「Do you have something interesting?」


When I was relaxing under the sun in the mansion while reading Grimoire, one of my wives, Veronica said that.

Veronica standing in front of me, she had a face so tired of boredom.

And across there, there was Sylvia and Nadia, and the two of them are looking towards me.

In a little far away, Coco sat lied down like a dog, and is sleeping while hugging her favorite Lucio doll.


「Interesting, you say, what kind?」

「I’m bored」

「Isn’t it good being nice and slow」

「It is impossible that I am bored although I am with you. Is that not a waste desu wa!」


I felt that she told me that she likes me in a very indirect way.

Hey tone was strict, but I understood Veronica’s feelings.


「Fumu, shall we play something」

「Do that」

「But, even if you say that……then, how about a trial of fortune?」

「Trial of fortune?」


「Ahh. There are four of us……so I should make it five huh」


I finished searching inside my head within an instant, and used the magic.


「『Russian Roulette』」


A white plate appeared in front of me, and five black grains were on top of it.


「What, what, Lucio-kun’s homemade magic food?」

「Is it chocolate? It’s bite size and it looks tasty」


Nadia and Sylvia came.


「Ahh, it’s chocolate, more specifically, it’s russian chocolate」

「What kind of chocolate is that?」

「Among the five, four are hits, and one is a miss. It’s a game of evading the miss and getting the hit」

「What would happen if it’s a hit or a miss?」


Nadia asked.




I took one of the chocolates, and placed it inside my mouth.

The chocolate melted immediately, and sweetness just at the right level spread inside my mouth.

And other than that, I felt it in my head somehow.


「Un, this is a hit」

「What will happen?」

「If you get a hit, you’ll get lucky for a while, and good things will happenーーOh〜to」


I dropped the Grimoire that I was reading earlier.

I picked up the Grimoire that fell on the gra.s.sーーand saw something shining under that.

I picked it up along the way, giggled, and showed it to my three young wives.


「Just like this, you’ll get lucky」

「You can pick up money huh」

「It’s not limited to money though. Well, a lot of things would happen. By the way, if you get a miss, you’ll get unlucky so be careful okay」


Hearing the miss, Sylvia and Veronica became a little hesitant.


「Sounds fun! I’ll go first okay」


Nadia excitedly took one of the chocolates, and placed it inside her mouth.


「Ah, it’s a hit」

「You know it?」

「Un, somehow」


Nadia answered to her best friend Sylvia.

That’s right, the instant it is eaten, you can somehow tell inside your head that it’s a hit.


「I wonder what would happen」

「You can wait here, or you can go somewhere if you like. Anyways, your luck would go up, and something good will happen to you」

「I see, then, I’ll go for a bit okay」


Nadia returned inside the mansion.

But when I was thinking of that, she immediately returned.

On top of that, dashing fiercely.

© 2024