Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 98

We started to withdraw from the battleground with the partic.i.p.ating students.

We walked through the "Gate" and arrived at the capital ahead of other students walking back to their academies.

Part of the Earls.h.i.+de Army was following the students, so they asked us to go back and report to Uncle Dis first.

The soldiers met us in the guardroom. 

They told us we were praised  because we had subjugated the devils; at the same time, grandpa and grandma had become a hot topic among the public because they had heard their story of subjugating the devils that had approached Earls.h.i.+de.

"Is that OK?" (s.h.i.+n)

"The public seems to be aware that it is us who let go of the devils." (August)

"According to the Guru, the public may blame us for our neglect of duty, what should we do?" (Alice)

Alice"s worry was reasonable.

Although we had failed to keep the devils in captivity, we still managed to subjugate them. However, we would be reproached nonetheless. Anyway, we"d better report to Uncle Dis first.

We might be rebuked by him.

Following the soldiers, we felt depressed.

We had talked to Uncle Dis before coming back to Earls.h.i.+de, so we went directly to the throne room.

"Was it OK to meet him in combat suit?"

The worry flashed in my mind, but we had already reached the throne room.

When the door opened…

Everyone greeted us with a warm applause.

"You have returned, my heroes!" (Dis)

Uncle Dis arose from his throne and greeted us, beckoning us over.

Following his order, we walked towards the throne.

The applause didn"t stop until we reached the throne.

"What"s going on?" (s.h.i.+n)

"I don"t know either. They won"t blame us for our release of the devils?" (August)

We had thought that we would be reprimanded, but to our surprise, we received a big round of applause.

While I was talking with August in a low voice, I felt a little puzzled. We could only a.s.sume that they didn"t treat it seriously.

d.a.m.n it. Grandma was to blame, because she had said something like a threat.

But I could only blame her in my mind.

We knelt down and listened to him.

"August, s.h.i.+n and others, you have done a very good job in eliminating the devils. It has become one of your peerless accomplishments. You deserve the praise."

"It"s our great honor to be praised, but we made a mistake at the last moment which put everybody in danger. We consider ourselves unworthy of the honor you have bestowed on us." (August)

I couldn"t agree with August more.

We had to reflect on our first battle which made us feel sad.

"Don"t worry. The devils escaping from you have been subjugated by Merlin and Melinda. Heroes are always heroes. The public feels happy at last, so n.o.body will blame you." (Dis)

"Aren"t they angry?"

While thinking, I looked around, only to see everyone with a smile. 

Maybe they only focused on my grandpa who had delivered a knockout blow to the devils and didn"t take our failure seriously? 

Although we were relieved that n.o.body blamed us, I couldn"t forgive myself for the failure.

We did fail. We couldn"t forget it; we still had lots of things to learn.

"You should be awarded medals, but there are no medals higher than the previous one. Please wait for a while." (Dis)

"Your Majesty, we just engaged in the military operation. I think everyone who took part in the battle should be awarded. We don"t want any special treatment." (August)

August refused Uncle Dis"s goodwill.

To be honest, we did nothing but fought with the devils.

We were embarra.s.sed to receive the awards and medals.

The greatest accomplishment should belong to the soldiers who were still fighting with the devils in demon territory.

"I understand. When they come back, I"ll give them bonuses and allow them to take turns at taking vacations. Everybody, square your shoulders! You"re the heroes who have saved the world!" (Dis)

Uncle Dis finished his speech.

After leaving the throne room, we came to August"s room where we discussed whether others would blame us.

"My father must have told the truth besides, we were praised by civil officials, military officers and the n.o.bles, so the public will think in the same way, right?" (August)

"Maybe Uncle Dis just wanted to rea.s.sure us." (s.h.i.+n)

"It shouldn"t be like that." (August)

August a.s.serted.

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