Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 107

Translator: Riven

Editor: Lord Immortal

"Relations.h.i.+ps?" (s.h.i.+n)

I don"t know what we have done to inspire Tony to make such a comment.

"Yes. Under normal circ.u.mstances, people feel resentment mainly because they are treated unfairly, but they are also likely to be caught in a whirlpool of hate due to relations.h.i.+p problems." (Tony)

"Tony, you seem very experienced." (s.h.i.+n)

"Hey, are you kidding me? I"m still single." (Tony)

"So I think you"re in greater danger." (s.h.i.+n)

People tend to hate their loved ones for not choosing them.

"It is possible, so please stop joking." (Tony)

"I"m sorry." (s.h.i.+n)

"Now let"s come back to the topic. Kyle, who turned into a devil, was grandfather and grandmother"s cla.s.smate, wasn"t he?" (Tony)

"Yes, he was." (s.h.i.+n)

"Then grandma and grandpa got married." (Tony)

"Yes." (s.h.i.+n)

"He turned into a devil because of grandma?" (s.h.i.+n)

"It"s possible, right?" (Tony)

The relations.h.i.+p problem between Kyle and grandma.

"It"s unbelievable. I don"t even want to imagine the scene." (s.h.i.+n)

"Although they are s.h.i.+n"s grandparents, s.h.i.+n knows little about their past."  (Tony)

"We"ve seen pictures of grandma in her youth before. Grandma was really beautiful at that time." (Maria)

I can"t contemplate what situation grandma was in at that time, but according to Maria, Thor and Yuri, anyone who has seen pictures of grandma in her youth before would not be surprised by this conjecture.

"Grandma is a beautiful, elegant and awesome woman. She and grandpa support each other in life. Every girl is looking forward to becoming a woman like grandma, and every man is longing to find an ideal girlfriend like grandma." (Cecily)

Cecily, who had emerged from the sheets, finally came back to life and joined the conversation.

"Is grandma so powerful that people are afraid of her?" (s.h.i.+n)

"When you come into contact with real Lady Melinda, your impression of her will change slightly." (Tony)

"Because you are s.h.i.+n, it is reasonable for you to think so." (Maria)

"Haha! You"re right!" (Yuri)

"Yes!" (Tony)

"Stop straying from the main topic!" (s.h.i.+n)

Everyone thought it was natural, but I was quite surprised.

"Tony"s conjecture may be true." (Mark)

"Lord Melinda must have been very popular in her high school years. She was as beautiful as Tsukis.h.i.+ma Momo. It"s not surprising that Kyle also loved grandma." (Olivia)

All but I agreed with them.

"Kyle loved grandma. However, grandma married grandpa, so Kyle started to hate the world." (Olivia)

"It"s not strange." (Everyone else)

Everyone thinks it is reasonable.

They had a further discussion.

"Even so, that"s what happened in grandma"s high school years. Would Kyle hold such a grudge for so long?" (s.h.i.+n)

"That"s why…" (Maria)

"…We"re angry!" (Tony)

"Those who succeeded in winning their first love"s affections are not eligible to say that." (Olivia)

"Why have you started to talk about me again?" (s.h.i.+n)

What on earth have I done wrong?

"Generally speaking, the love between a girl and a boy in high school will end when they graduate, and then they will gradually forget it as they fall in love with others." (Tony)

Tony is just a single student, but he seems to have understood life thoroughly.

"You"re indeed a man who once won a battle in the Asura Arena!" (s.h.i.+n)

"That is not the Asura Arena!" (Tony)

"What happened in the Asura Arena?" (Everyone else)

"It"s all because s.h.i.+n talked about something superfluous that everyone starts to zero in on us again." (Tony)

"Is it my fault?" (s.h.i.+n)

I feel that we are always straying away from the main topic.

"It"s all in the past. Even if we have guessed right, we can do nothing about it. But there is indeed a possibility of it." (Tony)

"Yes." (s.h.i.+n)

What really matters is not the past, but the problems the devils have caused us currently. 

"So we have to talk about why Schtrom turned into a devil." (s.h.i.+n)

"Thor, what else about things that happened in secondary school do you have in mind?" (Do you still remember the story before? Schtrom had been lurking in Earls.h.i.+de as a teacher before the demon riots. s.h.i.+n)

"Nothing. I haven"t had a direct contact with him yet." (Thor)

"Me neither." (Mark)

"I think he was telling the truth. It"s just a waste of time to discuss it further." (Maria)

As a matter of fact, these three people knew  Schtrom since he was in secondary school.

"Anything is OK. What else do you have in mind?" (s.h.i.+n)

"Even if you say so, only those who look like n.o.bles can understand it." (Thor)

"Why n.o.bles?" (s.h.i.+n)

"I don"t think civilians are qualified to teach at Earls.h.i.+de Secondary School in the empire." (Thor)

Well, I see.

"In an aristocratic country, will an aristocrat hate his empire?" (s.h.i.+n)

Is it possible?

"It"s because we don"t know exactly what happened that we have come here to study it carefully." (Thor)

"Correct." (s.h.i.+n)

d.a.m.n it. We still don"t know what happened.

We seem to be getting nowhere today.

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