Man and Wife

Chapter 25

"Is that you?"

There was the certain prospect of alarming her, if some reply was not given. There was no help for it. Come what come might, Arnold answered, in a whisper:


The door was flung wide open. Anne Silvester appeared on the threshold, confronting him.

"Mr. Brinkworth!!!" she exclaimed, standing petrified with astonishment.

For a moment more neither of them spoke. Anne advanced one step into the sitting-room, and put the next inevitable question, with an instantaneous change from surprise to suspicion.

"What do you want here?"

Geoffrey"s letter represented the only possible excuse for Arnold"s appearance in that place, and at that time.

"I have got a letter for you," he said--and offered it to her.

She was instantly on her guard. They were little better than strangers to each other, as Arnold had said. A sickening presentiment of some treachery on Geoffrey"s part struck cold to her heart. She refused to take the letter.

"I expect no letter," she said. "Who told you I was here?" She put the question, not only with a tone of suspicion, but with a look of contempt. The look was not an easy one for a man to bear. It required a momentary exertion of self-control on Arnold"s part, before he could trust himself to answer with due consideration for her. "Is there a watch set on my actions?" she went on, with rising anger. "And are _you_ the spy?"

"You haven"t known me very long, Miss Silvester," Arnold answered, quietly. "But you ought to know me better than to say that. I am the bearer of a letter from Geoffrey."

She was an the point of following his example, and of speaking of Geoffrey by his Christian name, on her side. But she checked herself, before the word had pa.s.sed her lips.

"Do you mean Mr. Delamayn?" she asked, coldly.


"What occasion have _I_ for a letter from Mr. Delamayn?"

She was determined to acknowledge nothing--she kept him obstinately at arm"s-length. Arnold did, as a matter of instinct, what a man of larger experience would have done, as a matter of calculation--he closed with her boldly, then and there.

"Miss Silvester! it"s no use beating about the bush. If you won"t take the letter, you force me to speak out. I am here on a very unpleasant errand. I begin to wish, from the bottom of my heart, I had never undertaken it."

A quick spasm of pain pa.s.sed across her face. She was beginning, dimly beginning, to understand him. He hesitated. His generous nature shrank from hurting her.

"Go on," she said, with an effort.

"Try not to be angry with me, Miss Silvester. Geoffrey and I are old friends. Geoffrey knows he can trust me--"

"Trust you?" she interposed. "Stop!"

Arnold waited. She went on, speaking to herself, not to him.

"When I was in the other room I asked if Geoffrey was there. And this man answered for him." She sprang forward with a cry of horror.

"Has he told you--"

"For G.o.d"s sake, read his letter!"

She violently pushed back the hand with which Arnold once more offered the letter. "You don"t look at me! He _has_ told you!"

"Read his letter," persisted Arnold. "In justice to him, if you won"t in justice to me."

The situation was too painful to be endured. Arnold looked at her, this time, with a man"s resolution in his eyes--spoke to her, this time, with a man"s resolution in his voice. She took the letter.

"I beg your pardon, Sir," she said, with a sudden humiliation of tone and manner, inexpressibly shocking, inexpressibly pitiable to see. "I understand my position at last. I am a woman doubly betrayed. Please to excuse what I said to you just now, when I supposed myself to have some claim on your respect. Perhaps you will grant me your pity? I can ask for nothing more."

Arnold was silent. Words were useless in the face of such utter self-abandonment as this. Any man living--even Geoffrey himself--must have felt for her at that moment.

She looked for the first time at the letter. She opened it on the wrong side. "My own letter!" she said to herself. "In the hands of another man!"

"Look at the last page," said Arnold.

She turned to the last page, and read the hurried penciled lines.

"Villain! villain! villain!" At the third repet.i.tion of the word, she crushed the letter in the palm of her hand, and flung it from her to the other end of the room. The instant after, the fire that had flamed up in her died out. Feebly and slowly she reached out her hand to the nearest chair, and sat down in it with her back to Arnold. "He has deserted me!"

was all she said. The words fell low and quiet on the silence: they were the utterance of an immeasurable despair.

"You are wrong!" exclaimed Arnold. "Indeed, indeed you are wrong! It"s no excuse--it"s the truth. I was present when the message came about his father."

She never heeded him, and never moved. She only repeated the words

"He has deserted me!"

"Don"t take it in that way!" pleaded Arnold--"pray don"t! It"s dreadful to hear you; it is indeed. I am sure he has _not_ deserted you." There was no answer; no sign that she heard him; she sat there, struck to stone. It was impossible to call the landlady in at such a moment as this. In despair of knowing how else to rouse her, Arnold drew a chair to her side, and patted her timidly on the shoulder. "Come!" he said, in his single-hearted, boyish way. "Cheer up a little!"

She slowly turned her head, and looked at him with a dull surprise.

"Didn"t you say he had told you every thing?" she asked.


"Don"t you despise a woman like me?"

Arnold"s heart went back, at that dreadful question, to the one woman who was eternally sacred to him--to the woman from whose bosom he had drawn the breath of life.

"Does the man live," he said, "who can think of his mother--and despise women?"

That answer set the prisoned misery in her free. She gave him her hand--she faintly thanked him. The merciful tears came to her at last.

Arnold rose, and turned away to the window in despair. "I mean well," he said. "And yet I only distress her!"

She heard him, and straggled to compose herself "No," she answered, "you comfort me. Don"t mind my crying--I"m the better for it." She looked round at him gratefully. "I won"t distress you, Mr. Brinkworth. I ought to thank you--and I do. Come back or I shall think you are angry with me." Arnold went back to her. She gave him her hand once more. "One doesn"t understand people all at once," she said, simply. "I thought you were like other men--I didn"t know till to-day how kind you could be.

Did you walk here?" she added, suddenly, with an effort to change the subject. "Are you tired? I have not been kindly received at this place--but I"m sure I may offer you whatever the inn affords."

It was impossible not to feel for her--it was impossible not to be interested in her. Arnold"s honest longing to help her expressed itself a little too openly when he spoke next. "All I want, Miss Silvester, is to be of some service to you, if I can," he said. "Is there any thing I can do to make your position here more comfortable? You will stay at this place, won"t you? Geoffrey wishes it."

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