Magi Craft Meister

Chapter 642

Chapter 642

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Magi Craft Meister 642

18 King Klein’s Treatment Arc

19-29 The King’s Surgery

The meeting with Liones Ashford was to be held in the room Jin and the others were borrowing.

Jin, Elsa, Prince Arthur and Liones Ashford sat facing each other at a four-person table.

Liones sat in front of Jin, while Prince Arthur sat in front of Elsa.

Princess Lieschen prepared a separate chair and sat by the sidelines.

“First of all, thank you for agreeing to my selfish request for a meeting.」

Liones began to speak in a friendly tone.

“My specialty is ‘anything’. I became a scholar because I wanted to know the various things that are scattered about in this world.”

“I see, so you’re like a natural historian?”

Jin uttered the words that had just sprung to his mind.

Natural history is the study of things that exist in the natural world, such as animals, plants, and minerals.

From Jin’s Family, Toa could be said to be a natural historian as well. However, in this world, they didn’t seem to be called that way.

“Oh, ‘natural history’? …Hmm, I see. You sure have an interesting vocabulary, Lord Jin. I see… A natural historian…? It has a nice ring to it.”

Liones seemed to really like how the name “natural historian” sounded.

“…So, I’m from the neighboring Celuroa Kingdom, but you’re from the Shouro Empire, right?”

“That’s right.”, answers Elsa.

“What I want to ask about is nothing but ships.”

Jin was a little impressed that he was interested not only in natural history but also in engineering.

Deep down, he had thought that, in this world, the att.i.tude of greedily wanting knowledge was unique to the Celuroa Kingdom, which had an old culture.

“Ships? Certainly, the Shouro Empire makes all sorts of ships.”

While Jin was deep in thought, Elsa jumped into the conversation.

Elsa’s cousin and Jin’s best friend, Reinhardt, was very well versed in shipbuilding. Jin too, of course.

“…This is only hearsay, but apparently there’s a merchant building a large ship in the southern part of our own Celuroa Kingdom.”

Jin thought that he might be referring to Eckart Techres, whom he had met before.

If so, then this man named Liones had sharp ears. At this point, Jin decided to let Elsa lead the conversation while he paid attention to Liones himself.

“A large ship would be very effective for transportation.”

“…Yes. The Shouro Empire uses lakes, rivers, and artificial waterways to transport cargo.”

“However, considering the power they need and their cost, wouldn’t it be difficult to say with confidence that they’re generally worth it?”

“Well, compared to horses and wagons, they can be loaded in much larger quant.i.ties, so that offsets their costs.”

“But if you take into account the safety of land compared to water…”

“Since there’s no sea, our main water bodies have little to no waves, so we use wide, shallow boats. So they’re quite resilient…”

“If you do happen to set out for the open sea, I think it’s necessary to consider the rigidity of the hull. In that case, what about its structural materials…?”

“…But, do you think weight would be such a big problem if we were to use metal as a structural material?”

“You have a point. Considering the specific strength per unit ma.s.s… per unit weight, of metal and wood…”

Elsa and Liones continued to have their technical exchange.

Jin remained observant, but so far had been unable to grasp Liones’ intentions. Prince Arthur was simply listening in silence.

Their conversation goes on without interruptions, and with Jin’s interventions from time to time.

This went on for about an hour, and was finally over at around 10 AM.

“…Well, Miss Elsa, Lord Jin, I’ve learned a lot. Thank you for your time”

Remaining friendly until the end, Liones thanked them before leaving the room.

“…I don’t get it.”

After Prince Arthur and Liones left, Jin voiced his concerns.

“…Did he really come here just to talk about ships?”

It seems that Elsa couldn’t grasp his intentions either.

“As for me, I’m worried about the fact that my brother Arthur has barely opened his mouth”

None of the three of them knew what the purpose of this visit by Liones was. Jin started to think that perhaps his visit had actually been purely for academic purposes.

* * *

“…So, Lio? What do you think?”

After returning to his own room, Prince Arthur asked his teacher Liones.

“…You can’t underestimate them. Those two have a level of knowledge that mine.”

“What!? That much…? It seems that Liese has gotten herself some good friends…”

“…The prognosis of the patients who underwent surgery yesterday seems to be good. His Majesty will probably have his surgery this afternoon.”

“…Do you think it will succeed?”

“Yes, probably.”

“…I see…”

Prince Arthur looked out the window without saying another word.

The color of the sky was finally changing from gray to blue.

* * *

After lunch, the chancellor visited Jin’s room along with Prince Edmund and Prince Arthur.

“Miss Elsa! We’ve reached a conclusion. Starting today, we would like to leave His Majesty’s medical treatment in your hands!”

The chancellor had been the one who asked her to perform surgery on the king from the very beginning.

“Miss Elsa, please. Please save my father.”, said Prince Arthur as he bowed his head.

“…I don’t know how difficult it will be. However, the three sick people you guys treated yesterday are all recovering. And it seems that the chancellor and Arthur trust you. So I’ll trust you two. Please heal my father.”

Even Prince Edmond bowed his head.

“…Of course. That’s what I’ve come here to do.”

“We’ll give it our all.”

Elsa and Jin promised to do their best.

After that, they all moved to the king’s bedroom.

The king’s condition was the same as before. Once again, Elsa asked Edgar to help her with the examination.

This time, Jin saw Alois III in his sick bed for the first time, but was surprised at how worn out by illness he appeared to be.

“…Is this what a bad liver looks like…?”

Once again, Jin was determined to do everything in his power to make the treatment successful for Lieschen’s sake as well.

“…Brother Jin, the examination is over. We proceed as planned.”

“Okay, understood.”

Jin put up a barrier that surrounded himself, Elsa, Edgar, and Alois III. He took extra care to make it indestructible and capable of blocking both physical and magical attacks.

Since he had already explained what it was to those present, no one complained about it.

‘Schmerzmittel’, ‘Paralyze’.”

First, the anesthesia.

‘Sterilization’, ‘Sterilization’, ‘Sterilization’.

The inside of the barrier was sterilized, as well as the surface of Alois III’s body and the Mini Smith who was in charge of performing the surgery. The real thing would start right after this.

“…Edgar, use your fluoroscopy, please. Mini Smith, share visuals.”

It was just like performing surgery while looking at the image from an endoscope or an echography.

The Mini Smith had a clear view of Alois III’s bile duct thanks to the visual feed sent by Edgar.

“…Okay, let’s start a countdown to zero. Three, two, one, zero.”

At Elsa’s command, the Mini Smith thrust its own body and arms into Alois III’s bile duct.

Princess Lieschen, who was watching from outside the barrier, let out a small scream. But the next moment, the Mini Smith had plucked the parasite out.

‘Heilung’, ‘Heilung’, ‘Heilung’.

Compared to the surgeries of the patients of the day before, the damage to the bile duct was slightly greater, so Elsa used “Heilung” three times.

Only a little amount of blood had spurted out, and the blood that had stained his abdomen was sterilized and disinfected before using “Clean Up” to clean it completely.

“Now, the ascites.”

Alois III also had an ascites of considerable size, so Elsa treated it based on her previous surgery experiences.


Elsa stimulates the activity of his internal organs.

“…He also has a bit of liver cirrhosis. ‘Heilverfahren’.

With two uses of such a high-level internal medicine Healing Magic, a considerable number of internal organs were revitalized.


The name jaundice stems from the word Jaune, which is French for “yellow”, and it was named that way due to the yellow coloration of body fluids and tissues such as the eyes and skin caused by the excess of a yellow substance called bilirubin.

By breaking down the excess bilirubin, the king’s yellowed eyeb.a.l.l.s and skin returned to their original coloration.

This was the first time Elsa used this for this kind of treatment, but it was an idea that came to her after treating the other patients the day before.

“…It’s done.”


Released from the extreme tension of the situation, Elsa staggered a little due to her Mana being considerably depleted.

However, Jin, who had learned that this would happen from the previous treatment, this time took Edgar’s place, immediately offering his own body to help her support herself.

“Thank… you… Brother Jin.”

“Here’s some Pelshika juice.”

Then Elsa drank the Pelshika juice, which restored her Mana.

“The surgery was a success.”

From the looks of it, Alois III’s complexion had already improved dramatically.


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