Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 60

This chapter is sponsored by Anonymous, Luis, and Jeremy

After Liu Yi return to the cla.s.sroom, he blinked his eyes a few times.

Although he is quite slow, he can tell that his sister Fox is angry.

Moreover, it was not the usual angry….but more like….very, very angry….

‘Was it because I won the spar?’ He thought.

‘But I clearly haven’t touched her forehead yet….’

‘That’s right….’

Liu Yi suddenly looked at his hands….

He seemed to have accidentally….touched her Fox sister’s chest…

‘Oh, mother! I really didn’t mean it!’

At that time, he was obsessed with winning the spar over his Fox sister and didn’t think about anything else….

But when he thought about it now….It did feel good….

‘It turned out Fox sister is quite a material….’

Liu Yi couldn’t help but think.

‘Hey! Hey!’

‘What am I thinking!’

‘Liu Yi, Liu Yi. You’re really a beast!’

‘Fox sister is so good toward you, how could you have thought such things!’

‘Liu Yi, Liu Yi. You’re a b.a.s.t.a.r.d!’

‘No wonder Ma Yixuan doesn’t like you!’

Liu Yi maliciously cursed himself.

At this time, the cla.s.sroom bell rang.

Chen Cai hastily looked at Liu Yi with a look that is full of antic.i.p.ation, or, one could also say miserable.

“Boss….my happiness (s.e.x life)….will depend on you….”

“d.a.m.n, your happiness must depend on both of your hands!”

Liu Yi received the envelope from Chen Cai while giving him a stern eye.

‘Chen Cai’s wretched thoughts must’ve rubbed on me. That’s right. This must be it!’ He thought.

“Boss, please!”

After millions of urging and millions of cajoling, Liu Yi gave him a rea.s.suring gesture, and then took the love letter and leave the cla.s.sroom.

To be honest, although Liu Yi has given Chen Cai his promise, his heart has some apprehensions.

Although he liked Ma Yixuan for quite a while, he actually never sent her such love letter like this…..

Even a slow learner like Liu Yi knew that sending a love letter like this….is too unsophisticated.

He knew that, in these days, love between students is no longer the same as before.

With several direct talks, in addition to have a look that is pleasing to the eye, one can start a relationship.

Of course, this method only works for those rich and handsome students.

A student with a poor background such as Liu Yi, will not be on any girl’s radar.

Liu Yi sighed, and then stood in front of the door of the experimental cla.s.s.

This experimental cla.s.s is the best cla.s.s in the school. Which consists of the most brilliant students, who have pa.s.sed the past exams with excellent result.

Liu Yi thought that there was not only honor for a student who attended this experimental cla.s.s, but also a sense pressure.

“Schoolmate, who are you looking for?”

A female student walked out of the experimental cla.s.s. When she saw a student, who stood at the door, she suddenly couldn’t help but curiously asked.

“Em, I’m looking for….”

“Hey, aren’t you the one who’ve defeated Lan He? Liu Yi, right!?”

When this homely, freckled girl recognized Liu Yi, she suddenly shouted in a pleasant surprise, “It is you, right?”

‘Em?’ Liu Yi thought.

‘Why am I suddenly become famous?’

Previously, he used to walk to the school without anyone recognizing him; He was an invisible student….

Liu Yi suddenly has some excitement plus some small sense of satisfaction.

Although they all said that fame portends trouble….But the feeling of being recognize by others is actually pretty good….

“Yes, I am Liu Yi.”

Liu Yi began to trace his trouser pockets, to see if there is a pen in it.

In the event this girl wanted him to autograph something, it would be awkward if he didn’t have a pen!

“It really is you!”

The girl was excited for a moment, but instantly, she disappointedly said.

“Why you have to be so ugly like this? I thought that you’re a hunk!”

Liu Yi instantly has the urge to faint.

‘Oh, mother….’ He cursed in his heart.

‘Since when did this father become this ugly!’

Although he is not a handsome guy, he also a fellow who had a nose and a pair of eyes!

“Why do you come to our cla.s.s?”

“I, I am looking for….w.a.n.g Yuzheng….”

‘This should be her name.’ He thought.


The girl quickly pulled Liu Yi aside into the corridor, looked around, and then relaxed and carefully said.

“Are you crazy….”

The girl stared at Liu Yi and said, “Luckily, Lin Huayang didn’t hear you say this name….Otherwise, you’d be dead!”

“Lin Huayang? The’s son?”

“Yes! His grades were poor, but because of his father’s backing, he can enter our experimental cla.s.s. He then had a liking for our cla.s.s leader, w.a.n.g Yuzheng.”

The girl suddenly smiled, “But, although Lin Huayang had bad characters, he is actually quite handsome. If he is willing to chase me, I will certainly accept him!”

Heavy lines appeared on Liu Yi’s face.

“Nevermind, I’m just delivering a love letter from a friend.”

Liu Yi shook the love letter in his hand and said.

“You’re crazy!”

The girl was shocked, “Sending a love letter! You, you’re dead!”

“What are you afraid of? I don’t believe this Lin Huayang will be able to eat me.”

Liu Yi said and, despite the warning from the girl, walked toward the experimental cla.s.s.

Liu Yi lingered for a while and then went into the cla.s.s.

He has promised this matter to Chen Cai, so, he must accomplish this.

“You silly fork….you’re hopeless….”

The girl behind him repeatedly shook her head and then went as far away from Liu Yi, to avoid being implicated.

Liu Yi took a deep breath and marched in front of the cla.s.sroom.

This is indeed the experimental cla.s.s. After he entered the cla.s.s, Liu Yi suddenly saw a group of student who still earnestly studied even after the cla.s.s is finished. They wasted no time at all.

‘My goodness….’ He thought.

‘They really go all out!;

Although Liu Yi never attended the experimental cla.s.s, he has heard the things about this cla.s.s.

He heard that these students study seven days a week. They even have the night cla.s.s. They only took a rest on Sunday afternoon.

If he were to attend this cla.s.s, it would be the same as entering the h.e.l.l!

“Which of you is w.a.n.g Yuzheng?”

Liu Yi’s announcement instantly changed this peaceful cla.s.sroom.

A group of students raised their head and looked at Liu Yi as if they were looking at a monster.

Liu Yi was shocked, ‘Is my face, really that ugly?’ He thought.

All the students didn’t say anything. They just looked at Liu Yi, making him feel quite weird.

“Who is w.a.n.g Yuzheng?”

But Liu Yi didn’t forget the task from Chen Cai. So, he asked again.

“I, I am….”

A lean and delicate person, with a ponytail, suddenly made a sound.

Although she wore a pair of black-rimmed, it didn’t hide her beauty.

Her kind of beauty is different than Murong Die. Murong Die is a stunning beauty, while she, is a quiet beauty.

Moreover, she also carries a clean a refined feeling that Liu Yi had never seen before.

Such beauty….should only appear in the ancient era.

How could she possibly appear in these days and ages?

“Who are you, boy?”

Before w.a.n.g Yuzhen even finished, a nearby tall student stood up and looked at Liu Yi with a constipated look, and then asked.

This youth is very handsome and tall. His appearance is almost as hunk as the stars on the television.

But the gloomy look on his forehead made Liu Yi very uncomfortable.

“I am looking for w.a.n.g Yuzhen. Are you w.a.n.g Yuzheng?”

Liu Yi asked in a bad mood.

“I am w.a.n.g Yuzheng’s boyfriend. What? Do you have an opinion?”

“I, I am not….”

w.a.n.g Yuzheng anxiously tried to say something. But that handsome youth smirked and said.

“Yuzhen, be careful, if you say you’re not, I may have to kiss you in front of the cla.s.s?”

This simple threat already made w.a.n.g Yuzheng’s face pale.

She didn’t dare to say anything again and lowered her head.

Noticing this, Liu Yi can’t help but be a bit uncomfortable. He thought, ‘How could this boy threaten a girl using this method!’

“I just want to look for w.a.n.g Yuzhen. Please step aside.”

Liu Yi couldn’t help but make his tone of voice a bit firm.

“Hey, you’re a crazy boy aren’t you!”

That handsome boy immediately sneered and said, “Do you know who I am?”

“Do YOU know who I am?” Liu Yi asked back.

“Don’t know.”

“You don’t know me, so, why would I want to know you? You’re crazy.”

Liu Yi gave that handsome boy a middle finger and went before the stunned look of w.a.n.g Yuzheng and then said.

“Student w.a.n.g Yuzheng, please accept this love letter.”

After that, under the dumbfounded look of all the people in the cla.s.s, Liu Yi put the pink-envelope love letter on w.a.n.g Yuzheng’s table.

“Ah? This, this….”

w.a.n.g Yuzheng had a sudden panic.

“Motherf.u.c.ker, you court death!”

That handsome student suddenly shouted, “You dare to have ideas with my, Lin Huayang’s, woman?”

‘Lin Huayang. So, he is that Lin Huayang?’ Liu Yi thought.

“Lin Huayang, don’t go too far!”

At this time, w.a.n.g Yuzheng, who was sitting there, suddenly stood up and mustered up the courage to loudly shouted at Lin Huayang.

“I, w.a.n.g Yuzheng, am not your woman!”

“Yuzheng, I, Lin Huayang, like you. So, you are my woman.”

Lin Huayang folded his arms and proudly said, “This point, is known to everyone!”

“Lin Huayang, you’re too overbearing!”

w.a.n.g Yuzheng’s anger turned into tears.

“Humph, so what if I’m overbearing? When I, Lin Huayang, like a girl, how could that girl be able to escape? w.a.n.g Yuzheng, be a darling and obediently be my girlfriend.”

With that, he turned around, looked at Liu Yi, and said.

“As for you. If you don’t want to die, quickly take back your love letter and get out!”

“Lin Huayang, other people may be afraid of you, but I, Liu Yi, am not afraid you.”

Not only he didn’t go, but Liu Yi also said to w.a.n.g Yuzheng.

“w.a.n.g Yuzheng, please keep the love letter. Also, you better stay away from this guy.”


Lin Huayang suddenly shouted, “You’re a d.i.c.k! You dare to meddle in my affair!”

Seeing Lin Huayang acted like this, other students didn’t dare to speak. The all lowered their head and pretended to be invisible.

“Who am I? I’m just an ordinary student.”

Liu Yi stood there, without any fear of Lin Huayang’s aura.

“But the things that you, Lin Huayang, do, even a mediocre student such as me is unable to watch it. As a boy, if you like a woman, you should take care of her and please her. But you, relying on the powerful backing of your family, actually bully a girl like this. Are you still a man?”

“Hey, you’re good.”

Lin Huayang couldn’t help but laugh, “You’re trying to put an act in front of me, Lin Huayang, aren’t you? If you have the courage, announced me your name. See how I, Lin Huayang, am going to punish you. Do you dare? Do you have the guts?”


w.a.n.g Yuzheng wanted to prevent Liu Yi from speaking out his name.

But Liu Yi, with chin up, and chest out, roared.

“My name is Liu Yi! The second cla.s.s of the second year student, Liu Yi!”

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