Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 54 (1/2) end.

Part 1

A contagious troublesome nature.

As if there’s such a thing!

Being accused for nothing, the next day after we explore Dam Kingdom considerably, we headed to the prosperous shepherd’s Karnan Kingdom next.

Just in case, I go back to Earlshyde once at night to check if there’s information of devil’s invading.

But there’s nothing for now.

Even so, it’s a pain going back every single time.

Should I somehow make a wireless communication device?

「s.h.i.+n…… You, are you thinking enigmatic things again?」
「Not at all. More than that, Karnan Kingdom is famous for it’s fabric, right?」[TL: I’ve translated this incorrectly before, should have been fabric instead of textiles.] (Welp, textiles is also correct. Looks like I’ve confused it as tiles.)
「Yep, that’s right. Especially a cloth made from a demonized sheep is famous. Is there something wrong with it?」
「Nah, this mantle ya see, though it have heat adjustment and optical camouflage, I didn’t given it heal.」
「Heal?…… Ah, is it the case in Swedes Kingdom?……」

That’s right, granting that, will basically protect it’s wearer. But it is for that reason, that we cannot give it’s granted benefits to someone else.

If this mantle will be given the same 『auto heal』 like the uniforms such as the combat uniforms, Sicily would have not suffered as much in Swedes Kingdom. [TL: I guess he’s talking about Sicily healing the injured people.]

Because humans in this world, all have magic power, magic tools can still be activated even if you can’t use magic. Just like how Elly is using the mantle.

Then, Sicily wouldn’t have to felt sorry for not being able to treat a severely injured patient, someone can just be cured by simply continuing to activate the mantle granted with 『auto heal』.

If it was just a uniform, we can take out the blazer, but since it’s a combat uniform…… Sicily have to refrain from there.

「I’d like to give a new grant to the mantle. But now the mantle is full of characters, though I thought I can grant healing to the lining or padding, but I guess not.」
「Why not buy a new one?」
「It would be good if I can use a demonized spider silk to make the cloth. Or it won’t be as good as the mantle or the lining. I have a hard time finding a cloth that can handle as much characters as the mantle.」
「Is that so.」
「That’s why, after arriving at Karnan Kingdom, I would like to look for materials for clothing to be used in the new mantle, but is that okay?」
「That’s fine, isn’t it? Karnan Kingdom is famous for it’s fabric, but it also have a diverse fas.h.i.+on. So I also want to look around here and there.」
「I, I see……」

Girls shopping…… Is there such a heart breaking word in this world? [TL: Guys usually suffer from this lol.]

When I said that I’m talking about the feeling of exhaustion when accompanying someone shopping……

「Sorry but, can we borrow Sicily, Olivia, and Elly? We’d like to go around with only the girls this time.」

What a good news! Only the women will go!

「That may be good. I was worried for Sicily when I’m going to look for the fabric, looks like it’s more fun going shopping with the girls. Is that okay with you Sicily?」
「It’s okay. Shopping with everyone will be fun.」

Sicily not sensing my inner delight, said it’s fine.

「I will also go with the older sisters!」
「I’ll ask you to take care of Mei. I said it yesterday, but it’s easy for us to get involved into trouble because of s.h.i.+n. Brace yourselves.」

…… That harmonized neatly……

While being immersed in hopelessness whether this perception can be overturned, we crossed the border to Karnan Kingdom.

「Wah! It’s sheep-san (desu)! There too many of them (desu)!」

Crossing the border on foot, we once again flew to the sky, in a vast land full of gra.s.s, we saw a flock of sheep.

「It’s my first seeing from this viewpoint but…… it’s amazing, right?」
「Ah, a shepherd.」

Looks like Rin discovered a macho shepherd. You’ve been saying that yesterday.

「Indeed he got a great body! He looks strong!」
「I think he’s actually strong. A demonized sheep is more or less cla.s.sified as medium size. Unless you can defeat it, you can’t become a shepherd.」
「Seriously? They’re like a soldier.」
「Hey…… is that….」

While I was preoccupied by Thor’s explanation of Karnan Kingdom’s shepherd that became as strong as a soldier, Maria noticed something.

And when I turn my attention to that direction……

「……. It’s the moment as we talk about the shepherd. As expected, isn’t it s.h.i.+n’s characteristic to invite trouble?」
「No no! Besides me there’re others now!」

Just as we we’re talking about not becoming a shepherd unless you can defeat a demonized sheep…… a sheep just turned into a demon.

This is not my fault, alright!?

Putting that aside, there’s a demon, is it better if we subjugate it?

Or should we wait until the shepherd comes?

「Anyway, let’s get down for now. If there’s no shepherd in the vicinity, we’ll subjugate it.」
「All right.」

Floating magic is cancelled when everyone came down to the ground.

And when trying to see if there’s any shepherd nearby……

「Do oraaaaaaa!!」

A man who’s a lump of muscle jump out from a nearby bush with and brandish a huge axe.

Eh what is that again? A weapon with spear and axe together.

Hm, hmm……

「Halcyon!」 [T/N: LOL]
「It’s halberd.」

Uoo! So embarra.s.sing! And I voiced it out with all I got!

While blus.h.i.+ng for mistaking the man’s weapon, the man cut off the neck of the demonized sheep, and killed it.

A muscular body, holding a halberd instead of staff, a man wearing a robe different from a magician.

Yep, no doubt. That is a shepherd.

「Oh! Are you guys traveler? Are you alright?」
「Ah, yeah. We’re alright.」
「Even though it’s dangerous. Why are you in a place like this?」
「That’s not it, we saw a sheep turning into a demon, we thought it’d be bad if there’s no shepherd and no one subdued it.」
「Oi oi, that’s reckless. I can see you’ve just recently turn into an adult, right? It’s still early for you to hunt demons.」
「There’s no such thing. Look.」

Just a while ago, enemy search magic sensed a sheep on the verge of turning into a demon, and just now became a demon.

So I cast a wind blade magic towards it.

The demonized sheep’s neck was cut off in an instant, and fell down on the spot.

「See? We’re good, right?」

Seeing that scene, shepherd-san was struck dumb……


And he suddenly burst into laughter.

「What’s with this lad! Aren’t you strong! And are you a magician!?」
「Oh, yeah, well.」

Shepherd-san seems to be having fun and was striking my back.

What great power! My back hurts!

「I see I see, but sorry, no matter how much you bring down the demonized sheep……」
「Ahh, it’s okay. We did not hunt the sheep because we wanted to.」
「My bad. You’re not supposed to handle a demonized shepherd, unless your a 『nationally recognized shepherd』 with a qualification like us.
「Eh, ehh……」

A shepherd has a national qualification!? Is there such qualification in Karnan Kingdom!

「A, anyway we can’t just leave the demon, so you don’t have to worry about it.」
「Is that so? My bad. Are you guys going to head for the Kingdom after this?」
「Yes, why?」
「Then, if you’re there, I recommend you to 『Shephard’s Clothing Store』. You guys have clothes and equipment for travelers after all.」
「Ehh, is that so? Thank you.」
「What, it’s nothing to thank for. You can secure a demonized sheep without effort. It should be me thanking you.」
「Ahaha, then it’s about time for us to go.」
「Ou, I am Garan, if opportunity presents it, let’s meet again!」
「I am s.h.i.+n. If fate allows it.」

Saying so, I shook hands with Garan-san, and left the place.

Nevertheless, I got a good information. Shepard’s Clothing Store, ne. Let’s go when we get to Karnan Kingdom.

「At any rate, that was some amazing body!」
「Yeah, he took it down with one blow, maybe a shepherd is stronger than a soldier in this country.」
「I’m talking about a nationally recognized shepherd, perhaps Karnan Kingdom’s shepherd might be an elite.」

From the knowledge of my previous life, a shepherd’s social status seems low but, it might be different from this country.

After finis.h.i.+ng our encounter with the national shepherd of Karnan Kingdom, we finally reached Karnan Kingdom.

After having a similar exchange to the time in Dam Kingdom at the entrance gate, we got an inn in the same way……

「Amazing! It’s so fluffy (desu)!」
「This is amazing, isn’t it? Even when compared to what I used in the house, the quant.i.ty of wool is much more?」

Like last time, we got a two big rooms for eight people, and when we gathered in one of them, Mei-chan dived into the bed and said so, and Elly who saw the amount of wool used on the bed muttered so.

There’s more wool on the bed than used by the royal family and the duke, indeed the number of sheep is larger than the population.

「Come to think of it…… s.h.i.+n-kun’s house does not use wool on your bed, right?」
「What’s this Sicily. You’ve already got to know s.h.i.+n’s bedding in his house?」
「Eh? Ah! That’s not it! It’s grandmother! It’s when grandmother offered me to go to her room!」
「What the, and here I was sure you already know the comfort of s.h.i.+n’s bedding in his house.」
「Mo, mou! Maria!」

Sicily and Maria are playing around but, grandma’s room?

「What are you doing in grandma’s room?」
「Grandmother, it seems she hurt her back slightly when training, so she asked for treatment.」

You’re already old, so please take care of your health.

「So I lied down on the bed and treated it……. And at that time, I noticed that the mattress is different. What is that? Grandmother also said she does not know.」
「Ah, that. I found that material on a low-repulsive tree skin in the forest. I gathered them and lain it on the bed.」

Cork was also the skin of the tree but, apart from that, there was a softer, low-repulsive skin to peel from the tree. I longed for a low-repulsion bed in my previous life, so I made the mattress first.

「Low-repulsion? Can you sleep in that?」
「It’s amazing. I tried lying down because I was asked to give it a try but…… I almost felt asleep.」
「What can I say….. I feel like my body is floating…… or it’s like being wrapped.」
「Tha, that much?」
「By the way, the bedding on top was really light, but why is it so light?」
「Eh? Even though s.h.i.+n-kun’s house is rich……」

There’s a reason on why Alice made such a doubt.

This world’s bedding is mainly made of wool, the more it is, the luxurious it is.

It’s because it’s amount was amazing, that Elly and Mei-chan were surprised.

Then, when the quant.i.ty is larger, the bedding becomes heavy. Light bedding to say, is generally cheap.

「Ah, that’s because my bedding is not using wool.」
「I heard that a while ago…… then what are you using?」
「Bird’s feather…….」

Everyone is looking at me with dubious face.

In this world, the effectiveness of feathers are still not yet known.

「Well, you should try it someday. You’ll be surprised.」
「Is that so? Well, I think Sicily will soon experience it.」

Leaving the bedding situation of Walford’s house aside, we move towards our purpose in this country.

The female team went to shop, and I decided to go to the Shephard’s Clothing Store told by the shepherd Garan-san.

Everyone’s mantle including Gus’s has already been kept by me.

Since I want to process it immediately.

「Walford-kun, is it alright to come with you?」 [T/N: Was going to put “c.u.m” in there, but that might make you rage so I refrained from doing it lol ? ]

When I was leaving the inn, I was called out by Mark.

「That’s alright, are you also searching for materials, Mark?」
「There’s also that, but I’m interested in what material you choose and what kind of processing is done.」

As expected of the only son of the workshop, he seems to be really interested in manufacturing.

「And I’m the only one left, can I also join with you?」
「Suits you. Then, we three shall go?」

In the end, it was divided into male team and female team.

After asking a person in the inn, we soon found Shepard’s Clothing Store.

I am told that this clothing store seems to be famous in Karnan Kingdom.

There’s not many fas.h.i.+onable clothes, but there’s clothing such as cloak necessary for travel, and clothes that uses sheep’s wool, as the owner is a national shepherd, there are an abundant stock.

I was informed of a good store. The store have exactly what I want.

While on my way to Shepard’s Clothing Store, I window-shop the other stores.

「As expected of Karnan Kingdom. There are a lot of clothing stores and fabric stores.」
「The shop we saw earlier is a specialty store for men, ain’t it? There were several clothes I wanted while having a quick look.」
「Then shall we go back? I also found some nice clothes.」
「Good, then shall we?」

In this way, we made a brief side trip while aiming for the shop.

And the store we arrived at…… [T/N: It’s their real destination, the Shepard’s]

「This is amazing, isn’t it…….」
「It’s four story building, ain’t it.」

Sorry to say this, but it’s bigger than the workshop of Mark’s house. The site area also, and also the number of floors.

We immediately set foot into the Shepard’s Clothing Store.


The store’s interior, compared to the store we’ve gone to earlier it’s different, it’s overflowing with luxury. The clerk-san also feels refined.

Anyway, because the store is vast, finding the things we’re looking for will be hard. Let’s ask clerk-san here to guide us.

「Um, excuse me.」
「Yes, how can I help you?」

I told her my purpose for coming to this store, and asked if there’s any fabric that fit the requirements.

「You can grant magic, is the material will be used for the lining of the mantle or padding?……」
「Ah, this is the mantle.」
「I’ll look at it.」

I gave my mantle to clerk-san to let her look at it, and let her take care of it.

「This is…… it’s using very excellent material……」
「By the way, I granted it with eight characters.」
「E, eight characters in a mantle!」

Because we’ll use the mantle, toughness is a top priority. There are not many that can grant a large number of characters.

「Since you’re already using an excellent lining….. then I’ll only have to increase the padding, but summer is hot, is it not?」
「Ah, you don’t have to worry about that.」

Because that mantle, is an effective air conditioner.

「I understand. However, there’s only wool of a demonized sheep that can grant magic……」
「That’s fine. Can you process this number of pieces?」

Taking out from the dimensional storage. Is everyone’s mantle that add up to 13 including Elly and Mei-chan’s.

「Thi, this many?」
「It’s a total of fourteen, right? Can you do it?」
「I don’t mind….. if that’s the case then the price……」
「I’ll give them a discount.」
「O, owner!」

When the store clerk tried to total the materials and processing costs for the clothing, someone from behind spoke.

Are? It’s similar to what I heard a while ago……

「Ah, as expected, it’s Garan-san.」
「Ou, I see you came right away. I welcome you, s.h.i.+n」
「You’re an acquaintance to the owner? 」
「Ou! This s.h.i.+n is amazing. He killed a demonized sheep with a magic shot after all.」
「Ma, magic shot!? Are you such a high-ranking magician?」
「High-ranking you say….. is it not just a sheep at most?」
「Uhahaha! You’re such a guy after all. It seems like you’re unsatisfied with the rank of demonized sheep.」
「Taking a demonized sheep so lightly…..」

Eh? It’s just a sheep, ain’t it? Even if it’s cla.s.sified as a medium size, it’s not like a wild boar or a wolf.

Thinking so, I was pulled on the sleeve by Mark.

「In Walford-kun’s case, it might be just a demon sheep at most but…… generally, no less medium size is a subject of considerable threat.」
「Well…… because recently we’re taking on targets like a tiger or a lion, my sense is also getting slightly strange……」
「Ou, what’s wrong?」
「No, it’s nothing!」
「That’s so, I guess if such a high-ranking magician were to have an equipment manufactured at my place, our store’s prestige might also go up. Besides, you’ve also hunted the sheep.」

Your shop eh.

「So, the owner who’s a national shepherd is Garan-san.」
「Ou, it’s Garan Shepardo. I thanked you for having hunted the sheep, it may be little but I thought of reducing the price and introducing you to a store.」

And so you introduced your own shop? I was lucky.

Chapter 54 (1/2) end.

Part 2

「I’ll thank you for that then. I am saved since there’s a lot of sheets.」
「Ou, then the material and processing costs…… how about this much?」
「O, owner! That’s just barely the cost! And there’s still the processing costs…..」

Clerk-san made a fuss, shutting off Garan-san.

「You just be silent. Then, how about this?」(Garan-san)

The clerk-san who a while ago was running wild, now became exhausted.

Ar, are you okay?

「Thi, this is my request……. but are you sure? Won’t you barely have any profit?」
「What, profit is not only in money. If it’s s.h.i.+n and the others, you’ll become a magician whose name will soon become known. If we process s.h.i.+n and the rest’s equipment when that happens….. at that time, we will earn an income at the best.」

Garan-san said so grinning and laughing.

Cool, Garan-san is super cool.

「I understand. Then please do that. We will do our best in order to meet Garan-san’s expectation.」
「Ou yo! Do your best!」

While laughing with a gahaha, he took care of the processing of our equipment.

According to Clerk-san’s words, the manufacturing will be done by tomorrow, so we decided to pick it up before we depart.

That’s good….. Clerk-san, you survived, didn’t you……

「Iyaa, I was lucky. I was prepared for a bigger expense.」
「Even so….. is it a good thing? Having it cheaper that way……」

Mark comes to question so. I certainly have never heard of such things in this world.

「Is it not fine? So to speak, instead of a billboard, it’s cheaper this way. There is merit to both sides, if later we can raise our name, that’s good.」
「No, I think we have plenty enough of fame.」

However, is it better to put an enterprise logo in that case?

….. Won’t there become something like a uniform then. Let’s just think about this later. Though the mantle itself was bought from a store at the royal capital of Earlshyde.

For the time being, we who were done with our goal in this country, went to see clothes that we usually wear in the clothes shop as we went on our way.

Since I’m not thinking of granting magic for casual wear, so I’m just choosing casually.

The amount of money left is still a lot, so I went and look around variously.

「How is it? Will they be able to manufacture the target?」

While going around looking at some stores, Gus and the rest who finished with the talks joined us.

It seems that the state of the meeting was roughly the same as Dam Kingdom. Since there’s nothing special to note, three men were added and so went around the shops again, ate lunch at a stall, and also finished buying souvenirs, we returned to the inn.

「Fuu…… Shopping is fun but it’s really tiring.」
「Indeed. Even myself didn’t think shopping is this tiring……」
「Can you please also except me from shopping with the girls?」

Mark and Tony also agree…… Gus is unlikely to come with it as they’re in a standpoint where it’s impossible to do something like shopping with the fiancee, the two of them it seems.

There’s a case where I have been to shopping several times with Sicily in Claude’s town.

…… I’ll just say that girls’ shopping is the same everywhere.

「By the way, when will we pick up the mantle?」
「Tomorrow, I’m going to get it before we leave. I’ll be borrowing the store’s workshop to grant it magic.」
「I’m back (desu)!」

It seems the women are back while we’re talking about tomorrow’s schedule.

Because everyone can use dimensional storage, they’re empty handed, but just how much clothes are packed in that dimensional storage.

「Haa…… that was fun. It’s also my first time going around to so many stores.」
「Let’s go again sometime Elly!」
「We have an escort. So there’s no need to worry.」
「Fufu, that’s right, isn’t it? Let’s go again sometime.」
「I also want to go (desu)!」
「Don’t worry Mei, we’ll also bring you.」
「I did it(hooray)!」

…… The women sure are lively……

We had other errands, so the time we went shopping with the women was short, but even still, it was quite exhausted…..

「…… Let’s stop the topic about shopping. I can’t bear it if I were asked.」
「A, Augusto-sama.」
「What’s wrong, Elly?」
「Augusto-sama, have you done any shopping?」

Wha! The other side brought up the topic…..?

「Ah, yeah….. after the talks, we joined up with s.h.i.+n and the others and went around several stores……」
「Is that so…… Hey, Augusto-sama?」
「Wh, what?」
「Next time…… why won’t us two go around some stores.」
「I, I guess……」

Ah, Gus’s face is twitching……

「Um, s.h.i.+n-kun?」
「Eh? O, ohh. What’s wrong?」

You also? Are you also inviting me to go shopping?

「Um here…… I came across with it while shopping. I thought it would suit s.h.i.+n-kun.」

Sicily saying so, took out a black jacket from the dimensional storage.

「s.h.i.+n-kun, you wear black jacket frequently, so I thought you’d like it.」

Oh s.h.i.+t, I’m so happy.

「Is it okay to try it?」
「Yes! Please!」

And so, putting on the jacket, it’s the perfect size.

「Un, It’s cool. I like it. Thanks Sicily.」
「No, I’m glad you like it.」

Said Sicily smiling.

I’m glad I also bought something……

「Sicily, I also have something to give you.」

Saying so, I took out some scarf from the dimensional storage.

「I thought it would suit Sicily…… how about it?」
「Waa…… Thank you very much!」

Sicily immediately spread the scarf, and put it on to cover the shoulder.

「Thank you, s.h.i.+n-kun, I’m so happy with it.」
「I’m glad you like it.」
「Hey! Here is the cafeteria! A public place!」

I came to my senses from Maria’s tsukkomi.

Uo! That’s dangerous!

We have been given a cold voice from the other customers who saw me and Sicily’s exchange.

「Mou! It’s embarra.s.sing to be seen here!」

Sorry about that, Maria. I was ecstatic from the unexpected gift.

「Au…… au…..」

Sicily’s senses won’t return for a while.

Can you eat your meal I wonder?

「By the way, there was no particular trouble to us today, how about Elly and the others?」
「Yes, because it’s a group of eight people, there was no men calling out.」
「Fumu…… It doesn’t look like we’ll end without trouble as it is…… Everyone should not let down their guard till the end.」

d.a.m.n! It’s only natural to face it if there’s trouble! It’s painful not being able to say a thing!

「Au….. au……」

And there’s no support from Sicily!

The next day, after being overwhelmed till the end, I went to Shephard Clothing Store to pick the mantle before we depart.

「Ou! Good Morning!」
「Good morning. We’re able to manufacture the mantle.」
「Thank you. I’m sorry but, can I lend your workshop?」
「Workshop….. is it?」
「Yeah, I should grant it magic at once.」

Clerk-san had a dubious face when I told her, but this time she had her eyes wide open.

「Are you granting it by yourself?」
「Unbelievable, though you can use magic that much, can you also grant magic?」
「Well, yeah.」

Just leave the admiration Garan-san, I borrowed the workshop for the sake of granting auto heal, and it ended granting 14 clothes.

「Oh, are you finished already?」
「Yes, thank you for that. Then we’re leaving with this.」
「Ou yo, come again anytime…..」
「It, it’s bad Garan-san!」

Just after bidding farewell, a young shepherd-san jump in with a pale expression.

「What? What’s wrong!」
「Sh, a sheep…..」
「What’s wrong with the sheep?」
「A sheep is…… a large number turned into a demon!」
「Wh, what did you say!」

Where’s the end for this……

「Well there it is, trouble……」
「Now that it came to this…… it became more and more credible.」
「It’s not my fault!」

It’s not, right? Please say that it’s so!

「My bad s.h.i.+n, trouble just came up. I have to go.」
「Ah, we will also go.」
「Eh? No, I appreciate it but…… are you okay with that?」
「Yeah, and if you partic.i.p.ate in here, you should be able to make a name, right?」

After saying so, Garan-san burst into a laughter after momentarily having a dumbfounded face.

「Gahahaha! You’re certainly different! Then can I ask you for it?」
「Yes, leave it to me.」
「Wait! Just wait a moment Garan-san! What are you thinking!?」
「Hn? Ahh it’s alright, s.h.i.+n and them are strong.」
「It’s not just one or two you know!? What can these children do!?」

Well, certainly we’re just barely an adult. Even though Garan-san says it with confidence.

「Are you not trusting us that much?」
「Eh….. Ah, no….. That’s not what I meant……」
「Even without worrying, I have already seen s.h.i.+n and the other’s ability with my own eyes. It’s perfect as a war potential. Rather, I’m more concerned of us being a hindrance.」
「Ga, Garan-san a hindrance?」
「Oops! We don’t have time to be talking and standing around, then s.h.i.+n, shall we go?」
「I understand. Then….. Mei-chan and Elly will inspect the wall. Gus, are you going with me?」
「Fumu…… Do you have any explanation for the people from this country coming after? Okay, we two shall escort them.」
「Onii-sama being an escort, something is strange.」
「Right…… It’s usually the opposite.」
「Hey, let’s go.」
「Wa! Please wait!」
「Well then everyone, later.」
「Ou. Well then shall we go?」
「Why are you so carefree…… we’re not going to play……」

The young shepherd-san who came, muttered so but, it’s just a sheep, right? I don’t feel any tension as these members can now hunt tigers and lions.

Since saying it again is bothersome, so I went outside the castle wall without saying a word.

And then there, aside from Garan-san, there were many shepherds-san.

「Oh, you came Garan.」
「Much appreciated! Garan-san!」
「Many thanks!」

Ohh, an excellent body build shepherd face towards Garan-san and simultaneously lowered his head.

The only ones who lowered their head are the ones who’s unreserved towards Garan-san.

Even so, a group of muscles with a halberd in hand and wearing a robe…… this alone made it a terrible sight.

And everyone have the same halberd.

Don’t tell me that’s the proof of being a national shepherd……

「By the way, what’s with the youngsters?」

An unreserved person with Garan-san asked while a lot of glaring eyes directed my way.


「Stop glaring, Barack. This is s.h.i.+n, as for the current matter, he said that he’ll help, so I brought him along. Ah, just telling you, this guy is a high ranking magician. So there’s no question whether he can fight.」
「If you say so, I will not press anymore, but….. why help?」

Well, that’s a natural question. Demonized sheep are handled only by a national shepherd after all. Except for soldiers, there’s no merit in subjugating it.

「Well I got treated fairly by Garan-san. This is a repayment.」
「Fu, fuhahaha! So it’s a repayment? I see.」

Oh? What’s with that. Thank G.o.d I’m no longer being stared at.

「They’re here! It’s a flock of sheep!」

While talking to Barack-san who seems to be a friend of Garan-san, someone cried out.

Oh, that’s amazing. Are they all demonized sheep? Seeing roughly there’s one hundred…… No, there are two hundred.

「Don’t falter everyone! Rather, just think of it as making money!」

To the shout of Garan-san, the expression of the shepherds-san changed.

Everyone is watching the flock of sheep with a ferocious smile.

Like I said, that’s scary!

「s.h.i.+n, sorry but, can you avoid fire magic that leaves damage on the wool?」
「If there’s a few scratches?」
「Because it’s to produce yarns, there’s no problem even if scratches are present.」
「You heard it, you can use anything other than fire magic.」

It’s a reply lacking in tension at all.

While during this time, the flock of shepherds draw near.

All right then, what should I start first.

Thinking so, I fired magic towards the ground.

Before the eyes of the flock of sheep, a pointed pile protruded from the ground.


A dozen who’s running at the vanguard were skewered, and a sheep’s death agony was heard.

The shepherds-san was dumbfounded by the scene……

「The succeeding are coming over! Prepare in advance!」

To this voice, the shepherds-san came to their senses, the sheep coming from behind is subjugated in succession.

Oh, that’s amazing. A group of muscles wielding a halberd and hunting a sheep.

We too, are subduing them in succession with wind blade and water blade magic.

And so, just like that, the flock of sheep was subjugated.

Well, it’s a sheep after all.

It’s not proverb but, it’s not like they’re led by a wolf.

Nevertheless, soldiers also joined in subjugating but…… the shepherds are overwhelmingly strong.

Are shepherds, as expected, the strongest in this country?

When thinking about that…….

「Unbelievable! I never thought it’s to this extent!」
「Really…… aren’t they all almost been subjugated by the youngsters?」
「Um….. ju, just before I was rude……」

The shepherds-san have gathered.

「Well, it’s just a sheep.」
「That’s amazing to say but….. what do you kids usually hunt for?」
「Haha, well, isn’t that good?」
「With this much power, I’ll believe even if you said you’re hunting tiger or lion or something like that.」
「That would be expected.」

Ah, as expected, we’re recognized as such. Please say no more.

When I was talking to the shepherds-san, Gus and the others arrived.

Now then, there shouldn’t be anything more, can we finally depart?

「You save us this time, I am Barack. Barack Crook.」(T/N: Their last names are somehow related to sheep, lol.)
「Ah, I’m s.h.i.+n, s.h.i.+n Walford.」

Barack-san requested a handshake, so while introducing myself, I accepted his.

Now that I think of it, I did not tell Garan-san my last name.

Because Garan-san only called out his given name, so I was also suspended to just introduced myself with only the given name.

「Walford? Is it the same last name as that hero?」
「Hee, is he also famous other than Earlshyde?」
「Obviously. The sage Merlin Walford’s heroic tale is widely read all over the world. I also yearn after him when I was a child.」
「Hee…… When grandpa hears it, he’ll be fainting in agony……」
「Ah, Merlin Walford is my grandpa.」
「Wha! Eh? Eh?」
「Are you done talking? If so, we should be leaving soon.」
「Ah, I understand. Well then, Garan-san, Barack-san, please excuse me.」

Ah, we could finally depart. Next would be the Kurt Kingdom, come to think of it, I still have yet to hear this country’s exposition.

While thinking such a thing, we left Karnan Kingdom.


Though I heard a cry from behind.


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