
Chapter 182 - Let"s Try Out a New Technique

Chapter 182 - Let"s Try Out a New Technique

「Uwaa, bad? This is bad, right?」

「Boss, it"s as you see. Da, dammit. The ground"s too uneven, so I can"t go faster.」

The coachman replied. The carriage was rattling and shaking. They were being pursued from behind by Kobold Earth Dragon Modoki Riders.

The name of the man inside the rattling carriage was Nora Kolgument.

「d.a.m.n, that escort group has probably already kicked the bucket. Well, the cause is their inferior skill. It feels like that"s inevitable.」

「I don"t want to believe they inevitably died.」

Nora said after the coachman"s words, but the man had already given up.

(No matter what the boss thinks, there probably won"t even be bones remaining with dozens of Kobold Earth Dragon Modoki Riders as their opponents.)

They might have gotten away if the carriage could go at full speed, but they had been surrounded and forced onto the gra.s.slands. The ground was extremely uneven, and the wheels had been kicking up large and small stones since some time ago. It was like a miracle that they hadn"t toppled over yet.

「I threw away the Earth Core Dragon meat, so I hope they can escape.」

「The smell probably stuck to them. Dammit, if only we were a bit closer to the Deer South highway.」

The coachman also thought about taking a detour to try and return to the highway, but it didn"t go well.

Then the two people shouted「「Ah!」」as the carriage toppled over with a tremendous noise.


Nora rolled around inside the carriage, and his back struck the floor.

「What? Did it fall over?」

It was lucky he didn"t lose consciousness due to the impact. He saw that the coachman had been thrown off and had fallen to the ground.

「Ku, what the h.e.l.l. The carriage has fallen over. Then we can"t run away now!?」

With pain in his joints, Nora opened the left door that was now the ceiling and tried to exit the carriage.


But the sight he saw when he opened the door was despair itself. He saw a group of Kobold Earth Dragon Modoki Riders running towards him from the sides.

「Is it already hopeless?」

As might be expected, Nora had no choice but to resign himself when he saw that. He was as useless in battle as he was capable when it came to cooking dragons. His life was in a precarious situation.

Then finally, when the Kobold Earth Dragon Modoki Riders had almost reached him,

「Come out, Flame Knights!!」

A sweet but gallant voice resounded.


And in front of Nora"s eyes, flames spouted upward and turned into human shapes. Then they changed to look like knights, and he saw a total of 10 Flame Knights surrounding the carriage.

(This is... was I saved?)

As Nora thought that, the sound of two somethings alighting came from behind. And when he turned around, there was a child and a girl with tremendously good looks standing there.


「Well then!」

Kazane cancelled Fly above the overturned carriage and stood on top of it.

「Yuuko-nee, pick up the fallen old man.」


Yuuko-nee jumped out of the Childstone as Kazane gave instructions. The man with a perfectly round face in front of her was surprised and shrieked a bit when he was it, but Kazane ignored him and turned on her『Fabricated Coercion』Skill, then said「Skill・Tiger Eye.」

The moment she did that, the movement of the Kobold Earth Dragon Modoki Riders running towards them stopped, and four Kobolds fell off their Earth Dragon Modokis. That was from the effect of Tiger Eye"s temporary paralysis, but it seemed it wasn"t very effective.

(Hmm. I succeeded in stopping them, but the『Fabricated Coercion』Skill was originally an Earth Dragon Modoki Skill, so is that why it wasn"t very effective?)

Kazane thought, but in any case, they had evaded a situation were they would suddenly be attacked by the group. Then,

「Become winddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!」

A sudden flash of lightning ran over the stopped Earth Dragon Modoki Riders. More than ten Kobolds and Earth Dragon Modokis were blown away.

A grandpa"s voice could be heard at the same time, but she didn"t pay attention to that.

The man poking his head out of the carriage stared in amazement. Well, it was probably normal to be surprised. Without minding that man"s situation, Kazane said「So then」while taking ten crystal spears out of her Item Box and sticking them into the ground.

「Kazane, this is?」

Tiara beside her asked.

「It"s what I was talking about earlier. They were originally ordinary iron spears, but I Crystallized them at maximum strength. I think they"ll be harder and more useful than half-hearted weapons.」

After those words, Tiara had the Flame Knights grab the Crystal Spears with a face full of joy. It was a gift from Kazane. There was no way she wouldn"t be pleased. And as the Flame Knights held them, their bodies of flame were reflected by the crystal spears, and they glittered redly.

The knights that had acquired new power lined up in front of the carriage and set up to deal with the Kobold Earth Dragon Modoki Riders.

Yumika and the others had already left the carriage and were encircling the Kobolds.

The『Crawling Lightning』just now had already killed a third of them. Fear could be seen on the monsters" faces, but a dreadful cry came from the center of the flock.

「That"s a Kobold Blue!?」

Emily said with a surprised expression. The Kobold who had raised the cry was one size bigger than the surrounding Kobolds, and its whole body was blue.

「Dangerous. There"s poison on its claws. If you"re hit by that, you"ll vomit to death.」

Lyle said with a pale face. That monster"s poison was very troublesome, causing vomiting and diarrhea, and could cause death due to shock. Some of Lyle"s acquaintance adventurers had been killed by Kobold Blues. Even if it"s defeated, the opponent would also die later. Therefore, Hyvern adventurers loathed Kobold Blues as Shinigamis.

「Moreover, it"s not riding an Earth Dragon Modoki. That"s a genuine Earth Dragon.」

Naoki said calmly. It seemed he didn"t fall into panic due to the Earth Dragon Modokis.

「What will we do? Should I handle it?」

Jinrai said. Kazane on the opposite side of the monsters heard through『Information Link』and shook her head.

「Jinrai-san, please deal with the Earth Dragon. I"ll take the Kobold Blue. Yumika, lead Naoki and the others in dealing with the small fry.」



Jinrai and Yumika responded to Kazane"s instructions.

「Louise-san support as needed. Tiara, please defend this place to the last.」

「Yes yes. I"ll do what"s suitable.」


Louise"s carefree voice and Tiara"s voice full of eagerness could be heard. Although it seemed like she was neglecting Louise, Kazane understood from experience that letting her move as she liked would lead to better results.

(Well then, should I also take out my new weapons?)

Then she took two spell daggers out of her Item Box. She named them Feather. Both had the same appearance, so both were Feather; in short, a brand name. She had more or less done trial runs with them, but she had no experience in actual combat. But Kazane prepared the daggers without caring about that. She had thoroughly used this technique during the middle portion when she played Zexiaharts as Sieg. She wasn"t anxious.

「So then, Spell・Fire・Boost!」

Kazane repeated that to load the spell daggers eight times.


Then she started running with her Dash Skill.

That speed surprised the stopped Kobolds, but with the bloodl.u.s.t coming from the Kobold Blue behind them, they resolved themselves and ran forward. Kazane hadn"t turned off『Fabricated Coercion』yet. Kazane looked like a dreadful demon to the Kobolds.

Their opponent Kazane jumped over the approaching Earth Dragon Modokis with Air Jump and kicked the head of a Kobold rider as she pa.s.sed with her Dragon Ogre Greaves.

Kazane"s kick could already bring down a Kobold degree of opponent with a single strike, even without using Killing Leg. With an unpleasant noise, the Kobold fell from the Earth Dragon Modoki.


The other Kobolds screamed as they watched, but Kazane Air Jumped again without minding them.

(So there"s only one? Mu!?)

When Kazane saw the target Kobold Blue, she was also seen, and it leapt from its Earth Dragon with a roar and headed towards her. Any Kobolds in its way were trampled, and it immediately ended up beneath her.

「Lively, aren"t you.」

Kazane took out the dragon nails on her Dragon Ogre Greaves and further jumped into the sky.


The Kobold Blue shouted as it watched, but Kazane didn"t mind it and activated Fire Boost from her spell dagger. Then Kazane attacked with rapid acceleration.

The surrounding Kobolds and Kobold Blue had surprised expressions when they saw that sudden movement, and she plunged straight forward from the sky with tremendous speed,


The claws on Kazane"s feet torn off the Kobold Blue"s right arm, and the blue arm danced in the air. The Kobold Blue screamed at the same time.

But that cry wasn"t only due to the pain from its right arm. After its right arm was torn off, Kazane should have continued forward with the momentum, but she kicked once again from behind, and dragon claws pierced through the Kobold Blue"s chest from behind.


The Kobold Blue squeezed out the last of its power to try and stab Kazane with the poisoned claws on its left arm,

「I won"t let you!」

But Kazane furthermore added Fire Boost with the spell dagger in her right hand, which made her forcefully spin, and the spinning claws instantly killed the Kobold Blue as she withdrew.

The Kobold Blue probably didn"t understand Kazane"s movements to the end, with her sudden rush, sharp turn, and rotation.

The Fire Boost from the spell dagger Kazane used for Kazane Neo Bazooka was originally an attacked developed for usage by Magic Swordsmen in Zexiaharts. When it was put to practical use, maneuvers like a robot game were possible.

Furthermore, Kazane could instantly recover from dizziness with her Circlet of Wisdom, and since kicking was her main technique, she could also hold a spell dagger for Boosting in both hands.

The effectiveness of Fire Boost had been previously confirmed with the spell dagger she bought in Wombard, so thinking that it was time to adopt this Boost using battle style, Kazane purchased the Feather spell daggers yesterday.

「Hmm. It"s a nasty technique.」

While watching Kazane, Jinrai finished off the Earth Dragon. Yumika and the others were also exterminating the surrounding Kobold Earth Dragon Modoki Riders.

Tiara"s Flame Knights also succeeded in defeating three Earth Dragon Modokis and five Kobolds, and within a short time, 50 pairs of Kobold Earth Dragon Modoki Riders were destroyed.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

t.i.tle: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Adhesion Sword『Gum』, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Acc.u.mulator, White Magic Acc.u.mulator

Level : 31

Health: 114

Magic Power: 205+420

Strength: 55+10

Agility: 48+4

Endurance: 31

Wisdom : 62

Dexterity : 39

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』

Skill : 『Warrior"s Memory』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog"s Sense of Smell』『Golem Maker: Lv3』『Rush』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield』『Information Link』『Optical Camouflage』『Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Placement』『Thunder Chariot』『St.u.r.dier Teeth「Dragon」』『Crystallization「Dragon」』『Fabricated Coercion』『Stone Minotaur』『Mega Beam』『s.p.a.ce Expansion』『Pseudo-silver Creation』『Poison Claw』

Yumika:「Come to think of it, you didn"t use the Mega Beam you managed to learn at great pains.」

Kazane:「Ah, I forgot.」

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