw.a.n.g’s instruction. No need to ask so details.” Huang Fu Yue Xun clearly showed impatient. If can, he too didn’t want Mo Qi Liang enter Imperial Palace. This woman definitely will not worry about her status, probably will ruin his big chance. However, Imperial Father summoned to see her and couldn’t disobey his words.

Really didn’t know how Imperial Father knew this news so fast. After brought Mo Qi Liang home, he received Imperial edict and doubt could have spy of Imperial Father in his mansion.

“w.a.n.gye, shouldn’t you let me know who the enemy is? After all, we sit in the same boat. If I do any mistakes, it’s hard for w.a.n.gye to make correction isn’t that so? Mo Qi Liang tried to put off Huang Fu Yue Xun’s unnecessary guard. Actually she never think of Mo Qi Sheng side, however could see that old man lose face also not bad.

“Benw.a.n.g thought you know everything.”

“I don’t have interest on this stuff. Hence, did not ask around. Its better w.a.n.gye tells me everything.” They are officially husband and wife. If something happened, definitely, Huang Fu Yue Xun will fight. That’s why it’s not a good thing if Mo Qi Liang made mistake. Huang Fu Yue Xun looked like considering Mo Qi Liang’s words, he unhurried and said, “You should have knew the current formality. If you run into Empress or Huang Fu Yue Yang, take note of the manner of speaking. Don’t blame Benw.a.n.g didn’t save you.”

“Many thanks to w.a.n.gye’s reminder. As in to put on act to show affection, I inherited it from my father.” In this current situation, Mo Qi Liang willing to choose the person who provide shelter and food even though both of them looked after their side of family.

“Don’t have time to listen to your nonsense talks. Get ready to enter Emperor’s Palace with Benw.a.n.g now.” Huang Fu Yue Xun afraid if he listened further, he will be influenced by Mo Qi Liang.

Both of them reached Imperial Palace. Mo Qi Liang unfamiliar to this place and quietly followed Huang Fu Yue Xun behind. In her heart, she repeatedly said; slow down a bit. Is it will die if not slow down ah. However, Huang Fu Yue Xun still kept the speed pace. The pa.s.sersby who saw the delicate and pretty with a bit of resentment face expression of Mo Qi Liang, they seem to have pity feeling. However, Mo Qi Liang didn’t need this kind of impression.

Arrived at Qian Yun Palace, Huang Fu Yue Xun immediately changed the clothes with serious expression. Mo Qi Liang couldn’t except that her role was to act as eligible w.a.n.gfei. Although she was born; the family background not the above average, she stood there which don’t have a slight feeling of small-minded. But in reverse, have the n.o.ble manner which gave comfortable feeling.

“Er Cheng pays respect to Imperial Father and Mother.”

“Chen Qie pays respect to Imperial Father and Mother.”


“Thank you Imperial Father and Mother.”

Huang Fu Zuo Tian looked up and down at daughter-in-law who was standing. Originally, he was dissatisfaction as Mo Qi Sheng decided and chose illegitimate daughter. However, he changed his thought after saw Mo Qi Liang. Although her appearance was not the prettiest, she has the aura of elegant and n.o.ble which average people wouldn’t able to imitate. Slightly lowered her head, considered pa.s.sed the first round.

Even though Mo QI Liang showed extremely humble, still, her corner of the eye could looked Huang Fu Zuo Tian up and down. Huang Fu Yue Xuan’s face didn’t resemble him, probably resemble to his mother side. Moreover, he looked more kind than Huang Fu Yue Xun. However, the aura he had couldn’t despise.

“Liang Er, come here and let me take a proper look. This period of time have let you suffered.” Empress Su Zhi Qing friendly said and waved to Mo Qi Liang. Mo Qi Liang glanced at Huang Fu Yue Xun. The inadvertent acts let Su Zhi Qing felt she was not as innocent as she looks. The truth was woman’s six sense is scary.

“Many thanks to Imperial Mother concerned. Liang Er is fine.” Mo Qi Liang smiled with graceful. She recalled that time because of want to have this kind of smile, she trained for one month where shifu panicked to see her in this condition.

Huang Fu Yue Xun in awe when saw Mo Qi Liang charming att.i.tude. However, when met Imperial Father he wouldn’t let himself to loosen or absent-minded.

Elegant with fine appearance and clear voice, Mo Qi Liang was no different from young lady of family influential for generations. Could it be that, she herself oversensitive? Su Zhi Qing thought over and over again.

“Good. If something happened to Liang Er, Huang Fu will heart broken.” Su Zhi Qing just like a kind mother who was concerned on son’s marriage yet she tightly hold Mo Qi Liang’s hand.

“Imperial mother is teasing.” Huang Fu Yuen answered with neither cold or warm. Mo Qi Liang never missed Su Zhi Qing and Huang Fu Zuo Tian eyes who didn’t interfere their conversations. This family really interesting. Huang Fu Yue Xun was not biological son of Su Zhi Qing and probably their gaps was destined since Huang Fu Yue Xun was born.

“Chen Qie like this child and would like to bring her to my palace for a while. Doesn’t know whether Yue Xun willing to part with her?”

“Pls do as Imperial Mother wish.”

Go die Huang Fu Yue Xun! Helplessly looked at herself entered tiger’s den and knew this Empress prepared something to deal with her. Could it be that, one day, she has good fortune to save herself?



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