Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

There was a person who transformed



What is spread out in front of us is the clear blue sea and the white sandy beach that seems to go on forever.


The sea, illuminated by the summer sun, can make anyone’s heart flutter.


“The ocean!”(May)

“It’s natural to say that.”(August)


After the planned two-day travel, we arrived at the Rittenheim territory.


In the Rittenheim territory, the buildings are all white-ish, and it feels like a resort area.


There is no samurai residence in sight.


The first thing we did after arriving was visit the Lord’s house.


Upon arriving, the one who greeted us at the lord’s mansion was Marco von Rittenheim, Julius’ father, who was even larger than Julius.


“Thank you, Prince Augusto, it has been a long time”(Marco)

“h.e.l.lo Marquis of Rittenheim. We will be very busy very soon, so we want to relax as much as possible before that happens. We will be in your care.”(August)

“We’re sorry to hear that but please relax while you can.”(Marco)

“Well, I asked”

“The Magi and Guru as well, welcome. I am honored as an Earlshyde citizen that I am able to welcome you two.”(Marco)

“Hou, Please take good care of us.”(Merlin)

“Yes we’ll be in your care. But you should be careful. Marquises shouldn’t lower their heads to commoners.”(Melinda)

“Even if you say that… I’ve heard that you two were offered to become aristocrats, but you flat out refused…”(Marco)

“Oh they have?”(s.h.i.+n)


That’s the first time I heard about this.


“Aristocracy is just troublesome”(Melinda)

“I have told Diseum many times that I refuse n.o.bility.”(Merlin)


Certainly, Uncle Dis and Cecil-san mentioned high ranking positions in Earlshyde Kingdom are very compet.i.tive. It doesn’t fit grandpa and grandma who retired in a forest.


“s.h.i.+n, please slow down”(Sicily)

“Oh, yes. Sorry.”(s.h.i.+n)


I have done many greetings before going to the training camp, so I am familiar with it by now. The Marquis had a br.i.m.m.i.n.g smile.


“Thank you for being Julius’ friends and treating him as an equal, I appreciate it a lot.”(Marco)

“Father, no need to be shy…”(Julius)


Julius’ way of speaking was inherited from his father. Does this way of speaking run in the Rittenheim family?


He looks like an american professional wrestler…



After greeting the Marquis of Rittenheim, we were guided to the hotel we will be staying at.


As a hotel, there were cottages set up for each family and everyone was was able to spend the day leisurely with their family with them.


A samurai resort… There is no trace of samurais at all…


“This is amazing”(Melinda)

“s.h.i.+n… you have great friends…”(Merlin)

“Ah… I wonder if this is okay?”(s.h.i.+n)


Yes, it should be a family per cottage, but Cecily is going to stay at our cottage for some reason.


When she tried going back to the Claude family cottage, Lady Irene told her to come back here…


“It’s decided you will become s.h.i.+n’

s bride, so you should get used to it. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”(Melinda)



Sicily became distracted by grandma’s remark.


Nowadays, she frequently indulges in herself in delusions.


“Your bedrooms will be different anyways. Don’t forget there’s a time and place for those things.”

“Oh, yes, yes”(Sicily)

“Don’t say that sort of thing grandma.”(s.h.i.+n)

“You won’t sneak into Sicily’s room in the middle of the night, right?”(Melinda)

“Don’t joke like that!”(s.h.i.+n)



Woah! She turned bright red!


I left Sicily, who was frozen, to grandma, and looked around the cottage. After checking it out for a bit, I decided to go to the beach, so I changed into my trunks and went to the sea.


“I’ve finished changing!”(s.h.i.+n)

“You go ahead. We’ll catch up later! “(Melinda)


That was the replied that way from their room, so I went to the beach together with grandpa.


By the way, grandpa is not wearing swim trunks but a s.h.i.+rt, short pants, and a straw hat. If he was bald and with his white mustache, he would look like a certain hermit.


As we arrived at the beach near the Cottage district, I saw a sight that I didn’t expect to see.


“s.h.i.+n Onii-chan!”(May)

“Oh, May you also came to the beach?”(s.h.i.+n)

“How do I look, s.h.i.+n Onii-chan!”(May)


May, who is wearing a yellow one piece swimsuit, made one revolution in front of me.


“You look nice, you’re very cute.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Ehehe, I was praised!”(May)

“Enough, May! Please have a little shame!”(Elly)


Elly said that while wearing a red bikini.


“Shyness doesn’t fit that appearance!”(s.h.i.+n)

“Uuu… please don’t stare…”(Elly)

“No, it is a bit surprising. I thought that you would wear a swimsuit with little less exposure.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Uuu… It’s because Alice said that this much is ok…”(Elly)


So this is Alice’s fault.


“Gus, do you like it?”(s.h.i.+n)

“It’s not that she is naked, so I don’t mind… in addition…”(August)

“In addition…?”(s.h.i.+n)

“…I didn’t have to go shopping with Elly, so I can’t complain.”(August)


He muttered under his breath.


“What was that?”(Elly)

“No, nothing!”(August)


Even so… They are a dangerous weapon… I feel like I can empathize with Gus.


“Oh, it suits you, Elly!”(Rin)

“It wouldn’t be far off if one stated that it was perfect.”(Alice)


Alice and Rin appeared together.


Alice is in a separate blue and white two-tone swimsuit.


Rin is in a black one piece.


“You guys… one of you guys chose something safe and the other…”(s.h.i.+n)

“What?” (Alice)

“Unexpectedly, these swimsuits look the best on us.” (Rin)

“Yes, childrens’ swimsuits really do!”(May)

After May said that, they both became depressed.


I have never seen such sad self-destruction…


“Oh, h.e.l.lo everyone.”(Yuri)


Yuri said as she arrived.


She ran here wearing a black bikini.


She originally has a voluptuous figure, so when she runs in a bikini…


“You show-off! Show them to me!”(Alice)

“Me too, Yuri!”(Rin)



Whine, whine…


Yuri fell prey to the two chibis.


Even so, it was still a pretty amazing sight.


“s.h.i.+n, there’s something coming out of your nose.”


I was surprised by a sudden comment coming from Maria, so I turned around.


“Oh, that’s the swimsuit you went to buy with grandma.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Isn’t it cute?”(Maria)


She wore a pareo around her waist on top of a green two piece swimsuit.


As she said, it suits her well.


“Yeah, you look nice.”(s.h.i.+n)

“I’d like a boyfriend to tell me that that…”(Maria)


It’s very cute though.


“Well…uh…” (s.h.i.+n)

“Oh, Sicily, You came…”(Maria)


The moment I saw the appearance of Sicily who had finally shown up, I was struck by thunder.


I was stunned at the beautiful sight of Sicily wearing a white bikini and looking very embarra.s.sed.


“Oi! Don’t just stand here like a fern and say something!”(Melinda)


I finally returned to my senses after grandma struck my back.


“Hey… that… looks great on you… you look so… so cute…”(s.h.i.+n)

“Eh … Oh, thank you… s.h.i.+n you also… look cool.”(Sicily)

“Oh, thanks…” (s.h.i.+n)

“Say…” (Melinda)


What is this? Whatever it’s supposed to be, I’m super embarra.s.sed!


“s.h.i.+n, what about mine?”(Melinda)

“Yours? It looks good I guess.”(s.h.i.+n)


I felt the air cool down a bit, as she showed the girls her swimsuit.


Certainly my grandmother has a figure that one would never guess is near seventy, right? Her appearance in the swimwear only confirms that…


“You are amazing Melinda-sama. If I imagine my grandmother dressed like this…”(Yuri)

“You shouldn’t compare her to your family members! Looking like this would be unreasonable for anyone but Melinda-sama!”(Maria)

“Ha… Melinda-sama is amazing!”(Alice)


Everyone praises my grandmother’s swimsuit.


With a blue one piece swimsuit, if one only looks at the body, it should not belong to an old woman. It would look more like a beautiful witch… even Maria and Alice said so too. If you are sane, you have to stop yourself with all your might! Even if she is a relative, that’s not my intention! I’m scared, but I can’t say that!


“Oh, is everyone already here?”(Mark)

“Sorry we’re late.”(Olivia)

The last ones to show up were Mark and Olivia.


“What…?” (Rin)

“An ambus.h.!.+ From such a place!”(Alice)


Alice and Rin muttered when they saw Olivia, who was wearing a pale light blue bikini… it was surprising.


“d.a.m.n it! She looks smaller in clothes!”(Alice)

“I was totally taken by surprise and the damage is huge.”(Rin)


The Rin and Alice situation is very strange.


Did reality break them?


Although all the male members are here, no one looks better in trunks than in regular clothes. However, that is just how the world works. I have no intention nor want for describing the male swimming trunks, so I will just omit it.


By the way, Julius’s trunks aren’t a loincloth.




“Are everyone’s families enjoying themselves?”(Julius)

“Yeah, they sent us out to play, so they could relax.” (Alice)

“My relatives were like that too!”(Rin)


It seems like everyone’s situation is similar. Everyone’s families seem to be relaxing in their cottage.


Unlike the group members, the families aren’t as familiar with each other.


“Well, now that everyone’s here, what will we do?” (Yuri)

“Since we came to the sea, we should go swimming!”(s.h.i.+n)

“s.h.i.+n, you grew up a mountain. Do you even know how to swim?”(Maria)

“You know there are rivers and lakes in the mountains, right?”(s.h.i.+n)


For that reason, I can swim reasonably well.


However, at the time, I didn’t swim for fun but to hunt.


“Well then… Charge!”(Alice)



Alice and May jumped head first into the sea.


“My, my… I guess I’ll also enter the sea. What about you, s.h.i.+n?”(Melinda)

“Yeah… Sicily, will you come with me?”(s.h.i.+n)

“Yes, I’ll go!”(Sicily)


We headed towards the sea, but Rin would not move.


“What’s wrong?”(s.h.i.+n)

“I remembered a serious problem.”(Rin)

“A serious problem?”(s.h.i.+n)

“I cannot swim.”(Rin)



Huh? How do you manage to forget about something of that magnitude?


“I was only concentrating on choosing Elly’s swimsuit.”(Rin)

“You… stu… “(s.h.i.+n)


When Alice and Rin get together they tend to get carried away.


It would be shame if Rin was the only one that got left behind.


“Well, let’s try this then.”(s.h.i.+n)

“What’s that?”(Rin)

“A float.”(s.h.i.+n)


I took out a floating ring from the my dimension storage… As soon as I did, everyone had a blank expression on their faces. Do floating rings not exist in this world? Even though there’s a culture of swimming in the sea?


“How do you use this?”(Rin)

“Rin, go through the ring”(s.h.i.+n)

“Like this?”(Rin)

“Yes. Now go into the ocean.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Oh, Oh, I’m floating”(Rin)

“It’s a tool for those who can’t swim…”(s.h.i.+n)


When I take a look at everyone, they all look astonished.


“What a breakthrough…”

“People who can’t swim cannot go into the ocean until they become proficient at swimming. That is until now…”

“Even a small child could enter the sea with this…”

“Could you lend me one too? I’m not very good at swimming…”(Elly)


Obliging to Elly’s request, I pull out another float.


It’s made of demonized rabbit leather, It’s waterproof and light.


It’s not suitable for armor because it’s not very st.u.r.dy, but it is ideal for floating rings.


“Hey… s.h.i.+n-kun… me too…”(Sicily)

“Sorry Sicily, I only have two.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Oh really…”(Sicily)


Is Sicily also a bad swimmer? It might not be a good idea for her to swim then.


“Instead, I have something like this”(s.h.i.+n)

“What? A Boat?”(Sicily)


Yes, it’s a boat made of the same material as the floating ring.


“Sicily, come on. Why don’t you get on this?”(s.h.i.+n)

“Yes, well… Wow, it’s so comfortable!”(Sicily)


It is going to be pleasant just swaying with the waves and close to the sea surface.


“Well then, me too.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Ah, Whoops!”(Sicily)

“Oops! Are you all right?”(s.h.i.+n)

“Yes… I’m ok.”(Sicily)

When I got in, the boat shook and Sicily fell down.


Now that we are both in swimsuits, our bare skin is in close contact…


“s.h.i.+n, you’re warm…”(Sicily)

“Sicily is too…”(s.h.i.+n)


I feel close to her…


“Go to h.e.l.l, you lovebirds!”(Maria)




Maria went berserk and activated her wind magic.


Because it was magic that created a gust of wind, there were no injuries, but the boat was swept away.


“So unreasonable!”(s.h.i.+n)

“We we were blown away considerably.”(Sicily)

“Well, moving it back can be done with magic and even if you go to the open sea, there is no problem.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Magic? Is it wind magic?”(Sicily)

“That’s possible as well, but this way is a lot faster.”(s.h.i.+n)


Saying that, I put my hand in the water and activated water jet.


“Wow! So quick! It’s amazing!”(Sicily)

“You think so?”(s.h.i.+n)

“But how do you know a magic like that?”(Sicily)

“It comes in handy when you’re fis.h.i.+ng at a lake.”(s.h.i.+n)

“You can fish too?”(Sicily)

“I’m getting tired of eating meat everyday. Would you like to try?”(s.h.i.+n)


As I was saying that, I brought out a fis.h.i.+ng rod I made from a bamboo-like tree that grew in the forest. Since the reel already existed in this world, I got Uncle Tom to buy it for me.


“Eh? But what about bait…”(Sicily)

“I have that as well.”(s.h.i.+n)


I set a handmade lure on the thread.


“Do you want to try?”(s.h.i.+n)

“Yes! It will be my first time fis.h.i.+ng.”(Sicily)


The two people began fis.h.i.+ng…



“Wow! It bit again!”(Sicily)

“Ooooo, this one as well!”(s.h.i.+n)


Instead of enjoying the tranquility of fis.h.i.+ng, it felt like chaotic ma.s.s-fis.h.i.+ng instead.


If that’s the case you might think we would stop, however since we’ve already come this far, we can catch enough for everyone’s dinner… If the fish continue to bite at this rate.


We already have caught enough for everyone who came along, so I put all the fish in the  dimension storage.


“We smell a bit like fish.”(s.h.i.+n)


“Should we go into the ocean to wash it off?”(s.h.i.+n)

“Ah… that… Actually I’m not very good at swimming, so… could you support me?”(Sicily)

“Of course… Come on in then.”(s.h.i.+n)



I accepted the idea without hesitation… It was a sweet thought.


Now we are getting close while both of us are wearing swimsuits…


“s.h.i.+n, please hold me tight!”(Sicily)

“Yeah, okay, okay…”(s.h.i.+n)


It would’ve been better for Sicily to hold onto my back, but Sicily panicked and somehow ended up embracing me from the front…


I’m not sure if this pic should be placed here, or if it’s an LN exclusive or in some later situation. But oh well. You don’t care anyways.

Oooooooh… Soft!


If I lost to my desires now we would end up drowning, so I continued to hold Sicily desperately.


After a while, we went back to the boat, but Sicily’s soft feeling remained on my body. I have no idea what happened to the fishy smell.


“Hah, hah…. is the smell gone?”(s.h.i.+n)

“Huh? Oh… I think it’s okay… What about you?”(Sicily)

“It seems to be OK. Well then shall we get back to everyone?”(s.h.i.+n)

“Yeah, let’s go.”(Sicily)


Because Sicily was desperate, she probably doesn’t remember what happened a little while ago… I mean she is acting like nothing happened.


While I was stressing about it, I moved the boat and went back to everyone.


“Oh! You’re finally back! What were you doing so far offsh.o.r.e!”(August)

“No way… did you… outdoors…”(Maria)

“Of course not! We were fis.h.i.+ng in the open sea!”(s.h.i.+n)




Saying that I pull out the fish we caught earlier in the boat.


“This is no longer at the level you would call fis.h.i.+ng!”(Maria)

“Well I never thought we would catch this much.”(s.h.i.+n)

“What did you do about the bait in such an offsh.o.r.e place?”(August)

“I used this.”(s.h.i.+n)


Saying that, I show them the handmade lure.


“What is that?”(August)

“A lure”(s.h.i.+n)

“A Lure?”

“It’s a pseudo-bait. You put it on the thread and throw it in the sea. Then, by winding the reel…”(s.h.i.+n)


I was demonstrating while talking. Then…


“Look! One already bit!”(s.h.i.+n)


Almost immediately a fish was hooked. Everyone had an astonished expression.


“Why… can you catch fish with this method?”

“Because fish feed on fish smaller than them, the fish thinks that this is a small fish they can eat.”(s.h.i.+n)

“This is amazing! It would be a huge hit if you started selling it!”

“Because there are many girls who don’t want to touch insect baits, they may be able to sell in surprising places”

“There’s the float and the boat from before and now this. It’s just one thing after another…”

“And for playing on the beach, I have things like these.”(s.h.i.+n)


I took out a beach ball.



“Rin! It went over there!”(Alice)

“Leave it to me!”(Rin)

“Yeah! Eat this!”(Alice)


I took out a beach ball and we started playing beach volleyball.


Since there is no volleyball in this world, I briefly explained the rules. Although it’s supposed to be a 2v2 compet.i.tion, we are playing 4v4 because everyone is still unfamiliar with the rules.


To be honest, everyone said that beach volleyball, which we started with a hastily built net, sounded a bit awkward, but they were curious and it got interesting after a few games. After that, everyone began to become absorbed into the game.


Incidentally magic has been allowed, which caused some scenes like in cartoons.


After everyone became engrossed in it, the sun was gradually setting.


“Ha… I’m tired… Shall we return soon?”(s.h.i.+n)

“Yeah… And… It’s almost time… For dinner…”(Thor)


Thor responded while catching his breath. Everyone else is worn out too.


“Ha… You guys… It seems like you’re still children in the end.”(Melinda)

“Hohoho, everyone seems pretty energetic.”(Merlin)


I look at grandpa and grandma who showed up saying that…


What I saw were grandpa and grandma who developed a light brown tan in just one day.


Isn’t it too soon to get a tan?


Adding to that, he had and a straw hat on with a black tan and the b.u.t.ton s.h.i.+rt fully open…


That was one terribly funky grandfather.


“Grandpa… What happened to you?”(s.h.i.+n)

“Nothing! Tanning was always easy for me. As for the they are a must for the summer sea.”(Merlin)


Is there something like that? I thought that grandpa went and became impatient.


“Look, I’ll be back soon. You go to the cottage and take a shower. Oh, what is that by the water?”(Melinda)

“Oh, right”(s.h.i.+n)


I completely forgot about the net until my grandmother pointed it out.


We’ve been on a sandy beach under a scorching hot sun…




Of course it will end up like this. Ouch!




Sicily, who took a shower after me, seemed to be simmering on sunburned skin. A scream was heard.


In the end it’s just a light burn, so let’s heal her later.


Oh, but will a sunburn disappear because of healing magic? How should I know?


It would probably be better not to use it if I’m not completely sure. If it becomes unbearable, I’ll give it a go.



There is a square in the center of the Cottage district, so we used it to hold a barbecue.


“Wow, Magi… what happened to you?”

“Is this something you should worry about?”(Merlin)

“Would you please tell us?”

“There is nothing wrong with me!”(Merlin)


The grandfather who turned funky has become the center of everyone’s attention.


However, there was some dissatisfaction with his appearance….


“He truly is the Magi: attracting everyone’s attention with such a method…”(Royce)


Royce-san please don’t try to imitate it.


“Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves.”(s.h.i.+n)


And when I went to the Royal Castle for today’s regular report, Uncle Dis was waiting for me at the security guard’s station.


“Oh! Mother!”(May)

“Oh no May, are you behaving yourself?”(Julia)

“Of course!”(May)


Yes, Dis wasn’t the only one waiting.


Uncle’s wife.


Gus and May’s mother, the Queen, was also with him.


“Mother, you are late.”(August)

“You don’t have to say unnecessary things! If there is such a convenient magic like s.h.i.+n’s gate, why is it be necessary to travel in a dangerous carriage ride?”(Julia)

“What is your true reason?”(August)

“Travelling in a carriage is troublesome!”(Julia)


The Queen confessed quite easily. I only met her a little while ago…


“You call my husband Uncle Dis? Then, please call me Aunt Julia!”(Julia)

“Aunt Ju-Julia…?”(s.h.i.+n)

“Yes. Like that!”(Julia)


She said that and winked.


The Queen… Aunt Julia has platinum blonde hair tied up. She gives of an aura of a true Queen.


However, she is not just a person who stays locked up in the Royal castle and has tea parties, but she also puts great effort into the citizens’ welfare. Not only planning and giving out money but also visiting nursing homes and orphanages in person. As a friendly queen who takes great care of the people, her popularity among the Earlshyde citizens is high.


The royal family is here including Uncle Dis.


Well, that’s why the popularity of the people is high.


“Your Majesty and Queen it has been a while. I believe that I am able to welcome your Majesty to the very best of my ability. It is an honor.”(Marco)

“Umu, no need to be so stiff. We are all on vacation aren’t we?”(Dis)

“You are so humble.”(Marco)

“Fuu… Well, at least you’ve finally calmed down.”(Dis)


Uncle Dis started to relax after he said that.


“Oh, yes, Cook-san, I caught some fish in the sea, would you like to prepare them?”(s.h.i.+n)

“Certainly, please put them there.”(Chef)


I put the fish we caught in the tub he pointed at.


“Wow! This much?”(Chef)


The fish filled the tub and it overflowed. I guess we caught too much?


“Mother, mother!”(May)

“What is it? May”(Julia)

“Look! I caught this!”(May)


As she said that, May took out a fish from the different dimension storage.


“Is that different dimension storage!”(Julia)


“Oh, sorry. It’s wonderful!”(Julia)


“But May, you can use different dimension storage…”(Julia)

“s.h.i.+n nii-chan told me it’s convenient!”(May)


“You can store anything in a different dimension. Isn’t it convenient?”(May)

“Do you understand the abnormalities of using different dimension storage at the age of ten?”(Julia)

“I could use when I was five.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Because s.h.i.+n is abnormal, it can be said that May is a genius wizard.”(Julia)

“Don’t say something so horrible! But is she actually a genius?”(s.h.i.+n)

“For a common house this would be good… But if it’s like this, May’s suitors will be gone.”(Julia)


It must be hard for the groom if the bride is stronger than him…


“I don’t need to be a bride. I can hunt demons with s.h.i.+n nii-chan!”(May)

“Is that so?”(Julia)


I felt a little relieved when May said that she wouldn’t marry.


That reminds me, I don’t really know much about this country’s political marriages.


“I’ll be hunting tigers like August nii-chan!”(May)

“Oh, that’s right…”(Julia)


Even though she said basically the same line, my face twitched this time.


“It’s been a while Julia, are you doing well?”(Melinda)

“Melinda-san! It’s been a while!”(Julia)


It seems that grandma and Julia are on friendly terms.


The two of them started talking. Then they called over Elly and Sicily. The wife of each family joined in and began teaching Elly and Sicily, who will become wives soon, this and that.


“Well, the women are enjoying themselves.”(s.h.i.+n)



When me and Gus got caught up in that, we just didn’t fit in, so we went away from the circle of ladies.


“Once the vacation ends it will be very busy, so I want to relax as much as possible.”(August)

“The talks between the three powers?”(s.h.i.+n)

“It will be a pretty big talk. I’d like to cooperate with those two countries while we still somehow hold the initiative.”(August)


“What’s wrong?”(August)

“No… There is something that’s been bothering me.”(s.h.i.+n)

“What is it?”(August)


After the second devil attack, I decided to talk about what was bothering me after returning to Earlshyde.


“We’ve won two consecutive victories over the devils, and didn’t even suffer any damage in the second one.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Other than the barley field you blew away.”(August)

“Ugh! Forget that, I’m concerned about the talk on the streets.”(s.h.i.+n)

“What talk?”(August)


Right now, there is something being whispered in the Kingdom of Earlshyde. And that is…


“The devils are not a big deal.”(s.h.i.+n)


Yes, because we repelled the devils without too much effort, rumors like those were spreading around the kingdom.


“Is that true?”(August)

“I heard a lot of such talk when I was shopping for this trip.”(s.h.i.+n)


It’s becoming a tendency among the Earlshyde people.


“That’s a serious problem…”(August)

“Concerning the three country union? If we’re winning like that, they may say that we don’t need it.”(s.h.i.+n)

“No… that’s not it…”(August)

“Oh… I got it.”(s.h.i.+n)


It would be scary if this tide spreads to the soldiers.


In the Swedes Kingdom, ordinary soldiers couldn’t do a thing against the devils.


If one misunderstands that a devil is not a big deal… it won’t end well.


I just pray that won’t be the case…


While we looked at everyone who seemed to be having fun, the two of us had serious faces.

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