Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Part 1

After looking at the wedding ceremony at Dam Cathedral, we took a walk to Dam Kingdom capital, and look around a few churches.

The churches felt like a historic churches, and it seems everyone is satisfied.

「Haa…… that was great.」

After taking our lunch in a cafeteria, we talked about our impressions of the churches earlier.

「This country is famous for it’s churches. What do other countries are famous for?」(s.h.i.+n?)

Even I didn’t know about Earlshyde, aside from the major countries, I yet to learn small countries at the Magic Academy, so I did not even know the name.

「That’s right. Next the Karnan Kingdom is famous for it’s textiles.」(Elly)
「Live stock is also thriving. It seems there are more sheep than the kingdom’s population.」
「Sometimes sheep’s turn into a demon, and unless they’re strong the shepherds can’t do it, so I heard!」
「A macho shepherd……」(Rin?)

It seems to the point that Rin, can’t endure to laugh and is trembling her shoulder trembling.

「The hair of the demonized sheep is used as an armour because of the confined magic power.」
「Since there are a lot of sheep, there are also a lot of sheep dishes.」
「Hee, everyone is well informed.」(s.h.i.+n)
「I think s.h.i.+n is just too unfamiliar.」
「Look, just until recently, Walford-kun is in solitude……」
「…… There’s something about everyone’s sympathetic gaze that makes me annoyed……」(s.h.i.+n)

It seems they’ve heard stories from grandma during training camp. When I was a child, I was absorbed in playing alone…… and I didn’t consider it at that time but, thus it really feels pity and lonely childhood.

「I didn’t really particularly feel that lonely.」(s.h.i.+n)
「In exchange, thus ignorance was born.」
「Now you’ve been able to make friends with everyone, is it not?」
「Right, and I’ve already achieved one of my goals in school life.」(s.h.i.+n)
「Making friends.」(s.h.i.+n)

Are? That sympathetic gaze again…… Read this at 「What’s wrong? You’re face looks like you’ve just partic.i.p.ated in a funeral.」(Gus)

When I feel like unable to endure the sympathetic gaze of everyone, Gus who finished the meeting, appeared.

「Oh, good work. How was the meeting?」(s.h.i.+n?)
「Since the case of Swedes Kingdom has already been brought in as information, I directly jump to my proposal.」(Gus)
「I see. Then I wonder if the other two countries are also similar?」(s.h.i.+n?)
「Probably. They got information from amba.s.sador of Earlshyde with the communication device, there’s no doubt that information is with the other two countries as well.」(Gus)
「Then, there won’t be much trouble.」(s.h.i.+n?)
「Yeah, and what’s wrong with everyone? Did something happen?」(Gus)
「No…… when they hear the goal of my school life this happened.」(s.h.i.+n)
「Goal? Are you a guy who knows common sense? Far from knowing common sense you’re just broking it…….」(Gus)
「That’s not it!」(s.h.i.+n)
「Then what is it?」(Gus)
「Making friends.」(s.h.i.+n)

Are? Gus who’s the same as me who don’t have friends even made a sympathetic gaze?

「Don’t lump me with you. Indeed I don’t have a friend in a sense of equality, but I have Thor and Julius, and a lot of other acquaintances.」(s.h.i.+n)
「s.h.i.+n-dono resembles the perfect loneliness……」
「I really feel sympathy (degozaru).」

Even Thor and Julius!

「Well, it’s because I was immersed i

n practicing magic and making magic tools that’s why I don’t feel lonely!」(s.h.i.+n)
「All alone……」
「s.h.i.+n-kun! I will be together with you forever」(Sicily)

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Sicily insisted very hard but…… it’s true that I didn’t feel lonely though……

「Grandpa thought me magic, grandma thought me on making magic tools, Mich.e.l.le-san beat me up, only to pause and go hunting you know? What’s more when I return, Sieg-niichan and Chris-neechan is quarrelling. So there’s no room for loneliness.」(s.h.i.+n)
「What’s with that dreamlike environment!」
「Certainly…… there’s no time to be lonely with such environment.」
「Wahwaa…… s.h.i.+n-oniichan is amazing(desu)!」(Mei-chan)

It seems they finally understood.

If I get lonely, it seems grandpa and grandma will feel bad. Only that I won’t permit.

「Now that everyone understood shall we decide what we’re going to do from now on? Gus, we’ve already gone around sightseeing but, what will you do? Would you want to explore the city with Elly?」(s.h.i.+n)
「Fumu….. what about you Elly?」(Gus)
「Certainly! Please!」(Elly)
「O, oh, then Gus and Elly will do that. As for the escort?」(s.h.i.+n)
「Do you think it’s necessary for me now?」(Gus)

Otto, he said it confidently. Where the heck are you reading this? Go read it now at 「Okay, then, you two go and have fun.」(s.h.i.+n)
「Ufufu…… date…… a date for the first time……. ufufufu.」(Elly)

Ohh, Elly is grinning. Which reminds me it’s the Prince and the Duke’s daughter. So these two are not usually alone together.

「What about everyone else?」(s.h.i.+n)
「We’ll go around the city with only us women. We want to buy souvenirs.」
「Err…… as for me……」(Olivia)
「Olivia want to go with Mark right? We won’t obstruct you.」
「So, sorry?」(Olivia)
「Don’t apologize…… I feel like running away……」

And another overcast has spring fort……

「What about Thor and Julius?」
「His Highness says he does not need an escort, how about us men go wander around?」
「Are you fine with that? Fred-dono.」

「I think if it’s Fred-dono then he’ll go and pick up girls (degozaru)」

「What you’ll do picking up girls? Besides we’ll have to go back at the inn at night.」

In other words, only Tony will go and pick up girls.

And then come back at night.

「Will Mei-chan go with as together?」(s.h.i.+n)
「Is that okay? That is…… won’t I be a nuisance(desu)?」(Mei-chan)
「That’s what a child is.」
「That’s right, Mei-himesama. Let’s go together.」(Sicily)

After this we’ll have each own action, and it was decided we’ll return to the inn in the evening, and afterwards Gus and the others who finished lunch each set out to the city.

「Well shall we also get going?」(s.h.i.+n)
「Yes (desu)!」(Mei-chan)

We took a stroll in the town again. We already went around the churches some time ago, so this time we went around various souvenir shops and such as open air.

During that time Mei-chan joined hands with me and Sicily, and seemed to be really having fun.

「Fufu, you look like you’re having fun Mei-himesama.」(Sicily)
「Yes(desu)! I haven’t walk around the town hand in hand like this!」(Mei-chan)

She’s a royalty after all. She can’t just walk around the town freely.

「You also don’t go around the royal capital with your school friends Mei-chan?」(s.h.i.+n)
「Yes(desu). Everyone is also a child of an aristocrat. It’s a dream to take a stroll around the town freely. So I can brag about it to everyone!」(Mei-chan)
「That reminds me, when I walked with Gus for the first time in the royal capital I get a similar reaction.」(s.h.i.+n)
「Is hands, also linked together?」(Mei-chan)
「Can you not tell something disgusting!?」(s.h.i.+n)
「Pfft…… ahahaha.」(Sicily?)
「Ahahaha! It’s disgusting(desu)! Ahahaha!」(Mei-chan)

Roughly like this, we enjoyed walking around the town…… Support the translator by reading this at 「Are? There’s a crowd isn’t it?」
「That’s true. I wonder why?」

While walking on the way, there’s a crowd for some reason.

Encountering such a scene when walking is also a thrill, I thought and look closer……

「You! And here I was acting all modest!」[TL: temee! It’s a vulgar form of you, kinda like b.a.s.t.a.r.d.]
「Haa? Which part of you being modest?」
「That face is of a playboy…… it’s impossible!」
「Oh well, no matter how you put it you can’t deny it……」
「Out of the question.」
「Yo, you lot……」[TL: temee]

It’s our women’s team who was in the center of the fuss.

I get the gist of it but, apparently he tried to made a pa.s.s but was refused, and that seem to made him go frenzy.

「Hawawa! The sisters are in a pinch(desu)!」(Mei-chan)
「The ladies or more likely……」(s.h.i.+n)
「…… It’s that guy who’s in a pinch…….」(Sicily?)

Even in the royal capital in Earlshyde, but it’s basic that attack magic should not be used in the city.

But, if it’s for self defense……

「Well then, shall we go elsewhere before witnessing a tragedy?」(s.h.i.+n)
「I agree. Want to buy the grandfather and the others a souvenirs?」(Sicily)
「Yeah. Mei-chan will also buy a souvenir for uncle Dis or your mother, right?」(s.h.i.+n)
「Eh? Um…… is it fine to leave them alone (desu)?」(Mei-chan)
「It’s fine.」(Sicily)

Ahh…… forcing your way is just…. and I heard a scream which seems to belong to the man involved.

Part 2

「Maria and the others should be a little more graceful……」(s.h.i.+n)

Since everyone is cute, I guess there will be a lot of people who’ll try to take advantage of them, but that way of refusing……. I can’t blame them.

Since it’s a group of only girls, it’ll likely cause unnecessary trouble if we were to call out, so we hurriedly left the place.

「Oh, is that Mark and Olivia?」
「They seem intimate.」
「They’re holding hands(desu)!」

We saw the duo, Mark and Olivia, this time.

Just like other couples in town they were walking around the town holding hands.

Although it’s a date, they’re acting very naturally since they’ve been long acquaintance as childhood friends. It really is very helpful in their relations.h.i.+p.

「Ah! It’s Onii-sama and Elly-ane!」
「Ara, fufufu, Elly-san seems to be ecstatic isn’t she?」

We also saw Gus and Elly, and Elly seems to be really enjoying it. It was the right thing to do to let those two go alone.

It’s seems that they’re also childhood friends, and act natural to each other, but their circ.u.mstances are a bit abnormal…… Would it not cause trouble if those two were recognized as a country’s Crown Prince and a Duke’s daughter?

They seemed to be enjoying each other so we did not voice out to them, and we also took a walk around the town and bought souvenirs for grandpa and the others, and just when I was thinking about going back to the inn, we discovered a new crowd.

「Don’t tell me, is it Maria and the others again?」
「What do we do?」

Just as I was thinking that the fuss was caused by Maria and others, Maria called out to us.

「Ara? Maria?」
「Then, what’s that crowd?」

If it isn’t Maria then who is the originator of this mob?

While thinking that, we came closer…….

「Hey! Didn’t we called out first!?」
「What are you talking about!? It was us!」
「Bulls.h.i.+t! It was us!」
「Hey…… um…… that quarrel……」
「We, just want to go back to the inn……」
「Just stop it already (degozaru).」
「「「You guys be silent!」」」

Tony and the others was at the center of the fuss.

And the opponents of the quarrel are a group of young lady-like, elder sister-like, and hunter-like women.

…… Why are they causing trouble alternatingly…… [Maria and the girls before.]

Apparently, Tony and the rest seem to be the one who’s called out. However, it’s seems they’re fighting the group that first called out.

Nevertheless, the aim of each group is so clear……

「…. Let’s leave them alone.」
「Right…… we can’t handle nine women.」
「They should just divide one person to each group since they know their aim.」
「That’s not so simple.」
「It’s pride of a woman.」

And what pride is that……

「They’ll probably escape before long. Let’s go back to the inn first.」

Sorry, Tony, Thor, Julius.

Even I……. can’t save you……

「「「Please don’t leave us!」」」

Kuu……! Sorry…… I’m sorry you three……

To me…… I have no courage to b.u.t.t in in a woman’s fight!

The cry of Tony and the others who noticed us, was cut off with a bitter memory.

「It’s always fun if I’m with s.h.i.+n-oniichan and the others!」

I made Mei-chan become like this.

…… Should I apologize to uncle Dis?

While thinking about that, I walked towards the inn……

「Oi, who’s that guy……」
「He’s only with cute girls……」
「Th, there’re six of them!」

The current us, removing me there are six girls……

And it’s only different types of beautiful girls…….

And it seems like they all serve as my girlfriends……

「Hey! Alice!」

Alice who was amused by the gazes directed to us by the single men, hugged my free left arm.

「f.u.c.k! Fuuck!」
「Die! Explode and die!」
「Why is there no woman who approaches us like him!」

No…… That last one is not quite right……

「Did Alice-oneechan also wants to hold hands with s.h.i.+n-oniichan?」
「That’s not the case. Their response was so fascinating, I just couldn’t help it.」
「Alice-san? Can you please stop your joke right now?」
「Hiu! I, I understand!!」

Si, Sicily’s smile is scary……

「There, there’s nothing?」
「Is that so. Then let’s quickly return to the inn.」

It feels like…… Irene-san’s appeal is gradually coming out…… [TL: Remember, Irene-san is kinda scary…]

I wonder if the day will come where I’ll be like Cecil-san? [TL: Irene-san tramps his husband, Cecil-san.]

「s.h.i.+n-oniichan, you’re like father being scolded by mother!」

…… Can you please not say something so accurate, Mei-chan……

In the end, after all the various troubles, the exploration of Dam Kingdom came to an end, and everyone returned to the inn.

「You’re late. What were you doing?」
「Ara, everyone has already gathered?」
「Welcome back. Dinner will come soon.」
「Eh? Are you guys not with Freed?」

It was Gus and the others who returned earlier that greeted us.

A system was established to eat the inn’s meal in the dining room, so Gus and the others are there.

「Oh, we joined on our way back, but we went our separate ways. 」
「Tony and the others…… will come back soon I guess.」

After Maria said that, Tony and the other three people rushed in to the inn.

「Hey! You are terrible! You just abandoned us!」
「That’s right! Everyone is so heartless!」
「We were in a lot of trouble (degozaru)……」

Tony and the others who found us came at us and ranted……

「Then can you three…… Can you jump into the middle of a fight between nine women?」
「Uh! Th, that is……」

Of course. They can’t do it.

「…… It’s impossible for me……」
「…… Right…… Sorry for being angry……」
「No…… I wanted to help but…… I’m sorry……」
「That is, s.h.i.+n-dono, I also went too far…… Indeed, that’s impossible……」
「I(sessha), was very horrified (degozaru)……」

We, after encountering the terrible events earlier, comforted each other by licking the other’s wound.

「Don’t keep standing there and just sit down already. You’re troubling the other customers.」

Gus who was not at the scene, voiced out a complaint.

Kuso, that’s because you were not at the scene……

「Besides that, what is it that even s.h.i.+n’s hands can’t beat?」
「Ah, just a while ago, Tony and the others were called out by women……」

While saying that, I looked over Tony and them.

「We three, we were just eating at a food stall and was choosing a souvenir for our families and girlfriends though.」
「And just when we’re about to return, we were called out.」
「There were three pairs at the same time.」
「So, three girls took the lead…… but they began to argue about which group called out first.」
「It had such intensity…… and before long, the girls began to fight each other……」
「…… A woman, is really scary……」

Fighting!? Such a thing actually happened!?

「We, well we skillfully escaped……」
「In the opening when the fight started……」
「We used the flash magic taught by s.h.i.+n-dono……」
「I strengthened my body with all my power and escaped.」

Tha, that’s such a great escape……

「…… You’ve been in a lot of trouble……」
「I’m really thankful you taught us such useful magic s.h.i.+n-dono.」

I didn’t really teach that magic for this scenario though…….

「I love girls but…… I don’t want to see anything like that ever again……」

Tony earnestly muttered then let out a sigh.

「 But if it’s Freed, I thought you would have had experienced such a scenario, at least once or twice!」
「That’s a misunderstanding, Corner-san.」
「Ah, sorry…… I just blurted it out without thought……」
「Because I usually manage it well it never happened to me before.」
「Give me back my apology!」

You’ll be eventually stab…… really……

「Haa…… And why were you guys also involved in trouble?」
「We saw Maria and you guys being hit on by a playboy.」
「U! You, you’ve seen it?」
「I only heard a voice of fighting back though.」
「You guys also…… Isn’t s.h.i.+n’s troublesome nature contagious?」
「…… Maybe that’s it……」
「I, until now have never met such trouble.」
「Me too!」
「Me also. There are various bad experiences .」
「Eh? Your kidding right? It’s not my fault right?」

Eh? What? Seriously? More likely, Maria in our first meeting, was caught up in the same kind of trouble……

「Like I told earlier, I’m also being careful to avoid such trouble…… Though unexpected, this happened……」
「It’s my first experience.」
「I(sessha), it’s my first time to be the one being hit on instead (degozaru). 」

A, ara? Am I becoming more and more like air? Editor’s Note:** s.h.i.+n’s presence is becoming unnoticed like his grandpa, Merlin. :)*

「Fumu, it’s apparently because of s.h.i.+n that we’re getting into trouble easily. Everyone, from now on, you should be careful.」

…… Is it alright to cry?

「It, it’s alright s.h.i.+n-kun. I don’t think of you as such.」

Sicily’s gentleness touches my heart……

「Why do fun things only happen when I’m with s.h.i.+n-oniichan?」

And Mei-chan’s innocent thoughts pried my heart……

Chapter 53 (2/2) end.

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