A Reunion with Yu Ru Yan

"Ru Yan, come here." The middle-aged man looked at Yu Ru Yan, his tightly knit eyebrows immediately relaxing. A gentle smile appeared on his face, and a deeply tender expression could be seen. He reached out to embrace his beloved wife and settled her on his lap. He lost his tension as he inhaled the wonderful and familiar fragrance.

"What is it? From the way you look, it seems something is not going so smoothly! Could it be that His Majesty did not approve your military expenditure request?" Slight concern appeared in Yu Ru Yan"s eyes.

The middle-aged man shook his head. "How could that be? His Majesty has never not listened to my suggestions in the matters of military. But so what if he approves it? Right now the entire southern portion of the empire is famished. In the near future, something disastrous will happen. It is the people"s wealth that is the country"s wealth. Just having me is not enough. In the entire empire, there isn"t even one person that can help His Majesty with governing the land. You should know that all of those obsequious people just flatter and sweet-talk. At this rate, this country will no longer be a country!"

Yu Ru Yan sighed. "Let it go, Lan Yu. Even if you worry about it, there is no point. The corrupt empire is not something that can be changed in one or two days. You should look after yourself; don"t work too hard."

Lan Yu took a deep breath. "I also want to rest, but how can I? After this battle, three thousand soldiers of the Silver Feather Cavalry will not see their loved ones again. There aren"t more than ten thousand people in the entire cavalry. If Harmonic Flower dispatches their Flame Lion Troop, I might not be able to stop them. Ice Moon is on good terms with us, but they won"t sincerely help us. In time, if our country doesn"t change, I"m afraid…"

Yu Ru Yan hugged her husband"s neck. "Okay, don"t say anymore. Be happier. Oh, that’s right. It hasn"t been all bad news recently. There are already five thousand people in the Silver Feather Cavalry reserve troops that I am in charge of. We can add an extra two thousand people to the battlefield. Although their experience can"t compare to the countless steel and blood trials your warriors underwent, I believe that with some training, they can recover the loss this time. Actually, there are quite a few people of skill in the empire still. Just the other day, a young man and his sister came. This young man was a martial master. I think that they can directly join the cavalry."

Lan Yu smiled. "With you managing things, my heart is at ease. Never mind; speak no more of this. I only came back for a few days, and I haven"t had time to accompany you.

Yu Ru Yan was about to say something when a respectful voice came from outside. "Here to report."

Yu Ru Yan wrinkled her brow. "What is it?"

"Reporting to Madam, there is a young man outside the mansion that says he is looking for the miss."

Yu Ru Yan and Lan Yu couldn"t help but look at each other in alarm. Yu Ru Yan said, "Looking for Chen Chen? What does that young man look like?"

"He is a very handsome person. He has the miss" token, and he claimed he came to give her a letter."

Yu Ru Yan stood up from Lan Yu"s lap. "Bring him in here to meet the Lord Duke and me."

"At once."

Nian Bing was standing in the entrance of the duke"s mansion. The sixteen Silver Feather Cavalrymen, thirty-two eyes, were fixed on him, and it made him feel uncomfortable. He had already taken out the bead that Luo Rou had given him, but the cavalrymen would not let him go in. Rather, they went into the mansion to report.

The ma.s.sive vermillion gates opened. A servant wearing green clothes came out and gave Nian Bing a look. "Please come with me."

Nian Bing let out a breath. As long as he could go in and deliver the letter, his task was complete. Under the watchful gaze of the cavalrymen, he followed the servant into the Duke"s mansion.

Once he pa.s.sed through the large gates, the first thing he saw was the expansive training ground. Indeed, it was a drilling ground. It occupied about two thousand square meters and there were tens of people there sparring. The drilling ground was decorated with racks of weapons, qi was flying on the field; from their concentrated qi he could tell that they were at least great sword masters in strength. No doubt that this is the number one army in the Proud Orchid Empire! Although their attacks were simple, every movement was filled with an imposing might. Their techniques were most suited for battles.

The duke"s mansion was very large, the many turns was like pa.s.sing through a maze. The servant"s expression was calm, not saying anything to Nian Bing. After entering the third courtyard, the servant brought Nian BIng in front of a door and stopped. To Nian Bing he said, "Please wait a moment." He then turned back to the door and said, "Reporting to Lord Duke, I have brought him."

A low and honest voice spoke, "Let him in."

"Yes," responded the servant. He moved to the side and opened the door, then gestured at Nian Bing.

Nian Bing was not polite and pushed his way in. He hadn"t took one step into the room when he saw Yu Ru Yan next to the desk.

His blood started to boil and Nian Bing"s calm eyes immediately welled up with emotion. He then took several steps over towards Yu Ru Yan, his body trembling.

When she saw Nian Bing walking over to her, Yu Ru Yan couldn"t help but feel some alarm. Coldness flashed in her gaze. She immediately said, "Halt." It had been close to eight years, and she had not changed at all, but Nian Bing had become much older. Eight years ago, he was still just a child. Eight years later, he had become a good-looking young man. On top of the changes to his stature, eight years had pa.s.sed. How would she recognize him.

"Aunt, don"t you recognize me?" Nian Bing put one knee to the ground, respectfully greeting Yu Ru Yuan. His voice was trembling, and tears began to drip off his face. He had never thought that when he came to the duke"s mansion, he would see his beloved Aunt.

Yu Ru Yan and Lan Yu exchanged glances, then she looked back at Nian Bing. His fair face did give her a familiar feeling. She hesitantly asked, "You are?"

"Mother, I once called you mother!" While saying this, he pulled back his lapel, exposing the Heavenly Flower Tile.

A shock ran through Yu Ru Yan"s body. Surprise bloomed across her face and she took a step forward to pull Nian Bing up. Now Nian Bing was over half a head taller than her. She scrutinized the handsome youth and said in surprise, "You are that little fatty from many years ago in the Ice Moon Empire? You, you are…"

"I am Nian Bing! Aunt, you haven"t changed at all; you"re still so beautiful." Nian Bing held Yu Ru Yan"s hand, his voice filled with emotion.

Except for her own husband, another man touching her could have only one outcome: death. But at this moment, with her hand in Nian Bing"s grip, she could only feel affection. There was no feeling of inappropriateness. Nian Bing"s eyes held the feeling of a newborn; that deeply affected her.

A light cough interrupted them. If Duke Lan Yu was said to have some flaw, it would be jealousy. After all, he had such a beautiful wife. Who wouldn"t prevent any men getting close to their wife. Although this young, handsome man wasn"t quite in his wife"s age category, Duke Lan Yu was still jealous. "Ru Yan, aren"t you going to introduce me?"

Nian Bing finally looked to the other person sitting on the side. When Duke Lan Yu stood, he was almost the same height as Nian Bing. From his imposing style, Nian Bing immediately curbed the emotion in his eyes. "You must be Lord Duke Lan Yu. h.e.l.lo, I am Nian Bing."

Yu Ru Yan held Nian Bing"s hand. "Lan Yu, do you remember seven years ago, after I brought Chenchen to see her teacher, I gave the Heavenly Flower Tile to someone on the road? That was Nian Bing! I really did not think that over seven years later, Nian Bing would come back to find us. At that time, he called me Mother. I didn"t think that he would grow up to be such a nice-looking fellow."

Lan Yu said suddenly, "He is that little fatty you spoke of? Nian Bing, since you came to find Ru Yan, why do you have Chen Chen"s token?"

Nian Bing wiped away his tears. "I didn"t know that Auntie was here! A friend entrusted me with a letter for your daughter. You and Auntie Yu are…"

Yu Ru Yan smiled. "Silly boy, he is my husband! The duke"s daughter you want to see is our daughter! Haven"t you seen Chen Chen before back then?"

Nian Bing finally understood. His heart filled with praise of Duke Lan Yu. "So it was like that! Aunt, where is Miss Chenchen? A friend gave me this letter for her." His s.p.a.ce ring sparkled faintly, and the letter Luo Rou had given him appeared.

Yu Ru Yan took the letter and said, shocked, "Nian Bing, you are a mage?"

Nian Bing smiled and nodded. "Yes!"

Yu Ru Yan did not open the letter. "That is great! Our Proud Orchid Empire currently lacks mages. Was that old man from before your teacher? But I didn’t sense any magic power coming from him! Chen Chen is not here; she went to study with her teacher. She hasn"t come back in a year. When she comes back I"ll give it to her."

Nian Bing said, "That man wasn"t my magic teacher. Aunt, this letter is extremely urgent. It involves my friend"s marriage. The earlier it"s decided the better."

Yu Ru Yan frowned. "But this is Chen Chen"s letter. I can"t open it. Who sent the letter?"

Nian Bing said, "The financial minister of Ice Snow City"s daughter, Wise Girl, Luo Rou."

Yu Ru Yan had a flash of understanding. "It"s that girl! I haven"t seen her in so many years. Chen Chen knew Luo Rou the year we met. When we were pa.s.sing through Ice Snow City, we were received Ice Snow City"s hospitality. Chen Chen and Rou Rou became fast friends, almost sisters and exchanged tokens. What"s happening to Rou Rou, do you know?"

Nian Bing nodded. "I heard Luo Rou said, that she…" He relayed everything that Luo Rou had told him.

After hearing Nian Bing"s explanation, Yu Ru Yan smiled. "Since it"s like that, I understand Rou Rou"s intentions."

Duke Lan Yu said, "Right now, our Profound Orchid Empire is in a bad state. Your aunt and me are extremely busy. This Miss Luo Rou is to be married to the Ice moon Empire"s royal family, so there"s not much we can do! Our power has limits after all." He spoke the truth as he already had his hands full with the business of his own empire. How could he have time to care about personal matters?

Nian Bing had long since antic.i.p.ated Duke Lan Yu"s answer, but he didn"t care. After all, he was just the messenger. Although he had a good impression of Luo Rou, she was just an ordinary friend. Furthermore he believed that with Luo Rou"s intelligence, even if she didn"t have Duke Lan Yu"s help, she wouldn"t give up too easily.

At this moment, Yu Ru Yan suddenly smiled. She looked at Lan Yu said, "This letter came at a very good time. The problem you just spoke of can be decided by this letter."

Lan Yu"s heart jump. He was an expert in battle. In terms of military, there weren"t many people who could compare with him in the entire continent. But in terms of wisdom, he admired his wife. "Ru Yan, what do you mean?"

Yu Ru Yan smiled. "Brother Yu, did you forget what I told you about Miss Luo Rou before? When she and our daughter met, she was already famous in Ice Snow City, called wise. Her father"s present position is to some extent because of her achievements. That girl is far smarter than me, particularly in management. Her father is much worse, but has a pretty good understanding of economics."

Having been with his wife so long, Lan Yu immediately understood. "If we secretly bring them to our Proud Orchid, and change their loyalties to us…"

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