Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 112

Translator: Riven

Editor: Lord Immortal

Elly with whom she had been staying recently would hold the wedding with her together.

Other girls watched her the same way.

I understood why Cecily was confused.

It seemed that there were some people who didn"t go to high school married very early, but it was rare.

As an apprentice, whatever profession the person pursued, he would be paid very little at first.

I"ve learned that most people get married around the age of 20.

For Lilia, who is still fifteen or sixteen, it"s too early to get married.

Besides, she"s a student at the College of Economics and Law. She may be a professional woman in the future.

Her red hair was swept back in a ponytail. She looked quite serious with a pair of

However, Tony"s frivolous appearance and hers looked the most incongruous.

"Lilia, judging by your look, you seem to be expecting to start your career." (Cecily)

"Appearance?" (s.h.i.+n)

"She"s imitating Melinda"s dressing style." (Cecily)

"Grandma"s dressing style?" (s.h.i.+n)

What are they talking about?

"Haha! Yes." (Lilia)

Lilia acknowledged it happily.

"Many girls in the College of Economics and Law wear ponytails and, especially those with red hair." (Cecily)

"Yes! Red hair symbolizes good luck!" (Lilia)

"She imitates grandma"s early look?" (s.h.i.+n)

"s.h.i.+n, don"t you know that?" (Cecily)

"No, I don"t know." (s.h.i.+n)

I guess everybody must have known it.

"s.h.i.+n, you didn"t even know Magi Merlin and Guru Melinda had been heroes. They raised you up like the average grandparents." (Cecily)

"I see." (s.h.i.+n)

"Guru Melinda, as a successful woman, has earned the respect of people not only in Earls.h.i.+de, but also in other parts of the world by creating many magic tools to enrich their lives. Girls all want to be a woman like her in the future." (Cecily)

"They are also looking forward to looking like grandma?" (s.h.i.+n)

"Yes. Guru Melinda"s wearing a red ponytail and a pair of when she was especially active was depicted by artists. She looked quite stern that way." (Cecily)

"OK." (s.h.i.+n)

"Haven"t you ever seen that?" (Cecily)

"I probably have seen it once." (s.h.i.+n)

"I saw Guru"s picture in Kurut"s bookstore. But maybe the turmoil made s.h.i.+n forget that." (Cecily)

Correct. Cecily"s words reminded me of grandma"s picture.

Grandma"s picture was decorated and hung from the eaves in the bookstore.

"There are many girls dressing in the same style as the Guru"s. They are both beautiful and lucky. Some girls wear Ida though they have good vision." (Cecily)

"So does Lilia?" (s.h.i.+n)

"I"m short-sighted." (Lilia)

I always thought Lilia was angry at that time.

She seemed to care deeply about her

"I wear red hair and a pair of You said that I"m the successor to Guru Melinda?" (Lilia)

"No. I"m wondering how many red-haired girls with bad vision there are." (s.h.i.+n)

Lilia had too much respect for grandma.

"Successor? Speaking of it, Yuri seems to be called the successor to the Guru." (Alice)

Alice"s words shocked Lilia greatly.

"The successor to the Guru?" (Lilia)

Lilia stared at Yuri like a robot running out of fuel.

Being aware of Lilia"s stare, Yuri answered her question.

After listening to Yuri"s answer, Lilia knelt feebly.

"How come? I am the successor to Guru." (Lilia)

She was totally confused.

Isn"t it reasonable that Yuri was called the successor to grandma?

"Yuri has the ability to make magic tools. Guru Melinda has acknowledged it. At present, the magic tools used to attack the devils in the devil"s territory are made by Yuri. She has proved herself to be the successor to Guru." (Rin)

What Rin said was a terrible blow to Lilia.

"s.h.i.+n, why don"t you create magic tools to attack the devils? As Guru"s grandson, you have many t.i.tles, but you are not regarded as the successor to Guru." (Lilia)

"Why do you put the blame on me?" (s.h.i.+n)

"If s.h.i.+n made the magic tools…" (Lilia)

"But we can"t lend the magic tools used to attack the devils to the ordinary soldiers. This time, however, the man who got the magic tools tried to conquer the world. So that kind of tools can"t be made, let alone lend them to others." (Rin)

"Are magic tools so powerful?" (Lilia)

Rin made an affirmative reply, Thor said it was a stupid question and Eyck was alerted by the new crisis.

Lilia was astonished at their replies.

Everyone knows it well.

"Lilia, s.h.i.+n"s magic tools for attack can destroy the whole world." (Rin)

"Destroy the whole world?" (Lilia)

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