Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 42

Flying in the Sky

That night when Sicily and I officially became a couple, everyone went back to their individual rooms in the end.

The first kiss was postponed.

“Good morning, s.h.i.+n-kun.”

“Good morning, Sicily.”

The next morning, I met up with Sicily in the dining room, and she greeted me with a smile different from all the ones she gave before.

That smile alone gives me an overflowing feeling of.

“Hey, until when will you guys stare at each other? If you don’t hurry up and eat, breakfast will turn cold.”

Until Gus gave that repartee, I had been staring at Sicily since we came across each other.

Oops, this won’t do, the reason we came here is to improve our magic. I cannot be too occupied with a love affair.

“Alright, let’s go, Sicily.”

“Yes, s.h.i.+n-kun.”

Because it had been decided that we have to report to Cecil-san and Irene-san, it was necessary for us to eat breakfast at once.

We must go before Cecil-san leaves the house because there is a possibility that he will be busy with work.

Since that’s the case, I opened Gate at the usual place and connected it to the Claude mansion at the Royal Capital.

When I knocked on the door from inside, an employee of the Claude mansion opened the door.

“Oh, my? Walford-san? Young mistress Sicily as well. Did something happen?”

“Nothing, just a little…”

“There’s something I’d like to talk to father and mother about. Is father still at home?”

“Yes, however, I believe he will be leaving for work soon.”

“Thank you.”

After she said that, Sicily left and walked towards the dining room.

Although they are people whom I am already acquainted with, because I’ll be reporting our relations.h.i.+p status, I prepared myself. The tension I am experiencing is phenomenal.

“s.h.i.+n-kun, are you feeling alright?”

“Ye-yeah. But for some reason, I’m feeling nervous…”

When I said that, Sicily walked back to me and held my hand.

“It’s going to be alright. Because both father and mother really like s.h.i.+n-kun as well. I’m sure they will be pleased.”

“I hope that’s really the case…”

Because there’s a difference between being friends and being a couple… In addition, Sicily is the youngest child, and she’s super cute…

Like this, we reached the dining room. We let go of our clasp hands and entered the dining room.

“Good morning, father, mother.”

“Go-good morning! Cecil-san, Irene-san.”

Because of my nervousness, my voice trembled…

“Oh? Good morning, the both of you. Weren’t you guys supposed to be in the training camp?”

“Oh my, good morning Sicily, s.h.i.+n-kun. What’s wrong?”

With bewildered expressions, the both of them turned towards us.

Urgh! It can’t be helped if I’m nervous! Let’s just go for it with and be prepared to get hit!

“A-actually, there’s something I’d like to talk about with the both of you.”

“Something to talk about?”

“Oh my, I wonder what it is?”

Cecil-san still has a bewildered expression on his face, while Irene-san seems to have noticed something.

After I took a deep breath, I reported my relations.h.i.+p with Sicily to the two.

“I have been given the privilege to go out with Sicily-san. I am visiting today because I wanted to report it and get your approval.”

When they heard it, Cecil-san’s face turned stiff, while Irene-san who had already guessed it, had a smile on her face.

Because Cecil-san’s face was still stiff, no one said a single word, and the sounds of the hands of the clock echoed in the silence.


Cecil-san who finally digested what was said called out my name, and I stood up.


While Cecil-san was approaching me, I thought that he was going to hit me, so I prepared myself…


He suddenly grabbed me and embraced me.

“Thank you! Thank you very much, s.h.i.+n-kun! Thank you for choosing Sicily!”

Far from being hit, he embraced me and gave me his thanks.

“Oh my, seriously, dear. That aside, congratulations Sicily, your wish has finally been fulfilled, hasn’t it?”

“Th-thank you, mother… And also, please don’t say that kind of thing in front of s.h.i.+n-kun!”

Irene-san also gave her blessing. Even the employees were applauding, I am really glad to receive everyone’s blessing. Although Cecil-san continued to embrace me.

“Ah, today is such a wonderful day! Although the day has just started, I’ve already received such splendid news!”

Cecil-san finally separated from me.

“This is that, right! This is not the time to head to work, right!?”

As I thought, it will turn out like that.


Irene-san’s tone of voice is scary.

“N-no… On such a happy day, it won’t do if there isn’t a celebration…”

“About that, we will take care of it. As for you, hurry up and head to work.”

“No… But…”

“Hurry up and go!”


Irene-san is super scary.

And that Irene-san suddenly looked here.



I inadvertently straightened up my upper body.

And then Irene-san’s scary face turned into a smile and said.

“Oh my, I’m sorry about that. It’s because a person suddenly said something stupid, that’s why.”

“N-no! It’s okay!”

“Is that so? That aside, there’s something I need to talk to s.h.i.+n-kun about, will that be okay?”

“Yes, what is it?”

With a serious expression, Irene-san began to talk.

“Our House holds the t.i.tle of a Viscount. Although she’s the third daughter, if you go out with Sicily, you must be prepared for what’s to come in the future.”

“When you speak of what’s ahead, it means…”

“I mean marriage.”

“Ma! Ma-ma-ma-marriage!”

“I’m not saying that it has to happen immediately. However, Sicily is a daughter of a n.o.ble. I cannot allow her to go out with someone without getting engaged.”

Although Sicily is panicking, this was something I expected.

This Kingdom has a monogamy system, this applies to the n.o.bles and the royal family.

In order for their bloodline not to die out, it is necessary for them to produce has many children as possible.

The n.o.bles of this Kingdom have relatively accepted the freedom to love, so there aren’t many parents who decide a marriage partner for their children, and they won’t forcefully separate their children if they choose to go out with a commoner.

Nevertheless, n.o.bles will not allow a girl to be in a relations.h.i.+p with someone who is not prepared for marriage.

That being the case, yesterday when Gus said, ‘that’s what it means to go out with a daughter of an aristocrat,’ I have already prepared myself for it.

Gus is also useful from time to time.

“…It looks like you’ve already made a resolution?”



“I also want to include that in the report. Because I’m a commoner… I thought that you might not accept it…”

That’s right, it’s because of that that I felt anxious.

Even though the n.o.bles have accepted the freedom to love, it still depended on the n.o.bles, and it seems like there are still those who opposed to having a relations.h.i.+p with a commoner.

Even in my previous life in j.a.pan, even though there are no aristocrats, there were still those with really good parentage. Even more so in this world where aristocrats exist.

When I voiced my concern… For some reason, Irene-san, Cecil-san, and even the employees began to laugh.

“s.h.i.+n-kun, are you seriously saying that?”


“It looks like you really are serious.”

“I see, I guess when it comes to your own situation, you don’t understand it at all? Listen here, s.h.i.+n-kun, your grandparents are legendary heroes of this country.”

“It seems that’s the case.”

“The people in this country… No, the people from around the world respects your grandparents. That said, you are the person who is said to have surpa.s.sed the both them, enough to have already received the honors as a new hero.”


“If it wasn’t for the words that His Majesty had said during the honors bestowal, you would have probably received an overflowing amount of marriage proposals from aristocrats all over the Kingdom, you know?”


The royal family… I thought that they’re nothing but troublesome people… It looks like I really have to thank Uncle Dis.

“…It looks like you really don’t know much about it… Truthfully, it should have been us who would have lower our heads and ask you to accept our proposal… And to have someone like that want to have a relations.h.i.+p with our child, what reasons are there for us to object?”

The people in the surroundings were nodding in agreement.

“Even if we exclude all of those things, not just to Sicily, but s.h.i.+n-kun is a gentle child who also worries about us. I was really hoping for you to become Sicily’s partner.”

“That’s right, that’s right, the two of us often have that kind of conversation, you know?”

“Since that’s how it is, we both will give you our blessings.”

“Since it has already been decided, we need to prepare for a celebration!”

“Ah, it is because of that that we came early in the morning.”

“What do you mean?”

“To tell you the truth, the employees in Claude Town have already begun preparing. After today’s training session, they will be holding a celebration party. That’s why we thought to report it before Cecil-san heads off to work…”

“So that’s how it is, sorry for taking all the trouble to do so.”

“No, it’s all right. So after your work is over, I will come pick you up, is that okay with your schedule?”

“Of course! Even if His Majesty send an order, I will cancel it and come return!”

“Dear… it’s time for you to get going.”

“Eh? But…”



Cecil-san looked really depressed.

“It will be alright because, at that time, Uncle Dis will also be coming.”

“I-Is that so!?”

“Uncle Dis, you say…”

“It seems like s.h.i.+n-kun has an uncle-nephew relations.h.i.+p with His Majesty. I was also really surprised when I saw their relations.h.i.+p at s.h.i.+n-kun’s house. I have never seen His Majesty like that.”

“And to also a.s.sociate with Prince Augusto without any hesitation… I wonder, was there really a need for you to worry?”

“No, this and that is a different story, or rather…”

“Well, it’s fine. Rather than that, I wonder if s.h.i.+n-kun can send our employees to this residence to the fief?”

“Yes, it’s fine.”

“On the other hand, dear, what about work?”


Cecil-san turned stiff when he looked at the clock and yelled.

“Th-this is bad! I won’t make it in time!”

“Cecil-san, is your workplace in the royal castle?”

“Ye-ye-yeah, it is but…”

“If that’s the case, I’ll send you there.”

“Is that true! You saved me!”

I opened Gate and connected it to the usual place guarded by the Soldiers. Although it is an unplanned visit, I think it’ll be fine.

And then the two of us entered Gate.

“…This magic really is convenient…”

“Huh? Walford-kun? What are you doing at this time?”

Because I have been visiting these past several days, I’ve gotten acquainted with the guarding Soldiers and was called out to by one of them.

“Ah, good morning. No, I’m just sending off my girl-girlfriend’s father.”

“Your girlfriend’s father?”

“Oh, good morning.”

“Well, isn’t this Lord Claude! Good morning!”

“I’m sorry about this. Because I was going to be late, he decided to send me.”

“Is that so. And so… his girlfriend’s father means that…”

“No, you see, he and my daughter have started going out.”

“What did you say! Please accept my congratulations!”

“No, thank you very much. Then, s.h.i.+n-kun, I’ll see you at night.”

“Ah, because I’ll be coming here again to receive a periodic report before dinner, so I’ll be picking you up as well?”

“I understand. Then, I’ll be off.”

“I’ll see you soon.”

When I saw off Cecil-san and thought of returning, I saw him talking to another guard.

“That is… probably him wanting to boast about it…”

Is it alright for him to spread it around? Won’t Irene-san get angry at him again?

While worrying about it, I returned to the Claude residence, and the employees have already finished preparing.

“Well then, s.h.i.+n-kun, I ask this of you.”

“I understand.”

This time, I open Gate and connected it to the mansion in Claude Town.

And then Irene-san and the rest of the employees timidly entered Gate.

“It really is the mansion in Claude Town…”


An employee in the Claude Town mansion called out.

Because they thought that Irene-san and the others will be coming at night, they’re probably surprised.

“It’s been a long time. Because I heard that there will be a celebration held for s.h.i.+n-kun and Sicily, I brought more employees.”

“Thank you very much! They will be a great deal of help!”

“Although this is just my a.s.sumption… there’s a person from our house who’s currently filled with pride as he works. If His Majesty hears about it, I’m sure that His Majesty will also come. So please make preparations with that in mind.”

“Hi-His Majesty the King, you say!?”

“Because His Majesty and s.h.i.+n-kun has a close relations.h.i.+p with each other, His Majesty will probably come.”

“I-I understand. I will put all my spirit into preparing for it!”

“I’ll entrust it to you.”

“Yes!” [All the employees.]

Irene-san is amazing. She has completely grasp Cecil-san’s behavior.

…I wonder if Cecil-san will be fine?

“So you’ve returned, s.h.i.+n.”

When I looked towards the place where the voice came from, I saw that everyone has gathered.

“Ah, I’m sorry, please wait for a moment, I’ll prepare it at once. Let’s go, Sicily.”


After everyone is prepared for the training, this time, I connected Gate to the wilderness.

Today Gate is playing an active part.

Because Elly and May wanted to observe, they came as well.

Although today’s morning training is the same as yesterday, and it started with grandpa’s magic control training, but there was something unexpected.

May-chan has an elementary knowledge of magic.

I already knew that Elly does not even have any magic apt.i.tude, and she watched quietly, but I saw May-chan imitating us while we were practicing magic control.

“Wha-wa, it’s amazing!”

“Yeah, this is really amazing. So May-chan also has the quality to become a Magician.”

“May, even though I told you not to be an obstruction.”

“Well, it’ll probably be okay. I will be watching over May-chan, so you guys properly receive training from Merlin.”

In the end, grandma took the responsibility to look after May-chan during grandpa’s magic control training.

“If you start this kind of training now… It looks like you’ll become a wonderful Magician.”

“I will not lose, I’ll do my best.”

“Rin-san! You’re collecting too much! It’ll run wild!”

“Eh? I failed.”

Everyone who started this kind of training after they entered the Advanced Academy, compared to May-chan who is starting this training at the age of ten, they felt a sense of pressure not to be overtaken by her and put more effort into it.

Un. Although this was unplanned, the result was excellent.

After lunch, it was magic practice in the afternoon.

Elly and May-chan who saw our magic for the first time looked on with blank surprise.

“…I cannot believe this… What are those? Those kinds of magic…”

“Ha-wa-wa! Everyone is amazing!”

Maybe because they were praised by May-chan, it restored their high spirits and continued to train cheerfully.

…Don’t compete with someone who’s just ten years old…

And so, after the magic practice has ended, it was time for my magic experimentation.

As usual, everyone has already taken a stance where they will be able to immediately cast a Magic Barrier.

…The same as always, everyone seems to be worried…

“You guys… I won’t do anything dangerous this time…”

“…Is that the truth?”

“…Because it’s not an attack magic.”

“Is that so, then I guess it’ll be fine.”

Huh? After everyone ascertained that it wasn’t an attack magic, their tension dissipated.

“No, it’s because I keep wondering what kind of danger await us, so I’ve been feeling nervous the whole time!”

“That is true. It’s at this time that I feel the most strained.”

…Really, what kind of evaluation is this…

While everyone was saying heartless words, I made my preparations.

The magic I want to experiment this time is something that defies the laws of physics from beginning to the very end.

I received the think for this magic from the magic that Schtrom used.

First for all, I picked up the stones near my feet and used it to test the spell.

The magic I wanted to test is ‘Floating Magic.’

I dare say that this has nothing to do with Schtrom or the laws of physics, I just imagine it, and used Floating Magic.

I thought that Floating Magic is not practiced up until now is probably because people do not have enough magic power.

When he turned into a devil, he was finally able to obtain enough magic power and was able to use Floating Magic.

If that’s so, I thought that with my present magic power, I probably have enough amount thanks to my magic control practice and should be able to use Floating Magic.

First, I collected magic power. I collected more magic power compared to all the magic I’ve used up until now.

“Hey, hey… Will it really be alright?”

“The amount of magic power he’s gathering isn’t ordinary… I wonder what he’s trying to do?”

“W-will it really not be dangerous!?”

It will be fine, I say, because it’s not an attack magic.

As for what to imagine next, the thing I thought of was ‘Anti-Gravity.’

Because I didn’t understand the principle at all, I just imagine a magic that is able to repel gravity. As for the result…

“Oh, I did it! It was a success.”

The stone was floating in the air thanks to Floating Magic.

I have been maintaining the same amount of magic power, but when I increased it, the stone started to float higher.

Like that, I tried to move the stone left and right. The next thing to do is to try it on myself.

Based on the experiment I did earlier, I was able to grasp how much magic power is needed. Then, I gathered enough magic power and imagine Anti-Gravity.

“…Oi… What in the world is this…”

“s.h.i.+n-kun… is floating in the air…”

“Eh? Isn’t that… the magic that that Schtrom guy used?”

“At that time, if I wasn’t mistaken, s.h.i.+n-dono wasn’t able to use Floating Magic…”

“He has already developed it…”

“His magic defies common sense as usual degozaru.”

It seems like the people below are saying something, but their voices can’t reach me so I don’t know what they’re saying, but they’re probably saying something heartless again.

While everyone was having a conversation, I started to use wind magic to move around.

With anti-gravity and wind magic, I was able to easily fly around in the sky.

This is really fun!

In addition, with the ability to fly around it gave me a way to fight Schtrom in the air.

This is a meaningful experiment. While I was thinking that, I landed on the ground where everyone was.

“s.h.i.+n, you… You once again created an unbelievable magic…”

“Is that so? Schtrom can use it as well, though. I thought of that in order to be able to fight with him in the air.”

“s.h.i.+n-kun… how amazing…”

“How amazing! s.h.i.+n onii-chan is amazing!”

“Really… This place is a place where the unexpected happens…”

Sicily praised me with her eyes looking moist while May-chan was innocently pleased.

Everyone, you should take her pureness as an example!

“Please do not group me together with the idiot-couple.”

“Don’t say idiot-couple!”

“But you guys are an idiot-couple.”

“But the person involved doesn’t think so.”

“Certainly, it does seem that way.”

Why, you people… Is that how it is?


With a red face, Sicily twisted and turned.

May-chan, on the other hand, was looking at everyone with a curious expression.

“Why does everyone have that kind of expression?”

“May, do you know what kind of magic that magic was?”

“Of course, I understand! It’s amazing! One has the freedom to fly in the sky!”

“Certainly, it is like that, but…”

“s.h.i.+n onii-chan, I also want to fly in the sky!”

“Y-you can’t, Princess May!”

“Why is that?”

When May-chan said that she wanted to fly in the sky, Maria tried to desperately stop her.

“Because if you fly now…”

“If I fly now, then what?”

“Won’t your underwear become exposed!?”

…Certainly, all the females are currently wearing skirts.

I’m glad! That I didn’t use Floating Magic one Sicily and May earlier!

“Ugh! I forgot all about it!”

May-chan responded and smacked her head.

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