
Chapter 176

Publishedat 5th of June 2019 09:45:20 AMChapter 176

Chapter 176 - Let"s Decide Our Itinerary

◎ Capital City Deer South, Adventurers Guild Office, Guildmaster"s Room

「This is a book by the Helkut n.o.ble named Yoshiaki Oiro . It describes the ecology of Slimes . This book"s investigation into Slimes is probably historically unprecedented . Ah, I can"t stop my heart"s pounding every time I turn a page . 」

So saying, Guildmaster Benzel rubbed his cheek on the item delivered by his cavalry dragon Raiel .  

「 . . . . . Oh?」

It seemed Benzel was a monster enthusiast . He sought out deep knowledge about various monsters, whether by investigating himself, searching for related books, or other means .

And speaking of Kazane, she presumed the author of that book was a player based on the name Yoshiaki, but she thought she probably wouldn"t have a chance to meet him because he seemed to be in a very distant country .

Currently, Kazane, Tiara, and Louise were visiting the Guildmaster"s room on the second floor of the Adventurers Guild Office .

The reason they were together was because Tiara"s mother Keiran had invited Kazane over, and they decided to stop by the Adventurers Guild on the way . Since Louise was also Tiara"s escort, she had been freeloading with the Elmar family from the start . Yumika was staying at the Barnes residence, so it seemed Naoki was also going to stay there with Lyle and Emily .

「Black Rock Dragon steak?」

When Kazane told him about the party"s upcoming plans, Benzel looked like he was going to drool as he spoke . Only a truly limited number of people would be able to eat that cla.s.s of dragon steak . The price was also a problem, but that wasn"t the reason . Therefore, it was only natural that the gourmet and monster enthusiast Benzel had an envious face . Looking at that situation,

(Oh, perhaps using it for Dragon Burial Soil was too hasty?)

Kazane had that thought, although it was too late . Some of the Black Rock Dragon meat was sold, but most of it was turned into Dragon Burial Soil . Although it would undoubtedly make the highest quality Dragon Burial Soil, so it couldn"t be called a failure, considering the future prospects .

「Would it be hopeless to ask if I could also eat some if I pay the market price?」

Kazane groaned after Benzel"s question . Truthfully, she had saved a splendid amount for eating, so there was enough . Kazane knew that for certain, since she had switched to Crystallization preservation for the ma.s.s of meat in the Mysterious Freezer Bag and stored it in the Mysterious Warehouse after she learned the ability . But selling it was another story .

「Umm . Louise-san, what should we do?」

Kazane left the judgment to her oldest companion . Louise made a wry smile and answered .

「Well, we should check with everyone first, but it should be fine if there are no dissenting opinions, right?」

Benzel delightedly clapped his hands after those words . Then Louise threw a question at the merry Benzel .

「You said market price, but do you know what it is right now?」

「Yes . Let"s see . . . it"s about this much . 」

So saying, Benzel smoothly wrote the amount on a piece of paper, and Louise was shocked by the sum . This is… this is . . . Louise thought as she saw the sum that was a digit higher than she expected .

「Why is it so expensive!?」

Louise shrieked, and Benzel replied with a bitter expression .

「The price rose . Only recently, though . 」

Benzel said . The swelling demand for Dragon Burial Soil in Minshiana and Tsuvara had led to a sudden rise in the price of dragon meat in Hyvern, since they traded with Minshiana . And the price of Black Rock Dragon cla.s.s meat had reached a dreadful sum .

「You want to eat it even though you will have to pay that amount?」

Louise asked with a dumbfounded expression, and Benzel strongly nodded .

「Of course . It"s precisely because it"s so expensive and rare that I would want to eat it, right?」

Kazane understood that feeling . When she saw that a game she wasn"t interested in buying when it was released was sold out, she immediately wanted it . It was the reason for sudden price jumps in internet auctions .

「If that"s the case, Benzel-san will be going to Dolmu City with us, right?」

「Yes . I was going to go with you to the dragon village anyway, since even without the dragon meat matter, me and Raiel would absolutely go together . 」

Benzel said after Kazane"s question .

「The East Dragon Village Zegan is east of Dolmu City, past the Morogo Mountains in the Konron Mountains . 」

Apparently Kazane and the others would have to backtrack along the route they had already traveled .

「If I remember right, there is a barrier around the Konron Mountains, isn"t there? So is Raiel coming to lift it?」

「That"s right . 」

So saying, Benzel took a map out of his desk and spread it to show them the route .

Their route from Deer South would go through Dolmu City, Dongol City, Olboa City (where Lyle and Emily had been based until recently), Param City, Deidona City, and finally Drums City at the foot of the Konron Mountains . Although there were other villages and cities along the way, they would be able to reach each city within a day considering Hippomaru-kun"s movement speed, and Louise said they were probably the best places to stop .

By the way, it seemed there were hot springs at the three cities after Olboa City, and Louise surely was aiming for that when she decided the route, but since Kazane was also a hot spring lover, she was in complete agreement .

After that, Kazane and the others headed towards the Elmar residence as planned .

Furthermore, an elderly man in her neighborhood had once said「Kazane-chan is truly a devilish woman]to refer to her as an Elderly Killer, and she was excessively doted on by Tiara"s grandfather, Maisen .

Then the next day, Kazane headed to the Barnes residence . That was due to her plans to go to the university with Emily, and there was also the promise to replenish the Dragon Spirit in Yumika"s bangle .

◎ Capital City Deer South, Barnes Dojo

The Barnes Dojo, which was built next to the Barnes residence, had a considerably old history as a spear dojo in Hyvern . The current archduke was also from this dojo, and Jinrai apparently came from the countryside to go to this dojo .

「Yo, Yumiksan . 」


Sweltering voices resounded from the entrance of the dojo . It was because the lone woman currently at the dojo, the favorite pupil of the Fang Spear Soldier, had arrived .

Yumika replied with the reserved greeting「Please take care of me」and immediately entered the dojo .

「Uooooh! Miss Yumika greeted me!!」

「She didn"t just greet you!」

「She"s so lovely . An unattainable flower!!」

Such conversations flew about after Yumika pa.s.sed .

Women actively learning spearmanship was always socially acceptable in this country, so her being a female spearmanship student itself wasn"t rare . However, the situation was different at the Barnes Dojo . It was the place where the most promising people in Hyvern gathered to train .

So a woman studying at this particular dojo was the rare thing . In recent years, only the Crimson nicknamed Neibel Scene, who was the only active duty female Dragon Knight, had gone there .

And it wasn"t like Yumika was treated like this from the beginning . Rather, she had received stiff opposition . Although she might be the Fang Spear Soldier"s favorite pupil, isn"t this excessive special treatment? Being told that was an extremely natural course of events .

However, Yumika blew away that course of events with her strength . It could be said that she smashed through everything . As might be expected, it ended in a draw with the dojo"s number 1 pupil Dork Scene, but demonstrating that degree of strength was sufficient .  

After that, things had been like this . Kazane watching from afar thought that enthusiasm was just like how it had been at Jinrai"s Dojo . But,

「For some reason I can"t fall in love with such spirited muscles . 」

『 . . . . . . Is that so?』

Kazane said, and as Mefirus borrowed (?) from Louise talked from inside her arms, she tried to enter the dojo . However, Kazane"s advance was stopped by a man there .

「Ah, young lady . This dojo isn"t a place a young girl can go . 」

It was a blond young man who gave an impression of excellence compared to the men who had been complimenting Yumika just now . He was probably around twenty? He warned Kazane with a beaming smile .

And unknown to Kazane, this young man was this dojo"s number 1, Dork Scene . He was the younger brother of the Crimson Neibel Scene, and it was expected that he would become the leader of the next generation of Dragon Knights .


After checking him out and evaluating his muscles highly, Kazane opened a Window and turned on the『Fabricated Coercion』Pa.s.sive Skill, then selected the『Fear Voice』Active Skill . Kazane mainly used voice commands because it was faster, but it was also possible to select a Skill from the Window like this . Mefirus couldn"t see the Window and wondered what she was doing, but he decided to watch for now .


And the next moment, Dork suddenly felt powerful pressure coming from the girl .

(What is this pressure?)

The impression she gave off was like a manga character with a deeply shadowed face surrounded by threatening sound effect characters .  

All the students inside the dojo also felt strange and looked at Kazane . Everyone felt that pressure wasn"t something an ordinary child could emit and were openly wary . Kazane loudly announced to those men .

「I am Yumika"s friend . Let me through . 」

Chills ran through Dork . As one would expect, n.o.body fell into a panic due to Fear Voice"s effect, but a wedge of fear was certainly driven into their minds . Then Yumika appeared from inside and said「What are you doing?」and the strong pressure from Kazane immediately disappeared . Then Kazane apologized「Sorry, sorry」as she and Mefirus were dragged into the dojo by Yumika .

「That"s Miss Yumika"s companion, probably the Ogre Killing Princess? What terrible force coming from that childish appearance . 」

Then after Kazane was taken inside the dojo by Yumika, Dork muttered what everyone present was feeling . What a powerful girl, everyone thought as they nodded to each other .

Kazane thought ( . . . . . . 『Fabricated Coercion』is quite useful) as Yumika led her down the dojo corridor by hand . It would make Fear Voice more effective against weak opponents, and she thought it would be possible to deal with future small fry opponents with that threat . Hearing about Yumika"s suppression of Outer the other day had made her think about that .

Furthermore, Yumika muttered「Ah, jeez, no way, right? Being lovely or something like that . . . 」in embarra.s.sment as she wondered if the previous greetings were seen (they were seen) .

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

t.i.tle: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Adhesion Sword『Gum』, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Acc.u.mulator, White Magic Acc.u.mulator

Level : 31

Health: 114

Magic Power: 205+420

Strength: 55+10

Agility: 48+4

Endurance: 31

Wisdom : 62

Dexterity : 39

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』

Skill : 『Warrior"s Memory』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog’s Sense of Smell』『Golem Maker: Lv3』『Rush』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield』『Information Link』『Optical Camouflage』『Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Placement』『Thunder Chariot』『St.u.r.dier Teeth「Dragon」』『Crystallization「Dragon」』『Fabricated Coercion』『Stone Minotaur』『Mega Beam』『s.p.a.ce Expansion』

Kazane:「It feels a bit like you"re an idol?」

Yumika:「Shu, shut up . 」

Kazane:「I also want to be fawned over . 」

Yumika:「There"s a prince and king available for that, isn"t there?」

Kazane:「No thanks, I"ll pa.s.s on that . 」

Chapter 176 - Let"s Decide Our Itinerary . ◎ Capital City Deer South, Adventurers Guild Office, Guildmaster"s Room . 「This is a book by the Helkut n.o.ble named Yoshiaki Oiro . It describes the ecology of Slimes . This book"s investigation into Slimes is probably historically unprecedented . Ah, I can"t stop my heart"s pounding every time I turn a page . 」 So saying, Guildmaster Benzel rubbed his cheek on the item delivered by his cavalry dragon Raiel .   「 . Oh?」 It seemed Benzel was a monster enthusiast . He sought out deep knowledge about various monsters, whether by investigating himself, searching for related books, or other means . And speaking of Kazane, she presumed the author of that book was a player based on the name Yoshiaki, but she thought she probably wouldn"t have a chance to meet him because he seemed to be in a very distant country . Currently, Kazane, Tiara, and Louise were visiting the Guildmaster"s room on the second floor of the Adventurers Guild Office . The reason they were together was because Tiara"s mother Keiran had invited Kazane over, and they decided to stop by the Adventurers Guild on the way . Since Louise was also Tiara"s escort, she had been freeloading with the Elmar family from the start . Yumika was staying at the Barnes residence, so it seemed Naoki was also going to stay there with Lyle and Emily 「Black Rock Dragon steak?」 When Kazane told him about the party"s upcoming plans, Benzel looked like he was going to drool as he spoke . Only a truly limited number of people would be able to eat that cla.s.s of dragon steak . The price was also a problem, but that wasn"t the reason . Therefore, it was only natural that the gourmet and monster enthusiast Benzel had an envious face . Looking at that situation, (Oh, perhaps using it for Dragon Burial Soil was too hasty?) Kazane had that thought, although it was too late . Some of the Black Rock Dragon meat was sold, but most of it was turned into Dragon Burial Soil . Although it would undoubtedly make the highest quality Dragon Burial Soil, so it couldn"t be called a failure, considering the future prospects . 「Would it be hopeless to ask if I could also eat some if I pay the market price?」 Kazane groaned after Benzel"s question . Truthfully, she had saved a splendid amount for eating, so there was enough . Kazane knew that for certain, since she had switched to Crystallization preservation for the ma.s.s of meat in the Mysterious Freezer Bag and stored it in the Mysterious Warehouse after she learned the ability . But selling it was another story . 「Umm . Louise-san, what should we do?」 Kazane left the judgment to her oldest companion . Louise made a wry smile and answered . 「Well, we should check with everyone first, but it should be fine if there are no dissenting opinions, right?」 Benzel delightedly clapped his hands after those words . Then Louise threw a question at the merry Benzel . 「You said market price, but do you know what it is right now?」 「Yes . Let"s see . it"s about this much . 」 So saying, Benzel smoothly wrote the amount on a piece of paper, and Louise was shocked by the sum . This is… this is . Louise thought as she saw the sum that was a digit higher than she expected . 「Why is it so expensive!?」 Louise shrieked, and Benzel replied with a bitter expression . 「The price rose . Only recently, though . 」 Benzel said . The swelling demand for Dragon Burial Soil in Minshiana and Tsuvara had led to a sudden rise in the price of dragon meat in Hyvern, since they traded with Minshiana . And the price of Black Rock Dragon cla.s.s meat had reached a dreadful sum . 「You want to eat it even though you will have to pay that amount?」 Louise asked with a dumbfounded expression, and Benzel strongly nodded . 「Of course . It"s precisely because it"s so expensive and rare that I would want to eat it, right?」 Kazane understood that feeling . When she saw that a game she wasn"t interested in buying when it was released was sold out, she immediately wanted it . It was the reason for sudden price jumps in internet auctions . 「If that"s the case, Benzel-san will be going to Dolmu City with us, right?」 「Yes . I was going to go with you to the dragon village anyway, since even without the dragon meat matter, me and Raiel would absolutely go together . 」 Benzel said after Kazane"s question . 「The East Dragon Village Zegan is east of Dolmu City, past the Morogo Mountains in the Konron Mountains . 」 Apparently Kazane and the others would have to backtrack along the route they had already traveled . 「If I remember right, there is a barrier around the Konron Mountains, isn"t there? So is Raiel coming to lift it?」 「That"s right . 」 So saying, Benzel took a map out of his desk and spread it to show them the route . Their route from Deer South would go through Dolmu City, Dongol City, Olboa City (where Lyle and Emily had been based until recently), Param City, Deidona City, and finally Drums City at the foot of the Konron Mountains . Although there were other villages and cities along the way, they would be able to reach each city within a day considering Hippomaru-kun"s movement speed, and Louise said they were probably the best places to stop . By the way, it seemed there were hot springs at the three cities after Olboa City, and Louise surely was aiming for that when she decided the route, but since Kazane was also a hot spring lover, she was in complete agreement After that, Kazane and the others headed towards the Elmar residence as planned . Furthermore, an elderly man in her neighborhood had once said「Kazane-chan is truly a devilish woman]to refer to her as an Elderly Killer, and she was excessively doted on by Tiara"s grandfather, Maisen Then the next day, Kazane headed to the Barnes residence . That was due to her plans to go to the university with Emily, and there was also the promise to replenish the Dragon Spirit in Yumika"s bangle . ◎ Capital City Deer South, Barnes Dojo . The Barnes Dojo, which was built next to the Barnes residence, had a considerably old history as a spear dojo in Hyvern . The current archduke was also from this dojo, and Jinrai apparently came from the countryside to go to this dojo 「Yo, Yumiksan . 」 「「「「Yo!!」」」」 . Sweltering voices resounded from the entrance of the dojo . It was because the lone woman currently at the dojo, the favorite pupil of the Fang Spear Soldier, had arrived . Yumika replied with the reserved greeting「Please take care of me」and immediately entered the dojo 「Uooooh! Miss Yumika greeted me!!」 「She didn"t just greet you!」 「She"s so lovely . An unattainable flower!!」 . Such conversations flew about after Yumika pa.s.sed . Women actively learning spearmanship was always socially acceptable in this country, so her being a female spearmanship student itself wasn"t rare . However, the situation was different at the Barnes Dojo . It was the place where the most promising people in Hyvern gathered to train . So a woman studying at this particular dojo was the rare thing . In recent years, only the Crimson nicknamed Neibel Scene, who was the only active duty female Dragon Knight, had gone there . And it wasn"t like Yumika was treated like this from the beginning . Rather, she had received stiff opposition . Although she might be the Fang Spear Soldier"s favorite pupil, isn"t this excessive special treatment? Being told that was an extremely natural course of events . However, Yumika blew away that course of events with her strength . It could be said that she smashed through everything . As might be expected, it ended in a draw with the dojo"s number 1 pupil Dork Scene, but demonstrating that degree of strength was sufficient .   After that, things had been like this . Kazane watching from afar thought that enthusiasm was just like how it had been at Jinrai"s Dojo . But, . 「For some reason I can"t fall in love with such spirited muscles . 」 『 Is that so?』 . Kazane said, and as Mefirus borrowed (?) from Louise talked from inside her arms, she tried to enter the dojo . However, Kazane"s advance was stopped by a man there . 「Ah, young lady . This dojo isn"t a place a young girl can go . 」 It was a blond young man who gave an impression of excellence compared to the men who had been complimenting Yumika just now . He was probably around twenty? He warned Kazane with a beaming smile . And unknown to Kazane, this young man was this dojo"s number 1, Dork Scene . He was the younger brother of the Crimson Neibel Scene, and it was expected that he would become the leader of the next generation of Dragon Knights . (Hmm) After checking him out and evaluating his muscles highly, Kazane opened a Window and turned on the『Fabricated Coercion』Pa.s.sive Skill, then selected the『Fear Voice』Active Skill . Kazane mainly used voice commands because it was faster, but it was also possible to select a Skill from the Window like this . Mefirus couldn"t see the Window and wondered what she was doing, but he decided to watch for now 「Wha!?」 . And the next moment, Dork suddenly felt powerful pressure coming from the girl . (What is this pressure?) The impression she gave off was like a manga character with a deeply shadowed face surrounded by threatening sound effect characters .   All the students inside the dojo also felt strange and looked at Kazane . Everyone felt that pressure wasn"t something an ordinary child could emit and were openly wary . Kazane loudly announced to those men 「I am Yumika"s friend . Let me through . 」 . Chills ran through Dork . As one would expect, n.o.body fell into a panic due to Fear Voice"s effect, but a wedge of fear was certainly driven into their minds . Then Yumika appeared from inside and said「What are you doing?」and the strong pressure from Kazane immediately disappeared . Then Kazane apologized「Sorry, sorry」as she and Mefirus were dragged into the dojo by Yumika 「That"s Miss Yumika"s companion, probably the Ogre Killing Princess? What terrible force coming from that childish appearance . 」 Then after Kazane was taken inside the dojo by Yumika, Dork muttered what everyone present was feeling . What a powerful girl, everyone thought as they nodded to each other Kazane thought ( 『Fabricated Coercion』is quite useful) as Yumika led her down the dojo corridor by hand . It would make Fear Voice more effective against weak opponents, and she thought it would be possible to deal with future small fry opponents with that threat . Hearing about Yumika"s suppression of Outer the other day had made her think about that . Furthermore, Yumika muttered「Ah, jeez, no way, right? Being lovely or something like that . 」in embarra.s.sment as she wondered if the previous greetings were seen (they were seen) . Name: Yuihama Kazane Occupation: Magic Swordswoman t.i.tle: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Adhesion Sword『Gum』, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Acc.u.mulator, White Magic Acc.u.mulator Level : 31 Health: 114 Magic Power: 205+420 Strength: 55+10 Agility: 48+4 Endurance: 31 Wisdom : 62 Dexterity : 39 Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』 Skill : 『Warrior"s Memory』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog’s Sense of Smell』『Golem Maker: Lv3』『Rush』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield』『Information Link』『Optical Camouflage』『Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Placement』『Thunder Chariot』『St.u.r.dier Teeth「Dragon」』『Crystallization「Dragon」』『Fabricated Coercion』『Stone Minotaur』『Mega Beam』『s.p.a.ce Expansion』 Kazane:「It feels a bit like you"re an idol?」 Yumika:「Shu, shut up . 」 Kazane:「I also want to be fawned over . 」 Yumika:「There"s a prince and king available for that, isn"t there?」 Kazane:「No thanks, I"ll pa.s.s on that . 」.

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