Magic Crusade

Chapter 9


"I will make you pay for ruining the ceremony."

"Make me pay you say. You"re going to eat those words kitten."

"Let"s us see that happen. SEA SPLITTER!!!"

She slams the sword against the floor. Then out of nowhere a line of gyzer-like gushes comes out of the ground and heads directloy for Kamezake.

"Ha, child"s play. Burning Star."

He shoots a bullet in the direction of the Sea Splitter. It explodes before touching Lamia"s attack and creates a wall of fire in the shape of a star. Lamia"s attack is completely blocked to where it turned into vapour.

"So...... so... COOL!!!", goes Seito with a face full of glow.

"How did he....?"

"It seems you aren"t as smart as you look either kitten."


"If the fire"s hot enough it"ll turn water into..."

"Vapour.", she says as she bit her lip.

"Correct. My fire"s hot enough to melt gold!", he tells her.

"That strong!", she says in amazement.

"He isn"t joking. Look at the ground.", Belze says to Seito.

Seito looks at the ground where he shot the Burning star and the gra.s.s is still burning and the ground scorched black.

"Really?! Now I want to kick his a.s.s even more."

"You can"t.", goes Belze.

"Huh?? Why not?"

"SHUT UP!!! Think about it, take how Lamia feels in consideration."

"What do you mean?", he asks.

"There were people at the school who is stronger than her but yet...."

"They didn"t even budge.", he says thinking about it.

"Exactly. I think she plans to use this commotion to show the students what is expectede of them and the techers realized and left her be."

"Hmm. Okay, but if she goes down i"m going in."

"Do what you must. I"m surprised enough on the fact that you listened to me."

"He stopped Sea Splitter dead in its tracks. I"ve got to do something.", she says to herself, trying to strategize a plan.

"Well, I guess I"ll stop toying with you now.", he says before he rubs his hand over his mohawk.


He holds up the gun at her again.

"Piercing Beam."


Lamia attacks first out of panic with another Sea Splitter.

Kamezaki shoots a thin, lenghty bullet which was so fast and powerful it was cutting straight through her attack.

"OH no. I wont......"

She closes her eyes out of fear as she tried to block it with her water sword.

*Crackling sounds*

She hears it and opens her eyes and sees Seito infront her blocking the attack while struggling a little.

"I never expected it to be this strong and i-it doesn"t seem like its burning out anytime soon.", Seito says as he struggles with the Piercing Beam.

"I thought you were going to wait."

*Crackling sounds*

"T-This would"ve killed her."

Seito bends his right knee and sends it in the air.

"He turns to Lamia."

"Destroy it, now!"

"R-Right. Water Slash."

The sword glows blue before she swings it in the air. A line of water comes out and heads for the beam where it makes contact and an explosion occurs.

Water starts coming from the sky.

"Y-You"re...... You"re Seito Ken right. How did you find us."

"Umm. I was pa.s.sing by and I couldn"t let a pretty girl like you get hurt, right?"

"H-H-H...... Huh?!?", she says as she blushes.

"Here he comes."

"Isn"t this nice. Two for one. I"m going to enjoy this and I might even be commemorated."

The water slowly stops.

"Get ready."

"Ri.. Right.

"I probably shouldn"t tell her I wasn"t talking to her right?"

"It"s for the best."

"Well here goes. Blazing Sp......"

He stops moving. His eyes becomes pale and he falls to the ground.

"W-What happened??"

A shawdow like being is seen standing over the fallen enemy.

"Is... Is that you headmaster?"

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