Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 101

Translator: Riven

Editor: Lord Immortal

"But I don"t know when my birthday is. My grandpa adopted me on December 20th, so I think my birthday is on that day." (s.h.i.+n)

"Well, I see."

"But you have had the good fortune to be adopted by your grandpa!" (Cecily)

Whatever I said, Cecily thought it was my fortune.

However, she was right. By a strange twist of fate, her birthday, which was also on December 20th, was on the same day as mine.

Actually, because I was only 1 year old when I was adopted, my grandpa made that day my birthday. 

"So that"s the decision." (August)

"Decision?" (s.h.i.+n)

"How about holding a grand birthday party with Claude and Mes.h.i.+na this year, s.h.i.+n?" (August)

"That"s a great idea, Your Highness!" (Maria)

"I"m looking forward to your birthday party now, s.h.i.+n." (Cecily)

Maria and Cecily seemed to approve of August"s idea.

Why did they suddenly start talking about celebrating my birthday?

"I told you just now that we are in the war era and large parties are not allowed." (August)

"But my engagement ceremony was held magnificently." (s.h.i.+n)

"Because celebrating your engagement ceremony solemnly can rea.s.sure the public as you are a hero who has subjugated the devils. People still hold engagement and wedding ceremonies, but none of them, except you, announce their engagement in the meeting or hold a party." (s.h.i.+n)

"You"re a liar. Really?" (s.h.i.+n)

I didn"t know that before.

"Yes. s.h.i.+n, your birthday party needs to be held magnificently as it will be held long after your engagement party." (August)

"OK!" (s.h.i.+n)

"Wait a moment. Mark, you said your birthday is around the corner just then?" (s.h.i.+n)

"s.h.i.+n, please don"t say that. I"m content with being a member of the the Ultimate Magicians. My family will celebrate my birthday, so forget my birthday." (Mark)

Mark refused in tears.

Is celebrating our birthdays together so annoying?

"If we celebrate our birthdays together, I won"t have a chance to canoodle with Olivia." (Mark)

"What? Is that the reason?" (s.h.i.+n)

"Oh, no." (Mark)

I now saw why he refused to celebrate our birthdays together.

"You"re obsessed with girls, Mark." (s.h.i.+n)

"No. If the birthday party is held by the Ultimate Magicians, someone influential will come." (Mark)

Someone influential? You mean Uncle Dis and others?

It would be very kind of them to come.

"Where will the birthday party be held? In s.h.i.+n"s house?"

"Won"t that be good? Uncle Dis and others may come to the party. My servants have got used to it."

"OK. We"d better go to s.h.i.+n"s house and start preparing for the party now." (August)

Being very enthusiastic about holding our birthday party, August wanted to act now.

He was so excited as if he had gotten rid of something, which usually couldn"t be seen.

August cared deeply about our failure to remain calm at the end of the war and our misjudgement in the war.

He would never forget those mistakes and he would reflect on the war.

He had tried his best to buck himself up. To avoid looking so dejected, he managed to be happy. 

I understood August, so I looked affectionately at him.

"s.h.i.+n"s looking at August affectionately. Come on, you"ve done that in an unguarded moment." (Elly)

"Elly, please stop saying that." (s.h.i.+n)

What was she talking about?

"Just kidding. I know your feelings." (Elly)

"Stop kidding me. Such gossip will break me down." (s.h.i.+n)

"Well, it"s a pity. I want to make fun of s.h.i.+n again." (Elly)

"Stop imitating August. You support your husband in everything (including brotherhood incest) ?" (s.h.i.+n)

"As your wife, it is one of my must-have qualities." (Elly)

"Well, I can"t do that. It"s beyond my ability." (Cecily)

"Cecily, what are you worrying about?" (s.h.i.+n)

Cecily made fun of August and me too.


Hearing Elly and Cecily"s words, August laughed.

Stop laughing, August. Teach Elly a lesson.

"Great! August is laughing." (Elly)


Elly"s voice was so low that only Cecily and I could hear it.

"August has been pretending to stay calm since returning from the battleground. I know it is hard for him to do that." (Elly)

I see. Even I detected it, so Elly, my childhood sweetheart and fiancée, must have detected it too.

"I feel much more rea.s.sured when I see August laughing." (Elly)

Elly"s expression showed that she was really worried about August. She was glad to see August cheering up.

"It seems that I haven"t laughed for a long time. Elly, you can still make fun of s.h.i.+n in the future." (August)

"No. How could you allow her to do something like that? I"ve heard it for the first time." (s.h.i.+n)

Allow her to make fun of me?

"OK. I understand." (Elly)

"Don"t promise him that, Elly!" (s.h.i.+n)

The couple had gone too far.

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