The next two days, MQL live in peace; n.o.body disturbed her. Except eat and sleep, just like a child, flip pages of the books. These days absolutely boring and bored till plan to escape from here.

Third day, something had happened and MQL have new interest. Different length and thickness, there are many types of snakes which made Xiao Bai faint and MQL leaned at the door. Heaven know these things are disgusting. Hair stood and uncomfortable but interestingly, these snakes are not very poisonous and only made people half dead and half conscious. With difficulty, MQL leaned at the side door. She must immediately find people to deal with this situation, she doesn’t dare to think will she vomits.

“Why do you come here?” Li Shuang saw MQL’s shocked expression. She is considered as one of the concubines or madam and doesn’t know what to call the woman in front of him.

“Housekeeper, I think I need your help.”

“What happened?”Li Shuang is nervous, if something happened to MQL, he afraid he will not live longer. Other people don’t know that Master always lingered near to the MQL’s room at night, but didn’t go inside.

“Someone sent a big present to me, I need to settle it.” MQL holds back the disgusting feeling but still recall the scenario.

Li Shuang understood what happened, must be a bunch woman create problems. Master does not take care of these problems, hence this bunch of woman dare to cause problems.

“No problem, servants will settle it.” Li Shuang brings few bodyguards and follows MQL behind. Just like Xiao Bai, the tough build and looks strong bodyguards, fainted when they saw the floor full of snakes. MQL with depressed expression looked at pale Li Shuang. Even these bodyguards are normal skill, but hired by evildoer, they are not that weak right. Shame on them.

“I hope you all clean up this mess and eradicate the disgust smell. Investigate who did this.” Have free labor why not just use them.

Li Shuang looked at MQL; serious expression. Does it means that he needs to give his best? Doesn’t know which Madam is unlucky, but since master have given instructions, must do right?

“Who is this Madam? MQL looked at the portrait, gorgeous but gloomy. How come YQJT likes her?

“She is Master’s concubine.” Li Shuang honestly answered, but met MQL’s supercilious look; this obvious answer she knew it as well.

“I mean what type of person is she?”

“Servant never sees this madam, she is gloomy and everyday stay at her own room, don’t know what she did. But maid who serves her found her room has snakes, rats and insects those kinds of living things.

“Looks like she released them in my room.”

“What will Madam do about it?”

“Nothing. These snakes are not poisonous; at least she does not have intentions to harm me. But the disgust smell is unbearable. Please inform her not to do such boring things. Next time, I won’t let her go easily. If she denies when asked, then no need to say anymore.” MQL self guard increased after this incident happened.

The news about bunches of snakes released in Qin Yuan spreads very fast. MQL doesn’t care about it but there are people make fun of it.

“Heard that something have happened, Jie Jie purposely bring this calm nutritionals products to Mei Mei.” One of three women with leader skill spoke.

“Nothing happened to me, why put trouble and spend money?” This fake intention conversation, MQL brings to the point of perfection.

“Isn’t it too late if something happened to Mei Mei? Another woman spoke and angered MQL.

“Jie Jie are right. Jie Jie lives here longer than me, sure received lots of gifts.”

“What do you mean?” In sudden, that woman stood up and wanted to argue but was stopped by another lead woman.

“Nuan Er, sit down.” Instructed by lead woman. “ Nuan Er still young and doesn’t know anything, Mei Mei won’t take it right?”

MQL silently cursed,” I won’t, I’m 16 years old only.”

Cheng Jin Yun found out she was 16 years old and didn’t make sense when 16 years old MQL said to a 19 years old still young. This is obviously critics.

“Half day already pa.s.sed since Jie Jie came here, I still don’t know you all.” MQL changed topic and as people said; know yourself and know your enemy.

“I am Cheng Jin Yun, this is my biological younger sister, Cheng Su Yun and another is Li Nuan Er.” The lead woman introduced. MQL is in another world thinks that YQJT likes beautiful sister.

“The most famous and used to be a part of Chun Yi Fang suddenly disappeared had broken many men’s heart.” MQL enviously said. Xiang Chen Yun expression brightened but Cheng Jin Yun annoyed. At all costs, she has been cover up her pasts but today blew out by her. It’s too much.

“Jie Jie, you are really the most famous of brothel ah. In the past, I only heard about you from my brother.” Not sure whether Li Nuan Er is dumb or ignorant. She repeatedly said, is it not enough hate other than angry?

Cheng Jin Yun status is revealed and tried to maintain expression and posture. “All this are pasts, not worth to mention it.”

“How can it be not worth to mention it? In the past, didn’t Jie Jie know that, Jie Jie are the dream’s men and will not hesitate to burn money to be with Jie Jie? MQL said with hidden meaning. Clever people will know what MQL means.

The elegant mask of Cheng Jin Yun nearly tore apart by MQL. She really wanted to tear her mask immediately but she told herself not to do it.

“Really? Jie Jie really that famous?” Said Li Nuan Er. Previously anger at MQL, now turns become partner.

Cheng Su Yun sat still and said nothing just like a puppet without expression. She didn’t have any response even thought this matter involved her own sister. MQL is interested; probably Cheng Su Yun is the one who cannot be ignored compared to the other two.

MQL wanted to speak but the quick footed Cheng Jin Yun spoke,” Mei Mei is frightened today, we all visits Mei Mei and have ignored your body condition, Mei Mei probably tired. We make a move first.”

“Jie Jie is considerate, I am tired. Due to my body condition, I did not treat Jie Jie properly, am really sorry. If Jie Jie have time, come here again.” MQL kindly invite them but sounded provoke them.

“Since Mei Mei mentioned it, Jie Jie have to come here. But Jie JIe doesn’t have many gifts. Mei Mei won’t take it into heart, will you?”

“ Of course not. At here, I didn’t lack of anything. Jie Jie no needs to prepare anything.” Anyway, the gifts that have been prepared afterwards, will not be usable anymore.

“Mei Mei have big heart, no wonder Master likes you.”

The parting words have made Li Nuan Er realized the purpose of coming here. Walked to the door and looked at MQL, “ I will not give YQJT to you!”

A little girl’s love declaration, of course MQL won’t bother. Cheng Su Yun distressed; looks like in deep pain. Exactly what happened to her? Interesting..

After send these three woman out, MQL diligently started to check the nutritious product sent by them. Nothing abnormal but variety of herbs mix together will slowly cause chronic disease. This dosage is not an issue but if consume in long term will not die but cause dementia. This kind of evil trick, only Cheng Su Yun can think of it. MQL thought first time meeting, she won’t harm her but today visits have bring her a big surprise.

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