Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 114

Translator: Riven

Editor: Lord Immortal

I wandered around the streets in Freigel Territory.

All kinds of stores were deserted. Actually, I didn"t want to buy gifts here.

I wanted to tour around the town. I would design gifts.

But I would ask Bean"s Workshop to produce them.

I always felt that Uncle Bean had been enduring my capriciousness recently.

He had told me that his income had multiplied this year, so I couldn"t resist becoming capricious.

Sure enough, I had to rely on the professionals in the workshop to make those gifts.

I felt so guilty about always asking them to help me. I"d better ask them to produce some commodities to sell later on.

Since it had been decided, I went on wandering.

Lots of workshops in this street had branches in the capital.

When I first arrived at the capital, I found there were many main stores with branches.

These stores sold the latest clothes, shoes, bags, and jewelry that hadn"t been sold in the capital.

Girls must be very happy.

Eventually, everyone went shopping with the girls. It"s interesting to find they were exhausted when we meet.

By the way, everyone had a wireless communication tool, which we can use this to communicate and locate the rendezvous.

The scene where the new three was shocked after seeing everyone was exhausted impressed me a lot.

I remembered Lilia saying, "Now that he has made such a thing, I can understand him even if he makes weapons of ma.s.s destruction."

Let"s put this aside. I visited several magic tools stores, because I wanted to know what they sold.

When I entered one of them, I found various magic tools were on sale, including magic tools for water supply, cooking as well as bathing.

The magic tools for raising people"s living standards were basically invented by grandma.

I"m proud of grandma who used her own power to improve ordinary people"s living standards.

Compared to this, I"d better decide what gifts to buy.

I was attracted by a magic tool in the store.

It is widely used in average families. Apart from the store I visited, other stores also sold it.

However, I didn"t its modified version in the stores I visited.

"What can I do for you?" (Shop a.s.sistant)

A shop a.s.sistant asked me.

"Is there any other style of this magic tool?" (s.h.i.+n)

"Sorry, there isn"t." (Shop a.s.sistant)

"Does it sell well?" (s.h.i.+n)

"No. Honestly speaking, it is rarely sold. After all, each family already has one, and one is enough." (Shop a.s.sistant)

"It doesn"t matter even if they don"t have one?" (s.h.i.+n)

"Exactly." (Shop a.s.sistant)

I see. In other words, I can create a modified version of this magic tool to sell.

But I"m afraid I would barely make profits because few craftsmen can make it.

I would give them to Lilia and Maria as gifts.

"Sorry for asking some weird questions. I"m going to visit some other stores. See you." (s.h.i.+n)

"OK. Please come again." (Shop a.s.sistant)

Now all I had to do was to buy Mark a gift. I had already known what to buy.

Mark recently stopped practicing smelting iron and began to take an interest in gold-engraving techniques such as jewelry-engraving.

He needed to carve beautiful patterns on jewelry bit by bit, so I wanted to give him the tools that would make the job easier as a gift.

Because men loved tools.

I also had been upset about whether to buy a toolkit that was unnecessary but worth tens of thousands of yen.

Mark, who was born and raised in the workshop, would be happy to receive the new tools.

Just as I was laughing at the thought of how happy they were when they received the gifts, a carriage pa.s.sed me. 

A carriage?

Thor, who had not dated for a long time, had been fidgeting while dating with his fiancee, Kallen.

"Thor chan, we haven"t seen each other for a long time. It"s really rude of you to act that way." (Kallen)

"I"m sorry, sister Kallen. I feel uneasy when I think of s.h.i.+n wandering around the streets alone." (Thor)

"It"s OK. He won"t make trouble." (Kallen)

"You think like a child, sister Kallen. s.h.i.+n often does things beyond our imagination! I can"t imagine what new ideas he has come up with this time!" (Thor)

"Really?" (Kallen)

Kallen understood Thor. She was glad that he could tell her what he really thought of.

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