Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 50 – End of Relapse **TL: 再燃してしまいました can someone give a better t.i.tle?** 

Chapter 50 – End of Relapse **TL: 再燃してしまいました can someone give a better t.i.tle?** 

Part 1

I got to the Royal Castle to report this case to the Swedes King.

While still taking damage from the story a while ago, I was walking in the Royal Castle of the Swedes Kingdom.

“s.h.i.+n, don’t make such a tired face”

“Whose fault is it, eh? Who!”

“Don’t say such things like Merida-dono. Well, the citizen wish to read your story, you better just give up and become the entertainer. The royalties will join too, you know?”

“I don’t need your money!”

“That said. The price for the communication tools and the price of the defensive magic tools, this time you’re also awarded by the Royalties, right?

“What! I’m so envious of s.h.i.+n-kun!”

“Then would you like to switch, Alice?”

“Well… being exposed in the kingdom is a little…”

“It is after all!”

“That aside, if a hero who had subjugated devils wears such a face, everyone will be worried. You should put on a brave front even if it’s forced.”

“…… Even though 99% of it was caused by…”

“Ha ha ha, ops, it seems we’ve arrived.”

You cheat!

I’d like to pursue Gus but since we’ve indeed arrived, I can’t anymore.

The soldier who guided us was perplexed…

When the soldier knocked on the door of the office, a middle age man’s voice was heard from the inside, giving the permission to enter the room.

Inside the room was a man with a stout build, with a brown mustache and a gray hair sitting on a chair. There is a blonde man wearing an armor on his side, and an old man who seems to be a civil officer.

“It’s been a long time, King Suido.”

“Oh! Your highness Augustus!”

The stout man seems to be the King. When he rose from his seat, the King grasped Gus’s hand and gave a word of thanks.

“This time I had great support from Earlshyde Kingdom… If not for the communication device… If not for the defensive magic tool preventing the devils attacks… And if not for Your Highness… This Swedes Kingdom might have gone to dust. Really–thank you very much!”

“No, devils are a threat to the world. It is only a natural thing as a person living in this world.”

“Nevertheless, it is a fact that you protected the Swedes Kingdom. I thank you once again. Please also tell His Majesty that I want to give my thanks to him directly.”


While looking at King Suido and Gus’ exchange, the blonde soldier at the side who refrained from talking, asked.

“And, who is this s.h.i.+n = Walford who built that defensive magic tool?” **TL: I don’t know what that = sign there**

“Ah, I(ore)…. I am.(watas.h.i.+desu)” [1]

“Oh, it is you! Because of your defensive tools we were able to defend this country. I also heard the damage to my subordinates are minimal. Allow me to thank you.”

He thanked me. But…

“No—we should have come earlier…”

“You guys came fast enough. To be honest, your speed is unimaginable. It is luxurious and cruel to expect more than this.”

“… Thank you”

I say so, but… there are few people who died after all… it might be arrogance, but it leaves a thorn i

nto my throat and stuck in my heart.

“Which child is Sicily = von = Claude-san, I wonder?” **TL: Again, what the heck is this = sign??**

“Ah, yes! I am.(watas.h.i.+desu)” [1]

The civilian officer who refrained from talking also called out.

“I heard that the lives of many residents were saved thanks to you… Really–thank you.”

“No—there are people I could not save…”

“Saving everything is impossible, you did your best within the range of your abilities and saved more people than any other. Thank you really. Let me thank you in behalf of the residents.”

Saying that, he bowed his head deeply.

“Tha–that is! Please raise your head!”

“Claude-san, please also allow me, thank you.”

“Such thing, Majesty! That’s not good!”

“There seems to be some people who calls Claude-san as a saint in the streets.”

“Hou, is that so?”

“That, that’s a problem.”

Sicily is at a loss for being called a saint.

“Hoho, speaking of which, Claude-san is engaged to Walford-kun. Since you have soon-to-be husband, then you can no longer be a saint.”

“Why do you know it?”

The civil officer says so. It is an engagement from a foreign country with one side who is not a n.o.ble, why do you know?

“You seem to don’t know your value?”

“That’s right. He does not know just how great he is.”

“Hey, Gus.”

Such a thing was spoken by Gus.

“You’re attention are not only in Earlshyde, but also in each country. What kind of actions are taken, who do you a.s.sociate with, and whom will you engage with. Truth is, I also want my daughter to marry you.”

The top! Royalties among other things, please pardon me!

“Well, I could not do it with the declaration of King Earlshyde.”

“But was that the declaration for the Kingdom of Earlshyde?”

“It is the same thing. Even if it is a declaration for the country, taking that and applying a wedding from a foreign country, you’re alienated of taking advantage of it not only from Earlshyde but also in other countries.”

Is it so? It’s serious in various ways.

“Therefore, with the communication device, I was contacted by the amba.s.sador in the Kingdom of Earlshyde that you were engaged.”

“Yeah, I see. I thought why you knew it even though I just got the engagement party yesterday.”

“That’s a good thing. I am now negotiating if I could get some more with the Earlshyde Kingdom. Of course I will pay both the charges and the communication fee.”

Is another money coming in… there’s no use of it.

“Well, I know the things between you guys. As for your getting engaged, is it not because you two love each other and not because it was imposed?”

“Is-is that so?”

“Congratulations, I’ll give you my blessing.”

“Thank you very much.”

I have received the blessing from King Suido.

I am in such a blessed mood, but… we didn’t came here to be blessed.

“King Suido, I’m sorry to cut our talk in the middle but there are things I need to report this time.”

“If it’s a report, shouldn’t the soldiers on site coming up with it?”

“What I would like to report is about the ringleader of the devils, because I know Oliver = Schtrom.” **TL: -_- Should I remove this = sign?”

In Gus’ words, the three people on Swedes Kingdom’s side became tense.

“Although the devils made a surprise attack…… no demons accompanied them.”

“I heard that.”

“And… Schtrom did not partic.i.p.ate in this attack.”

“What? The ringleader did not?”

The ringleader wasn’t here to attack a country. Also, demons becomes a big force to an average person.

Nevertheless, the devils are a threat to the common people.

“We have the power to oppose the devils… pardon my rudeness, but it is not so in your country. But when you think about it, it is not a strange thing.”

Indeed it is not a strange thing.

However, Gus look at my face and continue talking.

“s.h.i.+n here, a step away cornered Schtrom which is the ringleader of the devils. Schtrom who schemed the fall of the kingdom and empire, I don’t think he would ignore the biggest threat of s.h.i.+n’s existence.”


“So s.h.i.+n and I thought this was a feint operation and hurriedly went back to Earlshyde.”

“You went back to Earlshyde?”

Ahh, through gate…

“Errr, s.h.i.+n can use transitional magic. But can only go to certain places.”

“What! Transition magic!?”

“Certain place? Oh, did you set up a point in Earlshyde?”

I bent over some facts delicately… I can’t possibly say I can go to places I’ve been to once, right?

—And I’m in the King’s office now…

“Yeah, I thought it was a feint operation to attack Earlshyde but…”

“The fact that your Highness(Crown Prince) is here… then there was no surprise attack…”

Yep, that’s the least thing I understand.

If we did not interfere, then Swedes Kingdom would surely fall to those devils.

However, will Schtrom think of such a thing when we didn’t interfere, when we didn’t launch a surprise attack?

Will you not plan the attack strategy including that?

That’s why I thought that this raid was a feint and Earlshyde was the real target…

“Thus, this monotonous raid was all of the devils actions. What on earth does this mean? — I don’t understand it at all.”

“In other words… You don’t understand the devils’ intention… and can’t feel at ease at this surprise attack… Is that what you’re saying?”

“That’s the case. This attack may not be the end and there will be another. So we should not relax our vigilance until we know what Schtrom is thinking.”

Silence reined the King’s office at the actions of the devils who we had no idea what it meant at all.

“There’s a future thing. If possible, we would like each country to unite and establish a cooperative front. Will you agree with this?”

“That’s right… this matter is too heavy to hold in only one country. While at it, Swedes Kingdom will partic.i.p.ate on this union.”

“Thank you very much.”

King Suido promised cooperation.

It will be necessary to put forward a talk about the union with the other countries from now on.

I think that if we unite together, we will be able to cut out speculation of Schtrom.

I also have to do my best…

Chapter 50 (1/2) end.

Part 2

「I’m thinking of having a summit meeting with the leaders of other countries soon. I’ll contact you as soon as it’s decided. I’ll thank you in advance.」

「That is all for the report. Well then, we will be leaving.」

「I understand.」

In that way, we left he King’s office.

「Something… isn’t it a big deal?」

Maria who felt uneasiness about the previous exchange muttered so.

It’s not unreasonable to think so. Since we don’t understand Schtrom’s intention, we must act and consider all possibilities in mind.

For that reason, it is best to unite as Gus said earlier.

World Alliance, or something like that… what an exaggerated talk.

「Including that, we will discus it after coming back to Earlshyde. s.h.i.+n, I entrust it to you.」 **TL: I’ll entrust my life to you, ah! Just a joke, lol.**
「… Yeah.」

It’s gate… right?

That sort of joke, it would be ok if that’s not the case.

I connected the gate to the usual guardroom in Earlshyde, and everyone pa.s.s through.


「Oh! Your Highness and the others are back!」

「Welcome back!」

Many guard soldiers are waiting, applauding all at once.

「Wah! That startled me!」

Alice was surprised, but I also agree. Why did they gather so much like this?

「Welcome back, Your Highness. His Majesty is waiting for you.」

「Just a while ago we received a report that Your Highness has repelled the devils who appeared in Swedes Kingdom, thus vacant people came up with the idea to welcome you.」

「We also announced it to the people, so the Royal Capital is thrown into a great uproar. Together with your inauguration Your Highness Crown Prince, the celebration will take several days.」

I see, has the report of Swedes Kingdom’s devil subjugation already been spread?

「Everybody is excited about the achievement of Ultimate Magicians!」

Along with the team name… **TL: Poor guy worrying his team name.**

「It will be noisy for a while, it can’t be helped. What’s more, the team name had permeated.」

「Huh? Award? Us!?」
「This had yet again became a terrible thing…」

That probably will. I got a medal just by having subdued a devil, how many did I defeat this time? In addition to that, there is no reason that a medal won’t be given in an act to save a country from crises.

I feel more relax than everyone as I already been bestowed an award once.

「That’s for later. There is something we have to discuss first now. Everyone, let’s go.」

With Gus’s command, we left the guardroom and entered the Royal Castle.

We get words of blessings and applause from people pa.s.sing each other in the Royal Palace.

「You’re great! Ultimate Magicians!」

「Ultimate Magicians!」

Along with the repeated calling of the team name…

「… Please stop it…」

「Leave it alone, Claude. I’m already used to it.」

Used to… huh?

I feel like that such a day will never come…

I’m already exhausted before I reached Uncle Dis…

Uncle Dis seems to be in the meeting room, not in the throne room.

When they receive a report from us, it’s seems they would like to hear the story from all the team members.

I heard it from the soldier who went to Uncle Dis to report.

「We as well need to report it, huh…」

「Oh, I see.」

Arriving at the meeting room, the soldier in front open the door.

「Older brother!」

In the meeting room, there were several people from the upper echelon of the country including Uncle Dis.

And among them, for some reason there is also Erie and Mei-chan.

Immediately after entering into the meeting room, Erie and Mei-chan rushed towards Gus.

Mei-chan who came to be able to do physical reinforcement after the talent for magic bloomed, reached Gus before Erie.

However, it’s only by a hair.

「Older brother!」

「Mugyu!」**TL: Sound fx of being hug suddenly?**

「Well! Is it wrong to worry about my beloved fiancee?」

「… I was worried… after hearing that Augusto-sama repelled the devils from Swedes Kingdom, I can’t just sit still…」

「What is it, Father?」

「Eh? Ah! Mei!」
「… You did not notice?」

Mei who arrived first by a hair clung to Gus, and Erie clung to Gus afterwards.

Naturally, the result became which Mei-chan who clung earlier was sandwich between Erie and Gus. **TL: Poor sandwich T_T**

「Mei! Hang in there!」

「Elder sister Erie’s chest is… a deadly weapon…」 **TL: I’d like to be sandwiched too…**

With those words, her head droop down.

「Wait a minute! Murmuring some strange thing and losing consciousness, not that! Mei!? Mei!」

Erie shakes Mei-chan trying to wake her up.

Deadly weapon… it’s hard to see from the top of the dress, but is it really that amazing…?

「How tight was that.」
「There’s no helping it. It is our team.」

Though it seemed to have become a touching scene but… our team seems or perhaps, how should I say it…
Though it seemed to have become a touching scene but… it seems to be our team or perhaps, how should I say it…

「Is it over?」


「I’ll come later, please wait in the room.」
「Just wait…」

The door is closed with a bang, in the conference room, the reaction of every team member is like-thank G.o.d!…

「… Elizabeth-sama the present Coral Duke, right?」

「No… I’ve never seen Elizabeth-sama like that…」

It was divided into the people of the upper echelon who were perplexed by the series of exchanges earlier.

「Fufu, Augusto, Mei, Elizabeth, and everyone involved with s.h.i.+n-kun is lively. That’s a good thing.」

「… We can have a little bit more conversation between parent and child…」
「That’s for later. Then, it’s a report about the attack of the devils this time in Swedes Kingdom and its repulsion.」

Ignoring the depressed Uncle Dis, Gus started his report.

… Please follow it up later…

And, made the same report as given to King Suido and the talk concerning the future.

「I see, will the Swedes Kingdom cooperate with the Union?」

「Else Liberty Trade Union and Ys Sacred Nation…」 **TL: Got a better name? エルス自由商業連合 and イース神聖国**

Else is a country governed by a merchant who came up from the topic before, Ys Sacred Nation is the main temple of the Creation G.o.d Religion, the sole religion in this world. [2]

It is a religion that wors.h.i.+p the G.o.d of Creation who is said to have created this world, and if you have enough good deeds, it is said that you can go under the G.o.d of Creation after death.

The G.o.d doesn’t have a name by the way.

There are churches in every country and town, and they undertake ceremonial occasion alone.

Ys seems to be the name of a clergy who existed in the past, and there is a country like an empire that had plagued the commoners hundreds of years ago, struggling in the country to save the people from tyranny, it has been finally executed.

After Ys execution, the remaining residents rose to action and overthrow the country. The country established later wors.h.i.+ped Ys as the founding father of the nation, and the Creation G.o.d Religion took the initiative, and the Pope became the head of the state and has reached to the present.

The two countries combined with Earlshyde and the Empire were called the four great powers.

Since the empire is gone, it is now three great powers.

And because it’s called a great power…

「Will they come to take control of each other…?」

「Good grief, just when humans need to join hands and cooperate…」

「Your Highness?」

Gus declare the candidacy to negotiate with Ys and Else.

「Since I’m also a member of Ultimate Magicians. It will be easy to seize the initiative in negotiations.」

「Leave it to me. I will lead the negotiations to success for the survival of humanity.」


「Ahh, I understand. It was bad for everyone having just returned from subjugating devils. Slowly take a rest.」
『Yes! Thank you!』

Saying so we left the meeting room.

「Haa… that’s nerve racking…」

「Though the one who talk the most was his Highness.」

「I… though the city’s cafetaria’s daughter, I wonder what I’m doing there…?」 [3]
「Until now, don’t you think the situation lacks a sense of reality?」 [4]

Everyone must have been tense, after coming out of the meeting room, they became talkative.

「That should be it for today.. but it seems incredibly noisy on the streets, father must be planning a parade.」

「Just! That, please stop that!」
「That said, we Ultimate Magicians have already done that. If the people demand it, father would probably do it.」

Acting as a team… isn’t that…

「The team name will be again called repeatedly.」

「I’ll die of shame before I get used to it.」

「… Thank you, Sicily is gentle after all…」
「Eh… ehehe」

I patted Sicily’s head who healed my detoriorating mind.

「Haa… I’ve calmed down a little.」**TL: Sigh fx**

「Kuh… this idiotic couple! Getting cozy everywhere…」

… The eyes full of hatred coming from Maria hurts my eyes!

「Lo, look! This time Maria may become famous and might have an encounter!」

「I, I wonder?」

「I am good. Magic is my lover.」
「Rin is like that… sigh, Sicily and Olivia are enviable.」

Everyone is cute. Is there no encounter I wonder?

Listening such complains from the girls, we reached Gus’s room.

Now that I think of it, this is the first time I came to Gus’s room

「This is my room, well, just feel at home. Oi! Let’s enter.」

I heard Mei-chan’s voice from the inside. Looks like she’s waiting in Gus’s room after having left the room.

And when we entered the room, Erie and Mei-chan welcomed us.

「Welcome back, Augusto-sama,」
「Welcome back! Older brother!」

「Ohh, you did not jump this time, have you learned it last time?」

「I did not expect to pa.s.s out.」

「Uh, did I not apologize for it many times…」

「Th-thank you…」

「That! Stop saying weird things!」

「Dangerous. Mugo?」**TL: sound fx?**
「Please stop it!」

Erie got along well with the women too. Is it because they entered the hot spring together?

「Leave that thing aside, we have serious matter to discuss.」

「Oh, everyone is here. Also Erie, aren’t you ashamed in front of everyone?」
「… That, that’s right!」

It’s embarra.s.sing everyone, is what you intend to do?…

「Let me tell you, it’s not like you’ve imagined. It’s only you who flirts on public.」

「Do you flirt that much?」

Is it not normal with your girlfriend?

「… That’s not the case… we’re not flirting!」

「Mosaic is needed as expected!」


「We have here a riajuu… but a royal riajuu at that… kuh! I have nothing to say…!」**TL: Riajuu ー google it xD.**

Maria’s darkness seems deep.

「More importantly, don’t you have some matters to discuss?」

「I see, I also have a request to ask.」
「Ho? That is…」

「「I want to visit each country.」」

「… Don’t you agree?」

「My request is also that. In this regard, I also want you to take me along.」

「That’s it.」

Anyway, our next objective has been decided.

The training camp is suspended for the time being, and goes around each country to connect a gate.

Because the communication device seems to be spreading mostly, I want to be able to rush as soon as I received a report of a devil’s appearance.

The regret this time… will be no more!

「… You understand each other without saying anything… It is doubtful after all…」

Like I said! Why did it came to that!?

Chapter 50 (2/2) end.

TL Note: Machine translating j.a.panese is a pain in the a.s.s! A nightmare! I rather machine translate Chinese.

Foot notes:

[1] romaji:

watas.h.i.+, watas.h.i.+ means I and is used by m/fm.

[3] raw:

[4] raw:
「今更ながらに現実感に欠ける状況だったわねぇ……」 -_-

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