Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 22

Confrontation with the Real Culprit

After the Research Society’s first meeting ended, everyone returned to their respective houses. Some returned by walking, some rode carriages, and some, due to the Royal Capital’s vastness, returned to the dormitory prepared by the academy.

Since none of the students from S Cla.s.s resided in a dormitory, we all left together.

“Speaking of which, Mark, is it okay to go to your house now?”

“Eh? My house, Sir?”

“Nn. It’s regarding the new weapon I was talking about earlier. I want to determine what can and can’t be made.”

“Ah, sure. Are we heading there straight away, Sir?”

“Oh right, Sicily, Maria, is it alright if we stop by Mark’s house?”

“It’s alright.”

“I’m also fine with it. I also want to look at Mark’s store.”

“Could I also tag along?”

Strangely enough, Tony requested to come with us.

“As I suspected, even now, you’re still interested in Bean’s Workshop?”

“That’s right. Although I don’t wield a sword, I still find it exciting to look at them.”

“I thought you didn’t want to become a Knight?”

“Although I find attending the Knight Military Training Academy unpleasant, it doesn’t mean I think being a Knight or a Swordsman unpleasant.”

“That is… Ah, it’s because of the ratio of men and women…”

“Because to me, that place is h.e.l.l.”

Since he was admitted to the academy, Tony has been constantly seen together with girls, so I guess an environment with less girls is torture for him. I thought it was unusual for him not to go home together with girls, so I guess it was because he’s interested in Bean’s Workshop.

“Then I shall go as well.”

“Your Highness!”

“Since I have two reliable escorts and s.h.i.+n together with me, there’ll be no danger.”

“That’s not the problem…”

“Also, Father goes to s.h.i.+n’s house quite often.”

“His Majesty…”

Gus decided to come along with us while raising some stinking flags.

“It suddenly became quite a number of people.”

“Isn’t it fine. It’s more fun when everyone wanders around the city together.”

“It is as you say, it’s fun.”

Mark, Olivia, Sicily, Maria, Tony, Gus, Thor, Julius, and I, a total of nine people headed towards Mark’s house.

The group was divided into male team, female team, and Gus’ team. The female team started walking while chatting happily. It looks like they’re having fun.

“And so, Walford-kun, what kind of sword are you thinking of getting?”

“Oh right, it’s important that the blade is thin but doesn’t break easily. Although I want to get it made immediately, I still have to prepare the money for it…”

“As the Magi’s grandson, there no need for you to worry about money, is there?”

“I do receive pocket money. However, since I don’t earn it by myself, I can’t spend too much.”

“Heeeh, you’re surprisingly sensible.”

“Surprisingly, you say…”

I wonder how everyone sees me.

“But since s.h.i.+n is very strong, he could hunt demons as a part-time job.”

“Hunting demons part-time?”

“Eh, did you not know about it? The Demon Hunter a.s.sociation does not employ people permanently. As long as they have records of subduing demons, anyone can get remuneration.”

“Is that how it is…”

“It just shows how ignorant you are of the world. Everyone knows of it, as it’s only natural.”

Although I’ve heard people can receive money for subjugating demons, I thought it wasn’t possible if one is not properly registered. So it was just as simple as that.

Mark, who was thinking this whole time, proposed something.

“Walford-kun, if that’s the case, how about designing an all-in-one thin blade mold, so that large quant.i.ties can be reproduced? Since the hilt does need to be processed separately, the cost will also be reduced thanks to the mold.”

“Ah, I was also thinking about that, however, the vibration feature will be integrated on the hilt…”

“Ah, I see. We also need to think about the sword being able to handle the vibration.”

“Yeah, we haven’t considered that.”

What should I do? While I was consulting with Mark, Tony suddenly made a suggestion.

“Then, wouldn’t it be better if you are able to easily replace the blade?”

” “That’s it!!” ”

Because we said it in such a loud voice, everyone looked towards us.

“What happened?”

“Ah, while we were coming up with an idea for the new weapon, Tony suddenly came up with an idea.”

“A new weapon…”

“Right, a thin blade that doesn’t break easily. In short, if the blade can be replaced easily, we can cut down on the overall cost.”

“Now, the only thing that’s left is how to replace it.”

“If possible, I’d like it so that with just one-touch, the blade can be changed…”

“However, if we do something like that, the cost will increase in order to develop it.”

“Normally, when the blade is connected to the hilt, it’s affixed in a way so that it doesn’t come off easily. In addition, weapons are usually made with the a.s.sumption that it will shake to begin with, so isn’t it fine if it’s made it a little looser so it comes off easily?”

” “That’s it!!” ”

Oh man, Tony decided to come with us today really helped me out. With this, the prospect of a new Vibration Sword has been realized. I’m looking forward to the development.

“…Well, with this, there’s no particular problem.”

Gus said so. Before I was aware of it, Gus had become someone like my watchdog.

“Let’s hurry to the workshop! I can’t stop myself from wanting to try out this new idea!”

“Yeah, I agree.”

“Hey, s.h.i.+n. While you and the others are in the workshop, is it okay if we go to Olivia’s place?”

“We want to talk to Olivia-san more.”

“Ugh… Please be gentle with me…”

Sicily and Maria probably asked her various questions, Olivia looked exhausted.

“It’s fine. I was thinking it’d probably a bad idea for you guys to come to the workshop with us because you’d likely find it boring.”

The male team and Gus team headed for the workshop, the female team headed for Olivia’s store. While we were rus.h.i.+ng to our destinations. On the way there, we pa.s.sed by a huge premises.

“What’s in that building?”

“Ah, that’s the Security Office station over there. And behind that building is their practice ground.”

“Heeeh, is that so…”


The wall of the practice ground suddenly exploded.


Followed by the sound of women screaming.

“Wh-what is it!!?”

” “Your Highness!” ”

The two escorts stepped in front of Gus to protect him.

“What happened? Was there an accident in the practice ground?”

“No, the walls of the practice ground should have a Magic Barrier, just like the academy…”

“However, for it to break because of a magic attack means…”

I got a feeling that it might be dangerous. And suddenly, a huge amount of magic power drifted out of the practice ground.

“This is bad! Everyone, get away from this building!!”

After I warned everyone to move away, the wall behind me exploded.

“UWAAA! What the h.e.l.l! Is this!”

Because the magic power coming from inside seemed really dangerous, I was a good thing I cast a magic barrier. Although I cried out involuntarily, there was no damage.

As for what had happened, when I looked inside the middle of the broken wall, there was a Knight, a Soldier, and a Magician, and many archers surrounding them.

“Ohh!? What the h.e.l.l is with all this commotion!?”

There was an indescribably heavy atmosphere. There was too much excessive force, to surround just one person. So, who was the person who has such huge magic power? While I was thinking to myself, I looked at the guy who was surrounded.

“Eye-patch covering both eyes…”

If I’m not mistaken, that guy has the same features as teacher Gus and the others had described.

“Gus, that person is…”

“Yeah, there’s no doubt about it. He’s the suspicious teacher from middle school I was telling you about, Oliver Schtrom.”

“Oh? Well, well, if it isn’t Prince Augusto and s.h.i.+n Walford-kun.”

He knows of me? My name aside, there’s shouldn’t be a lot of people who knows how I look like. In the first place, shouldn’t he be unable to see with those eyes?

“Please run away, Prince Augusto! That guy is the real culprit of the devil disturbance!!”

The real culprit of the devil disturbance? Then that means…

“You’re the one who manipulated Cart?”

“That’s right. Well you see, it was interesting to watch him perform for me.”

“Is that so…”

He has a disgusting habit, this guy.

“Ohya~ You also cannot forgive me?”

“Yeah, I can’t forgive you. How many people do you think have suffered at your hands.”

While I said so, I increased my magic power.

“Because I’ve already finished my experiment here, I would like to be excused and leave this place.”

“But if I let you leave, it looks like you’ll be more of an annoyance. That’s why just surrender quietly!”

Then, I took out the Vibration Sword, and shot Flame Arrows.

“Whoopsie, this looks like it’s going to get ugly.”

And so, he constructed a magic barrier.


The Flame Arrow hit the magic barrier. However, the barrier didn’t look like it was destroyed.

“That was dangerous… If the barrier was just even a little thinner, it would been destroyed.”

As he said so, he looked towards me.


There’s no way he could have stayed in the same spot!

With the amount of magic power he has, I expected Schtrom to prevent the attack, and I circled around his back and launched an attack.

I swung the Vibration Sword.


Whether he was aware of the magic power, or if it was just his intuition, he escaped from the Vibration Sword’s path.

“That was dangerous. That sword, is a magic tool, right?”

“Who knows.”

I decided not to answer Schtrom’s question, and continued to charge at him.

“As I thought, you’re very dangerous.”

And so, he cast magic without any chant. I jumped to the side and avoided his attack, and even though it caused an explosion behind me, I ignore it and attacked with Vibration Sword again.

“Whoops! As I thought, that sword is troublesome.”

This time, he avoided the Vibration Sword by jumping backwards.

“You’re a Magician, right? You should have more trouble defending against physical attacks!”

With that, I kicked the ground and charged. At the same time, an Earth Lance flew out from the ground, thrusting towards Schtrom.

“Whoopsie, this is really amazing.”

He said so while soaring high into the sky.

“You’re defenseless if you’re up there!”

While Schtrom was still in the air, I shot a wide flame at him. With this, even if he were to twist his body, he shouldn’t be able to avoid it.


Sure enough, Schtrom was surprised. He panicked and constructed a magic barrier in a hurry. With this, he should take some damage.

Flames then surrounded Schtrom. Although I expected him to fall, that it didn’t happen.

“However, I think it’s foul play to be floating in the sky.”

Schtrom has been floating in the air. Floating magic? Such a thing shouldn’t have worked. However, Schtrom was actually floating in mid-air. This is outrageous.

“Fuu, I really was being impatient just now. My robe has been scorched.”

“But there’s no damage to your body.”

“No, no, if you look closely, have received some damage? As expected of the grandson of the Hero, you are indeed the person who subdued the devil.”

“Why… thank you very much!”

I activated the Jet Boots I remodeled after reflecting on the past battle, and jumped towards Schtrom.

“What in the world!?”


Once again, I swung the Vibration Sword. This time, the tip of the sword grazed Schtrom’s face. Dammit, it just grazed him!


Although I thought his injury was small, he reacted exaggeratedly.

“ORAaaa! One more time!”

With the opportunity, this time, I created a Wind Blade.

The attack from the Wind Blade hit Schtrom. The attacks from the Wind Blade made cuts in Schtrom’s body one after another, and it also damaged his robe and his eye-patch.



He suddenly released magic power. And I, who was hovering in the air, lost my balance because of the pressure. I activated Jet Boots at once, fixed my posture, and landed on the ground.

While I was watching the still airborne Schtrom who was releasing magic, he looked at where I was.

I guess his eye-patch was damaged by the Vibration Sword and the Wind Blade. Because the eyepatch flew away while he was releasing his magic power. There was not a single scratch on his eyes. However, therein laid…

“Red… Eyes…?”

Seeing Schtrom with standing there with red eyes, my eyes widened. The magic power he has released is abominable, it was obviously the characteristics of a devil.

“Now you’ve finally done it, Walford-kun. If possible, I wanted to leave this place while keeping my ident.i.ty hidden.”

“There’s no way, right…? A devil who is able to maintain his rationality?”

Everyone around were also all shocked. It was only natural, there’s no way a devil would have rationality. It was something everyone knew of. Nevertheless, the damage it dealt was unimaginable. Then, I wondered what would happen if a devil were to maintain its rationality….

“Since it still has its rationality intact, it doesn’t seem like it’ll randomly go berserk.”

“Hehe, if I was to randomly use this magic power, wouldn’t I be subjugated immediately? I wouldn’t do such a stupid thing. Nevertheless, I knew that a punitive force would immediately arrive to subjugate a devil. That’s why I wanted to hide my true ident.i.ty.”

“Then, does that mean you don’t particularly want to harm humans?”

“Fufufu, AhahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”

When Schtrom heard my words, he began to laugh hysterically.

“Exactly what are you expecting? Pal! Human beings are an existence I could care less about!!”

“What did you say…!”

“After I received this body, human beings became nothing but trifling existence! I’ll use them all I want! Trick them endlessly! Kill them all I want! I’ll do anything until they no longer exist!!”

He’s gone insane. This guy is a devil through and through. He has become an existence that is an enemy to all mankind. Not good. It won’t be good unless he is stopped right now!


I raised a cry and jumped.

“That attack again?”

Schtrom tried to counter with magic, but I activated my jet boots, did a sudden stop. Then, I went behind him and and distance myself from Schtrom.


Although Schtrom dodge my attack, he had a dubious expression on his face, but I already finished casting my magic.


“What did you say!?”

The rays of sunlight converged at the spot right above Schtrom, and shot down towards him. Schtrom, who a.s.sumed the magic I had just fired was nothing but heat magic, received the attack directly.


Schtrom screamed the moment the attack hit him. Did it work this time?

Then, Schtrom once again appeared with burn marks all over his body.

“Why you… How dare you. How dare you do this to me…”

“Tch! That also didn’t work.”

“No, no… It was actually quite effective, you know? Once I have completed my purpose, the next thing I’ll do is kill you!”

After he said so, he suddenly released an explosion magic. Schtrom’s body was then concealed in the explosion, and everyone lost sight of Schtrom for a moment.

“Now then, Walford-kun, Orth-san, and everyone else. I should really be leaving now, so please excuse me.”

I heard Schtrom’s voice coming from above. When I looked up, I saw him still standing mid-air while healing his body.

“You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Come down here!”

A Knight uncle started shouting at him. However, Schtrom just disregarded his words.

“There’s no one idiotic enough to purposely let people catch him. Now then, everyone, let us meet again.”

After he said that, he increased his alt.i.tude even more.


Although I immediately activated Jet Boots while jumping up, I was too slow. Schtrom used this opportunity to increase his speed and left the place.

After adjusting Jet Boots in mid-air, I landed on the ground.

“G.o.ddammit! He escaped!”

“All personnel! Immediately give chase! At the same time, increase the security around the Royal Capital! Security Office, Military Personnels, you all must be vigilant and cooperate with each other! However, absolutely do not act alone! And do not forget that the opponent is a devil!!”

“Yes, Sir!!” [Said by everyone]

The Knight uncle from earlier gave instructions to everyone. Afterwards, the uncle came towards me while looking adverse with and fell on one knee. Eh? Why?

” “It’s been a while since we’ve last met, Prince Augusto.” ”

Before I knew it, Gus was standing by my side. At the same time, the others were also there. Wait a minute…

“You didn’t escape again?”

“s.h.i.+n-kun! Are you hurt anywhere!?”

“I’m okay, it’s okay already!”

While Sicily was patting my body to look for injuries again, my eyes met with Gus’.

“Ah… because I knew of him as an intellectual human… but I never would have thought he was actually a devil. When I found out that he was a devil… I was so surprised that I didn’t even have any thoughts of running away.”

“Even so, it was very dangerous. In the first place, what are you doing in a place like this?”

“What do you mean, I was just walking around the city with friends from the academy before heading home, you know?”

“Please think of your position.”

“Thor, Julius, in addition to s.h.i.+n are with me. It should be fine, right?”

“That’s not the problem here…”

“Don’t be so inflexible, Dominic. It is as the Prince said. He has two escorts with him. Also, didn’t you see what happened earlier? He did after all repel the devil earlier.”

An uncle wearing a robe said to the Knight uncle.

“Rather than repelling it, I let it escape…”

“Please don’t say something like that! If you were not here during that ordeal, we might have been completely wiped out. Thank you very much, s.h.i.+n Walford-kun.”

“Ah, I haven’t expressed my grat.i.tude. Thank you, Walford-kun.”

The two people lowered their head.

“No, no. Because he is the cause for all the trouble, I wanted to personally take care of him, so please don’t mind it.”

“Even so. It’s still a fact that we had been saved.”

“That’s exactly right. So thank you.”

“Even so, your strength is indeed amazing just like it was said in the rumors. As expected of Merlin-sama’s grandson.”

“You also have an amazing swordsmans.h.i.+p skill. It was exactly as I’ve heard from Michel-sama.”

“Are you acquainted with Michel-san?”

“Ah, sorry for my late introduction, my name is Dominic Gastolle. I’m the Knight Order General, Michel-sama’s successor. I’ve heard a lot of things about you from Michel-sama. He said there was an interesting boy who has amazing talent for magic and martial arts. He said he’s looking forward to the future.”

“So that’s how it is.”

Who he’s the person who succeeded Michel-san. Even so, what a rumor to spread around, Michel-san…

“I’m Rupper Holgran, the leader of the Magic Division.”

The evil looking father was actually the head of the Magic Division. Apart from Sieg-niichan, is everyone from the Magic Division like this?

“I also heard a lot from Siegfried. About a child who uses magic that defies all common sense. What was that last attack? A lot of heat had suddenly gathered and fell from the sky. Take a look at that.”

When he said that, everyone looked up at where it fell from.

“Look, even the ground had been vitrified due to the excessive heat. I wonder how high the temperature was.”

When they all saw it, everyone fell silent.

“That thing, what did you do? Walford-kun.”

“What, you ask, I just gathered the sunlight’s heat rays and fired it.”

“The sunlight? Why does it have that much power?”

Ah, they also don’t know about it.

“There’s more than just one kind of heat ray that comes from the sunlight, I also imagined different kinds of heat ray from various kinds of sunlight, and converged them.”

“…I’m sorry, I wasn’t able to understand it very well.”

“Don’t worry about it Holgran, there’s isn’t a single person here who can understand it. I also heard that there’s some magic that even the Magi-dono couldn’t understand himself. Because the things in this person’s head are strange.”

“Isn’t that a little too cruel!?”

“Haaa, if the Prince says so, then I’ll try not to worry about it. However…”

“Even with this magic, you still weren’t able to finish him…”

The pair of top bra.s.s from the Knight Order and the Magic Division fell silent.

“Come to think of it, he said something about having an objective.”

“You’re right, exactly what he is plotting!”

“Since it turned out like this, we all need to be on our guards. We need to be vigilant and keep our eyes wide open, so that we don’t be caught unaware.”

Because of this, I regret having let Schtrom escaped. But if because I was afraid it might damage the surroundings, I couldn’t use stronger magic. After I used that magic, I noticed that if the attack were to suddenly fall from the sky, and if it was not used carefully, it would most definitely cause a lot of damage. Nevertheless, I needed to use a more powerful attack to damage him…

“Ah! Really! I should have just used a stronger magic to attack him!”

“Stronger magic, you say…”

“You’re saying that wasn’t your full strength…!”

Since it had already happened, it can’t be helped. However, the next time I meet Schtrom, I’ll definitely kill him!

That’s what I had decided in my heart.

“By the way, since this had happened, this is not the time to be carrying out a bestowal ceremony!”

I said to Gus.

“These tidings cannot be announced. The people will not accept it if the ceremony is not carried out as planned.”

Another gag order, huh…

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