Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 108

Translator: Riven

Editor: Lord Immortal

"In the end, we still don"t know anything about it." (s.h.i.+n)

"Haha. You haven"t changed at all. If you encounter something you don"t understand and fail to investigate it thoroughly, you"ll obviously feel dissatisfied." (Uncle Dis)

"Uncle Dis, do you know something about the devils?" (s.h.i.+n)

"I only know as much as Merlin and Melinda do." (Uncle Dis)

"Really?" (s.h.i.+n)

"Kyle, who became a devil, had been a member of the Magic Division, which is confirmed by Grandpa and Grandma. Before that, no one had ever said he was a member of the Magic Division. Even if Kyle had been a magician as powerful as grandpa, everyone kept silent." (s.h.i.+n)

"Because of this, Kyle shamed the entire Magic Division. Senior officers in the Magic Division snubbed him and didn"t realize how powerful he was." (Uncle Dis) 

That"s why the Magic Division concealed it desperately.

Sure enough, this sort of thing happens everywhere, whether on Earth or in the alien world.

"Also because of this, the Magic Division and the Knight"s Order established a supervision system in order to avoid misevaluation and ignoring talents." (Uncle Dis)

In this way, the corruption in the organizations was eliminated.

Now it seems that everything is going well in the kingdom where there were once various problems.

"Beyond that, what are you going to tell me?" (Uncle Dis)

"I think it"s almost time to sell the communication devices to the public." (s.h.i.+n)

"Yes." (Uncle Dis)

"So we need to attract major investments for device production and a large number of talents. Besides, we need a.s.sistance from the country." (s.h.i.+n)

"What is this all about?" (Uncle Dis)

"Since the communication device at present supports only one-to-one communication, I want to make a switchboard to connect all communication devices. In the near future, people will call the switchboard first and the operators will put their calls through to the appropriate people. As there is no automatic switching technology at present, it can only be done manually. That"s why we need a large number of devices and workers. It will be used to convey information, so I hope to nationalize this industry." (s.h.i.+n)

I told Uncle Dis.

"As the work will be done manually, it will be easy for us to know their call length, and we can charge them accordingly. The system will be designed in my house and run by the state. Only the communication fees will bring considerable profits. What do you think?" (s.h.i.+n)

"The initial investment is indeed necessary, but after that we can lie down and enjoy the cash flow. s.h.i.+n, it"s a really good business idea." (Uncle Dis)

Only the early equipment investment and personnel costs were necessary.

Then we could make a profit just by operating the communication system.

Thinking in this way, the communication industry really has a promising future.

"But is that OK? If the business was handed over to the Walford Chamber of Commerce, we would gain greater profits." (Uncle Dis)

"We"ve got so much money that we don"t know where to spend. In addition, I intend to invest the profit we"ll gain into the entertainment industry when the riot is over." (s.h.i.+n)

"You are really extravagant." (Uncle Dis)

"Besides, this business involves state information and secrets. If it is completely monopolized by a single chamber of commerce, the public will easily misunderstand our intentions." (s.h.i.+n)

"It sounds like good business. Alright, it will be run by the state." (Uncle Dis)

"Thanks." (s.h.i.+n)

"In fact, it"s me who should thank you. The state can gain huge profits by providing only the initial investment and personnel costs." (Uncle Dis)

Uncle Dis happily accepted the proposal.

All we needed to do now was to add the function of caller display to the communication device and develop the switchboard.

"s.h.i.+n, the improvement of the communication device and the development of the switchboard rests on your shoulders now." (Uncle Dis)

"Got it." (s.h.i.+n)

"What"s wrong?" (s.h.i.+n)

It seemed that the owner of Bean"s Workshop wanted to say something.

While I was wondering what had happened, he clasped me in his arms and whispered, "Why would you talk about the country"s confidential projects in front of me?" (The owner of Bean"s Workshop)

"Because you are responsible for making the equipment in this project." (s.h.i.+n)

"You"re right, but you just need to place an order to me." (The owner of Bean"s Workshop)

"Understanding the specific project will make it easier for you to make the equipment." (s.h.i.+n)

"Well, that"s correct. But I want to talk about something else." (The owner of Bean"s Workshop)

Something else?

"Why do you talk about this business in my workshop?" (The owner of Bean"s Workshop)

Uncle Dis, the owner and I were talking in a room in Bean"s Workshop now.

"Because Uncle Dis happened to be in my house, I brought him here. We will go straight to our own homes after the discussion, so it"s convenient to talk here." (s.h.i.+n)

Hearing my explanation, the owner hugged his head.

"Convenient? That"s how you treat His Majesty?" (The owner of Bean"s Workshop)

"Well, neither s.h.i.+n nor I care much about this, so don"t worry about it." (Uncle Dis)

"Haha!" (s.h.i.+n)

The strong owner of Bean"s Workshop felt extremely terrified at present.

Now I know a little about what it feels like to be the king.

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