Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 46

Magi’s Grandson – 46



Devil’s dance.

Rewinding the time a bit, at the same time when s.h.i.+n and Sicily were flirting at the mansion in Claude town, after fallen by Schtorm, dominated by devils and demons, the Ex-imperial capital of empire was turned into devil metropolis where the devils were gathered.

After Schtorm and co. destroyed the imperial capital, what would they do afterward?

Firstly, Schtorm was increasing the quant.i.ty of the demons, overflowing the Ex-Empire’s territory through neighboring countries.

Then, after sealed the movement of the other countries, they were started to exterminating the remaining town inside Ex-Empire’s territory one by one.

Schtorm, dealt with the groups of monster hunters and armies who come to investigating the city by attacked every one of them, he also blockade the flows of information and goods to each town.

So that, that was the reason why there was no goods which delivered to each towns.

To do an investigation, herald recruited every soldiers to do the reckless military expedition to investigate the situation, and the last ray of hope, the demon hunters who went into investigation, there was none of them who returned.

Since there was also no information which come, they didn’t know that the imperial armies had suddenly annihilated and the empire was fallen.

Because they gradually short of the daily necessities without any clear reason, the displeasure of the citizen gradually grew stronger.

“Oi! Give all of the breads here to me!”

“What are you talking! There was no wheat flour which delivered these days, so it was already decided that you could only buy one per family!”

“Such a thing, I give no d.a.m.n about that! I have a big family here!”

“That is also same with me! Everybody were enduring here, you shouldn’t act selfishly like that!”

“What did you say? Old hag!”


While such tumult happened here and there, not just exhausted physically because of the shortage of food, they also exhausted mentally.

There was no goods which came even when such tumult happened everywhere, and when they lost their strength because of starvation….

“Th, there’s a demon! There’s a horde of demons which come this way!”

The guards who watch-keeping at the rampart, running while shouting that there was an attack from demon.


“s.h.i.+t! What are the imperial army doing!?”

“Hey, what should we do!? There was also almost no demon hunter remained!?”

The citizens were panicked because of the attack from demons.

At that moment.

『Ya everyone, you seem in good spirit.』

A voice reverberate at the whole town, as if sneering at the citizens who were exhausted because of the shortage of foods and also information.

『I am Oliver Schtorm, here I have a proposal for all of the citizens of this town. 』

The town resident who were panicked because of the attack from the demon, even while become more confused by the sudden voice which reverberate at the whole town, they were listening to that voice.

『Then, inside this town, is there anyone who has any resentment toward n.o.bles? Wanting to kill those n.o.bles with your own hands. If there are… let’s see, would you please a.s.semble near the south gate? I am going to give you a strength to overthrow those n.o.bles. The time limit is one hour starting now.』

The voice which reverberate inside the town suddenly vanished after said those words.

After listened to that declaration, the citizens didn’t understand what happened.

There was no citizens who didn’t have any resentment toward the tyrant and haughty n.o.bles.

But if they were asked whether their resentment were to the point they wanted to kill them or not…. The citizens were perplexed, they want to run away but….

“No good! We can’t open the gate!”

“Why!? After that strange voice, aren’t the demons didn’t attacking! Now is the right time to run away!!”

“Those demons are overflowing outside the town! There’s no place to run away!”

These exchange were happened at every gates except the south gate.

Those ma.s.sive amount of demons weren’t attacking.

Couldn’t understand what that voice means, they began to ask what was the meaning of that.

And when they thought to use that time to run away, there were suddenly had surrounded by demons.

Unable to run away, the citizens were could only waiting for the judgment a hour later, like a prisoner.

At the same time, at the south gate, there were several citizens who answered Schtorm’s invitation.

“Hmm, it is fewer than what I expected.”

“Schtorm-sama, as expected with that method, isn’t it hard to raise the wariness of the citizens?”

“I am not that concerned though. Since my intention is not to gather people. With this, this town’s resident must be able to feel more despair and confuse right?”

“I am sorry for saying too much. Please forgive me.”

“Fufu, do not mind it.”

The red eyed men talked with the same voice as the proclamation voice just now.

They felt dubious but, since they may be able to get a power which able to overthrown the n.o.bles, there was none of them who leaved that place.

“Then, do you really want to overthrow those n.o.bles?”

When Schtorm asked that question, there was someone among the citizens who a.s.sembled there, who took a step forward.

“I… my lover was stolen by a n.o.ble… then, with the reason he was tired with her… she was returned to home after being killed… him… I want to kill him with my own hands!”

The man squeeze out such word filled with hatred.

Thereupon, whether being supported by that, a woman also took a step forward.

“My father was killed. Even though he didn’t do anything wrong… the reason was just because he was in his field of view! What kind of hards.h.i.+p our family must face after my father death… I want that n.o.ble realize that!”

The other several peoples also took a step forward and spoke out their resentment toward n.o.bles.

“Fufu, isn’t that a nice hatred. Please keep detesting n.o.bles like that, okay?”

After said that, Schtorm began to gather dark magical energy.

Then, he crammed that dark magical energy into the chest of those n.o.bles detester.

“U, ugaaaa!”

“A, aaaaaa!”

The citizens who got the dark magical energy were started to groaning.

Then, he crammed that dark magical energy toward all the citizens there.

The citizens were fainted in agony for an instant but, they regain conscious not long after that and the power inside their body… they could felt magic was overflowing within their bodies.

“Th, this is….”

“Fufu, how is that? With that you should be able to kill those n.o.bles right?”

“Yes, it is amazing… I feel like I could anything right now….”

While saying that, they turned around and their eyes were dyed red, they were transformed into devil.

“Then, the one hour time have elapsed right. Then all of you, please head to the feudal lord’s mansion. You should finish them off without fail, okay?”



“Well then….”

Schtorm threw a magic toward the sky.

Then, the magic exploded at sky high.

It looked like a fireworks and make the citizens who watch it dumbfounded.


Together with a violent explosion, east, north, west and south gates were destroyed by magic, devils and demons were surging inside the town.




The surging devils and demons were trampling down the citizens.

“Fufu, what a nice spectacle.”

Watching from the rampart, Schtorm seems satisfied by the appearance of the citizens who were being trampled down.

And with a slight glance, he could see the crumble of the feudal lord’s mansion.

 “Hmm, they also seem doing it well there. It seems freezing the feudal lord’s mansion so that there won’t be any n.o.bles at this town who run away was worth doing.”

When Schtorm made the proclamation at inside the town, in order to make the n.o.bles of this town were unable to run away, he ordered the devils to blockade the feudal lord’s mansion.

And the result, the n.o.bles who intended to run away and abandon the citizens were stopped at the feudal lord’s mansion, and the citizens of this town who had turned into devils were able to accomplish their long-cherished revenge.

Then… the remaining citizens were annihilated by the devils and demons. Without any regards of gender, age, nor social standing….

And then one by one, he attacked every town, and finally all towns and villages were destroyed.

Honestly, with that much war potential, and with the ability to blockade the information and goods, they could destroy every town with just a single swing.

But, Schtorm didn’t do that.

That was, since it was to corner them physically and mentally, not just the n.o.bles, he even want to give despair to the commoner.

That was the height of Schtorm’s resentment toward the Empire.

That was why he attacked the towns one by one, it was indeed took quite a time but, at last he was able to destroyed every towns and villages.

The devils who were gathered at the Ex-Imperial capital were antic.i.p.ating this day to at last come.

The purgation inside empire had finished. Next, we would attack the neighboring union, and finally unify the world.

With our power, we would be able to do it, there won’t be anyone who able to oppose us.

After obtained the power of devils from Schtorm, since they use that power freely, they intoxicated by it.

The devils was a.s.sembled inside the ex-imperial palace, lifted to that gorgeous place which normally outside their reach thus far, while impatiently antic.i.p.ating what they were going to do afterward, the were waiting for the emergence of Schtorm.

“Say, finally right!”

“Yes, it was indeed took quite a time but at last we have cleansed the entire empire. There is no one who able to become our enemy. It’s finally the time we would unify the world.”

“You’re right! I’m looking forward to it! Ou!”

“Yea… I’m looking forward to it too.”

We’re going to unify the world. With our power, we would be able to do it without fail. That was the reason we obtained this power.

The empire’s commoner who were being persecuted, to obtain a power and grown up to this point, it felt like a dream.

We are going to proclaiming our new ambition.

The person who was being waited in antic.i.p.ation, Schtorm accompanied by Milia and Zest, at last appeared.

Schtorm walked pa.s.sing the gate and the devils.

The devils who watched that scene were gazing at him with respect.

Then, he sit at the throne where the previous emperor usually sit.

Finally he was going to make the proclamation.

The antic.i.p.ation of the devils… was crushed by Schtorm’s words.

“Then, because all of your hard work we were able to successfully overthrown the empire. We are success but….”

“Is there possibly any problem? Schtorm-sama.”

“Yes… since overthrowing the empire was my main objective… what should we do after this?”

The devils couldn’t believe their ears.

Isn’t there still something to do after overthrowing the empire?

What is he saying? They want to ask that but, these words can’t come out.

“Pl, please do not joke like that… Doesn’t the next is to unify the world?’

“Wha? Why I must do such troublesome thing?”

The devils were unable to say anything when heard those words.

Unifying the world is troublesome? Why he must do such a thing?

What did this esteemed person just said?

“Then… why… why did you turn us into a devils?”

“Hmm? Of course to make you my p.a.w.ns right?”

“p.a.w.n… we are just a p.a.w.n you say!?

The man shouted toward Schtorm’s remark just now.

“Me! Since I thought that together with you, we might be able unify the world, I turned myself into a devils!”

“Wha? I have said it right? Whether you had any resentment toward n.o.bles or not. Whether you wanted to take a revenge toward those n.o.bles or not. Why does it turn into something like that?”

Indeed Schtorm was turning peoples who had strong resentment toward n.o.bles into a devil.

Even though he had said that, but it seems those devils followed him with the intention to unify the world.

What is he talking about? Schtorm was wondering from the depth of his heart and inclining his head.

“You, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!”

The man who keep shouting since just now finally snapped, and started gathering magical energy.

But Schtorm, while seemed bothered, just by swinging his arm, the gathered magical energy was disappeared, the man’s face was covered by surprise.

The devils who watched that spectacle were divided into two sentiment.

The one who admire him, as expected Schtorm-sama is amazing.

And the one who irritated with him, with that much power why didn’t he use it to unify the world?

The devils were grumbling, trembled and want to hurriedly leaved the palace.

Watching that, Schtorm, while looked bothered from the bottom of his heart, declared.

“Feel free to have any kind of ambition but, could you please don’t force that to me?”

Not blaming the man who rebel to him, Schtorm just declared to don’t force their opinion to him.

When he heard that, then man glared at Schtorm with despair and anger.

“Does that means… you have no intention to unify the world?”

“Didn’t I have said that just now?”

When he heard Schtorm’s answer, the rebelling man finally said a parting words.

“I see, I see! I understand! I won’t hope anything from you again! Then I’m going to do what I want.”

“Feel free? Or rather, please do that from the very beginning.”

“Guh! … I’ll take my leave then!”

After said that, the man turning back and leave the audience.

The audience which was filled with the atmosphere of antic.i.p.ation a moment before, now was filled with a stagnant atmosphere.

Why did it turn into this way?

Didn’t since just now they were antic.i.p.ating their dream-like brilliant future?

Currently, that place was dominated by despair and bewilderment.

It shouldn’t be like this, the devils who dreaming to unify the world strongly thought that.

“If there any of you who want to follow that ambition, feel free to do so. You shouldn’t preserve yourself, you may leave and follow him you know?”

If you want to go then feel free to go to wherever you pleased.

As if they had no value at all and nothing just a p.a.w.n, the devils who expecting Schtorm to unify the world were revealing their anger, and leaved the audience like the first man.

The total was around a hundred peoples, that was almost two thirds of the total devils.

The only remained devils at the audience was around fifty devils who were initially there when the imperial capital was fallen.

“Haa… just what did they thinking about…”

“Perhaps… since they suddenly got that power, they become intoxicated by it.”

“So that is the case huh.”

“The devils who remained here were the devils and demons which were enrolled here and had experienced the war against the armies and demon hunter. The devils who leave just now were they who barely ever partic.i.p.ated in the war up until now.”

“Oh, you sure understand it.”

“Since they were Schtorm-sama’s p.a.w.n, of course I must understand their power.”

Milia was agreed with Schtorm’s ambition to overthrown the empire, she bore a deep adoration toward him.

Hence, she thought that she need to understood and manage the peoples who were turned into a devils by Schtorm, to make sure that they could successfully executed the plan to overthrown the empire.

The devils who leaved just now were didn’t have experienced the war up until now, that power which was given to them so that they could avenge toward the n.o.bles, they misunderstood it and thought that that was their own power, moreover they also had aware about their misunderstood that that power which was given to them wasn’t so that they could unify the world.

She was aware of it but just leave it be.

She was aware of it. She was aware that Schtorm wasn’t thought them as anything special to him.

She also thought that he might dispose them if he deemed them as something unnecessary.

Hence, she also thought that Schtorm might dispose anyone who had different opinion with him.

“Leaving that aside, are you fine with it? Leave them be as it is.”

“It should be fine right, it isn’t like they may become a hindrance after all… Ah, but that may be quite interesting in its own way. Since that may become a good way to killing time.”


Different from Schtorm who didn’t have any interest toward his surroundings, Milia could felt sentiment toward the man who left.

Similar like Milia who was fallen in love with Schtorm, the man who left also had a strong ambition to unify the world.

The peoples who turned into a devils naturally and peoples who didn’t, now they could see the great difference between them.

They also aware that the true devil, Schtorm, didn’t refer them as any special existence.

Nevertheless, Milia and the other were respected Schtorm who had gave them that power, and pledged to follow him wherever he go.

“By the way Schtorm-sama, I heard that you were wounded by someone at the kingdom but….”

“…s.h.i.+n Walford-kun huh, I was sure went through a bitter experience with him.”

“He could inflict wound to Schtorm-sama!?”

“Is, is that true!?”

The remaining devils there were those who had pledged to Schtorm.

They didn’t believe that that Schtorm would be wounded.

“Yes, I almost able to safely escape from them but… when Walford-kun suddenly appeared from nowhere, I got a wound at the time he tried to subjugate me. That was just how powerful he is.”

“Th, that strong….”

“Yes, how about we take him as our next target? Since I want to repay the wound he gave to me after all.”

And like that, they felt such burning desire they never felt thus far.

“Schtorm-sama, I think that conclusion is too rushed, how about we take a rest for a while? And at that time, we are going to investigate the existence called s.h.i.+n Walford.”

Zest was a former secret intelligence unit. For Schtorm’s sake, he proposed to investigate s.h.i.+n while they took a break.

“I think you don’t need to prepare it that carefully you know….”

“But, didn’t we make those careful preparation to overthrown the empire?”

“That was because overthrowing the empire was something that I wanted to do no matter what after all.”

Very concerned about that, Milia decided to try asking Schtorm about it.

“Umm… Why did Schtorm-sama detest empire that much? I was aware that you were a former n.o.ble here but….”

Milia asked the thing which make her very concerned since a long time ago.

What was the reason which make Schtorm detest empire that much?

She was aware that there were many peoples who detest n.o.ble. But Schtorm’s detest was supposed to be only bore by a commoner.

Moreover, why did he become a devil in the first place?

Milia who was never asked that, thought that she might be able to inquiry it since his ambition was already fulfilled.

“Come to think of it, I never tell you about it right?”

And like that, Schtorm tell them about what happened at his past.

“I was… originally a prince who hold a right to inherit the throne.”

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