
Chapter 223 - Let"s Face the Past

Chapter 223 - Let"s Face the Past

Kazane wet herself at the excessively excessive scene and changed her underwear.

Furthermore, there will be no mention of this matter for the rest of the story.

◎ Royal Capital Shubain, Royal Castle Delgura, Underground Waterway

To make sure of Gore"s end, Kazane had watched the scene with her Circlet of Wisdom"s Remote Viewing. And she was speechless at the excessive cruelty of her own Heroic Spirit"s actions. Kazane was absolutely terrified of the monster that was born during the dark ages of her second year of middle school, and she wondered what in the world she had been thinking to create such a thing.

Then after being stupefied for several minutes, Kazane regained her sanity and went to the scene of the crime. A black ma.s.s that was previously Gore was there, just like had happened with Diablo.

(If I remember correctly, don"t all devils hibernate like this?)

According to Louise, the surrounding sh.e.l.l-like thing was called a Heart Sh.e.l.l Wall. When a devil was killed, it turned into a black object that was difficult to destroy.

Powerful Spirit magic was required to destroy this Heart Sh.e.l.l Wall, but there were few users, and a high ranking devil"s『Heart Sh.e.l.l Wall』was correspondingly st.u.r.dy, so destroying it was difficult. That was one of the reasons the pa.s.sive method of sealing devils had to be used. But Louise had speculated that Kazane"s Skill could break through.

「Skill・Soul Breaking Blade」

Then Kazane activated her Skill to endow her two-handed sword『Black Fang』with Soul Breaking Blade. She immediately stabbed with the sword, which made a hole in the Heart Sh.e.l.l Wall like it was a balloon; something gushed out from it, and the black ma.s.s eventually disappeared.

(Yeah. I can do purification)

Captured souls were probably what had gushed out. And it was common sense in this world that souls flowed to and disappeared into the Naga Line. So Kazane thought that the souls eaten by the devil were probably now flowing to the Naga Line.

Thus, unlike the time with Diablo, Kazane successfully extinguished the devil with certainty this time.

(But as expected, that is difficult to use)

Then Kazane thought back on the battle just now.

Kazane chose to bring down the devil with certainty this time so that her presence here wouldn"t become known. That was why Kazane summoned her second character at the beginning stage without relying on Ao. This place was covered and isolated with the barrier called『Maximum Killing Barrier』to defeat Gore without information leaking outside.

In this battle, Kazane was also able to grasp the second character"s personality to some extent.

(As expected, that guy has no intention to protect us)

That was Kazane"s conclusion concerning her second character. When that devil (Kazane didn"t know his name was Gore) attacked, the second character was in position to protect them, but it let Yuuko-nee die. Even Kazane would have been in a dangerous situation without the Berserk Ogre"s attack. That devil didn"t feel as strong as Diablo, but as a matter of fact, it wasn"t such an easy victory.

As might be expected, the second character would likely a.s.sist if Kazane was truly in danger, but the basis for that was that Zexiahart"s Heroic Spirit summoning system should have set the master"s survival as the top priority. She didn"t think it would protect her with its own judgement. Because inside, it was Kazane"s savage Chuuni mind itself.

The second character"s purpose was power tripping. Naoki was in his rebellious phase at that time and didn"t speak to her (according to the person himself, it was because he was embarra.s.sed, though), and Kazane"s Chuunibyou had been continually growing worse. When Kazane recalled how wild she was at that time, she became worried that Naoki would be attacked in the worst case. The greatest hate proceeds from the greatest love; it was such a time.

(The companion characters were also wholly killed with area magic.)

Kazane grumbled. In the first place, that character was healing play. Unlike her role play with Sieg as a knight character who was friendly with everybody, with THAT she naturally ignored the presence of companion NPCs, so they were instantly killed. She had ma.s.sacred anyone walking by and made every city she saw go up in flames. It was the embodiment of Kazane"s Chuuni mind, her black history itself.

With the excessive companion deaths, she could only be accompanied by the unique NPC with the Immortal attribute along the way, and the Immortal attribute NPC was also tossed into a well to get an achievement.

Since it was such a character, it hadn"t protected its companions, just as she had thought. In the first place, self protection was all that character had needed, so it only had defensive magic that was useful for its own defense, few of which could protect a companion.

Role play as a character with no desire to protect and br.i.m.m.i.n.g with the will to friendly fire. It was a Heroic Spirit that was severely difficult to bring out in front of her companions, even if it weren"t for that name.

Nonetheless, Kazane also gained a new Skill from that heinous role play character defeating the devil.

Its name was『Arms Creation: Black Flame』. It appeared to be the Cyclops"『Arms Creation』ability with the Black Flame attribute added to it. She didn"t know what the Black Flame attribute was, but it was probably a mixture of the Dark and Flame attributes?

(Let"s put it on Mino-kun the next time I summon him)

The Stone Minotaur was relatively powerful and was often given the role of taking damage, so Kazane was delighted by the Skill that seemed like it could power it up.

◎ Royal Capital Shubain, Royal Castle Delgura, Hidden Room

(I wonder what"s happening?)

Iria Noctal grumbled in her mind. Confined inside the hidden room, she had been stoically enduring alone. There had been no rest for her mind for the past week. That was the same now. There was magic inside her head. Brainwashing magic that would turn her into Boltoa"s doll if she lost focus. She had to use all her guts to prevent that and endure.

There had also been physical torture. Her mind was also severely wounded. But Iria"s mind didn"t break, and that still continued.

She was a Kunoichi from the beginning. She had been prepared to suffer such an experience. She had also received training to withstand such things.

(However, is this limit? It would be best to successfully die somehow)

The tone of the murmur in her mind was light, but her limit was approaching. The biggest problem was how she would act after being brainwashed. Her status as Queen Yuuko"s body double being used would dishonor her family name... as she was pondering methods to kill herself,


The wall in front of her was suddenly pulverized. Then a Shorty came in through the destroyed wall.

「MuーMumumuーmuーmumuー」 (Huh? That"s Kazane-chi, isn"t it?)

Iria was gagged, and she moaned that somehow. Kazane had followed her scent and was wondering what she was moaning as she looked at her, but she noticed Iria was tied up and quickly released her.

「Buhaー, I was saved. As expected of Jinrai-san"s Leader-san.」

The released Iria said with a wahahaha laugh. Kazane knew what kind of experience Iria went through from her scent, but Iria was acting like she didn"t care at all. She had returned to normal to such an extent that her thoughts of trying to die until just now seemed like a lie. That was the mental strength that enabled Iria to continue enduring for a week.

「Ah, even so, Kazane-chi is amazing. You were even able to remove the brainwashing magic in my head. Honestly, I thought that would be dangerous even I was released, so I was thinking it might be best to die right away, but I"m amazed.」

Kazane was surprised by such a thing being calmly said to her. Iria"s brainwashing magic was broken by the Infinite Key. Kazane grasped the indications of Iria"s death with『Intuition』and immediately dispelled the magic with the Infinite Key"s power. Although disclosing the secret of the Infinite Key was difficult, even to Yuuko-nee"s body double, so for now she vaguely smiled to gloss over the dispelling method.

「So then, Kazane-chi came for me, but that d.a.m.n Cabinet Minister Boltoa wasn"t there?」

Iria"s body was free after a long time, so she was stretching it out from head to toe with cracking sounds, and Kazane replied「Ah, was that Cabinet Minister Boltoa just now?」Kazane talked about the devil from some time ago, and Iria replied「That"s him.」It seemed Iria didn"t know he was a devil, but she had guessed that possibility, so she readily accepted it.

Then Kazane concluded that they should return to Yuuko-nee for now, and they arrived at Yuuko-nee"s bedroom using Iria"s personal secret route.

But Kazane wasn"t aware of the ordeal that was waiting ahead. She had completely forgotten about her own misdeed. Yes, beyond that door, Kazane had to face the mistake she had made in the past.

For Kazane, it was a past that had been buried in the depths of her memory. But for Yuuko-nee, it was a fact she had learned just now. And when Kazane opened the door and saw the scene before her, she finally remembered.


Yuuko-nee was on her knees after collapsing from shock. She was surrounded by Windows. Around 100 Email Windows with roughly similar contents were open and floating there. The sender was Kazane, and the recipient was, naturally, Yuuko-nee.

They were the emails sent by Kazane after Yuuko-nee"s last email.

They said things like『Eh, are you still doing it?』『That"s an awful bowel movement』『Smellyー』『Are you in there? Knock-knock』, and with no reply she had obstinately continued sending them, so in the end there were about 100 Email Windows about bowel movements on display.

Then Yuuko-nee exceedingly sorrowfully cried for some reason.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

t.i.tle: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Adhesion Sword『Gum』, Spell Dagger Feather x2, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Eating Ogre King"s Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Acc.u.mulator, White Magic Acc.u.mulator, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring

Level : 32

Health: 124

Magic Power: 235+420

Strength: 55+20

Agility: 50+14

Endurance: 32

Wisdom : 62

Dexterity : 39

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior"s Memory』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog"s Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv3』『Rush』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link』『Optical Camouflage』『Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『St.u.r.dier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Fabricated Coercion』『Stone Minotaur』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『s.p.a.ce Expansion』『Pseudo-silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』

Kazane:「………… (White eyes)」

Yumika:「No, don"t try to get out of this with white eyes. Or rather, forget as the heroine, what are you doing as a girl?」

Kazane:「Yu, Yumika did the same thing, didn"t you!」

Yumika:「No, only the first one I sent was like that.」

Kazane:「No way! Traitorーー!!」

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