Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 48

When Augusto invest.i.ture ceremony was held in the imperial city, In the swedes kingdom that close to the former of Empire territory, The soldiers who were in charge of patrol still work like always.

because the empire who originally had ambitions to bring down the neighboring countries, the surveillance soldier on the lookout always had a watchful eye, remembering the threat of devil that made empire’s imperial city fallen in the blink of an eye, the surveillance system had been strengthened than before.

for when we got attacked by a devil, we have taken measures such as securing evacuation routes at the time of emergency and installing communication device leased from Earlshyde Kingdom.

[Nevertheless, how long do you think we can endure if we are actually attacked? ]

[Sōda nā… … the Imperial Army did not have it for half a day, right?]

[…。.. Tonikaku, we have to make the residents evacuate…]

[That’s right …]

[[Ha… …]]

At that time, as they (patrol unit of the Swedes kingdom) sigh to the desperate situation and talking to the resident.

[Oi…… that……]

[e ? Ma, masaka……]

The surveillance soldier who had been overlooking the surroundings through a telescope from the top of the walls, turned his gaze up… the signal bullet were rising.

This is also leased from the Earlshyde Kingdom, and since the communication device is fixed, it can not be move for patrolling used.

If you found devil or demon, even if you ran with a horse, it will be too late to make a contact.

From there, I do not know what kind of mechanism it is, but when I activate magic tool, bullets are launched, and Signal bullets that emit light so that it can be seen from a distance were also lent.

The color is … …。

[… … It is a red signal bullet …]

It was red as if it represents a devil ‘s eyes.

although patrolling soldiers who could not understand what happened for a moment,, when their sense came back, they started to move at once.

[Confirm red signal bullets! It seems that a devil has come in! Immediately go to the royal castle! And make a recommendation to evacuate all residents!]

[Roger that!!]

Because we had simulations in preparation for emergency repeatedly, Instructions are transmitted promptly.

[Signal bullet have already launched! It seem there is no doubt about it!]

[Kuso! There is no way such a thing really happen!]

[I saw it! It is a group of devils!]

A group of devils.

In the long history of human beings, until the last year, there was only once a group of devils who were observed.

In the emergence of a group of devils that like a bad joke, the soldiers of the swedes kingdom troops cannot yet accept the reality.

[The scale!? do you know the scale!?]

[The number of devils is … …。 approximately … … about one hundred!]

There are hundreds of devil together.

The swedes kingdom soldiers were prepared for death.

[The demons!? How many the demons!?]

[So, sore ga (that’s is)……]

[What’s wrong? Is it countless?]

desperate words also came out. But …

[It is only a group of devils! I can not see the figure of a demon!]

[Only a devil!]

It is different from the information. The devil is supposed to bring demons. Sore ga inai (but, there is no demon)?

[ Well …。.. Desperate situation changed to the worst situation. Attention all! Defend the castle wall! At least, do not let the resident got injured!]

A Commander of the Swedes royal Army issued an instruction and the troops aligned outside the wall at a time.

[Absolutely you cannot let this castle wall got pa.s.s through! Hey! Request help to Earlshyde kingdom! also a request for relief!]

As I say so, I send a messenger … … While running, the messenger muttered.

[Even though we can report soon … … I think that it will take days from Earlshyde to come…。]

Although everyone thought the same thing, nevertheless, right now we have no choice, we need the power of Hero to beat the devils.

Swedes kingdom soldiers put out request to Earl Hyde betting on such a ray of hope.

[I borrow defense’s magic tools from Earlshyde! At least … At least even just stalling, I will do it!]

Then … … the group of devils and the Swedes kingdom army collided in front of the castle wall.

I said something embarra.s.sing during the invest.i.ture ceremony, I was too embarra.s.sed to see the face of everyone while I was moving with flying magic.

…。.. Ultimate · Magicians …  …

While thinking this is stupid, I’ve already said it out loud.

The Earlshyde citizens who had gathered over there, probably already engraved that name because we had called it after we had jumped out.

…。.. From now on I have to work with this team name … …。

What a heavy cross I got on my back!!

[Oy s.h.i.+n, what are you (クネクネ, romaji : kunekune) from a little earlier, do you feeling bad?]

[You! It is because of you! Suddenly said to think about the team name!!]

[Fu~tsu, ku~tsu (Pfft)…… iya (no)…… I think it is a good name?]

[Don’t say it while holding a laugh! also you are a member of that team!]

[Betsuni ī janai ka (isn’t it, okay?). I think it is not bad?]

We made walls of air around ourselves and flying through the sky by connecting the sound bypa.s.s with the wind’s magic so that we can hear each other’s voices.

Since we were often flew after developing flying magic, we are used moving and talking by wind’s magic.

If you fly in the sky you can move several times faster than you move by the carriage on the ground.

Even though communication can be done in a moment, for moving it can’t.

As devils has already appeared in the swedes kingdom. As I need to head to the site as soon as possible, I use the fastest possible way to arrive.

In such a case, it would have been good if we set a point to open the gate to the Swedes kingdom … but I did not know where the devil may appears.

[But actually isn’t it a good name, I like it.]

[ I feel more and more confident when I am with Rin]

[Muu.., that is rude]

[Haa … everyone, I guess they have already penetrated, and have no choice but to give up …]

[rather than that s.h.i.+n-dono, we’re about to the border between Earlshyde and the Swedes Kingdom. Please be careful]

Thor tell me to be cautious.

[Oh, we are at the border already?]

[because we are flying in the sky,]

[It is amazing! If it were a carriage, it would take days!]  Maria is also surprised at that speed.

I have not been there so I do not know.

[It is a good thing to be fast, as the delay from receiving the message from the Swedes, if we slow, there will be more damage]

[But … … devil Is it … … I kinda nervous, even though I came to be able to beat disaster cla.s.s alone …。]

[It is fine. Don’t worry, Maria is getting stronger than a devil]

[I wonder about that … ….?]

Isn’t it a praise for a girl to be stronger than a devil? Maria has a subtle face.

[I too will do my best!]

[Sicily wants to see the people who were injured by demons]

[ Aa , sōdesune. Then I too will do my best to help as many people as possible!]

[ Un, tanomu na (yes, please do that)]

We decided sharing the role before arrive at the Swedes Kingdom. Me, Gus, Tony, Julius, Mark are equipped with (して前; avant-garde?) vibrating sword.

Sicily is the healing of the injured person.

And the rest is in terms of support magic.


[Mark … Please don’t overdo it]

[I know, you don’t need to worry, because there is Walford and the others.]

……Ah! Mark?

Ssu! Tte ittenaikara dare ka to omotta! (!? Because there is no one that said it, someone is thinking!)

[…… Chikushō…… atchi mo kotchi mo ichaicha s.h.i.+ ya gatte…… ( … d.a.m.n … in here or  there they just flirting)]

The mumbled voice full of hatred from Maria can be heard.

[Ma, Maria, calm down … …。]

[daitai! There is too much Riajuu’s boys in this team! They are too much for girls!]

Something was wrong with Maria.

Certainly … only Tor and Julius don’t have … …。

[I, Have a fiancee]

[Me, too, had a fiancee-degozaru]

[everyone can just blow up!] Uwa, Maria had exploded.

[Ku-sō……  Just wait you Devils …… I’ll vent all of my anger to you… …]

Un!  I can understand the tension, The result is good!

Because our enemy is a group of devils, it will be a serious thing if you are nervous and cannot put out all your Strenght, So it is a good thing.

Let’s rampage like Maria by all means!

[Hey, the Swedes Kingdom has come of into view]

We turned our eyes on the words of Gus.

Indeed, I can see a big city surrounded by the wall.

Is that the Swedes kingdom?

Sos.h.i.+te (And) … … magic fluttered in front of the castle wall of the kingdom, I saw a barrier of magic defense to prevent it.

[Aree? That magic barrier …?]

[Aa, it’s a defense’s magic tool you made]

[All members! Prepare to launch magic tools!]

Immediately after issuing a request for relief to the Earlshyde Kingdom under the attack of the Majin, the Swedes Kingdom is ready to launch the defensive magic tool which is another magic tool that lent by Earlshyde Kingdom.

They only knew general defense magic tools, though they were loans from Earlshyde, at this point they did not expect that it could prevent Devil’s attack.

[Come on! Magic tool launch!]

The magician of Swedes kingdom soldiers started the defense magic tools all at once.

Then … …。


[What? Are you serious?]

[Prevent it! It’s preventing attacks by devils!]

[Amazing! What a splendid magic tool!]

[It’s not a time to be impressed! Even if it prevent attacks by devils it have no meaning if you can not repel it! All the people, attack the devils  with all your strength!]

[Roger That!!]

[Magic division! Magical preparation! … … shoot!]

From desperate circ.u.mstances, after they found out magic device can prevent devils attacks, their morale went up in breath.

Then, While sometimes sewing in the gap of the magic tool and getting inside the wall, Somehow they managed to hold down the devils and keep the front line.

[Endure! If you stand it, the heroes of Earlshyde ‘s will come and defeat the devils! Until then endure it!]


They were longing for the arrival of s.h.i.+n from their heart.

If you thought about it, Uncle Dis ordered a lot of defense’s magic tools … … Are they given out to each country?

[Even so, the amount will not be enough, so sneak up between the magical barriers and the attack of the devil also]

Certainly, several magic has landed in the kingdom. we must be hurry!

[Everyone full speed! We will screen out devils attack and destroy them!]

[Oou! ]

And when I started searching magical … …。

[Yabai!  (Dangerous!) Someone is being chased by a devil!]

Two human with ordinary magical powers, It is being chased by the devilish’s magical power.

hurry up! If we hurry up, we will be in time!

Pa.s.sing over the wall at high speed, some people who seemed to be swedes kingdom soldiers were watching here, but we could not afford it.

And when we reach the enemy location … …。

[Iyā ā!! (Nooooo!)]

[Ahahaha! Horahora, You will get hit if you don’t run properly, you know?]

[Iya! Yamete! (NO! Stop it!)]

[Ā ā n! Mama ~a!]

A mother holding a child, which made the running away be delayed, and the devil’s is chasing while releasing small magic.

Like a beast playing with their pray … …

[Hora! Hora! I will get you?]

[Yamete! Onegai yametē! (Stop! Please Stop it!)]

[Ahahaha! If you do not run away quickly kill you!]

[Iya…… e?-Ge bera? (Noo…. E? Why you)]

A mother who fled while holding a child looks back on us.

I … … It was the place where I dropped a kick to the devil chasing parent and child and landed.

Then I asked the mother that watching the one who kicked the devil.

[Daijōbudesuka? Kega wa? (Are you OK? Are you injured?)]

[A , wa i…… daijōbudesu. Ano, anata wa? (Y-Yes… I am OK. Ano, You are?)]

[s.h.i.+n-dono! Suddenly give a dropkick from the sky, do you know that it is reckless!]

[My bad, I really want to bite]

[a , ano……]

[Oh, please be relieved lady, we are the one who has been dispatched from the Earlshyde Kingdom. Someone! Please evacuate her to a safe place!]

Thor came coming down from the sky, explained to the mother and called for a soldier in the area.

[Yes, lady, here!]

[A , arigatōgozaimasu!]

After soldiers and mother-child ran away, they looked around again.

The castle walls are not completely broken yet, thanks to the magical tools.

However, as pointed out by Gus, some demons pa.s.sed the gap between the barriers, invading the royal capital.

It was seen from here that some buildings were broken and few soldiers and inhabitants were collapsed (fallen down).

In that sight … I became full of rage like never before.

[Swedes citizens and the devils! I am Earlshyde kingdom Crown Prince, Augusto von Earlshyde!]

Gus and everyone else was not on the ground and was on a high building around.

And Gus p.r.o.nounced his voice with the application of wind magic, declaring arrival of relief.

[Swedes kingdom citizens don’t worry! We got the power to overthrow the devil and got to this place! Let’s cooperate with the Kingdom soldiers and surely repel devils! ]

To encourage people who were attacked by devils Gus said.

[Then the devils will feel despair! Among us, there is The Hero, Merlin Walford’s Grandson, The New Hero, s.h.i.+n Walford, that had the overwhelming power to subjugate the devils! Don’t you think that there is still a winning chance!]

So, Gus declared … …


A big cheer was heard from around the royal capital, near the center of the kingdom.

I guess everyone is evacuating around there.

I, although I was told to declared in a loud voice as always, but I did not feel like that this time. (??)

[Devils … …! Prepare yourself! Because I will not go easy on you!]

I also made my voice as loudly as Gus, declaring war on Devils.

After what they do … … I don’t had a plan to forgive them!

[Ita tte e e e e e! Temē! Nani s.h.i.+ ya garu!! (b.a.s.t.a.r.d! What are you doing!!)]

The devil who had kicked earlier finally got up and barked toward me.

[What are you doing? That’s my line … You b.a.s.t.a.r.d too … … what did you do here?]

[A? I am a devil? I had a power so what’s bad about it?]

The standing devil, while laughing (herahera warainagara) said that it is a privilege of a devil.

It is just a person that drunk by the power that he gain as a devil … …

[Gus! What should I do to him?]

[Mochiron! Kimatte iru! (Of course! Isn’t it clear!)]

I ask Gus at the top of the building.

Then Gus said it is natural.

[Destroy it!]

[Roger that!!]

Gus had decided resolutely.

Former human beings, but now is a devils.

Moreover, it is a group of people who think that it is natural to toying with non-powerful civilians.

To beat them into pulp … … There is no hesitation in that!

[Ha!? Do you think that a uman being can compete against a devil like me?]

[Noisy … … I have to kill a lot. I do not have time to beat around the bus.h.!.+]

By so saying, I head to the nearest devil. I intend to attack with magic, but … it is late!


Thor that was behind the devil, brought preemptive flame magic attack.

[Nice, Thor]

Blaze a vibrating sword to a devil who are faint in agony by the magic.

[How do you feel? What is the feeling that you got beaten up by human?]

[So, son’na…… bakana……]

Mutter the devil … … as the devil went vertically into two.

After looking down on the devil who just subjugated, search for the next devil with searching magic.

It seems that everyone else has started battle. The number of devils hanging on the search area is decreasing.

[Sicily! Towards the healing of the injured! Someone! Please bring her to the place where there is injured people!]

Shouting so, a soldier who was nearby and staring at us fighting came to me.

[Wa, hai! Kochiradesu! (Y-Yes! This way!)]

[s.h.i.+n-kun, please be careful!]

[A! Sicily too!]

[Hai! (Yes!)]

Leaded by a soldier, Sicily went to where the injured were.

[Jamadesu! (you’re on the way)]

The magic blade of the wind burst along with the voice of Sicily, and the devil was Shredded.

…。.. The soldier who is leading is stunned.

Sorya-sōdarou (of course it will be like that). In the eyes of adult, a girl like that in a single blow, that too without chanting, subjugate a devil.

There seems to be okay. With this I can have peace in mind… …。

[I will subjugate it]

Continue to subjugate the devils with search magic until the end.

[Thor! I am fine, so please turn around to everyone’s support!]

[Ryōkais.h.i.+mas.h.i.+ta! (Okay?) s.h.i.+n-dono,good luck]

[A! Thor as well!]

As I said so, I took a hit from a devil.

Although Devil attack by magic, but it is easily hindered by the magic barriers.

Koitsu-ra…… (These guy) it is much weaker than a cart.

[Kuso o! Nandeda! ? Naze tsūjinai! ? Oretachi wa majinda zo!? (d.a.m.n! Why!? I don’t understand why!? We are the devil!?)]

[Wa! You can do quite well in this level]

[Uoo! Chikushoo! (d.a.m.n!)]

In order to subdue the devil, I continue run around royal capital.

In the middle of that, everytime I find the remains (corpse) of the soldiers and the residents along the way, anger always swelling up.

[We! became a devil to unify the world! Do you think will die in such a place?]

[What a disproportionate dream! You a.s.shole]

Truncate the devil by vibrating sword … …。

[d.a.m.n it! The set up barrier in the walls are so hard! How could it happen like this?]

[Such a thing, you don’t need to know!]

[Gaaaaa! O, onoreeee!!]

I shot him with a fire bullet.

World Unification? Is it the devil ‘s Strom purpose?

Such a thing, for humanity, I will not let it happen.

In this place, I will Crush that ambition!


[Onore! Onoreee!]


It seems that Gus and the others are doing well.

In accordance with the role a.s.signment decided earlier, with magic as preemptive attack, then stab it with vibrating sword.

There were even devils who were subjugated with magic alone.

It can be subjugated without taking so much time for those devil!

When I thought so … …。

[Retreat! Let’s retreat!]

The devils shouted.

Then the magical power of the devil started moving out of the city towards the outside.

Moreover, because the moves is scattering, it is difficult to catch all!

[d.a.m.n! It escaped]

I shot an explosion magic directly towards devils who tried to escape.

It aimed at devils who jumped into the air to jump over the wall.

[Na! Son’na baka……]

[u ō ō……]

[chi, chikusho…… (d.a.m.n)]

The explosion magic exploded while involving several devils … …

[A! d.a.m.n it! Somebody was able to escape!]

Some of the devils who entered the walls and some of the devils who had been pus.h.i.+ng outside the wall were escaped.

It did not result in annihilation.

I missed almost all of the devils that still in the outside of the wall and it cause my face to be distorted… …。

[Uoooo! ! !]

The soldiers who were around shouted out.

[Repelled! We repelled it!]

[Amaziiing! The Hero who subjugated the devils is the real thing!]

[Thank you! Earlshyide! Thank you!!]

I who regretted because near half of it able to escape, got praised by the soldier of Swedes kingdom.

They repel devils and were relieved that the damage was minimal.

But, I … …。

[I’m sorry … I let the devils who were outside escaping … moreover, if I had came sooner, the victim could had been fewer …]

I felt regret and remorse, I wish I had connected the gate to all the possibilities, that way, I can came earlier and make the victim fewer.

[Iyaiya! Jūbundesho? (No, no! This is enough?)]

[That was rather early, wasn’t it? I thought that it would take several days, to come in just a couple of hours. Were you doing an expedition near here?]

[No… … I came from the Kingdom of Earlshyde]


He seems wondering that the time until the arrival from the first report was short.

[Because it flew through the sky]


[A ! Sō ieba nanika ga tonde ki teta! (A! IIRC something was flying)]

[Eh? You can fly in the sky?]

[E e, mā (W-well, Yes)]

When that word registered in their mind, they are stunned.

Sono han’nō ni mo narete kita yo……. (I got used to that reaction … ….)

[s.h.i.+n, do you alright?]

[A,  how about you guys?]

[I am fine]

[I am not injured!]

[Me too]

[strangely, I am too]

[Perhaps, n.o.body is injured, isn’t it?]

Everyone gathered one after another.

Only Sicily is not here, because she has turned to the healing of the injured.

The position is also confirmed with searching enemies.

[Everyone was okay]

[E e, Honestly because devils is our opponent, I thought I’d struggle more hard … ….]

[It was surprisingly weak!]

[Yo, yowa…… (We-Weak)]

The words of Alice, the smallest one among us, made the Swedes kingdom army silent.

Everyone is getting used to this kind of reaction.

[By the way, who is the person responsible in here?]

[Y-yes, I am]

[I am Augusto von Earlshyde, I want to declare that we had repel the devils]

[Y-your highness Augusto! M-my rude!]

[Right ow, it is okay. Then? Can I declare it?]

[Yes, Please]

Is he the captain of the unit around here? With the permission of the declaration from that person, Gus deployed magic that make sound loud again.

[No-no chant!]

[E? Ōji-samadaro? (Prince-sama?)]

[Crown Prince, I saw it. Augusuto denka metcha majin tōbatsu s.h.i.+ teta…… (Your Highness Augusto subjugated the devil?)]

Although Gus had an attractive face but somehow he can uttered honor word quite well.

[Citizens of Swedes Kingdom! I am Crown Prince of Earlshyde Kingdom, Augusto von earlshyde! Everyone should be relieved! The devil is … ….]

Until that word, Gus take a glance here.

[We, “Ultimate・Magicians” succeeded repelling the devils]

…… Ōi! What kind of loudly declaration that is!?

[Ultimate · Magicians ……]


[Amazing! Ultimate · Magicians!]

[Thank you! Ultimate Magicians!]

Swedes kingdom soldiers and citizens, shout out that name.

Yamete! ! Son’na ōgoe de renko s.h.i.+naide! ! (Stop it!! Don’t continuously said that out loud!!).

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