
Chapter 199

Publishedat 16th of August 2019 10:11:06 PMChapter 199

Chapter 199 - Let"s be Nicknamed Cat Knight-sama

Yumika dashed through the battlefield wearing rainbow-colored Dragon Spirit .

Rushing into the violently blowing Fire Breaths, a Dragon Bear collapsed with every one or two swings of her spear . Lyle was also fighting with his dragonfang spear by her side, but he wasn"t able to imitate her behavior of cutting them down as if they were Goblins . There shouldn"t be a big difference between their weapons of choice, so why were the results so different? Lyle was thinking about that .

There was probably a simple strength difference due to Dragonoidization . She also had the Rainbow Curtain that allowed her to attack recklessly without worrying about the Breaths, so she was able to fight without losing momentum . But being able to wield that ferocious power freely was due to her own strength, and that was the biggest difference separating Lyle and Yumika . Lyle was proficient enough to understand that, and he gnawed his lips with a vexed expression as he looked at the girl two years younger than himself .

「Older brother, we"re in the middle of battle . 」

「I know already!」

Lyle tutted while nodding after Emily"s criticizing voice . It certainly wasn"t the time to be stupefied .  

Lyle was currently battling in combination with Emily and Tatsuyoshi-kun Normal . They were in a stable pattern where Tatsuyoshi-kun Normal would take the enemy attacks while he and Emily finished them off .  

In the past, Naoki was the vanguard, Emily was the rearguard, and Lyle would fight while protecting Emily according to the situation . But with the Black Rock Dragon equipment given to them by Kazane, they were much stronger than before .

But it wasn"t enough . Lyle keenly felt that it absolutely wasn"t enough to reach his grandfather"s favored pupil Yumika .

But right now they could only fight with the power they had on hand . Emily"s dragonwing bow was powerful and was able to properly cause damage in this battle, and the Tatsuyoshi-kun Normal he received from Kazane was able to move more agilely than before due to the acc.u.mulated experiences of their daily training .

And Lyle was also different from how he was in the past . His offensive power was much deadlier than before due to obtaining the dragonfang spear . That was a major factor in them being able to settle things themselves without relying on Naoki .

So even though he was impatient, it couldn"t be helped . Lyle remembered his grandfather"s words: he was certain to become stronger, so it was important to advance one step at a time without feeling discouraged .

「But this is tough . 」

Naoki said when he returned to Lyle"s group . Naoki was currently supporting the fighting adventurers and soldiers . Naoki could send his magic swords flying from a distance and could survey the surroundings with his『Sense』Skill, so he was a.s.sisting in places that seemed to be in danger . Naoki was also giving instructions to Yumika . Their top priority was defense . Naoki"s『Sense』Skill was well suited to this situation . Naoki was playing the role of what is called the sub-leader .

「We kill and kill but more still advance . 」

「Your older sister is rampaging behind them, so they"re coming towards us to run away, aren"t they?」

Lyle was seriously thinking that .  

「Maybe . But this might be a little bad . 」

Naoki was worrying because Yumika had to mostly run around supporting groups instead of killing enemies like before . That showed that the surrounding adventurers and soldiers were no longer able to deal with the situation on their own . As Naoki was thinking about what to do, there was shouting .

「Mi, Minotaur!」

Naoki and the others" eyes reflexively widened, but they understood when they saw the huge Golem that looked like a ma.s.s of soil and rock that was approaching .

「That’s an ally . Don’t be frightened!」

Naoki raised his voice . He had explained about the Stone Minotaur in advance, but apparently they hadn"t understood . Well, it wasn"t like he didn"t understand why they would be frightened by that approaching figure, and Naoki smiled wryly .  

(Did Aneki come?)

Naoki shifted his attention to the Stone Minotaur . That huge Golem was Kazane"s Mino-kun . Since that was the case, Naoki thought that should be Kazane below it, and when he squinted he was able to confirm that something with force just like a tornado was routing Dragon Bears as it moved towards them . And as many Dragon Bears were sent flying,


It raised a cry while jumping over the Dragon Bears . As it was in the air, the"s blade was swung, and several monster heads flew .

「So you came, Aneki . . . it isn"t?」

Naoki was surprised when he realized that the figure he had thought was his older sister was a completely different person . The person that landed with a thud in front of Naoki and the others was Jinrai mounted on Yuuko-nee .

「As expected . As expected of Yuuko-nee . 」

「Nya, nyanyanyanyaーー!」

「I have become wind!」

Off in their own world without minding the surprised faces of the surrounding people, one person and one animal praised each other like love birds who had just started dating, and with that excitement they made a U-turn and headed towards the monsters again . Jinrai was just like wind as he ran through the battlefield . Though it was a b.l.o.o.d.y wind .  

Jinrai was completely in his element . He was an expert at the peak of humanity, and he now had mobility transcending humanity thanks to Yuuko-nee .

Also, her offensive ability was high, she was able to use mid-ranged attacks, and her crisis sensing ability was outstanding, so Yuuko-nee"s power made her like a good wife and wise mother for Jinrai, and Jinrai intensely falling in love was a natural thing .



The adventurers had dumbfounded expressions as they watched the laughing middle-aged man and huge crying out cat monster rout the enemies .

「What in the world is that? It"s entirely like wind, isn"t it?」

One of the adventurers said . That figure moved so fast the man could only see a blur, and it looked entirely like a storm .  

「The Cat Riding Warrior? Or should he be called the Cat Knight?」

One of the soldiers muttered as he watched the man in a white cloak mounted on a huge cat swing his spears . The phrase Cat Knight spread to the surrounding people .

「That person is the Fang Spear Soldier . Jinrai Barnes . Is that the power of a Hyvern spear master?」

One of the senior soldiers recognized that man"s appearance . Had it already been almost 20 years since that soldier learned the spear basics from Jinrai? He was struck with wonder that Jinrai"s appearance was exactly like back then as he battled . Moreover, the Fang Spear Soldier Jinrai"s name was also well known in Hyvern . Whispering voices saying「That is . . . 」could be heard from the surrounding people . .

「What is that strength! What is that speed!!」

A soldier trembled at that pure strength . The soldier shuddered at that fighting style that surpa.s.sed his common sense as Dragon Bears were defeated one after the other .

「It"s the Cat Knight Jinrai! Cat Knight Jinrai has come to help!」

The soldiers saved by Jinrai shouted . It didn"t take long for the name「Cat Knight Jinrai!」to resound repeatedly in that place .

But right now Jinrai wasn"t worried about such trivial matters . He saved the adventurers who were taking damage, defeated the Dragon Bears with wind-like speed, kicked the back of the leaping Yuuko-nee to jump higher, and even the Dragonfly Bears were struck down by his hand . Jinrai ran through the battlefield like a storm . It was as if he was clearing away the frustration at not being able to partic.i.p.ate from the start .  

「Ma, master . . . 」

And Yumika, who had been fighting with her utmost effort until now, was disheartened by her master taking all the spoils . Perhaps the surrounding people understood from her atmosphere, as they smiled wryly .

「You"ve been doing well . 」

Yumika raised her face and said「Eh, is that so?」with a bashful expression . As usual, she was simple .

「Besides, that is heading this way . We’re no match for THAT . 」

Another man said nervously .



When Yumika looked beyond the swarm of Dragon Bears, the huge black monster in the center that hadn"t been moving until now, the boss-cla.s.s monster that seemed to be leading the Dragon Bears called a『Beared Dragon』was walking towards them .

It was a monster with the Dragon Bear’s dragon and bear factors reversed . It was a dragon with subtly bear-like thick fur .

「Hmm . Yuuko-nee, can we do it?」


Jinrai and Yuuko-nee nodded to each other and started running toward the huge monster, and Yumika said「Please wait . I"ll also go!」as she chased them, and the members of『Swordfish』who had finally reached the front and other skilled adventurers also went to partic.i.p.ate .

Kazane was steadily watching that situation . The devil hadn"t come, but everyone focusing their attention on the Beared Dragon might be the devil"s aim, so she couldn"t be negligent .

And the battle entered the final stage . Finally, the subjugation of the horde"s boss had begun under the banner of the Cat Knight Jinrai .

(Yuuko-nee, deal the final blow)


In that situation, Kazane was secretly giving an order to Yuuko-nee with『Information Link』 . It seemed she had to deal the finishing blow herself to obtain a Skill, but she had already confirmed that she still received the experience points if one of her summons dealt the finishing blow . Thinking that might apply to obtaining Skills as well, Kazane entrusted everything to Yuuko-nee .

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

t.i.tle: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Adhesion Sword『Gum』, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Acc.u.mulator, White Magic Acc.u.mulator

Level : 32

Health: 124

Magic Power: 235+420

Strength: 55+10

Agility: 50+4

Endurance: 32

Wisdom : 62

Dexterity : 39

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior"s Memory』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog"s Sense of Smell』『Golem Maker: Lv3』『Rush』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link』『Optical Camouflage』『Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『St.u.r.dier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Fabricated Coercion』『Stone Minotaur』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『s.p.a.ce Expansion』『Pseudo-silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』

Yumika:「Master took all the credit . I thought I might get a cool nickname, but now I"ll be told『Ah, you’re the Cat Knight"s disciple . 』」

Kazane:「And I"m a sinful woman pretending I"ve been cuckolded by Yuuko-nee while I manipulate things behind the scenes . Should I be called a wicked woman?」

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