Man Huang Feng Bao

Chapter 137


Zhang Yang entered into the school’s library as heremembered the last time he came to the library was 2 years ago.

There were only few people in the library, still same asbefore, the old woman wearing was still sitting in front of the desk arrangingthe worn out books just like two years ago and her att.i.tude was completelyfocused on the work like before. The surface of the desk was filled with someglue, scissors and such other tools. She was the administrator of the library.They used to say that she was single, unmarried and had been working there forsome years.

As ZhangYang entered the library, she didn’t even lift herhead.

Zhang Yang directly headed towards the section of mathematicsbooks and periodicals, where there was a teacher looking at the bookshelvesabove. Zhang Yang did not feel like talking to him, as he was not very familiarwith the teachers in the school except from his own department.

Zhang Yang picked up the first book and immediately after heinvesting into it, the numeral’s world once again let him indulge in the richnature of the book. Xiao Yiran’s book was nothing compared to this one.

Time pa.s.sed gradually…

Zhang Yang did not know that his actions had alreadyattracted the attention of the teacher on the side.

The old man was teaching mathematics at the school. He didn’tnotice Zhang Yang at the beginning but when ZhangYang was constantly switchingthe books and reading, exchanging and reading again, it soon attracted hisattention.

The feeling provided by this young man was too strange, ashe arrived less than two hours before and had actually changed four booksalready. He sat down from the start to the end of a book, changed the book andgo to the back to read, he was too lazy to even sit down that he was reading ina standing position, exchange and read immediately …

At first, the old man thought that Zhang Yang was trying tofind a book that he likes but soon he realized he was wrong, because, Zhangyang picked up the book and read without missing almost a single page, justthat, his speed of reading was a little outrageous.

If Zhang Yang wasn’t fully invested in the book, then theold man believed that Zhang yang was just putting on a show. The old man wasintending to leave but he was really interested on Zhang Yang so he found abook and sat down near to his side frequently taking a quick glance at Zhang Yang.

Time pa.s.sed second by second, when people are extremely absorbedinto something, time appears to be very fast and Zhang Yang was currently intothis phenomenon. He had been reading here for full for hours. He did not knowhow many books he read, but as long as the book placed in front of him was amath book, he could not refrain from looking at it. The books were easy to readand understand quickly.

Zhang Yang stretched himself as he was tired from standingfor four hours, depressed and hungry. He looked at the bookshelf to try to finda book to take it back to the dormitory to read.

“How about this?” The old man went near to the side of ZhangYang and handed a book.

“Oh, … Thank You … The principle of computational fluidmechanics …..” Zhang Yang could not lift his eyes from it, immediately, he wasattracted by this book. It was a very famous mathematics book, written by WeisiLin from Netherlands.

The old man smiled and did not say a word, he was observing.He believed in his instincts that the boy wasn’t just putting on a show, but hereally liked this book. Zhang Yang’s focused expression reminded him of hisyouth when he was a fanatic of calculation.

“It’s pretty good …”

Once again, the feeling of hunger pulled Zhang Yang out ofthe book. At present hunger was the only way to get Zhang Yang’s attention.

“Why aren’t you reading …?” The old man was surprised for amoment. He clearly saw a bit of reluctant expression on Zhang Yang’s face andhe was a little confused. Since he liked the book, why not take a look.

“That … I’ll come tomorrow, my library card is gone…”

The old man nodded and did not say anything. He just watchedZhang yang go out of the library and the expression of his deep thoughtsappeared on his face.


Zhang Yang ran around to the Chinese department from thelibrary but did not see the girl and he went back to the dormitory with adepressed look on his face, what is this society … ah? Now that everybody isliving a relatively comfortable life, why is it that I’m still busy runningaround to have three meals a day?

It seemed that the only way is to find his roommates firstto get his dinner. Zhang Yang touched his growling stomach, he did not know thathe’d touched his belly several times already. The more you get hungry, the moreyou want to touch it.

Zhang Yang could feel his body changing, especially it easyfor him to starve, and he couldn’t imagine this happening in the past.

Zhang Yang naturally did not thought that this kind ofdedicated mental work cope with the consumption of nutrition calories in no wayinferior to the dry weight of physical labor. Of course, the cause of ZhangYangs such strong sense of hunger is not only from some mental work, there arevariety of reasons. The countless thoughts of the elites inside Zhang Yang’sbrain is also one of the reasons.

“Zhang Yang, someone’s waiting for you in the dormitory ..”

“Oh …”

Zhang Yang just walked to the dormitory downstairs and takea look at the dormitory’s door which suddenly startled the old man to get upfrom his couch. Zhang Yang was immediately overjoyed as there are not manypeople who try to find him so he was 99 percent sure that it was Liu Biao.Recently, there has been no news from that guy for some period and now he hascome just in time ah!

Zhang Yang didn’t want to hear the old man’s nonsense so hehurriedly climbed towards the fifth floor. He had already secretly decided tohimself to run outside of the school today to a luxurious restaurant and have alavish meal.

“Zhang Yang, someone is looking for you … …”

“Zhang Yang, quick, someone is waiting for you back in thedormitory for a long time!”

“Zhang Yang, you finally came …”


Straightaway, Zhang Yang felt that something is wrong. Everyperson he encountered on the staircase would tell him that someone was waitingfor him, and one by one with a mysterious expression on their face. Of course,to describe it in Zhang Yang’s words, that was a s.h.i.tty expression.

Who is it?

Zhang Yang could not help but slow down his pace, his headwas basically operating like a computer but he couldn’t think of anyone besidesLiu Biao to come to the dormitory to find him.


Zhang Yang’s heart tightened, is it Xiao Yiran that came tokill me ?

Zhang Yang felt his heart bounce “Bang bang”, but he had togo back, even if he’d be killed, he had to get back. He cannot avoid someonefor a year and it is impossible now to go back to the dormitory to sleep too.

A man cannot be humiliated!

Zhang yang cheered himself inside, his movement was gettingslow more and more and wished that these floor would take eight to ten years toclimb ….


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