Magical Explorer

Chapter 11

I have to upload this one from my laptop. The d.a.m.n thing freeze every 3 minutes. Arghhhhhhh



Hanamura House

When one talk about worry, most people would think about money or relationship.

I also experienced it first hand in my previous life. There are even research on this subject conducted through questionnaires.

This held true even in the game. Especially to an Eroge player. The protagonists would always have to worry about how to better get along with beautiful girls. It is natural considering that they are love simulation games though.

Furthermore, an Eroge is very expensive. It is really harsh to pay ten-thousand yen for a game. It is the price that a normal salaryman couldn"t afford. You have to rely on your guts and make a gentleman"s choice.

After you are done choosing what to buy, next is the [relationship] problem. When you buy the first edition of an Eroge you will get bonus items like posters, clear file set or other store specific bonuses. However, every heroine will not be included in these bonuses. Each product will often feature only one specific heroine.

In others word, you have to choose an item featuring only one heroine when you haven"t even play the actual game yet. Of course there"s a choice to buy everything, but for a salaryman ten-thousand yen just for a heroine bonus item is too expensive so us gentlemen have to choose their favorite heroine before the game officially released.

Even when you can finally play the game you still have to ponder who to capture. You have to compare various beautiful girls and decide who to go after. What a luxurious problem to have.

By the way, although it is not revealed in the game but  Takioto Kousuke seem to have a lot more of these trouble than the protagonist. There"s his backstory, his limiting special const.i.tution and now he has to adjust himself to his new family……



A woman is staring at me without even a slight movement. Hanamura Hatsumi, as Marino-san"s daughter her height and appearance is similar to that of Marino-san but her expression is much harder to read. One could say she is so expressionless that I don"t know what she"s thinking about. I know from the game that she is a silent type character but…..

When I was wondering about what to do, suddenly Hanamura Hatsumi opened her mouth.

"……I heard about your situation."

"Y, Yes."




That"s all !? Can"t you at least  say something more !?

She said nothing more and keep staring at me. Is she upset with me?

There"s no doubt that this is one of the reasons Takioto Kousuke didn"t stay at Hanamura house.

He couldn"t live with Hanamura Hatsumi. Of course, being the daughter of Marino-san the beautiful magician, she is undoubtedly a beautiful person. However, I don"t know what she is thinking, I don"t know how to start a conversation with her, plus she is so gloomy. Looking from the outside Takioto Kousuke seem like a frivolous character so they are opposite to each other. He is already broken inside though.

Well, Takioto Kousuke and Hanamura Hatsumi are like water and oil. Choosing to stay at the dorm might be the only viable option for him.

If I don"t know that this is the world of Magiero I might choose to stay at the dorm too. Of course, I won"t deny the possibility of being taken care of by a pair of beautiful mother and daughter. I am not the game"s Takioto Kousuke but a gentleman who thoroughly experienced the world of Magiero. Thus I will not choose to stay in the dormitory.

I already experienced various kinds of human relationships from my previous life, I worked in a black company after all. I ended up accustomed to those s.h.i.tty b.a.s.t.a.r.d already (I have to check-in at the hospital due to stomach pain though.). Since I already used to deal with difficult relationship there"s no reason for me to leave this place.

"Hatsumi-san, I will be in your care from now on. I am sorry for bothering you all of a sudden but could you lend me a book about magic? One about s.p.a.ce magic if possible?"

This is the house of Hanamura Marino, the Witch of Tsukuyomi and a lecturer from Tsukuyomi academy, Hanamura Hatsumi. It is natural that there are magic books here. This place also has the pair"s magic workshop. Of course, there"s a workshop for enchantment magic as well. There"s also one at the academy but you can only use it for a limited time and I have to consider the dorm"s curfew too.

Certainly it might have some uncomfortable mood but this is the best house (environment) for a magician. Why do I have to leave this place on purpose? I have to use what I can right?

However, I hope that I won"t cause too much trouble for them.

 "……..This way."

Hatsumi-san said that and started walking into the hallway so I immediately follow after her. The place she brought me to is a big library, it is too big for a single household though.

At the center there is a table, a sofa and a number of chairs. On top of the table is a PC-like device and on top of the sofa are blanket and pillow. Around the center are bookshelves that are filled to the brim. Not just thousands but ten thousands of books are being kept here. The scale is even bigger than a small library.

When I casually look around, there seem to be books other than magical one. There are picture books for children, plant encyclopedias, there are also normal literature and light novel. Of course I found books aimed for alchemist and the one with detail on advance magic too.


I was guided to the corner of the library. Among many books that were lined up, there were also things that could only be described as a paper bundle

"Is it okay for me to read everything here?"

I know that her research subject is s.p.a.ce magic and that she will eventually invent the cheat s.p.a.ce-time magic and teach it to the protagonist.

There"s a possibility that the books here are important to her research. If there are some paper with important detail on her research lying around, her research might leak out…Can she easily show it to a stranger like me?

"……..You knew my research?"

"You were researching s.p.a.ce-time magic, the subject of your father"s research, right?"

Hatsumi-san nodded.

Although there was no detailed explanation in the game, it seems like her father was caught in a trap set by a certain researcher and killed. The developer blog on the official site said [We worked hard to come up with her backstory but it was cut due to budget reason lol] so there wasn"t much to learn in the game. Rather, isn"t this game cut too much content?

"There"s no real important thing  here."

I nodded.

"Thank you very much, then please let me read here for a while."

After that she turn her back and walk away.

Normally it might be better to talk with her a little longer to get closer to her but that exciting future is still not possible for me yet. Moreover, it would be hard for her to talk to me too. We seem incompatible after all.

I took multiple books from the shelf and place it on the table. Then while I was reading I am practicing my magic by turning the page with Third and Fourth Hands. I already confirmed it from several days of experiment that the larger the area the more magic power will be needed to control the stole and the longer the length is, the harder for it to make a delicate movement. Since I practiced a lot, I am gradually increasing its dexterity………probably.

When I read a few pages I heard a rustle like something moved behind me. When I turned around, I see Hatsumi-san moving her belongings my way.

"………Don"t mind me."

What did she come here for?

While being conscious of Hatsumi-san I kept reading the book. However, there is no sign that Hatsumi-san will leave anytime soon.

I took my eyes off the book and look at Hatsumi-san, for some reason she has a cup of coffee with her. 

When I met my eyes with her, she get up and approach me.


"Th, Thank you."

Saying that, she gave a small nod and head back to her corner and started working.

……….Why did she start working here? Is it to keep an eye on me?

"Ah, it"s delicious."

It has a unique flavor that is slightly different from ordinary coffee, it has low acidity and rich in bitterness along with a clear aftertaste. Because it is such a strong coffee people who hate bitter coffee will definitely hate it. However, if you prefer coffee with less acidity you will surely be delighted by its finesse.  

I glanced at Hatsumi-san. She seemed to be silently writing something on the paper. I will talk to her about the coffee later.

I proceed to turn the page with my Third Hand again.


I wonder how many hours have pa.s.sed. Hatsumi-san got up and approached me.

"Let"s have a meal."

I take a look at my smartphone and it is already well past noon. A company or school lunch break would already be over by now.

"Did you waited for me?"

"No, because it"s not crowded at this time."

Seem like she planned to eat out. Come to think of it, does Hanamura family hire a housekeeper? The house is smaller than I thought but for three people living, it is very very big. Marino-san always seem like she"s busy so I thought that it wouldn"t be weird if there"s someone to clean up and cook for them.

"I can guide you around the neighborhood on our way back."

When she told me that, I shake my head sideways.

"Ah, It"s okay…….Marino-san already guided me around beforehand."

When I said that, her expression slightly changed, the change was so small that I thought I was making a mistake.

"Okay, let"s go then."

The place she brought me to was a small cafe about five minute away from the house. It is not very large and there are only a few tables and counter for several people.

We sit down on the empty table and look at the menu. I looked at Hatsumi-san and dropped my eyes to the menu again.

"Do you have a recommendation, Hatsumi-san?"

The town I lived in before was nearly the same as j.a.pan. The building, the magazine sold at convenience stores and the food in restaurant are similar. But this town looks like a whole new world to me, the building look unique and dishes written in the menu are unfamiliar. 

"….Everything is delicious. I will go with Bloodhorn Rabbit Karaage if I have to choose one."

You might laugh at me for this but….

Isn"t Bloodhorn Rabbit a monster? I remembered hunting them to raise my level and find some rare drop in the early-game. Seem like monster meat can be eaten here.

"Then I will have that."

We ordered the same thing and silently wait for the dishes to be served.

What should I talk about? I could just sipping some tea and take out a book to read but now that I sit face to face with her, taking out a book now would be rude. Let"s try talking to her about something we have in common.

"Umm, Hatsumi-san graduated from Tsukuyomi academy right? What was it like? Like, what kind of people are there, are all of them elite like the rumor said?"

She averted her eyes.

"……There were a lot of great people…but I had very few friends at the academy."

"Ha, haha ha."

I feel that the atmosphere grew heavier. Certainly, I thought that was very likely to be the case for Hanamura Hatsumi.

"But, if you are looking for academic ability and strength then it is the best environment. I can confidently confirm that much."

"I will do my best."

When we started to be able to talk properly, the food is being served. The atmosphere might turned cold but the food is still warm.

We continue our talk while having a meal, this time I change the topic to the

"Eh, so the higher my performance the more cla.s.s I can choose to attend?

"Yes, First are basic subjects and on basic magic. Which additional you will be able to attend will depend on the subject you have acheived enough mastery in."

I nodded to her answer, seem like it is still pretty much the same as the game. In the game if one raised one own status, more lessons will be available. As multiple have been unlocked, you will be able to learn more magic.

However, even if the cla.s.s I can choose from is the same as the one from the game then it might not be worth much to me right now.  To Takioto Kousuke additional won"t be necessary after all.

"Is that so…..By the way, will the additional focus on attack magic?"

"…………….That"s right. You can learn high ranking attack magics there."

Yup. it"s not necessary to me after all. Specifically speaking, I can use attack magic but the output will be so bad that it would be better not to use it. Well, I don"t really have to care about those It"s all good as long as I can graduate. When the time comes I will just train my other skill or dive into a dungeon instead.

With that said, I am organizing the schedule inside my head. I will train my basic physical and magical strength after I entered the school, after that I will probably train my countermeasure against long range attack. 

Wait… Isn"t that the same as what I am doing right now?

"………..I can teach you."

What is she talking about? I was confused for a moment but I realized that it was about the magic from the additional

"I have to tell Hatsumi-san this first, actually I can not use most magic with my const.i.tution,. So even if you taught me how to use them, I don"t know whether I will be able to use it or not."

When I finished, she said  [I see.] with a sad expression. She even stopped eating and start staring at the food in front of her.

"Rather, I want to consult Hasumi-san about my const.i.tution…..I was hesitating whether it is okay to consult you but……"

Hasumi-san raised her face and made a thumb up.

"Leave it to me."

She is very quiet and I don"t know what she is thinking most of the time but I think she is not a bad person.

This monster meat is surprisingly good though.

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