Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 18

Fighting against a Devil

In the past, there had been no cases of a human changing into a devil.

Demonization had only occurred to animals in the wild. The ones who couldn’t control their magic power turned into demons, and everyone had thought that we humans were a special existence.

That’s why when a human turned into a devil several decades ago, people were shocked.

Humans were of no exception.

Everyone received an incredible shock that humans could also become devils. And because of the threat that they themselves could turn into devils, they became tremendously desperate.

That ominous magical power, to say nothing of an excellent Magician who perceived the magical power, planted fear into the ordinary people.

It had overflowing magic power, uses no chants, had no restrictions, and wildly rampaged about.

Although Earls.h.i.+de Kingdom’s Army had used all of its military strength to subjugate the devil, the only result was an increased amount of victims.

In the end, the ones that were able to subjugate him were Magi Merlin and his partner, Melinda, who then became known as Heroes.

Because of that event, these two people were respected as Heroes even until now.

In front of my eyes was Cart, who had turned into a devil.

He was clad in an ominous magical power, a peculiar characteristic of demons. What had been the white portion of his eyes had turned deep red, and he stood still in place while gazing at empty s.p.a.ce.

This scene was viewed by everyone who was in close proximity, and those who had never seen a devil before were completely flabbergasted. Well, of course it’s the first time they’d sighted a devil, since it was an extremely rare case.

Er, this is not the time to leisurely think about such things!

“Run away everyone!! That guy turned into a G.o.dd.a.m.n devil! You’ll only become collateral damage if you continue to stay here!!”

Those words were able to return the students to their senses.

“U-uwwwaaaaahhh!! Devil! Did he just say a Devil!?”

“We have to run away ! We have to run away ! We have to run away ! We have to run away!”

“He-he, someone please help meeee!!”


While trying to escape, everyone was screaming in confusion.

That will be fine. If everyone who escapes starts to spread the word, the information will be transmitted.

The problem is what to do with that guy…

“Gus, you should escape as well.”

“s.h.i.+n, you… No way!?”

“Aah, I’ll somehow try to stop him.”

“Don’t be stupid! You should escape too!!”

Although Gus yelled at me, I didn’t hear it.

“That guy will probably not stop here, and as a devil, he might attack the Royal Capital. And thus, I cannot leave him alone.”

“Then we will stay as well!!”

“As people who have never hunted a single demon before, what kind of idiotic things are you saying!!”

Although I feel regretful towards Gus, I need him to evacuate.

“s.h.i.+n… are we… a hindrance?”

“… Yeah, you guys are a hindrance.”

“…Is that so…”

Gus bit his tightened lips, and turned around.

“Everyone, let’s escape from here!”

“No way! How can we leave s.h.i.+n-kun alone in this place!!”

“It’ll be fine, just focus on escaping! Even if we stay here, we’ll only be a burden!”


“Mes.h.i.+na! Don’t let go of Claude even if you have to drag her along with you!!”


“Nooo! s.h.i.+n kun! s.h.i.+n kun!!”

Gus and the others have finally evacuated. With this, at last…

“It’s about time I take action. Cart.”

After turning into devil, Cart, who had been standing still and staring at empty s.p.a.ce, finally looked my way…

“GOWAAAaaaaah !!!!!”

Once he discharged his magic, he headed towards me.

While Cart was on his way to where I was, I bombarded him with Fire Bullets.

When the Fire Bullets. .h.i.t Cart, without confirming the outcome I circled around Cart’s back, drew the Vibration Sword, and slashed horizontally. I was so glad I was wearing my Jet Boots.


There was some resistance! Where was it? Where did I cut him?

When I moved away slightly, I saw that Cart had taken damage from the Fire Bullets all over his body, and his left arm appeared to have been severed from above his elbow.

“GYAAAaaaa!! WALFORD! YOU b.a.s.t.a.r.d! YOU Ba.s.sSSTAAARRRDdddddd!!!”

At this time, I felt a sense of discomfort.

Walford? He called out my name? Is there a part of his consciousness left in him?


At the same time he was yelling, he produced a cl.u.s.ter of Fireb.a.l.l.s.


In order to obstruct the Fireb.a.l.l.s, I created a magic barrier.

“UWaaahh, HOT!”

Dammit! Even if the barrier can protect against magic, it doesn’t prevent the heat. My face is burning!


Because it was excessively hot, I created a blade made out of water.


The water blade started slas.h.i.+ng towards Cart.


I rushed towards Cart with both the Vibration Sword and the Water Blade at hand. Then, I sliced at Cart’s remaining right arm.

“This is…”

Is this the end of it?

That’s what I thought after looking at Cart’s b.l.o.o.d.y appearance.

Certainly, compared to the demonized animals I’ve slayed before, rather than a wolf or a bear, he is formidable and can be compared to either a lion or a tiger. However…


Cart used explosion magic on himself. His wounded right arm was suddenly torn off, and exploded into a thousand pieces.

“As I thought… this guy, he isn’t that much of a big deal, is he?”

While fighting Cart who had turned into a devil, I felt uneasy.

He’s way too weak.

I had heard that when the human turned into a devil in the past, he had ruined a country. However, this guy, although he’s strong, doesn’t give the feeling of despair.

In the first place, was it really that easy for a human to turn into a devil?

It gives an uncomfortable feeling.

There are so many things that feel too out of place in this incident. What the h.e.l.l is going on?


Tsk! This is bad! His magic power increased even further!!

Magic power began to swirl around Cart. This is… is he going to self- destruct!?

If he accidentally discharges such great magic power, this whole area will be blown away!!

If I don’t stop him now… it’ll be bad!

“CAAAaaaRRRRrrrrTTT !!”

I rushed towards Cart while brandis.h.i.+ng the Vibration Sword, aiming towards the nape of his neck.


After I swung the Vibration Sword, I put some distance between us in preparation for any accidental discharge.

I looked at Cart who appeared to have stopped moving, and…


Cart’s head fell… and his body also fell soon after.


I confirmed that the swelling magic power had dispersed, and Cart’s body had stopped moving…


I let out a big sigh. Then I examined Cart, who had become a corpse.

Now that I thought about it, this was the first time I had killed a person… Even though he was a person that had turned into a devil… there was no feeling of guilt…

I wonder if it was because of that? Because I’ve regularly hunted animals throughout the forest? I wonder if I have become accustomed to taking lives?

Because of that thought, I looked at Cart’s corpse with complicated feelings…


Sicily came jumping towards me.

“Hey! Sicily! Did you not evacuate with everyone!?”

“s.h.i.+n-kun! Are you alright!? Are you injured anymore!?”

Sicily came and asked me while touching my body here and there.

Gus and the others also showed up, and so I asked Gus.

“You guys… did you guys not evacuate?”

“Ye-yeah… But just as we were about to exit the ground, we suddenly heard this amazing sound… so we turned around…”

Then, he cut off his words and looked at Cart.

“…It was our first time seeing a devil… and we watched in astonishment as you overwhelmed him… and then he was taken down just like that…”

When I looked around, I saw that everyone had a complicated expression.

“Nevertheless… I still find it unbelievable, even until now. Since Cart had turned into a devil, I thought it was already hopeless…”

“Even I, myself, had already prepared for my death.”

“Walford-kun was really amazing.”

“That’s right! What was that? Even though your magic talent is tremendous, you were also able to cut the devil’s arm with a sword!”

“It was a spectacular display of swordsmans.h.i.+p degozaru. In this case, wouldn’t he also qualify in the Knight Military Training Academy as their top student dezogaru?”

“That’s right! Even I have never seen my Father nor my older brother display such beautiful swordsmans.h.i.+p.”

“Walford-kun, as expected, is an amazing person?”

It looked like the tension had evaporated. Everyone started speaking unanimously. Meanwhile, only Gus remained silent.

“Gus, what’s wrong?”

“Hmm? No, nothing. I was just thinking that it’ll be problematic from now on.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re not self-conscious, are you? A devil has appeared, you know?”

“Ah… That’s right.”

“This is the second time in history a devil has appeared. This catastrophe alone will shake the entire country. Moreover… this easily…”

While Gus was in the middle of his explanation, Knights, Soldiers, and Magicians all gathered, and summoned the students.

“Prince Augusto!! Are you injured in any way!?”

“We have received reports that a devil has appeared! Where is the devil!?”

“We will fight against the devil even if it costs us our lives! Where has the devil gone to!?”

“Ah, he’s lying defeated over there.”

“He’s been defeated?”

And then, they looked at the place where Gus was pointing at.

There lay Cart’s body, whose head had been decapitated.

“You don’t mean… You don’t mean to say that you’ve already subjugated the devil!?”

“Ah, it wasn’t me who subjugated it.”

He said that and turned to look at me.

“It was subjugated by a student of this Magic Academy!?”

“How should I explain this; his name is s.h.i.+n Walford. The grandson of the Hero, Merlin Walford, who subjugated the devil back then?”

“Ma-Magi Merlin-sama’s honorable grandson!?”

Honorable grandson, you say. While they were having this sort of conversation, students had come and gathered to see the state of affairs.

You guys, don’t gather in such a dangerous place! Just because the Military Personnels have arrived, don’t be so lax, unconscious of pa.s.sing crisis, and come see the situation!

“He-hey! That thing that’s lying over there, isn’t it a devil?”

“Eh? There’s no way!?”

“That devil has already been subjugated!!”

“What? What has happened?”

Everyone started to talk unanimously without any indignation. And then, they looked at the Military Personnels, Gus, and the other students.

“Everyone, there’s no need to worry!! The grandson of Magi Merlin, s.h.i.+n Walford, has subjugated the devil!!”

A person conveyed to everyone with a loud voice. The vicinity fell silent momentarily. And then…

“UWOOOOOOOOOOH !!!!” [Said by everyone in the area.]

Cheers suddenly exploded.

“Seriously!? Are you really serious!!”

“Amazing! As expected of Magi-sama’s grandson!!”

“Hero!! It’s the appearance of a new hero!!”

“Magi-sama’s grandson! s.h.i.+n Walford!!!”

“s.h.i.+n!” “s.h.i.+n!” “s.h.i.+n!” [Everyone chanting.]

A “s.h.i.+n” call occurred.

Uwaaa! Please stop it! It’s embarra.s.sing to have my name chanted out so loudly!!

I want to run away, but since there are Knights and Magicians all around, I would have to bypa.s.s them, so even if I want to run away, I can’t.

“Well done! You did very well!!”

“Really, the grandson of the Hero, also turned out to be a Hero!”

“Magnificent! You are really magnificent, s.h.i.+n-kun !!”

Really, everyone, please stop it! Although a commotion will inevitably happen, this kind of fuss is too much considering the level of the subjugated devil!

“As expected, this kind of thing would happen.”

So this was what Gus was trying to explain earlier! However, I didn’t imagine that it would cause this extensive of a commotion.

I felt a sense of discomfort during this sudden uproar. However, because of the excitement that came after the subjugation of the devil, I couldn’t attune myself to the environment. So while I was watching everyone abuzz, I searched for the source of the discomfort.

In the end, because of the commotion, the Research Society information session was cancelled, and all the students were asked to return to their respective cla.s.srooms.

“s.h.i.+n-kun, is there something wrong?”

This question was asked by Sicily.

“Certainly, you’ve been making a strange face since earlier, s.h.i.+n.”

“Well… from the beginning of the uproar, and even until the end, I couldn’t shake of this uncomfortable feeling.”

“Uncomfortable feeling?”

“Yeah. I’ll continue the explanation once we return to the cla.s.sroom.”

When we returned to the cla.s.sroom, Alfred-sensei was there to greet us.

“Oh! You guys! I was worried about you all! Especially Walford, are you injured anywhere!?”

“Yes. We’re all okay.”

“Is that so… I’m relieved…”

He was genuinely worried about us. He’s a good teacher, I can tell that he’s honestly worried about us.

“Rather than that, s.h.i.+n, what were you talking about earlier? Although I also felt uneasy with the situation regarding Cart, what do you mean ‘even until the end?"”

That’s right, I should explain it to them.

“First of all, I think everyone agrees that Cart’s actions and behavior felt out of place. Brandis.h.i.+ng the authority of an aristocrat isn’t just forbidden here, it’s prohibited in all of the three Advanced Academies, and this is something everyone who lives in this Kingdom knows. Nevertheless, the way Cart spoke and his actions, flaunted his social status as a n.o.ble. And although it was just an attempt, if it wasn’t for my opposition, I have no doubt that he would have taken more actions against Sicily.”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

“In addition, because of his behavior, Gus had given him two warnings. Usually, wouldn’t someone who paraded being an aristocrat have equal pride in his social standing as a n.o.ble, and would think that the power of an aristocrat is absolute? And yet, why did he not listen to Gus, who is someone at the top of the ladder of all aristocrats?”

Everyone turned to look at Gus. Gus just shrugged his shoulders.

“This is what everyone should have felt was strange in the past. Now, this is what felt out of place today.”

I could see that everyone had understood thus far, and waited for me to continue my explanation with bated breath.

“First of all, why did Cart appear at that place? Wasn’t he placed under house arrest? Moreover, he is someone from the House of Ritzburg. How did he manage to get out of there so easily?”

“I was also thinking about that.”

“At that time, because I was thinking ‘he can’t possibly he here,’ I didn’t manage to act in time.”

“And… there’s also that issue of him turning into a devil…”

I said while glancing at everyone.

“Is it really that easy for a person to turn into a devil?”

Everyone seems to be mystified. Alfred-sensei had his eyes wide open.

“Certainly… It certainly is bizarre!”

Alfred-sensei seems to have noticed as well.

“Eh… What does this mean?”

“Regarding the human who turned into a devil in the past, I heard he was a high-ranking Magician who aimed to be at the height of magic and had trained for many years. According to the reports, while he was trying to perform a magic spell with ultra-high difficulty, he failed and turned into a devil.”

After I explained up until this point, everyone also seemed to have noticed.

“As for Ritzburg, he was someone who had just entered the Advanced Magic Academy. In this case, even if he failed to control his magic power, it would only be enough to cause an accident of some sort. I have never heard of anyone turning into a devil this way.”

“I guess so. If turning into a devil is caused by the failure of people being unable to control their magic powers… then there would already be a lot of devils by now.”

“That is really strange.”

“It is as you say. If it’s just that amount of magic power, it is seen quite often. I’ve even experienced it myself.”

“Hey, Rin, that’s very dangerous! You have to take care because in case an accidental discharge of magic happens, your surroundings will also be blown away.”

“Nn, I’ll be careful in the future.”

Ah… Good grief.

“And so, everyone now knows how someone in the past had turned into a devil thanks to our review of the reported case. Up until now, there hasn’t been any reported cases of someone else turning into a devil. Then, why was it so easy for someone to turn into a devil this time around?”

“Why is it, degozaru?”

“We can’t know something like that for sure.”

“Tsk! No way!”

Gus seemed to have thought of something.

“Wh-what is it, Your Highness?”

“N-no way… It can’t be possible…”

“Gus. I think you’re probably thinking of the same thing as I am.”

“Such a thing, impossible!”

“I think that there’s a possibility… to do it artificially.”

“Impossible!! Are you saying that there’s a way to create a devil artificially!?”

Alfred-sensei cried out. Certainly, one would think so, but…

“Well, right now I’m only speaking hypothetically, but I don’t know if it’s possible for sure. However, the possibility is not zero. And after actually fighting against it, I thought of the possibility all the more.”

“After fighting it?”

“My grandpa has told me stories of how he had subjugated the devil many, many times.”

“To hear how Magi-sama subjugated the devil from his own mouth…”

“I’m so jeaaaloooouuuusss!”

The reaction of everyone in the room was strange.

“No, that’s not what I meant to say… I’m talking about the stories of the one who subjugated the devil and how he did it. He said when a person turns into a devil, it is completely devoid of any reasoning. It will no longer speak any words, and simply howl. However, when Cart turned into a devil, he was able to speak.”

“Then that means… he didn’t exactly turn into a devil?”

“No, he definitely turned into a devil. His eyes turned red, he had ominous magic power, and his actions were violent; he had all the common characteristics of a devil.”

Everyone listening held their breaths and waited for me to continue my explanation.

“After actually fighting him, I found him to be way too weak, and thought it was way too different from the story I’ve been hearing from grandpa. I then speculated: ‘Is this the same kind of devil grandpa fought against?’ There was something distinct about it.”

“To say the devil was too weak…”

“No… I thought it was pretty strong enough…”

“To be honest, in terms of strength, it was only stronger than a demonized lion or tiger.”

“A tiger or a lion, you say…”

“I thought it was pretty much a hopeless situation…”

That would be the case for students, however, it’s different for the Knights Order and Magician Division. While I was thinking that, I turned to look at Alfred-sensei…

“A lion… I’ve once encountered one in the past, and at the time… I thought I was going to die… that it was the end of me… That very same thought circled my mind over and over again. I still occasionally dream about it even until now.”

Huh? It was a story of his level of trauma?

“Bu-but, even so, it doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to subdue it, right?”

“…That’s right.”

“In the past, the devil almost destroyed a whole country. In actuality, cities and villages were destroyed. Can demonized tigers and lions do the same thing?”

“No… no matter how you look at it, they won’t be able to do that much.”

“He easily turned into a devil, he was too weak, and he still had some degree of consciousness. When taking those facts into account…”

Everyone was waiting for what I was going to say.

“I… thought there may be some possibility that Cart’s body was used in a human experiment.”

“Human experiment!?”

“As I thought… Artificially… made?”

“Up to this point, it’s just a conjecture. However, the possibility is high.”

“I see… So this is why s.h.i.+n was making a complicated expression, and this isn’t something we can feel happy about.”

Right now, it’s just a speculation. However, if this is true… there’s a malicious mastermind behind it. I know absolutely nothing about who it is, and for what reasons.

Everyone probably felt it as well. They all seemed to have anxious expressions.

On a rooftop of a building a slight distance from the Advanced Magic Academy, there was a person examining the inst.i.tute. It was Cart’s former tutor, Oliver Schtrom.

“Hmm, Cart did indeed turn into a devil. However, because his actual magic ability was low to begin with, his level was only up to that degree. Well, since the experience was a success, I guess it’s fine.”

He said so and smiled slightly.

“Even so, that’s Walford-kun, huh. It’d be best if he doesn’t become an obstructive existence to me.”

After he muttered, he disappeared from that place.

There wasn’t anybody who noticed his presence.

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