Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

s.h.i.+n can’t keep his mouth shut

This was the worst situation possible.

Somehow the t.i.tle of “Magic King” which I wanted to avoid was given to me by Uncle Dis during the decoration ceremony.

If he declares it in such an official setting, It will spread throughout the Royal Capital in the blink of an eye.

When I take a walk through the city…

“Oh! Magic King!”(insert)
“Kyaaa! s.h.i.+n Magic King-san!”(funny)
“King of the Wizards… Truly appropriate.”(names)

Whenever someone calls out to me, “Magic King” will be attached to my name.

“I can’t even walk outside anymore…”(s.h.i.+n)
“I used to be really shy when people talked to me but I got used to it eventually.”(Sicily)
“I don’t want to get used to it…”(s.h.i.+n)
“But didn’t you get used to the team name almost immediately? You’ll get used to your t.i.tle before you know it.”(Sicily)

Sicily sat next to me and smiled.

Sicily is as warmhearted as ever even when she’s worrying about me. She really is a good girl…

“Well now Sicily, you’ve tamed s.h.i.+n perfectly haven’t you?”(Melinda)

My Grandmother was grinning while I was soaking in Sicily’s kindness.

I forgot about Grandpa and Grandma…

By the way, Sicily is living casually in our house since returning from the Rittenheim Resort.

Like that she started chatting and getting along with Grandpa, Grandma and the servants.

Before becoming my bride, she has to get accustomed to living with the Walfords so this is like an extension of the vacation.

She also sleeps over. However my grandmother’s surveillance is… (Kaelpie: Grandma needs a hobby…)

“Oh? But i had no such intention…”(Sicily)
“Don’t worry about taming your husband. The marriage will be happier if that’s the case, don’t you think?”(Melinda) (Kaelpie: coughcoughdivorcedcoughcough)
“Indeed! A different s.h.i.+n! Such a thing would be…”(Sicily)
“Oi, can you not create a plan for my future?”(s.h.i.+n)
“Not at all! We aren’t…”(Sicily)
“My Grandma’s jokes may be misunderstood so please don’t listen to her.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Don’t worry, Grandma, I’m just kidding”(s.h.i.+n)

I quickly replied while patting Sicily’s head.
“Auuu… that’s right.”(Sicily)
“Ah ha ha, you’re so innocent”(Melinda)
“Ho ho ho, but with this trouble will never leave you alone.”(Merlin)

As Grandpa said, after the decorating ceremony, no one in the team can walk around casually

When we walk through the town defenselessly we get surrounded.

“It would be good to teach them Gate as soon as possible.”(Merlin)
“Well… Maria told me that a lot of men called out to her recently, and she is getting fed up with it.”(Sicily)
“Our names are famous so perhaps they only approach her to take advantage of that… I hope she has been brus.h.i.+ng them aside…”(s.h.i.+n)
“Looks like it… However because I’m with s.h.i.+n when I go outside it’s all ok…”(Sicily)

Sicily said that while being slightly embara.s.sed.

All right… Sicily won’t go outsde alone anymore.

Because Sicily’s reputation in Swedes reached Earlshyde, there are many of those who wors.h.i.+p her as a saint and ask fo

r help.

If she goes out to the city by herself, she will be immediately surrounded and asked to salvation.

Not only that, but it seems that there are people who consider that to be insolence, so I had to escort her in a different sense than before.

Although.. I don’t think there is anyone that can do something to Sicily as she is now…

Many people think they can do something by force under the impression that she is a saint… Guard investigator Orto taught me that during a recent visit. (TN: The guy who figured out Stromm was behind the Cart incident)

But I can’t go outside anymore either.

Whenever I go out, I always go out with Grandpa or Grandma.

There seems to be a group of people who want to involve us in crime… somehow I’m busy rounding them up.

“They think they could do whatever they wanted if they somehow got you on their side, because you can slay a devil… Those types are beyond saving.”(Orto)

He warned me to be careful before he went home.

All the more reason to teach everyone Gate.

“At any rate… The people’s expectations of s.h.i.+n have grown…”(Sicily)
“After all, it’s become like this”(s.h.i.+n)

The whole team has the power to destroy devils, but only I got the t.i.tle of being a Magic King.

As a result, it became a trend of “not fearing devils”.

When I questioned Uncle Dis about it during one of his visits, he said something surprising.

“That’s fine, we have told the officers to tell their soldiers, it’s only the Ultimate Magicians who can defeat devils”(Dis)
“Were they convinced with that?”(s.h.i.+n)
“Once we told them that they need the ability to subjugate disaster-grade demons by themselves in order to defeat devils… everyone was immediately convinced.”(Dis)

Come to think of it, May said something about disaster-grade demons being trauma inducing machines to the military…

Even if they can’t imagine the power of a devil, they are fully aware of the horror of disaster-grade monsters.

“But what about the Three Power talks? It might have an impact on them…”(s.h.i.+n)
“You don’t have to worry about that. The negotiations may certainly prove to be difficult, but we want people to think that the devils are not a threat. Remember it’ll be bad if a country has a worried atmosphere.”(Dis)
“…Information manipulation?”(s.h.i.+n)
“You know some difficult words, don’t you?”(Dis)

I understand what Unlce Dis is trying to say.

But I was worried because it may affect the Three Power talks.

“The negotiation with the countries is my field of expertise, you don’t worry need to worry.”(August)

Uwa… Really…

“What is it?”(August)
“No, no.. nothing…”(s.h.i.+n)
“…I’ll question you later, just leave the negotiations to me. We’ve already completed several simulations.”(August/Lelouch)
“Is that so?”(s.h.i.+n)

What are we planning to do? Will the information gathering go smootly? It is a country that is said to be a major power after all.

It was rea.s.sured by the royal father and child Uncle Dis and August, so from here on I judged that it wasn’t my area of expertise, and I won’t worry about it any more.

“By the way… what did you say was wrong just now?”(August)
“Nothing’s wrong.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Spit it out!”(August)
“It’s nothing!”(s.h.i.+n) (Kaelpie: August is turning into a mom)

“After that, I was scrutiniously questioned by Gus…”(s.h.i.+n)
“Fufu, s.h.i.+n reacted exactly as i expected. I almost lol’d.”(August)
“When Elly finds out about this, it might become something troublesome…”(s.h.i.+n)
“No way… You already know…?”(s.h.i.+n)
“Er, ummm… That…”(August)
“Ehe…”(August) (Kaelpie: Error 404: Dialouge.exe not found)
“Ehehe… It’s lovely isn’t it! What the h.e.l.l are you doing!”(Elly)
“Kyaa! I’m sorry! Honest! …Ah! It tickles!”(August)
“This guy! It’s not funny being in his shoes is it? Will the dust settle?”(Elly)
“Ah, sorry”(???)
“Huu… Fu… I’m sorry”(August)
“Ho ho, your relations.h.i.+ps are on good terms”(Merlin)
Several days after the decorating ceremony, I went to pick up everyone who couldn’t openly walk outside and gathered in one of the schools laboratories.

“How should i put it… It feels like it’s been quite a while…”(Yuri)
“I think so too, seeing as how our daily lives have been since the start of the summer holidays…”(Olivia)
“Now then, I’d like start to teaching Gate right away, is that okay?”(s.h.i.+n)

Rin replied right away unable to wait, because she was looking forward to this day so much.

“Well then sit down and I’ll explain Gate.”(s.h.i.+n)

When I said that, everyone sat down obediently.

“I a.s.sume you’ve seen Gate many times now so you know what it does?”(s.h.i.+n)

Everyone nods simultaneously.

“First of all,I’ll start with the image to activate Gate, but this is how I imagine it therefore it may not fit everyone so please adjust it for yourself.”(s.h.i.+n)

After the intro, I draw point A and point B on the blackboard.

“Well, first of all answer this question: How can I get the shortest distance from this point A to the point B?”(s.h.i.+n)
“That’s simple. You go straight from here to here!”(Alice)
“Bzzz “(s.h.i.+n) (TN: He’s imitating a quiz show buzzer. Idk why the others know what that is.)

When I told Alice’s answer was incorrect, a commotion broke out immediately.

“What is the shortest distance if not a straight line?”(Maria)
“What is this? A riddle?”(Thor) (Kaelpie: Imagine hearing that one from the Sphinx)
“Hmm… I don’t understand it at all”(Rin)

Everyone quickly gave up.

“Well… I guess it would be hard to figure out if it’s on a blackboard…”(s.h.i.+n)
“Why on a blackboard?”(Rin)
“Well then, why don’t you write it on paper?”(s.h.i.+n)

When i said that everyone wrote two points on a piece of paper and started to worry about this and that.

“Raaah !Enough already! I don’t get it!”(Alice)
“Well everyone? Do you surrender?”(s.h.i.+n)
“I don’t get it at all”(Rin)
“I’ll tell you the answer, but don’t say it’s sloppy. This is my image for Gate.”(s.h.i.+n)

Everyone’s eyes became serious to my words.

“The reason I said it was difficult to arrive to the answer on the blackboard… Is this.”(s.h.i.+n)

I hold the paper and fold it in two. With that… Point A and point B stick together.

“This paper is s.p.a.ce, and when I fold it, point A, as the place I’m currently at, and point B, as the place I want to go to, the distance between them will be zero, which is the shortest distance…”(s.h.i.+n)

Then I pierce the overlapping points with a pen.

“This hole is Gate.”(s.h.i.+n)

When I looked at everyone, some had an agape face, some understood, and so on.

“Such an idea… I never would’ve thought of it”(Tony)
“Certainly the shortest distance is as he says… You can’t reach that conclusion on the blackboard.”(Mark)
“I see. I get it now.”(Rin)
“Do you understand the image?”(s.h.i.+n)

Everyone did a large nod.

“And, based on this image, when you start magic to open a Different Dimension Storage in two different places…”(s.h.i.+n)

A Gate appeared in front of my eyes and connected to the back of the laboratory.

“This is the image for Gate and it’s activation method.You can’t use it unless it is a place you’ve already been to because you can’t imagine where you want to connect to. Well? Does it seem possible?”(s.h.i.+n)
“I can do it for sure.”(Alice)
“I understood the image. Now for the activation.”(Julius)
“Then today everybody will be practicing Gate. It took Grandpa quite a while before he could do it, so you don’t have to worry if you can’t pull it off right away.”(s.h.i.+n)

I started collecting magical powers as soon as I told them to practice.

Even though there’s been the talks… And they’re already heroes…

* * *
Well, there’s not malicious intentions in everyone wanting to try out Gate soon. Everyone is gathering magical power, and trying to activate it in the same way they do Different Dimension Storage.

Since they imagined it by how I explained it, everyone has opened Different Dimension Storage instead of Gate.

Eyerytime that happened they had to try again, open a Different Dimension Storage again, try again… And like that we lost track of time. everyone was absorbed in practicing Gate.

But in the meantine, I was bored…

Eventually no one succeeded on that day, and the training session ended.

“Muu… I almost got it”(Rin)

It seems that Rin made considerable progress.

At this point, Rin is the most likely to be the first to learn Gate.

* * *
Three days pa.s.sed after I started teaching Gate as a study group activity during the summer holidays…

“Yes! I did it!”(Alice)

Contrary to my expectations, Alice was the first to learn Gate.

“I did it! I did it! With this I won’t be late anymore!”(Alice)

Her motive is impure!

In any case, there was a Gate open in front of Alice, and its exit is on the other end of the laboratory.

“Yeah, the gate is certanly open. Congratulations, Alice”(s.h.i.+n)
“I pa.s.s? Yes!”(Alice)
“Such… How?”(Rin)
“For the s.p.a.ce, make it like GUYAAA, and then like AYAA! And then you just expand it!”(Alice)

She doesn’t get it at all.

Well… The Gate opened with that image so I guess it’s good enough.

Noticing Alices succsess, everyone, including me, started working even harder.

I had spare time as usual, so I was devising ​​a certain magic tool.

“s.h.i.+n, what are you doing?”(Alice)
“Hm? Oh, I’m thinking up ​​a magic tool”(s.h.i.+n)
“Magic tool?”(Alice)
“You know about those communication tools, right?”(s.h.i.+n)
“I was thinking of creating a wireless version of that…?”(s.h.i.+n)
“Wait a minute!”(August) (Kaelpie: OBJECTION!!!)

A voice was heard from Gus that should have been practicing Gate.

“What’s wrong? Did you succeed?”(s.h.i.+n)
“That doens’t matter right now… You… Did you just say something outrageous?”(August)
“Something outrageous?”(s.h.i.+n)
“A wireless communication device!”(August)

When he cried out, everyone stopped practicing and looked at us.

“Yeah, but… Why is it that terrible?”(s.h.i.+n)
“Even though that communication machine of yours brought about a revolution in information technology… You want to make it wireless? Do you want to cause an information war?”(August)

Information warfare… I often heard those words in my previous world, but does this world still not have that concept? (Kaelpie: Coming soon: CoD: Information Warfare…)

“Er… Is it still too early…?”(s.h.i.+n)
“Wired communication devices are being used only for communication between countries, and it will spread to the general public, but… it’s too early now.”(August)
“Oh… well, I have no plans to realize it yet. I’m only working on the concept.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Oh… Is that so…?”(August)

When I said that, Gus breathes a sigh of relief.

Do I have to go through the steps to introduce it to the world?

“Don’t stand there surprised. Return to practicing.”(s.h.i.+n)

As I said that, everyone went back to practicing Gate.

The prospect of integration… Honestly that’s the biggest problem.

* * *
The reason why a wireless communication device isn’t realized and is still only a concept is… It’s because it can’t communicate if the receiving side isn’t activated.

When a wired communication device is activated on the transmitting side, magical power is transmitted through the demonized large spider thread and the receiving sides communication device activates.

Because of that, communication is possible, but when it comes to wireless, even if the transmitting side activates the communication device, the receiving side doesn’t activate. Naturally.

In order to realize this, the receiving communication device must always be turned on.

Otherwise, how will the receiving side know when to turn on the device?

That’s not realistic. It’s the major reason why I’m stuck.

There are other ways as well. Communication in the form of radio waves… In this case Magic waves? Communicating trough them will probably need a relay station..

That said, first of all, is it that straightforward? In order to establish a relay station, it will be necessary to develop a large-scale infrastructure.

When communicating directly with Magic waves, it’s necessary to investigate the maximum distance.

Eventually I’d like to set up a relay station… but when could that be.

Regardless of what form the communication takes, the receiving side is the problem.

Something… There’s gotta be some sort of trick to this…

Though I thought about various ways, they would mostly only work for me, who is ignorant to the common sense of this world.

I wonder if everyone, who knows things about this world, could come up with something…

Gus told me it’s still too early, but it will be a huge advantage in attacking the Old Empire territory. I can’t stop it’s development.

While everyone was practicing Gate I was constantly thinking it over.

And a few days later…
(Kaelpie: In case you haven’t realised, you just read a magical world IT lecture.)

* * *
“I did it! I made it!”(Rin)

Rin shouted out.

When I caught her voice and looked at Rin, there was a Gate in front of her.

“I’m so happy! Yes!”

Not only was Rin loud, but she also had a full smile on her face, rejoicing in breaking her deadlock.

Rin opened and closed Gate repeatedly.

“Oooh, you did it, Rin!”(s.h.i.+n)
“It was a blunder to fall behind Alice, but I’m glad.”(Rin)

Those two really get along well.

However they tend to get carried away…

The second successful person provided everyone with even more motivation to practice desperately.

And just before the summer vacation ended…

* * *
“Well, I did it….”(Olivia)

Olivia was the last to open a Gate, and with that, the entire team mastered Gate.

“Oh… With this… Everyone learned Gate!”(Rin)

Alice shouldn’t be able to brag anymore.

“Oh! Just as the summer holiday ends.”(Alice)
“I’m sorry…It took only me so long…”(Olivia)
“Not at all! I think that it was a sufficiently early acquisition, since it’s magic that took even the Magi quite a while to figure it out.”(Maria)
“Thor also barely made it”(Mark)
“You’re noisy! Julius made it just before me!”(Thor)
“Even if by a little he learned it before you”(Mark)

Everyone’s tension is high because everyone managed to master Gate.

I wonder if it’s because everyone wants to master magic?

“Everyone, listen to me for a moment”(August) (Kaelpie: August mom mode: ACTIVATE!)

Gus called out to everyone making a racket. What is it?

“Everyone was able to master Gate safely, however because of the circ.u.mstances you cannot use it carelessy due to our past achievements and decorations”(August)

All of the members nod at those words. It looks like they have caused Gus some inconvenience.

“But the s.h.i.+n’s magic is a dangerous thing that can easily tempt one to a path of evil.”(August)

…What? The direction of the talk is making a strange turn…

“It goes without saying that being able to use Gate is to be seen as having higher morals than regular folk.”(August)

Oh so that’s it. It’s a magic that can be easily used for crime. Because I don’t use it for such acts I must be seen as a very moral person.

“Messina, brush off any man who calls out to you. Restrain yourself”(August)
“Uuu… Yes, I will be careful.”(Maria)

Because of Marias track record, I can’t say anything.

“Freed and your female relations.h.i.+ps. Can’t you be a little more grown-up?”(August)
“That’s… I’ve been found out… Ok. I’ll narrow it down to one person.”(Tony)

…Does he have more than one? He’ll end up burned…

I can hear murmurs “Who’ll be next?”…

“…Don’t come to school in pajamas”(August)
“I won’t!”(Alice)

Alice seems to be the last in line.

Finally, Alice was warned, and the tension in the air started fading.

“Finally, s.h.i.+n”(August)
“That wasn’t all?”(s.h.i.+n)
“You have to learn to restrain yourself”(August)
“I have been restraining myself recently!”(s.h.i.+n)
“Oh really? By the way, how far have you come with the wireless communication device?”(August)
“Oh, I got a basic structure already, however receiving will be… Cerntanly… However…”(s.h.i.+n)

Gus is making a scary face…

“And after I told yout it’s too early!”(August)
“Ah! d.a.m.nit! My tongue slipped!”

I ran away from the seriously angry Gus.

I was thinking while running away.

A method where the recieving communication device can recieve a messeage anytime.

However, I couldn’t figure it out.

Someone… Someone drop me a hint!

“Your tongue didn’t slip! Wait! Get over here!”(August) (Kaelpie: Don’t make me count to three young man!)

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