Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Did you remember to reflect?

“Wa ha ha! You’ve received such a misunderstanding because of that magic tool?”(Mr.Bean)
“It’s not a laughing matter Mr.Bean… Everyone’s cold eyes…”(s.h.i.+n)

In the end I couldn’t clear out the misunderstanding and had to endure cold gazes from the girls.

It’s a misunderstanding but there is no doubt that it has that effect so whatever I said was ineffective.

However, since it’s a useful magic tool, everybody is wearing it.

“Ha ha ha! Well, the effects and uses unintended by the creator are common, so you do not have to worry so much.”(Mr.Bean)
“In my case, it’s the opposite…”(s.h.i.+n)
“Don’t get so down. The wireless communication equipment is done.”(Mr.Bean)
“Thank you very much Mr.Bean!”(s.h.i.+n)

My last visit was a few days ago, so why did I come to the Bean smithy today? That’s because today is the day when the radio prototype is completed.

“Well, first of all, to apply the enchantments…”(s.h.i.+n)

The communication device I was handed has a shape like a large transceiver so that you can designate numbers from zero to twelve with a dial, like the one attached to a safe.

Adjust the number on the dial and start the communication with the call b.u.t.ton. I enchant it so you can end the call with the end call b.u.t.ton.

By the way, the inside adopts a so-called foundation.

Thanks to this, it’s possible to use multiple parts, and enchant each part separately.

When I proposed this to Mr.Bean, he was moved saying “What a breakthrough…”

Anyhow, I set a magic stone and test it immediately.

“Well then, I have No.1 and Mr.Bean has No.2.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Well then, I’ll call you in a second.”(s.h.i.+n)

I transmit, but there is no response.

“Well? Did you fail?”(Mr.Bean)
“Di-? Ah! A Ringtone!”(s.h.i.+n)
“It’s a sound to inform you that the line is connected.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Oh, is that so? Certainly it would be difficult to understand otherwise.”(Mr.Bean
“Ringtone… for now i’ll postpone it…” h.e.l.lo? ” “(s.h.i.+n)
“Ah! I heard your voice!” Can you hear me? ” “(Mr.Bean)
“I heard you well. Now then, I’ll try from further away.”(s.h.i.+n)

I heard Mr.Bean’s voice from the wireless communication device, so I tried going outside the workshop.

“Can you hear me Mr.Bean?”(s.h.i.+n)
“Oh, I can hear you!”(Mr.Bean)
“How about the other devices? Can you hear it from them?”(s.h.i.+n)
“No, just this communication device. I should be able specify the number properly.”(Mr.Bean)
“That’s good. Next.”(s.h.i.+n)

Saying that, I pushed the end call b.u.t.ton on the device, then specified the number zero, which is the open line, and pushed the call b.u.t.ton.

“h.e.l.lo, can you hear me? Do you hear a voice coming from every communication device?”(s.h.i.+n)
“What!? The voice came from all the devices simultaneously!?”(Mr.Bean)
“Good, this is also a success.”(s.h.i.+n)
“I mean… I made it myself, but I was still surprised.”(Mr.Bean)
“Hahaha …. Now then, let’s see from how far away can we communicate?”(s.h.i.+n)
“That’s good, but change the number. It’s a bit noisy and hard to make out what you’re saying.”(Mr.Bean)

Oh, because it’s an open line. Mr.Bean will hear my voice simultaneously from all the communication devices.

“I’m sorry, I’ll end this and call No.2.”(s.h.i.+n)

Press the End Call b.u.t.ton again, turn the dial to No. 2 and press the communication b.u.t.ton.

“Can you hear me?”(s.h.i.+n)
“Yeah, I can hear you. But that sounds like we need a signal to inform you that you are connected.”(Mr.Bean)
“You think so too… That’s a necessary improvement, isn’t it?”(s.h.i.+n)
“So you even consider my suggestions? It’s a matter of how far we can communicate. Do you want to test it?”(Mr.Bean)
“Yes, please.”(s.h.i.+n)

So I cut off the communication and go to my house via Gate.

“Oh? Welcome back s.h.i.+n-sama. Have you finished your errands at the workshop?”(Marika)
“No, I’m just experimenting.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Yeah, Mr.Bean, can you hear me?”(s.h.i.+n)
“Oh, I can hear you. Where are you now?”(Mr.Bean)
“At my house”(s.h.i.+n)
“s.h.i.+n’s house? Oh, with the Gate you taught Mark?”(Mr.Bean)
“Wait a minute, what is it that!?”(Melinda)

Grandmas voice called out to me before could I confirm if the 15 minute distance between my house and the smithy was OK.

“This? A wireless communication device.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Wirele- Gh- Wha…!!”(Melinda)

Grandma lost her voice upon hearing about the radio.

The wired communication device is apparently the dream of every magician, so it’s no wonder the radio was shocking.

“Y-You are… making outrageous things again…!”(Melinda)
“Well the creation is good but I won’t circulate them yet. I’ve already discussed it’s spread with Gus.”(s.h.i.+n)
“…Why are you willing to circulate it?”(Melinda)
“It’s convenient?”(s.h.i.+n)
“It’s too convenient!”(Melinda)
“But it’s still a prototype, so we still have to improve it.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Really… this child is really…”(Melinda)

Looks like my Grandma has given up on something. I’m sorry.

Let’s continue the test.

“I’m sorry, Mr.Bean, I kept you waiting.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Not a problem at all… But is everything okay? You were scolded…”(Mr.Bean)
“Ha ha ha, my Grandmother is always like this.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Whose fault is that!? Whose!?”(Melinda)
“… Is it really okay?”(Mr.Bean)
“It’s alright. Now I will go a little further.”(s.h.i.+n)

I turn off the transmission and tell Sicily.

“I will be testing the communication device from now on and I will also have Sicily test it when I return.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Well, I’m going.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Yes. Oh! Please wait a moment.”(Sicily)

I appears my collar has been turned up. When Sicily corrected it, I nodded.


“Yes, it’s all right now, just go ahead and go.”(Melinda)
“You could say… It feels like we’re a married couple.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Well… Fufufu then… See you soon, Hus⁓ban⁓d.”(Sicily)

Holy… My heart is overflowing with happiness.

“…Wel… I’m going then…”(s.h.i.+n)
“Go quickly! You fool!”(Melinda)

With Grandma’s intense meddling, there is no other choice.

d.a.m.n it.

I came to the forest house next. Grandma’s barrier magic tool is still working.

It’s a distance of several hours by carriage to here. I wonder if I went too far at once for this test?

I activate the communication device for the time being.

“Can you hear me?”(s.h.i.+n)
“Oh, I can hear you. Where are you now?”(Mr.Bean)
“To arrive here… you would have to travel by horse-drawn carriage for several hours.”(s.h.i.+n)
“A few hours by a carriage!? And it’s still reaching you?”(Mr.Bean)
“It looks like it…. How far will it reach?”(s.h.i.+n)
“That’s what we’re testing.”(Mr.Bean)
“Yeah, then I will go on.”(s.h.i.+n)

Well, where to go next?

A place farther from here….

And so I went to Swedes Kingdom.

It’s the country where the Three Power Talks will be held and I was planning to visit there once with Gate.

“Can you hear me?”(s.h.i.+n)
“Yeah I can hear you.”(Mr.Bean)
“…It also reaches here.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Really? How far did you go?”(Mr.Bean)
“Swedes Kingdom.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Su…! “(Mr.Bean)

It’s too much  indeed. I only enchanted voice transmission… How far is it going to reach? Really…

“Since it’s become like this, I’d like to investigate it thoroughly.”(s.h.i.+n)
“That’s right. So? Where will you go next?”(Mr.Bean)
“In order. I’ll go to Dam next.”(s.h.i.+n)
“I understood. I’ll be waiting.”(Mr.Bean)

Then I went to Dam Kingdom with Gate and started the communication device.

“Incredible… It’s still connected…”(Mr.Bean)

I go through with the tests in Karnan Kingdom and Kurt Kingdom but…

“…This… It’s become frightening how far it can reach…”(Mr.Bean)
“Maybe, that…”(s.h.i.+n)
“As long as there is magical power, you will be connected…”(s.h.i.+n)
“…Does it convey magical power?”(Mr.Bean)
“Probably…  I haven’t examined it, but that can’t be checked anyways…”(s.h.i.+n)

Actually, the only enchantments are voice transmission and voice reception of the number specified.

That alone makes wireless communication possible.

If it’s the case of being like a radio wave, I don’t have such technical knowledge from my previous life.

What should I consider it as…

Magic power conveyed through the thread of the demonized spider allowed the wired communication device to transmit.

Does that means that magical power doesn’t transmit the voice?

Which isn’t sent out like radio waves.

…But it’s nothing but a hypothesis right now…

I may find out if I go to the other side of this world.

If I remember correctly, because of the Earth’s roundness a man made satellite was required to reach the other side of the world.
If it’s not relying on an artificial satellite, it means it’s being transmitted through magic.

Anyway, that is a problem for a later date. I am very worried however…

“Well then Mr.Bean, I will return now.”(s.h.i.+n)

I go the Bean Smithy with Gate.

“Oooh! Have you already returned from Kurt!?”(Mr.Bean)
“It’s that kind of magic.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Really, we still don’t understand it…”(Mr.Bean)
“Well, then, let me pay for the communication device.”(s.h.i.+n
“It’s only a prototype so I don’t mind…”(Mr.Bean)
“If you insist, then we can test out various things with everyone and talk to you when we think of some improvements.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Oh, I will also think about that ringtone.”(Mr.Bean)
“Please do so.”(s.h.i.+n)

Saying that, I left the Bean Smithy and went home.

“Welcome back, s.h.i.+n”(Sicily)
“”Welcome back””(Servants)
“I’m home. Sicily, this is your communication device.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Oh, from a little while ago…”(Sicily)
“I’d like people to use it for the rest of my life, and I would like to make improvements, so please cooperate.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Yes, I am nervous…”(Sicily)
“You don’t have to be so tense, it’s just a tool to talk to, as I said.”(s.h.i.+n)

It’s not like I can make the internet or e-mail.

“That is amazing, but…”(Sicily)
“What is this child’s common sense… Some really terrifying things come out of that head of his…”(Melinda)
“Terrifying things s.h.i.+n-sama could come up with… A s.h.i.+p that flies in the sky?”(Marika)
“…He’s already flying around in the sky using floating magic… Hey! What are you thinking about making!?”(Melinda)
“Oh, te he he​…”(s.h.i.+n)

What a great idea… I think I can create an airplane if I put my head to it.

Creating floating magic by using anti-gravity was a success.

I think a safer vehicle than the airplanes of my previous world can be made.

In reality it’s necessary to generate the lift from a certain angle of the wings… Or something like that, I don’t really know.

But enchanting anti-gravity on it, you can create an aircraft that takes off and lands vertically.

…Should I try it?

“What? Grandma.”(s.h.i.+n)
“You… Were you thinking of creating something outrageous again?”(Melinda)
“Huh? Was I thinking out loud?”(s.h.i.+n)
“It shows on your face! More importantly! You really were trying to create something!?”(Melinda)
“What is this interrogation…?”(s.h.i.+n)
“Errr… s.h.i.+n is easy to understand…”(Sicily)

I was told that before. Does it really show on my face that much?

“When you’re coming up with something you broadly grin!”(Melinda)
“Not true!”(s.h.i.+n)
“It’s true…”(Marika)

Marika… So that’s how everyone finds out so quickly.

“Okay. I’ll be careful.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Don’t be careful about that! Have more self-restraint!”(Melinda)

Suddenly someone that was unnoticed until then reacted.

“It’s not impossible! He’s truly like you Merlin. Why do you want to immediately carry out what you just came up with!?”(Melinda)
“I was told that they’re not connected by blood, but … they seem like a real grandfather and grandchild…”(Marika)
“Ho ho ho, why are you shy?”(Merlin)
“It’s not a compliment!”(Melinda)

My Grandmother got angry at us for being told we seem like a real grandfather and grandson.

“If you get too angry, you’ll pop a blood vessel!”(s.h.i.+n)

Oh, Grandma started trembling.


It was her loudest yell yet.


That aside, planes might be too big of a leap for now.

First a car… No. Two wheels?

Oh, but if I make a self-propelled vehicle, I would be in  trouble with the carriage industry and horse providers which are operating now…


Ah! More importantly, first i should make suspensions for carriages!

If I don’t create a damper first, I can’t make four wheelers or two wheelers.

Can I just use a spring? I guess I still have to create an oil damper too? What’s the structure of an oil damper?

If I remember correctly from the time I made a radio controlled car…

“You’re planning something again, aren’t you!?”(Melinda)
“I did it again?”(s.h.i.+n)
“To some extent you did!”(Melinda)

After our daily interaction I dropped Sicily of at her house. Before I went to sleep I suddenly had an idea.

“Can you hear me Sicily?”(s.h.i.+n)
“Huh! Huh? s.h.i.+n?”(Sicily)
“Yeah, from the communication device.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Oh, so that’s what it is. I was surprised.”(Sicily)
“After all, ringtones are necessary.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Sound notifying that the call is connected.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Oh, yes. It would be convenient to have that.”(Sicily)
“Well, it’s already considered a problem. By the way, are you in your room now?”(s.h.i.+n)
“Yes. I’m slowly going to bed.”(Sicily)
“Oh, me too.”(s.h.i.+n)
“By the way, what’s wrong?”(Sicily)
“Nothing… I just wanted to hear your voice before going to bed…”(s.h.i.+n)
“That’s right… I’m happy. To be able to hear s.h.i.+n’s voice at the end of the day…”(Sicily)
“Is that so?”(s.h.i.+n)

Holy c.r.a.p, even though it’s true for me too I’m so embarra.s.sed!

But those words make me happy.

“Well then, one more thing.”(s.h.i.+n)
“What is it?”(Sicily)
“Good night, Sicily”(s.h.i.+n)
“Yes! Good night, s.h.i.+n.”(Sicily) (Kaelpie: Come on! Not even phone s.e.x!?)

After saying that, I switched off the call.

This is likely to become a habit.

That day I was sleeping surrounded by happiness that I heard Sicily’s voice before going to bed.

“Good morning everyone.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Good morning everyone.”(Sicily)
“Well, good morning”(August)
“Good morning!”(Alice)
“Today you’re wearing your uniform.”(s.h.i.+n)
“I won’t suffer such embarra.s.sment anymore!”(Alice)

Alice greatly humiliated herself the other day by coming in her pajamas.

Sooner or later it would’ve resulted in this.

“That aside, I have something I want to hand over to everyone today.”(s.h.i.+n)
“What you want to hand over?”(Tony)
“Another magic tool that has a hidden purpose?”(Yuri)

Yuri’s evaluation is heartless. I guess for an enchanter, your magic tools must be fully understood?

Oh, so maybe that’s why Grandma overreacts so much?

“Well I don’t want to brag, but…”(s.h.i.+n)
“…No way, have you created it already?”(August)

I take out the wireless communication device from Different Dimension Storage and pa.s.s it to everyone.

“After all…”(Thor)
“Ever since he found out about manastones… in a blink of an eye…”(August)
“Wow! So? So? How do you use it?”(Alice)

The reactions were split in two with an astounded Gus and Thor and a curious Alice.

I explain how to use it and tell them about numbers.

“The numbers are in order of entrance examination placing so they’re easy to understand.”(s.h.i.+n)
“I see. So I am No. 2.”(August)
“I am No.3″(Maria)
“This is still a prototype, so I want everyone to use it and tell me what could be improved.”(s.h.i.+n)
“It feels good enough already…”(Rin)
“That’s not it, right?”(August)

I told them about the problems I encountered so far.

“I see. I understand. We will think about it.”(August)
When I enter the cla.s.sroom the day after I gave everyone wireless communication devices and told them to try it, I notice a sleepy person.

“Aaaauuuu⁓… sleepy…”(Alice)
“Alice talks too much. I fell asleep midway.”(Rin)
“I’m talking about Rin! Falling asleep in the middle of our talk! Thanks to you I was talking to myself for a while!”(Alice)
“Over two hours before going to bed is too much.”(Rin)
“I mean..”(Alice)

Looks like this will be another problem.

Long phone calls.

“Mark and Olivia look sleepy too. Did you guys also have too a long… Long call?”(Alice)
“Wha!? Ah! Tha-That’s right!”(Mark)
“Th-th-th-that’s right!”(Olivia)

Why are they so upse- …Ah, no way…

“Mark… you…”
“Wha-, yes!?”(Mark)
“Settle down everyone, I’ll start the morning homeroom.”(Alfred)

Alfred-sensei has arrived.

I couldn’t interrogate Mark.

Well… If I’m being honest, I’m worried about how he would respond.

That aside, I couldn’t get everyone’s impressions.

The break is too short, so maybe in the cafeteria at noon or after school.

The were mainly history, geography, maths etc. nothing else… What is this Academy? It’s now after school.

“We really need a sound to inform you when a call is connected. Alice’s voice suddenly echoed in the room and scared me.”(Olivia)
“Scared you? isn’t that an overreaction!?”(Alice)
“I know from experience how scary it can be.”(Rin)
“Okay then, today you will start the call Rin.”(Alice)

With the exception of Rin, everyone agreed that a ringtone is necessary.

I even said it beforehand. Maybe it made them more conscious of it

“Aren’t there too few numbers on these?”(August)
“For now they will only be used within the team.”(s.h.i.+n)
“But… With how s.h.i.+n says it’s used, the country’s leaders will have to gather in a room to communicate… If you have to be in a communication room, what would you do when there is an emergency you need to inform other countries of?”(August)
“Oh, is that so… can the wired communication device contact this communication device…?”(s.h.i.+n)

I was distracted by transmission and reception between the communication devices, and I didn’t simulate how it would actually be used…

“There is a limit if the dial is designated by numbers…”(Maria)
“Improvement required…”(Rin)
“Understood. Thank you for telling me.”(s.h.i.+n)

Whatever distribution method is chosen, it’s meaningless if there are too few numbers that can be specified.

“In the meantime, a transmitter dedicated to non-numbered transmissions will be put in communication rooms. It will be a one-way street, but at least you can receive emergency communications.”(August)
“That’s right. I will have to improve it for the time being.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Anything else?”(August)
“Err… It’s hard to tell who called…”(Olivia)

Olivia spoke timidly.

“Well, I understand that, but… I can’t really develop anything for that yet.”(s.h.i.+n)
“Oh, that’s right. Then I will endure it.”(Olivia)

I understand what she is talking about… but for that purpose I’d have to develop at least a display. It’s a bit unrealistic now.

“The next problem… Communicating for too long? I didn’t get enough sleep thanks to you.”(Alice)
“Nothing can fix that except self-restraint.”(s.h.i.+n)

Improvements to add this time.

Add a ringtone.

Make more number designations possible.

Attach a display in the future.

Is that all?

Aside from the display, I will consult with Mr.Bean to add the ringtone and increase the amount numbers possible to choose.

“Okay, thank you everyone. Since completing the upgraded version probably take time, just  temporarily hold onto them as they are.”(s.h.i.+n)
“I see.”(Julius)
“But… It all feels like an illusion that time is going by really fast…”(Olivia)
“It’s not an illusion, it really is… Walford creates magic tools all magicians only dream about.”(Yuri)

It doesn’t take much to make a new invention in this world.

Perhaps there aren’t that many inconveniences due to magic.

Even when my Grandmother created a farming magic tool in Kurt Kingdom you could say “Necessity is the mother of invention”.

“By the way, will create anything else?”(August)
“Are you still there…?”(August)
“Oh no, no new magic tool for now.”(s.h.i.+n)
“For now… which means that magic tool…  One day…?”(August)
“I can’t do it now given the impact it will have on the current world.”(s.h.i.+n)

Everyone stood up as soon as I said that.

“Walford you reflected!?”(August)
“Is this an omen of disaster!?”(Maria)
“Awa-wa-wa! I have to run away! I have to get away somewhere!”(Alice)

Everyone’s reactions are too over the top.

I understand the kind of impact creating motorcycles and cars would have on the world today!

“Finally, it seems my advice has finally gotten through to you. So? What were you going to create?”(August)
“I wanted to create a self-propelled vehicle. To do that I…”(s.h.i.+n)

Huh? Everyone’s faces…

“I thought as much…”(August)
“Even if he reflects…”(Maria)
“I always reflect on my ideas!”(s.h.i.+n)

It’s an amazed face.

“You… you always… Ah!”(August)
“Oh, Gus?”(s.h.i.+n)
“You haven’t changed at all!”(August)

He seemed to be truly angry.

You told me to reflect!

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