Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 33

It unexpectedly became a big problem

“Alright, with this, today’s training has ended. Let’s go back to the Royal Capital. Good work, everyone.”

After witnessing the trio’s magic power, Sieg-niichan somehow managed to gather himself together and announced the end of today’s training.

Although I backed them up a little, everyone almost had enough strength to subjugate a large-sized demon on their own, however…

The male team of the Knight Academy students; Kreis and the others had gotten depressed while Miranda was shocked at what had been revealed. And because of this atmosphere, I think the Knight Academy students didn’t believe they would be able to take down a large-sized demon.

On the other hand, the three students from the Magic Academy were delighted that their magic power has increased more than they had expected. Nevertheless, because the students from the Knight Academy were disheartened, they kept their mouths shut.

As a result, a strange atmosphere filled the surroundings.

Chris-neechan, who could no longer withstand the tension, reprimanded Kreis and the others.

“You people need to put a sock into it already. Even though you’re just students, you have already taken down a large-sized demon. So instead of being dispirited, you should reflect on the previous battle and correct what you think you should have done better. Aren’t there a lot of things you still need to improve on? Or rather, if you do not reflect on those things, there’s no meaning to this training.”

Maybe because of the fact that Kreis and the others are considered Chris-neechan’s undercla.s.smen, she spoke to them harshly. Maybe there’s no need to be partial to one’s alma mater. Or rather, she can understand how Kreis and the others are feeling.

…I wonder if this also has something to do with the darkness of her past?

“…It is as you say. There’s a lot of things we need to reflect upon and improve.”

Oh, as expected of the top students from the Knight Academy, did they switch gears?

“During the previous battle, the preemptive magic attack was very effective.”

“That’s right. And the demonized bear received considerable damage from it.”

“I’ve heard that demons can use Body Strengthening Magic, but because of the magic attack, I didn’t see any signs of it.”

“Or rather, the problems lie… with us…”

As expected of the top students from the Knight Military Training Academy. They immediately began reflecting on the previous battle.

“As I thought, we shouldn’t have rushed towards victory.”

“You’re right. Since you guys are the top students from the Knight Academy, there’s no problem when it comes to battle. However, no matter who it may be, the battle is not decided until the very last moment.”

“Understood. I have definitely realized it. I nearly lost my life…”

In this late hour, Kreis looked like he recalled what almost happened and s.h.i.+vered.

“As for me, I thought Kreis would definitely be killed.”

“Me, too.”

“That’s what I thought, too.”

“And then you guys probably diverted your eyes, right? Although I understand how you feel, but no matter the situation, you must never take your eyes off demons.”

” ” ” “…Yes.” ” ” ”

“Nevertheless, the magic Walford-kun used to save Kreis was awesome.”

“Ahh, can magic spells really be shot with such precision?”

“No, I don’t know a single person who is capable of pinpoint magic accuracy. The majority of the Magicians aim at larger targets. I didn’t think it was possible for a guy who’s right next to me to be able to do so, but to be able to manage it that well…”

“You’re right, I have never seen it done before either.”

“s.h.i.+n. You, how wide of a distance can you shoot magic with such pinpoint accuracy?”

Sieg-niichan turned to me and asked a question.

“Since you asked… didn’t you once visit the vast plain where I practiced magic?”

“Yeah… That place with the strange topography…”

“Yeah, that place… That’s right, when I was practicing there, I could pinpoint magic from about 500 meters away?”

“500 meters!?”

“Yeah, while using visual strengthening magic. Any further than that, it’s impossible for me to pinpoint.”

I didn’t think it was that much of a big deal because in the other world, people are able to shoot with precision at a greater distance… But they’re making a ‘you’re impossible’ face again.

“What you’re trying to say is that that distance is a no-brainer…”

“Yeah, because I was seeing it as though it was right in front of my eyes. And then I placed my ‘hand’ on where I want the shot to be fired…”

“Hand, you say… You were really able to pinpoint your shot…”

“The left arm as well, I aimed at the spot where its power was at its weakest…”

“…Alright! We shall continue to regard s.h.i.+n as someone abnormal!”

Sieg-niichan summarized everything with a brief sentence.

What the h.e.l.l is that!?

While I was about to voice my complaints to Sieg-niichan, I heard voices coming from the Magic Academy students, Gus and the rest.

“So you mean there wasn’t any problem with us?”

“The spells Your Highness and the others pulled out were wonderful. To be honest, because the power of the spell was so great, it stopped moving.”

“It is as you say, the power was so great… I wonder if this can still be considered training…”

“Even I was momentarily late in following instructions. But then again, what in the world is that? Is the current standard of the students in the Magic Academy that high?”

“…To be honest, they are about equal to the members of the Magic Division… Or rather, they give an impression that they have already surpa.s.sed them. s.h.i.+n, you, what did you do?”

Eh? It was concluded that it was my doing? But it was indeed my doing!

“What, you say… It’s because I belong to the same Research Society with these three people. I only taught them the same method grandpa taught me to practice magic?”

Nn. I didn’t lie about it. I only taught them how to imagine magic spells differently.

“Exactly how many people are part of that same Research Society?”

“Everyone from the freshmen S Cla.s.s and two people from A Cla.s.s, so twelve people.”

“So what you’re saying is, in three groups… the students from the Knight Academy will become very depressed…”

“Yeah… we’ll probably have to check up on them later.”

“Hmm, what’s this? We have been grouped together with s.h.i.+n?”

“That kind of reaction is a little…”

“It is quite the unexpected…”

What do you mean ‘grouped with me!’ And why are you guys puzzled over this? Sicily as well!

“Anyway, let us hurry towards the gate of the Royal Capital. Since our group went deeper into the forest than any other group, we’ll probably be the last to return.”

Sieg-niichan let the comment about being grouped together with me through and conveyed that we need to hurry up and return.

…Has being grouped together with me become a derogatory term?

While I was walking depressedly and stricken with shock, Sieg-niichan asked me a question.

“Hey, s.h.i.+n.”

“What is it, Sieg-niichan?”

“What kind of Research Society did you guys join? Research on attack spells?”

“No, because of what Gus and Sensei recommended, and what my cla.s.smates concurred with, I started my own Research Society.”

“You made you own… Then? What kind of Research Society is it?”

“Even if you ask me what it is… It’s a group where everyone will master magic together… That kind of Research Society.”

“It really has no distinction whatsoever!”

I think so as well.

“So as of now, they are using the practice method taught to us by grandpa, and I am teaching them the way I imagine magic spells.”

“The way s.h.i.+n imagines magic spells! That’s it!”

“What is?”

“Nothing really. Even if they use the practice method taught by Merlin-sama… the capabilities they displayed is nothing a first year can accomplish. Since s.h.i.+n is teaching them the way you imagine magic spells, doesn’t that mean you’re teaching them your magic spells as well?”

“Nn~? I wonder if it is like that? I mean, a person’s imagination differs from one person to another. However, when they cast the spell, it would closely resemble my own…”

“That might be how it is. Nevertheless, it is also a fact that the abilities of the Prince and the others have improved.”

“Well, I don’t know the abilities of any other Magicians…”

“…Well, in the first place, even before you were admitted to the Academy, you were already taught how to use magic by both Merlin-sama and Melinda-sama… In addition, the reason you enrolled was to make friends and learn common sense, so it’s natural for you not to know the abilities of any other Magicians.”

“Ah, I know the abilities of the students in the academy. That’s why, even if it’s just the people part of the Research Society, I want their abilities to increase. It’s this kind of situation.”

If Schtrom did not appear, it would have been satisfactory for everyone to increase their abilities at their own pace, and they would not have reached this level.

“Hey… I want to ask something of you…”

“What is it?”

“That… The practice method the Research Society is doing… Is it okay if you teach me as well?”

“Nn, it’s fi—…”

“Hold up a bit before you answer, s.h.i.+n.”

When I was about to answer that it was all right, Gus cut me off and asked me to wait.


“Siegfried, I’m guessing that you are part of the military forces.”

“Yeah, well.”

“About Merlin-dono’s practice method, it’s fine if you learn it since it seemed to be have been the mainstream in the past. As for the part about learning what s.h.i.+n teaches students as part of the Research Society; his way of imagining magic spells… the worst case scenario would come about if it were taken for military usage.”

“Th-that is…”

“Merlin-dono lamented the decrease in magic power of current Magicians compared to the past. And as Melinda-dono had said, not everyone should be capable of using the same magic as s.h.i.+n… With that said, there’s a high possibility that the neighboring countries might remark upon it.”

“Yo-you’re saying it might become a diplomatic dispute?”

Diplomatic dispute!? The magic spells that I’m teaching?

“Even right now, it’s considered as borderline because s.h.i.+n ‘voluntarily’ taught ‘the friends he made in the academy for their own safety,’ in which Merlin-dono and Melinda-dono has accepted s.h.i.+n’s intention.”


“If a person from the military forces learns it, there will be other people from our country who would want to learn it as well.”


“Because of the current circ.u.mstances, it might also be good to learn it…”

I held my breath while Sieg-niichan gasped.

“Do you think Merlin-dono and Melinda-dono will agree to something like that? To use their grandson for military purposes?”

“That is…”

“To be honest, s.h.i.+n’s magic is dangerous. I had no intention of letting his magic be known to the public, nor am I going to teach anyone about it. This is something that should not be spread about. Because if it becomes known…”

“If it becomes known?”

“Not just devils, there’s a possibility that human beings will also face extinction.”

“That sort of a ma.s.sive problem!?”

“Haaa… As I thought, you didn’t notice it at all…”

Eh? Eh? Then you mean what I’m doing now is…

“…So you mean what I’m doing right now will cause a big problem…?”

“Nn… But I cannot guarantee that that is exactly what’s going to happen…”

“What do you mean?”

“To be honest, we are currently facing an unprecedented emergency. A ma.s.s appearance of devils.”

“Well, yeah.”

“We have no knowledge on what Schtrom is planning, but if they decide to go on the offensive, s.h.i.+n’s magic will be effective. As for the problem… It will come afterwards.”

“When the other countries tries to obtain that power… for their own…”

“That’s why I said that it shouldn’t be widely known. Fortunately, it has been limited to the people part of the Research Society, so it can still be somewhat contained. I also warned Bean and Stone. Do not teach any of your cla.s.smates of what you learn during the Research Society meeting.”

For you to actually give that kind of warning…

“I don’t really care about concealing the information or monopolizing it. As for me, I don’t have any intention of spreading or abusing s.h.i.+n’s magic. s.h.i.+n, you’ve said it before, right? The way humans use magic depends on their morals.”

“Ye-yeah, I did say that.”

“This amount of people is enough. Any more than this, unexpected situations might happen. I’ll bet my body and soul and show you that I’ll be able to control the situation. Therefore s.h.i.+n, you should prevent your magic from becoming well-known.”

“Ye-yeah… I understand…”

The situation has become more serious that I originally thought… I never thought that it might become a diplomatic problem.

“However, you said that it was fine to teach Merlin-dono’s practice method? I believe you said that it used to be the mainstream in the past.”

“That’s right… Since you’ve asked up until this point…”

“Well? What exactly is Merlin-sama’s practice method like?”

“It is actually quite frighteningly simple. Siegfried, do you think you can do it?”

“Wh-what are you saying? I’ll will definitely try it out!”

“Then, I will teach you, the practice method is…”

“Practice method is?”

“It’s to practice your magic control.”


“Day after day, continue to practice your magic control and increase it little by little. That’s all there is to it.”

“Eh? No, are you telling the truth?”

“Why are you doubting me for? Claude! Mes.h.i.+na! Please come here!”


“What is it?”

In order for our conversation not to be heard, we were walking far in the front when Sicily and Maria were called.

“What happened, Your Highness?”

“Nothing really. Over here, we have an elite-sama of the Magic Division, also serving as one of Father’s bodyguards, who doesn’t know of the importance of magic control. I was thinking of telling him about it.”

Not long ago, you also didn’t know the importance of it!

“Ah… Certainly just hearing about it, one won’t immediately realize it.”

“What do you think should I do?”

“That’s right. For starters, how about doing what s.h.i.+n did, create a Magic Barrier. First, Siegfried, please try doing it.”

“I understand…”

Reluctantly, Sieg-niichan deployed a Magic Barrier

…As I thought, it’s really thin…

“Well then, the three of us will now deploy one.”


“I understand.”

And so, the three people cast their Magic Barriers.

“Thi-this is!”

“What happened, Sieg?”

Because we all stopped walking, and when Chris-neechan saw us and heard a voice, she called out.

“In one way or another… What’s this? What’s with this thick Magic Barrier!?”

“Actually, before we were taught by s.h.i.+n and Merlin-dono, we didn’t know about it. But when a Magician practices their magic control, it increases their magic power.”

“To be honest, compared to s.h.i.+n’s Magic Barrier, ours is still incomparably thin…”

“Even this is still thin, you say…”

“s.h.i.+n-kun’s Magic Barrier is more amazing.”

Sieg-niichan looked my way and exhaled a defeated sigh.

“Certainly, with this amount of magic power, it’s not that strange for our strength to not have that much of a difference…”

“However, in terms of technicality, we have ways to go.”

“No, you can have confidence in yourself, Maria-chan. You have enormous magic power. This is… I’ll also practice my magic control.”

“Well… To be honest, because this method is plain and troublesome… it’s fine if it’s widely spread.”

With that, Gus gave Sieg-niichan permission to let it become well-known.

Nevertheless… I was being far too naive… To have actually caused Gus this much trouble…

“…My bad, Gus.”

“Hmm? What do you mean?”

“No… It looked like I caused you some trouble…”

“What, so you were talking about that, don’t mind it. Father was originally the one who brought you into this Kingdom. Since this is the case, I’ll undertake the troublesome matter until the very end*.”

[T/N: He’s pretty much saying he’s babysitting s.h.i.+n.]


Haa… I thought I was following what’s normal… and that I was being very careful…

“That’s why the ‘Ultimate Magic Research Society’ will be placed under the management of the Kingdom after s.h.i.+n’s graduation.”

“Eh?” [Said by everyone.]

“Isn’t that only natural? Because if it’s placed in the Military, it will be impossible to control s.h.i.+n’s magic from being spread. Thus, they will be considered as Special Forces directly under the Kingdom’s control. They will also be in-charge of monitoring other countries.”

[T/N: I’m not sure if I translated this clear enough. It means that after s.h.i.+n’s graduation, the members part of the Research Society will join a unit called “Special Forces,” and they aren’t given any other choice.]

“Isn’t that a little too strict?”

“If we continue along this path, we will probably be known as the world’s strongest military unit. Unless it’s an extreme case, we will not make any moves. Otherwise, we will not be able to avoid suspicion.”

So what he’s trying to say is that Earls.h.i.+de Kingdom does not want other countries thinking they have any intention of world domination, nor do they want it…

“Again and again, I’m sorry…”

“That’s why I’ve already said not to mind it. If it’s not misused, it can be a bright ray of hope that can save the human race.”

Ray of hope… he said.

“That’s right… The misuse of those magic must be prevented.”

“I think s.h.i.+n-kun will do just fine.”


“Because… the reason he taught us those magic spell is so that we are able to protect ourselves, right? A person who is kind and thinks of the well-being of other wouldn’t misuse it.”


“s.h.i.+n-kun will definitely become the hope of the world. That’s why, please don’t worry about it.”

“…Nn, I understand. Thank you, Sicily.”

“Or rather, the people who needs to worry are us… No, it’s just me.”

“That’s right. We should also be careful.”

…I have changed the lives of everyone…

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