Man Huang Feng Bao

Chapter 7 – You are in trouble already

Man Huang Feng Bao: Chapter 7 – You are in trouble already

After seeing fatty Zhao Da Zhi left far away, Xie Chuan took a few spin around Purple Cloud peak. When he came back, his brows was wrinkled heavily.

The situation regarding the mosquitos was more serious than what he had antic.i.p.ated.

Just after a night, many more medicinal herbs in Purple Cloud Peak had already withered. At some places, the whole area where the medicinal herbs was at had all already withered and died.

Cloud Mist Sect’s spiritual congregation formation was unique. The spiritual congregation formation was used to nurture the medicinal herbs and the spiritual energy emitted out by the medicinal herbs would in reverse help to strengthen the might of the spiritual congregation formation, mutually forming a virtuous cycle.

This kind of spiritual congregation formation was known as medicinal spirit formation. This medicinal spirit formation was also back then when Xie Chuan pa.s.s on to Cloud Mist Sect founding master Ghost Hand Medicinal King and later pa.s.s by Ghost Hand Medicinal King to his direct disciples, then pa.s.sed down to generation by generation.

Just a pity, perhaps that Ghost Hand Medicinal King’s direct disciples was not able to cultivate the medicinal spirit formation properly or perhaps after going through million years, some parts of the secrets of medicinal spirit formation was lost already.

Right now, the medicinal spirit formation on every mountain in Cloud Mist Sect have quite a lot of flaws in it. Also because of this, the Man Huang different species mosquitos which had a compound eye on their head was able to enter into the medicinal spirit formation by entering through the weak spot of the formation.

At present, problems are arising from the situation of medicinal herbs being harmed by the mosquitos and withering. As the medicinal herbs die, the strength of the medicinal spirit formation would subsequently by a wide margin get weakened and thus resulting in when the sect disciples cultivate, it would be twice the effort for half the result. In the long run, not only would the sect be not able to finish Da Qin King’s a.s.signment, the sect’s strength would also get weaker and weaker.

“Old rabbit oh old rabbit… Back then, I helped you establish Cloud Mist. Now, do I need to personally help you withstand the calamity which your sect would be facing?”

Xie Chuan sighed, somewhat reminiscing his former follower Ghost Hand Medicinal King.

Millions year ago, although Ghost Hang Medicinal King was hardly the strongest within all his many other followers, and was even somewhat clumsy, gluttonous and especially lecherous too but Ghost Hand Medicinal King was absolutely one of his most devoted follower. Every time when Xie Chuan was in danger, Ghost Hand Medicinal King would always be the first to rush to the front to help him.

After finally breaking out from G.o.d Burial Valley, million years had already pa.s.sed and Xie Chuan had come back to Cloud Mist Sect but the location of Ghost Hand Medicinal King was not known already. Not sure if Ghost Hand Medicinal King had longed found a hidden place to cultivate in seclusion or had already breakthrough the restriction of heaven and earth and went to the outside world.

Xie Chuan was somewhat absent-minded. After sighing then did he regain back his spirit.

Just one look and Xie Chuan had already found out the defects of the medicinal spirit formation and knew how to make amends to it. But to mend it, there was a need to consume a large amount of yuan qi. Without the cultivation of at least Zhen Ren realm, there was not much he was able to do to amend the medicinal spirit formation. Seems like there was a need for him to speed up his cultivation speed already.

Xie Chuan walked back to his study room and looked at the crystal bottle on the table. The mosquito which got closed inside the crystal bottle was still vigorous and lively. After slightly muttering to himself, Xie Chuan dripped a few more drips of medicinal herb’s liquid into the crystal bottle and placed the crystal bottle back on the table.

The mosquito had already been tamed, but Xie Chuan obviously was not preparing to train it into a strong helper. Although the mosquito was a Man Huang different species and its destruction power was ample, its innate talent was actually limited. No matter how hard Xie Chuan was to train it, it would also not be able to grow too strong so therefore instead keeping it for other use was good enough for the moment.

“Crisis is just like a hurricane, when a hurricane through a mound, only the gra.s.s will exist. So, let this hurricane come more fiercely!”

Xie Chuan sat down cross-legged, concentrating his attention and started to cultivate.

As someone who was once Heaven Concealing Great Sage, he was not afraid of crisis. What he needed was only time. He needed time to conceal himself within Cloud Mist Sect to slowly become stronger, just like a weak little gra.s.s which when only after experiencing a rainstorm’s baptism would it only vigorously grow. After the time is ripe, he will once again overlook Man Huang World and let this world tremble under his feet.

Threads of pure spiritual energy flowed out from the air. Compared to yesterday, the spiritual energy was indeed weaker a bit.

Xie Chuan slightly released the restriction within his body which was restricting his cultivation from breaking through and revolved Demon Refining Heaven Swallowing technique, engulfing all the heaven and earth spiritual energy within a radius of a kilometer. Very quickly, there was l.u.s.ter of light flickering on his body. First was his skin, then his flesh and mussel vessel. This l.u.s.ter of light grew more vigorous and vigorous, slowly permeating into his bone, flowing into the hundred bones in body. His body lightly trembled as his flesh got stronger and his muscles and bones started to resonate with one another, giving out a refreshing feeling to his body. The dragon’s vein crystallization within his body also started to emit out vigorous life force and strength.

Bone marrow refining!

Rank 5 Wu Zhe!

Xie Chuan revolved Demon Refining Heaven Swallowing technique and his cultivation broke through once again. The vortex within his dantian started to rotate and the Heaven Swallowing Talisman within his body became clearer than before.

The ancient martial technique within G.o.d Burial Valley was indeed formidable, letting even Xie Chuan who was once Heaven Concealing Great Sage to be astonished too. This was also after experiencing being pressured down by the ancient prohibition formation within G.o.d Burial Valley and degraded to an ordinary body, ordinary fetus and ordinary life. If not, his cultivation speed would be even faster compared to right now.

Xie Chuan stopped right after breaking through to rank 5 Wu Zhe and started to revolve the dragon’s vein crystallization within his body to refine his muscles and bones.

During the battle with fatty Zhao Da Zhi, although Xie Chuan looked as if he was very relaxed and in ease, Xie Chuan actually carried quite a risk in the battle. If fatty Zhao Da Zhi’s speed was faster a bit and was nimble a bit more, the one lying down on the ground may had been Xie Chuan.

The 7 ranks of Wu Zhe realm consists of skin refining, flesh refining, muscle refining, bone refining, bone marrow refining, internal organs refining and blood refining. The first 5 rank of Wu Zhe realm was the most important and was the deciding fact of one’s strength, speed and nimbleness. If someone does not properly temper and set a good foundation for the first 5 ranks, even if he was to cultivate till rank 7 Wu Zhe, he would not be able to reach the peak of Wu Zhe and his potential would be limited after breaking through to Xiue Shi realm. The main reason why fatty Zhao Da Zhi lost to Xie Chuan was because his foundation was not firm at all.

Xie Chuan had ample of experience and was not anxious for quick results, quickly going into meditation and cultivate after breaking through to rank 5 Wu Zhe. Only until the morning of the second day then did he slowly opened up his eyes. Standing up and stretching up his body, ‘pa’ sounds of his bones crackling rang out and unconsciously his body grew half an inch.

Xie Chuan picked up the broom which was in one corner and started to sweep the fallen leaves in the courtyard. This was his a.s.signment every day. While in the process of sweeping the fallen leaves, he would carefully observe and comprehend life and death and the ups and downs of life.

Life was just like a stringed instrument, there were both happiness and sadness, and ups and downs.

When life is smooth, don’t be too happy and be too pleased and lose your sense of measuring because in the next moment, there may be a catastrophe coming towards you. When you are met with setbacks, don’t be too sad too as in the next moment, perhaps there would be turnaround in your life. Look at things lightly and figure it out thoroughly. This way, only then one could walk further in the journey of cultivation.

To once again be reborn as a human, Xie Chuan had a comprehension which he did not have in his past life when he had concealed the heaven with his hands. This comprehension was towards the natural law of this world.

“Big senior brother, big senior brother…”

The courtyard was still not yet sweep finish and a shouting voice came from outside of the courtyard.

Xie chuan opened the door and walked out, unexpectedly finding that fatty Zhao Da Zhi had come here once again. However, this time he only came alone. The figure of the unruly and shrewish Zhu Si Jia was not seen anywhere at all.

“Fatty, what are you doing shouting first thing in the morning. Is your b.u.t.t itchy again?”

“Junior brother do not dare, big senior brother must be joking.”

Fatty Zhao Da Zhi’s words had been filled with respect already. Calling out big senior brother came from his inner heart too, not daring to be rude in the front of Xie Chuan at all. Being both scared and respesctful towards Xie Chuan: “Big senior brother, big elder request you to go to Cloud Mist Hall at once.”

“Alright, let’s go!” Xie Chuan nodded his head and conveniently threw the broom to one side and followed with fatty Zhao Da Zhi to Cloud Mist Hall.

Within his hands, this broom was a huge killer weapon but in the view of others, this broom was just a broom only and was even a black filthy broom at that. Even if this broom was given to them, they would also not want it. Throwing the broom at one side, Xie Chuan was not afraid of someone stealing it at all.

Breaking through rank 5 Wu Zhe, Xie Chuan was feeling invigorating. On the journey to Cloud Mist Hall, Xie Chuan’s speed and endurance was not inferior than fatty Zhao Da Zhi who was at rank 7 Wu Zhe at all. This made fatty Zhao Da Zhi’s thoughts became more puzzled and afraid as he could not see through Xie Chuan’s cultivation already. Both of their speed was like the wind and they quickly reached Cloud Mist Hall.

Walking in, Xie Chuan was surprised to discover that everyone was gathered here already. A few elders was sitting upright at the top and each pavilion’s owner and elite disciples was split into two sides, standing below the elders. Zhu Si Jia and Jin Hua was surprisingly in the bottom group too. Looking at Xie Chuan, Zhu SI Jia had a complicated expression on her and Jin Hua instead had an odd smile on his face.

“Disciple Xie Chuan greets every elders here.” Xie Chuan slightly bowed towards the elders and felt a bad premonition but his face remained calm and collected.

“Xie Chuan, what is your age this age and how many years have you entered the sect already?” Big elder asked.

“Disciple is 15 year old this year and had entered the sect for 15 years. I am indebted to Sect Master’s help and was able to escape from a calamity after being born because of him.” Xie Chuan replied. According to his memory, when he was just born, he was carried by Sect Master to Cloud Mist Sect and took in as direct disciple. His family died in a fire and his whole village was burned to ashes.

“What realm have you cultivated till now?” Big elder asked.

“Rank 5 Wu Zhe.” Xie Chuan honestly replied and did not conceal anything at all.


Surprised cries rapidly rang out within the hall. Zhu Si Jia’s and Jin Hua’s eyes were even opened wide.

Yesterday when Xie Chuan was battling against fatty Zhao Da Zhi, he was clearly still only rank 4 Wu Zhe. How did he breakthrough only after a night?

Big elder was quite surprised too and used his strong consciousness to penetrate into Xie Chuan’s body, quickly checking out Xie Chuan’s cultivation and finding out that he was indeed rank 5 Wu Zhe, having already start to refine his bone marrow, “Xie Chuan, you… how did you cultivate? Did Sect Master come back already?”

To breakthrough from rank 1 Wu Zhe to rank 5 Wu Zhe in a few days, this was not a genius anymore, but a hundred percent peerless genius.

If Xie Chuan continued to cultivate like this, who knows what heights he would reach?

Big elder was shocked. Although rank 5 Wu Zhe was not much of a big deal at all, but Xie Chuan’s cultivation speed was too shocking already. Thinking back and forth, the reason where Sect Master had come back and helped Xie Chuan wash his marrow was the only explanation.

“No, Sect Master did not come back. Disciple had already not seen Sect Master for many years already. Just that when I was outside of G.o.d Burial Valley, I unintentionally ate a vermillion colour wild fruit and finally broke through my bottleneck when I came back.” Xie Chuan replied, already having thought of an excuse earlier on, “Big elder, to ask me come down from the mountain, is there any matters currently?”

“A problem, a very big problem.”

Big elder expression was dim, not continuing to question Xie Chuan and started to size Xie Chuan up and down. Rank 5 Wu Zhe indeed was unexpected, but it was still not enough at all. Big elder sighed: “Xie chuan, the compet.i.tion between Cloud Mist Mountain three big sect that is held every 3 years is starting soon. This time, Xuan Ding Sect and Wu Dun Sect unanimously requested the sect’s big disciple to personally bring their group to the compet.i.tion.”

There were three big sects within Cloud Mist Mountain. Cloud Mist Sect have been pa.s.sed on for the longest and had the deepest foundation but due to having already steadily deteriorate, it was already not the same mighty sect as it once was. Xuan Ding Sect and Wu Dun Sect was moved to Cloud Mist Mountain later wards and even started to occupy the places in Cloud Mist Mountain which should have been Cloud Mist Sect’s territory. Especially Xuan Ding Sect which had been expanding rapidly this few years, vaguely having the indication of becoming the number one sect in Cloud Mist Mountain already.

In the three big sect compet.i.tion, throwing face is a small matter and the crucial point was that there was a need to concede huge amount of resources like territory, mines and pills to the winner. This was no doubt one disaster on top of another for Cloud Mist Sect who already had to urgently concoct pills and finish the a.s.signment given by Da Qin King.

Xuan Ding Sect and Wu Dun Sect had many strong disciples and knew perfectly well that Cloud Mist Sect’s big disciple Xie Chuan was extremely mediocre and even inferior compared to normal disciples. To join hands and request that this time each sect must have their sect’s big disciple to bring their group to the compet.i.tion, this was obviously wanting to mock and smack on Cloud Mist Sect’s face.

Big elder sighed with sorrow, while the other elders and pavilion owners had ugly expression on their face too. To have someone like Xie Chuan as the sect’s big disciple, how could they let him bring the group to the compet.i.tion?

Originally, everyone thought that Xie Chuan this big disciple had already died at G.o.d Burial Valley and when they received the news regarding the compet.i.tion, they had already planned to pick another big disciple already. But who would have thought that Xie Chuan had actually not died and even came back during this crucial moment?

“Disciple understand already. No problem, it’s just a compet.i.tion, just leave it to me. Big elder, when do we leave?” Xie Chuan’s expression was tranquil, having a face as if he had complete confidence to win the compet.i.tion. Seeing Xie Chuan’s face, a few people who was waiting for him to voluntarily resign from his position as big disciple spat out blood in their heart. What time already and this Xie Chuan was still continuing to pretend. Does he really want the sect’s face to be completely thrown away?

“Half a month later. You can pick any 6 disciples to go to the compet.i.tion.” Big elder faintly replied. He too wanted Xie Chuan to resign from his position as the sect’s big disciple in order to avoid the sect getting humiliated. But Xie Chuan did not initiatively said anything, so he could also not say anything. After all, Xie Chuan was the Sect Master only direct disciple and the time where Xie Chuan had entered into the sect was the longest in the younger generation too.

“Alright. Big elder, then could I go to Techniques Concealment Pavilion to choose a martial technique? So many years have pa.s.sed already and I have still do not have a martial technique to use. If I want to completely defeat the two other sect’s disciples, without a suitable martial technique, I’m afraid it would be a little difficult.” Xie Chuan asked, boasting shamelessly, letting others in the hall to be completely speechless.

“You can go. You can choose any martial techniques in the first and second floor of Techniques Concealment Pavilion. Jia Jia, bring big senior brother go.”

Big elder powerlessly waved his hands and left right after standing up.

“Big elder, this won’t do!”

“Big elder, is there any use to go find a martial technique now? Even if it was a heaven grade martial technique, it will be useless too. Big elder…”

Third elder and fifth elder stood up and loudly object, but big elder turned a deaf ear towards their objection and walked further and further away. Everyone was helpless and could only fiercely glare at Xie Chuan before leaving. Quickly, only Xie Chuan and Zhu SI Jia was left in the hall. Xie Chuan was calm but Zhu Si jia was already panting with rage, cursing herself for having such bad luck to once again get pushed up with a bitter task.

Not sure why, just seeing the face of Xie Chuan looking as if he didn’t care at all, she instantly felt unhappy. Thinking back to her b.u.t.t getting smacked by him in front of others, her teeth would start to feel itchy. The clothes she wore on that day was very thin. Getting smacked by Xie Chuan that day was no different than being directly smacked on her b.u.t.t. Just thinking about it would make her feel extremely angry and ashamed.

“Let’s go! Can you be faster if you want to go to Techniques Concealment Pavilion? Brat, this time you are in trouble already!” Zhu SI Jia sneered at Xie Chuan and rejoiced in other people’s misfortune as she started to walk faster and faster, swinging her hips left and right.

“Jia Jia, you are in trouble too. I have decided that I will bring you along for the compet.i.tion. Such a marvellous compet.i.tion, how could junior sister be left out right? You can come along with big senior brother to help provide support and watch how your big senior brother here win the compet.i.tion magnificently!” Xie Chuan answered with a few simple sentences and Zhu Si Jia instantly was not able to remain happy and had the feeling to cry already.

“Stinky brat, you throw your own face is your own problem. But you still want to drag others to throw their face with you, could you still be any much more shameless?”

Zhu Si Jia bite her teeth and a cold frost covered her face.

A girl changes eighteen times between childhood and womanhood. She too wants to act as a wise and virtuous woman, but she just couldn’t act out in front of Xie Chuan no matter what. Being angered till her chest was bulging back and forth, her clothes seemed as if it was about to burst any moment. Letting other worries if her plump twin peaks would burst open her clothes.

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