Chapter 45 - 45: Group Date II

"Serena, did you hear about Fitzgerald"s? I heard from my brother that it was a very popular hang-out place." Gizel said.

"What"s in that place? Is it a café or something?" Milly curiously asked.

"No, I heard it was a bistro. They serve some wines and alcoholic beverages there. I always wanted to try some, but my parents wouldn"t let me." Gizel replied.

Serena hearing that it was a bistro became enthralled. She only ever drank alcohol once in her previous life only to find that she was allergic to alcoholic beverages. So, she always wanted to go out drinking while hanging out with friends.

"How about we try going there and have some ourselves?" Serena suggested.

"I don"t think that that is a good idea. It"s just the four of us, what if we get drunk?" Via being the voice of morality in their group stated.

"Oh, come on Via, don"t be such a kill joy. I think that we won"t get drunk by simply having a sip. Besides, you can opt not to drink and just be our guardian!" Gizel said trying to convince her cousin.

Milly and Serena looked at her with their puppy eyes.

"alright. We don"t really have tomorrow, so I guess it"s okay." Via consented.


When the group of four arrived at Fitzgerald"s, it was already time for dinner, thus, the bistro was already filled with students and getting a table was not easy. The receptionist asked them to wait awhile.

Since they were already there, they agreed to wait. Serena and her friends were curious as it was their first time entering such place. The Fitzgerald"s was a bistro that only allowed entry to those with the ages 18 above. Contrary to their expectations, the place was not the scandalous den they were imagining.

As its main clients were students from a n.o.ble school, its aesthetic was low key luxurious. Looking inside from the reception hall, they observed that the place was well lit despite its dark interiors. The atmosphere that it exudes was intimate and cozy. Many people inside were in groups or with a date.

Serena was looking around when she saw a head with silver hair. It was a unique color that she just knew that it was Kylo, and when she looked at the one beside him, she was pleasantly surprised to see Charlton. She was about to call his attention when she noticed that he was immersed in a conversation. And that was when she noticed that he and Kylo, along with 4 other men, were talking with 6 girls. Undeniably, it was a group date as they were all in pairs. And there was Charlton, as if coaxing the girl with a smile on his face.

Suddenly, Serena didn"t know what to do. Her hands started to tremble, and it was hard to breath. The first thing that she felt was complete shock, she was blindsided and didn"t see this one coming. She trusted Charlton unconditionally and couldn"t really process what was happening. Then she felt intense raw emotion causing her heart to race and stomach to turn. She could not stop the tingling sensation on her nose as her eyes began to sting. She had to tell herself not to cry.

"Hey Serena, are you alright? The receptionist just told us that we can enter now as a table at the back is already available." Via asked worriedly.

Serena didn"t respond immediately. She had to breath deeply to reign in her emotions while her friends looked at where she was looking at earlier.

"Aren"t those Kylo and Charlton? What are they doing here?" Gizel, who didn"t understand the situation, asked.

"Serena, don"t let it get to you. I have seen how Charlton treat you. Perhaps there"s nothing going on there and everything is just coincidental." Milly tried to comfort her.

Serena nodded and smiled. Perhaps there was really nothing going on there. Milly"s right, she should not jump hastily to a conclusion. She must believe that she was an excellent judge of character.

Serena and her friends followed the receptionist who led them to a table at the back. Charlton"s group did not notice them as they were occupied with the girls.

From where they were at, they can clearly see the group who seems to be enjoying themselves.

Gizel who just registered what was happening said, "Hey, doesn"t that girl look familiar?"

Serena took a second glance at the girl.

"I recognize her now, she"s the girl in our cla.s.s who"s always following Emily like a lost puppy. Her name was Isabel Price if I recall correctly." Milly, who only recognized the girl because she was the self-proclaimed President of the Emily hater"s club along with Gizel, said.

"Ugh, so birds of the same feather truly flock together. What a pretentious b.i.t.c.h, always acting shy and innocent but there she is flirting shamelessly with someone else"s boyfriend." Milly said. Forgetting the fact that Serena and Charlton"s relationship was a secret.


Charlton who had no idea that his girlfriend was on the other side, watching him, continued to smile at what Isabel was saying. Although he wanted nothing more than to leave, he kept his a.s.s planted on his sit as he muted her voice in his mind.

"Mr. Charlton, I hope you don"t mind, but I wish to tell you before I forget that I enjoyed myself, having to have spent time with you." Isabel said shyly, expecting Charlton to ask her for another date after this one. She felt that he must be interested as he smiled and nodded to whatever she said. He must be feeling the same way that she does.

Charlton who was not really paying attention stared at her when she stopped talking. Thinking "What was she saying again?" He observed that the girl had her head bowed as her face continued to redden. Being used to this kind of attention from the girls, he thought that she must be asking for another date. He didn"t have any intention to see her again, so he wanted to turn her down politely.

"Ah… I too enjoyed our time. However, I am quite the busy person and being here today was just a favor for a friend. So, I"m afraid that we won"t be able to meet again." He comforted as he smiled at her.

"Oh… then… when do you think will you be available?" Isabel, who only took his words from face value insisted.

"I"m sorry. Please don"t take this the wrong way, but I already have someone in my heart, so…" Charlton honestly confessed, he never did have the heart to lead a girl on.

Isabel felt her cheeks flush in more embarra.s.sment because of the rejection. However, she still tried to smile despite her tears threatening to fall. "He"s so nice and handsome. It"s very unlikely that he doesn"t have a girlfriend yet. But… it"s not like they"re engaged or getting married right? Besides, I"m not doing anything evil. I can be a friend first, and if the time comes that he grows tired of her, he will see me there beside him. It worked for Emily, it can work for me too." She told herself, convincing herself not to give up just yet.

"Oh… I understand… but we can still be friends, right?"

Charlton who thought that the girl was nice and have some self-awareness nodded his head with a friendlier smile. Besides, he didn"t really want to burn the bridge just yet, she may still prove to be quite useful in telling him some details on how Geoffrey and Emily"s relationship is progressing anyway.



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