"Gin," said the companion.

Pete slid a bottle and two gla.s.ses along the bar. He bended his head sideways as he a.s.siduously polished away with a napkin at the gleaming wood. He had a look of watchfulness upon his features.

Jimmie and his companion kept their eyes upon the bartender and conversed loudly in tones of contempt.

"He"s a dindy masher, ain"t he, by Gawd?" laughed Jimmie.

"Oh, h.e.l.l, yes," said the companion, sneering widely. "He"s great, he is. Git onto deh mug on deh blokie. Dat"s enough to make a feller turn hand-springs in "is sleep."

The quiet stranger moved himself and his gla.s.s a trifle further away and maintained an att.i.tude of oblivion.

"Gee! ain"t he hot stuff!"

"Git onto his shape! Great Gawd!"

"Hey," cried Jimmie, in tones of command. Pete came along slowly, with a sullen dropping of the under lip.

"Well," he growled, "what"s eatin" yehs?"

"Gin," said Jimmie.

"Gin," said the companion.

As Pete confronted them with the bottle and the gla.s.ses, they laughed in his face. Jimmie"s companion, evidently overcome with merriment, pointed a grimy forefinger in Pete"s direction.

"Say, Jimmie," demanded he, "what deh h.e.l.l is dat behind deh bar?"

"d.a.m.ned if I knows," replied Jimmie. They laughed loudly. Pete put down a bottle with a bang and turned a formidable face toward them. He disclosed his teeth and his shoulders heaved restlessly.

"You fellers can"t guy me," he said. "Drink yer stuff an" git out an"

don" make no trouble."

Instantly the laughter faded from the faces of the two men and expressions of offended dignity immediately came.

"Who deh h.e.l.l has said anyt"ing teh you," cried they in the same breath.

The quiet stranger looked at the door calculatingly.

"Ah, come off," said Pete to the two men. "Don"t pick me up for no jay. Drink yer rum an" git out an" don" make no trouble."

"Oh, deh h.e.l.l," airily cried Jimmie.

"Oh, deh h.e.l.l," airily repeated his companion.

"We goes when we git ready! See!" continued Jimmie.

"Well," said Pete in a threatening voice, "don" make no trouble."

Jimmie suddenly leaned forward with his head on one side. He snarled like a wild animal.

"Well, what if we does? See?" said he.

Dark blood flushed into Pete"s face, and he shot a lurid glance at Jimmie.

"Well, den we"ll see whose deh bes" man, you or me," he said.

The quiet stranger moved modestly toward the door.

Jimmie began to swell with valor.

"Don" pick me up fer no tenderfoot. When yeh tackles me yeh tackles one of deh bes" men in deh city. See? I"m a sc.r.a.pper, I am. Ain"t dat right, Billie?"

"Sure, Mike," responded his companion in tones of conviction.

"Oh, h.e.l.l," said Pete, easily. "Go fall on yerself."

The two men again began to laugh.

"What deh h.e.l.l is dat talkin"?" cried the companion.

"d.a.m.ned if I knows," replied Jimmie with exaggerated contempt.

Pete made a furious gesture. "Git outa here now, an" don" make no trouble. See? Youse fellers er lookin" fer a sc.r.a.p an" it"s d.a.m.n likely yeh"ll fin" one if yeh keeps on shootin" off yer mout"s. I know yehs! See? I kin lick better men dan yehs ever saw in yer lifes.

Dat"s right! See? Don" pick me up fer no stuff er yeh might be jolted out in deh street before yeh knows where yeh is. When I comes from behind dis bar, I t"rows yehs bote inteh deh street. See?"

"Oh, h.e.l.l," cried the two men in chorus.

The glare of a panther came into Pete"s eyes. "Dat"s what I said!


He came through a pa.s.sage at the end of the bar and swelled down upon the two men. They stepped promptly forward and crowded close to him.

They bristled like three roosters. They moved their heads pugnaciously and kept their shoulders braced. The nervous muscles about each mouth twitched with a forced smile of mockery.

"Well, what deh h.e.l.l yer goin" teh do?" gritted Jimmie.

Pete stepped warily back, waving his hands before him to keep the men from coming too near.

"Well, what deh h.e.l.l yer goin" teh do?" repeated Jimmie"s ally. They kept close to him, taunting and leering. They strove to make him attempt the initial blow.

"Keep back, now! Don" crowd me," ominously said Pete.

Again they chorused in contempt. "Oh, h.e.l.l!"

In a small, tossing group, the three men edged for positions like frigates contemplating battle.

"Well, why deh h.e.l.l don" yeh try teh t"row us out?" cried Jimmie and his ally with copious sneers.

The bravery of bull-dogs sat upon the faces of the men. Their clenched fists moved like eager weapons.

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