43.1 The Wh.o.r.e’s Secret

Due to the fact that she was about to stay in the same room as Nian Bing, Xue Jing’s heart rate shot upwards at an alarming rate. Although she liked Nian Bing, she knew that as a young lady, staying in the same room as him was inappropriate. Still, she was hesitant because she felt that this was an opportunity that she did not want let go of.  Now, because they were staying in separate rooms, Nian Bing and Xue Jing both released a breath. There was still however, some hope left in her heart.

“Nian Bing, then what about you? If I stay in your room then what will you do?”

Nian Bing gave a little smile and replied, “Don’t worry about me. I will just rest on the sofas in the main hall for tonight.”

Xue Jing glared violently at the night guard. With a snort, she went up the stairs.

Seeing Xue Jing go, the guard spoke to Nian Bing, “People are not allowed to stay in the main hall. If you want to stay here, please come again in the morning. I am closing the door now, so I request that you leave.”

Nian Bing went blank. He wrinkled his brows and asked, “Are you targeting me? I have not committed any offence against you.”

The guard said coldly, “I am just following the rules. Please leave.”

Naturally, Nian Bing could not lower himself to the level of this ordinary citizen. Helpless to do anything, he could only once again exit the Orchid Fragrance Inn.

It was late at night, and Nian Bing could not help but shiver as the cool October wind blew. He hurried to mobilize the fire element to wrap around his body and immediately felt more comfortable. Although the night was cold, the lack of Xue Jing’s presence allowed him to unwind his mind.

For Xue Jing to have secretly run away from home to find me confirms that she has feelings for me! Xue Jing likes me, and moreover, she is not as weak as Long Ling. If she wants to always be with me, what will happen on the road to the capital of the Profound Orchid Empire? Things that are outside of my control are really troublesome. I probably do not have any feelings for Xue Jing, but I definitely have some sort of longing. In front of beautiful girls, could I still remain so cold? Very difficult, very difficult.

Besides his mother, Nian Bing only had one woman’s figure held deep in his heart. Towards Long Ling he felt pity, towards Luo Rou, admiration. Towards Xue Jing, although he still held fear of her crazy hysteria, there was definitely nothing that had evolved into love. Therefore, he he did not want to be in contact with these three girls for an extended period of time. Even if he did not sink into it, if Xue Jing’s feelings for him deepened, it would be hard to resolve things. He could not hit her or chase her away.

Having thought this, Nian Bing’s thoughts took a sudden turn and started thinking of a suitable method.

Suddenly, his heart thumped. Why did Xue Jing like me? Maybe it was because my appearance attracted her. If I could make her see some of my weak points, perhaps her feelings towards me would grow colder. Xue Jing is a girl who jumps from love to hate. Moreover, her temper is also similarly volatile. Xue Jing, sorry, but I have to do this. 

With a strange expression on his face, Nian Bing walked through the darkness. Soon he found his destination. At this time of night, there was probably only one kind of store that would not have closed its doors. That was – a brothel.

“Oh, mister, have you come to play? Although it is a bit late now, we have plenty of ladies here.” A thirty to forty-year-old heavily made up female bawd

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