Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 130

Translator: Riven

Proofreader: Lord Immortal

Then we finished breakfast in such an awkward atmosphere and others who stayed over went home. There were just me and Cecily in the room. It went back to usual life.

So the chaos at my home was back to silence. It disappeared like illusions. When grandpa and grandma were back, I and Cecily sat on the sofa in the living room.

It was because grandpa and grandma had something to say.

What would it be?

Maybe was it still too soon?

Cecily and I sat in front of them. I panicked when I thought about these two people who might be angry.

However, it was strange to see how difficult it was.

Grandpa and grandma showed us a mixed face and couldn"t speak to us.

Was…Was it bad?

While I was thinking, they began.

"Actually…there is something I need to tell you, s.h.i.+n. "

"Something need to tell? Is it about a former disciple?"

"Well. It"s kind of like that."

Did something happen before?

Anyway, though I heard things about beating devils before, I hadn"t thought that I could be treated as a hero. I hadn"t heard about that.

Did they want to say that?

I was right. Though I could presume it…

"Isn"t it inconceivable to you? We were actually a couple. But… Why we have no children?"


Actually I thought about it.

However, there were couples in the world who wanted children but couldn"t have them. I knew that.

So Grandpa and Grandma were this kind of couples. I guessed it would be like this.

But it was not right by listening to their tone, was it?

"Yesterday that little girl…Ekatarina said she had a lover, right?"

"Uh huh"

"The lover was….."

This topic turned to…Could it be that?

"Our son…his name was Surein."

Really…it was like this…

However, it was what it was.

“You can understand what Ekaterina said last night, right? Surein is dead. He is no longer in this world.”

“I see…..”

As parents, how painful it was to see their son leave this world before them?

Because I had not been a father in my life so I was not sure.

However, it could be imagined that it was quite painful.

“…it would be very painful…grandpa and grandma.”


"You fool! Don"t, don"t say that!"

Did they remind of something? There were tears in their eyes.

Of course they wouldn"t tell me that.

Because they reminded of painful things.

“Grandpa, grandma. If it is painful, you don"t have to say it.”

“…It is alright. We are family. Everything between families must be known to every member.”

“Though we were told by Ekatarina that we shouldn"t be silent, was it good to hide the facts from s.h.i.+n as a family member?”

I was…a family member…

I was happy with their determination, but I was a bit sad to think that it was a painful story. However, I decided to listen to their story.

“I see. I will listen. Let me listen to it.”

"Grandpa, Grandma. I want to listen too. Let me listen it. "

"Well. It was like this. Surein was born several years ago before we fought devils."

"He was a naughty boy…Much like you, in different ways, we must keep our eyes on you all the time."

When they thought of their past, their eyes became soft.

Was it the memory in happy time…?

“At the time, I was a devil-hunter. I worked with Melinda before I gave birth.”

“When I gave birth to my child, It became Marlene alone to hunt devils…. he often got a mess back.”

“Hey? Was that so?”

“Haha…. he hadn"t been good at delicate magic since then.”

“It was clear that it took money to raise Surein, but he was always violent.”

“Don"t need to talk about it right now. Now we are talking about Surein.”

“Oh, you are right.”

Although I really cared about grandpa"s past, we were talking about Surein right now.

“Well, because it cost money to raise Surein. I also developed magic props alone to make a living.”

"Making props to help civilians…She earned much more money than me…"

"Because she had always lived with me. Though she could use magic, but it was hard to deny that she wanted to be a magic props artisan."

"Hey. It was a little unexpected."

And for me, I was treated as a magician.

"Then devils riots happened one day."

"We fought against the devils and then we were flattered as heroes by people everywhere we went. We were tired of it that we decided to leave that capital when Surein was an adult."

"Diseum came along on that journey."

That meant the group was completed after Surein joined in.

"On the journey, we picked up Ekatarina. She was already a psychic back then. They were at the same age and seemed like they were into each other. So it didn"t take them a lot of time to be lovers."

They might be fifteen or sixteen years old. Just like me and Cecily.

Cecily might had thought about the same thing and held my hand tightly.

She wasn"t acting cutesy. She was shaking.

Because we could tell there was a terrible thing after it. It was a feeling.

"We saved Aaron who was on business on the journey so he came along with us…The journey was smooth until the fourth year."

They had been lovers for four years.

Did they get married?

This question was solved after I heard what grandma said.

"When Surein turned twenty, they were supposed to get married."

Twenty? Indeed, I heard people choose to marry at that age. So did they wait for that time?

"And… Before his birthday, we got an unexpected report."

"An unexpected report?"

"Um…The dragon turned into a magic monster."


"Sonna!? How could it happen!?"

Hey? The dragon was Dragon?

That monster in imagination was unreal, right?

"That dragon was real?"

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