Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 105

Translator: Riven

Editor: Lord Immortal

"The squad leader of the Magic Division didn"t appraise that magician fairly. On the contrary, he took all the credit for the magician"s accomplishments." (Grandpa)

Wow, such leaders were everywhere.

"At that time, people regarded this old hunter(Merlin) as the most powerful magician. However, the magician, who should have the same strength, was upset that he could not stand out in the organization." (Grandma)

They were both magicians, but they had different destinies. One was called the strongest magician, however, the other failed to stand out in the organization since his credit was taken by his leader and remained unknown for the rest of his life.

The leader had gone too far.


"You know that magician very well." (s.h.i.+n)

Hearing my words, grandma and grandpa"s face took on a ghastly expression.

"That magician…" (Grandma)

"Was someone we"ve known before." (Grandpa)

"Oh?" (Someone)

Someone blurted out in surprise.

I was also surprised by grandma and grandpa"s words.

Because I have hardly heard anything about grandpa and grandma"s past.

"I had stayed with him from secondary school to higher academy of magic. He was a good friend and opponent of mine." (Grandpa)

"I made the acquaintance of them in the higher academy of magic. At that time, they always worked together. Gifted Walford and talented McGreen were two very conspicuous figures in school." (Grandma)

"The age of grandpa and grandma"s higher academy of magic." (s.h.i.+n)

I"m very interested in it.

"McGreen?" (s.h.i.+n)

"Yes, Kyle McGreen. Unlike the man who used magic recklessly, he produced the theory of using magic. I"ve learned a lot from him." (Grandma)

"Hey, what about me?" (Grandpa)

"Your emotional explanation is too hard to understand. It"s really hard for s.h.i.+n to grow up to this point." (Grandma)

Grandpa"s words were easy to understand when he taught me. Thank you, grandpa.

"We seem to be straying from the main theme. After graduating from higher academy of magic, we became hunters, and Kyle joined the Magic Division." (Grandma)

"Because I was still very young, I hated to be fettered by the organization." (Grandpa)

"But Kyle was a serious man. He wanted to work for the country rather than himself." (Grandma)

"As hunters, we were appraised by people around us. It"s a world of power supremacy." (Grandpa)

"But the Magic Division is an organization where magicians won"t be praised even if they have outstanding strength." (Grandma)

How much a demon hunter can earn mainly depends on his/her strength. If he is powerful, he will earn a lot, but if he isn"t, he will lead a hard life.

However, being a member of the Magic Division is like working as a civil servant, you won"t be praised, but your income will be stable.

Which is better, the demon hunter or the magician? It"s really hard to tell.

Kyle knew from the beginning that it was hard to take all the credit for his own accomplishments when he joined the organization. Nevertheless, Kyle chose to join the Magic Division. Unlike individualistic hunters, joining the Magic Division means protecting the nation. (Grandpa)

"However, Kyle"s leader was a cunning man. He took all the credit of his subordinates" accomplishments and put all the blame on his subordinates." (Grandpa)

"That"s terrible." (Maria)

Everyone including Maria was indignant at what Kyle"s leader had done.

"Although the organization is more important than the individual, there are evaluations of individuals within the organization. Kyle"s discontent with his leader developed." (Grandma)

"He used to grumble at his leader all day long." (Grandpa) 

Grandma and grandpa felt nostalgic for the past.

"Kyle couldn"t stand out in the organization, but his friend being inferior to him was spoken highly of by others. Kyle felt increasingly dissatisfied with the widening gap." (Grandma)

"I didn"t know it. Kyle did nothing but grumbled to me at his leader." (Grandpa)

"Every man has a sense of dignity." (Grandma)

As grandpa"s close friend, Kyle had stayed together with grandpa since secondary school. They were equally powerful, but not equally recognized by people.

"Kyle turned into a devil because of this? I don"t think so" (Grandpa)

"I"m afraid that there are some other factors." (s.h.i.+n)

"But until now, we"ve only known this. Maybe the Magic Division thought it was their fault that Kyle devilized, so they tried hard to hide it." (Grandma)

Did he have hatred of other things?

"We don"t know. But it was Kyle who turned into a devil." (Grandpa)

"I"m also confused. One of my close friends turned into the first devil in human history and was full of hatred for the world, and I had to defeat him." (Grandpa)

Although they had been close friends, grandpa subjugated him.

However, grandpa did not use the word “subjugate” at first.

Grandpa must have had an intense inner conflict.

"Kyle was a serious man. He was also a gentleman who cared deeply about his country." (Grandpa)

"However, he turned into a devil aiming at destroying his country. We witnessed it." (Grandma)

"We don"t know clearly why Schtrom devilized, so we shouldn"t be optimistic about the current circ.u.mstances." (Grandpa)

There are a few cases of devilization. The current circ.u.mstances couldn"t rea.s.sure grandpa and grandma, the only people in the world who have ever seen the devil personally.

"So we hope that you won"t relax your vigilance against the devils that have reached their goal." (Grandma) 

"Because we don"t know what will happen." (Grandpa)

"I understand. I"ll convey the seriousness of the circ.u.mstance to my father. He may have known something about it, so it will be easy for him to understand." (August)

After listening to grandpa and grandma, August promised with a grim face that he would tell Uncle Dis not to relax their vigilance against the devils.

Others were also bewildered by what they had heard.

"I always feel that the legends of heroes won"t make me happy anymore." (Maria)

"Me too." (Thor)

"Same here." (Alice)

Maria, Thor, and Alice didn"t expect the legends of heroes they had read so far to have such inside stories. A mixture of emotions spread on their face.

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