
Chapter 238 - Let"s Set Forth

Chapter 238 - Let"s Set Forth

For one day, Kazane partic.i.p.ated in the mountain hunt to defeat the monsters still remaining inside the barrier, but except for that she pa.s.sed the time until departure with Tatsuo and Naga. Kazane and Naga calmly pa.s.sed the time with each other and seldomly started conversations, but at least when Tatuso started things off, the place became lively.

And then the decided day of departure came. Byaku proposed carrying them partway, but Kazane wanted to enter the hot springs in Drums City at the foot of Mount Konron, so they decided to depart on the Thunder Chariot. It would be drawn by Hippomaru-kun, whose source of power had switched to the Dragon Heart of the Lightning Dragon that was possessed by a Dragon Eater.

Also, the current output of Hippomaru-kun was slightly lower than with the Power Orb (small). But since the Dragon Heart was from a Lightning Dragon, it had good affinity with the Thunder Chariot, and with the horns turned into a Ram, it seemed the power of『Crawling Lightning』had increased.

Naga and the other important dragons were seeing them off, and just before Kazane and the others were about to depart, Ao spoke to Kazane.

「Level 40. Do you understand?」

Everyone else tilted their heads at Ao"s abrupt words, but Kazane immediately understood the meaning.

「Do you mean... player Superiorization?」

Ao nodded after Kazane"s reply.

「Yes. Superiorization happens to players, just like the game. You may have heard from Queen Yuuko.」

A knight might become a Dark Knight or Holy Knight, a magician might become a Sage or Great Wizard; Kazane"s current occupation according to the system was unclear, but level 40 was the point inside the game when a player could choose a superior occupation based on their abilities at the time, which was called Superiorization. Depending on the form of the soul... under that pretext, even race could change. Then Ao told them that happened even in reality.

「That"s when I became a dragon.」

After Ao"s words, Kazane, Naoki, and Yumika stared in wonder. The other companions didn"t seem to understand the meaning, but they were also surprised.

「I never heard about there being an option to become a dragon inside the game, though.」

That"s right... Ao replied to Kazane"s words.

「『Dragon Embodiment』was my Unique Skill. That"s also something I never heard about during the game, but that ability embodies the power of a dragon in a human body. Breath, Divine Protection from Arrows, etc. can be used with a human body.」

「That seems strong.」

After Kazane"s honest impression, Ao smiled bitterly.

「Yes, it was a considerable ability, but I was discriminated against because of it at that time. There was nothing else I could do, so I received the protection of a Dragon Village.」

Ao said. Kazane and the others" facial expressions clouded over, but Ao immediately smiled and continued.

「But I was able to live normally among the Dragonoids, and at level 40 I was able to become a dragon itself through Superiorization. And you all know the rest after that.」

(I thought Superiorization would only cause a Status increase...)

Unlike the game, they could input their own occupations in this world. When she asked Yuuko-nee, she heard she was a Great Wizard. So she had thought it would be a similar situation for herself, but the fact that there was a player who actually turned into a dragon in front of her was momentous.

And Ao saw Kazane was carefully thinking about it.

「Well, I can"t say it will absolutely be the case, but since you have the Dragonization Skill, you might have the same choice as me.」

Kazane nodded. That was certainly possible.

「It feels like I"ll become a dragon anyway if I keep leveling Dragonization, though.」

Then Kazane mentioned another possibility. That certainly seemed possible, so Ao nodded.

「Well, that might be so. In any case, I want you to remember that there will be that kind of choice... that"s all I wanted to say.」

「Yeah. I"ll remember it.」

It was still unclear what path Kazane would take in the future, but Ao showing her there was also the option to live as a dragon was enough for now.

And like Kazane, Naoki and Yumika were also respectively thinking about Superiorization. Naoki thought they would probably be choices that were basically the next ranks of Magic Sword Operator, but what about Yumika?

(G.o.d Wolf race or something like that... might be possible)

She tried lightly thinking so in her head, but the fact was that she might have the option to『stop being human』. That seemed like a path that would completely sever her connection to the original world she couldn"t give up on yet, which shook Yumika to a non-negligible degree.

『We won"t be able to meet for a while after this.』

The discussion with Ao was over, and Naga spoke to Kazane.

「Yeah. But I"ll send emails, and we might become able to return quite often?」

Naga and everyone else tilted their heads after Kazane"s words, but the Return Stake was in Coral Temple. Kazane was thinking that if they obtained that, the difficulty of returning here would also disappear.

「If the prospects of that look bright, I"ll report.」

『Hmm. I"m looking forward to it. Tatsuo, stay in good health as well.』

『Yes, father. I"ll strive every day to become a splendid dragon.』

Tatsuo said while clinging to Kazane. That made him seem all talk, but it had only been half a month since his birth. The normal age for him to stop being spoiled by his mother was still a long way off.

Then the party went through the Mist Barrier and headed to Drums City at the foot of Mount Konron. Kazane and Tatsuo were Naga"s family, so the barrier had no effect. The fog actually avoided them, so there was only a clear view of the road as Hippomaru-kun and the Thunder Chariot advanced.

◎ Mount Konron, Dragon Road, Drums City Direction

「Ah, it"s been a long time since we were inside this.」

Kazane said. It had certainly been a long time since the last time the party had felt the soft seats of the Thunder Chariot.

『Mother, it"s so soft.』

Tatsuo was delighted. The size of the Thunder Chariot had increased due to the level up from the Dragon Bear subjugation, so it currently fit 8. However, the inside of the carriage was a girls" room, and the only men were Tatsuo and Mefirus. No boys allowed. Actually, for some reason or other Jinrai was also permitted, so only Lyle and Naoki were no good. It was discrimination.

And as usual, Jinrai was sitting in the coachman"s seat, and Lyle and Naoki were riding Hippo-kun High and Clear. Also, Yuuko-nee yawned「Nyaa」on top of the Thunder Chariot. It was nap time.

She was the carriage guard, and with the『Photosynthesis』Skill she gained from eating the Dragon Eater"s Core, she strived to replenish Kazane"s Magic Power.

Although there wasn"t any particular exertion Yuuko-nee needed to do for that, so she napped. Occasional funyaa sleep-talking sounds could be heard.

「It"s been half a month since we last rode the Thunder Chariot, but the inside has become even more extravagant in various ways from the level up, hasn"t it.」

After Kazane"s words, Emily said「Why a chandelier?」in astonishment. They were in the mountains, so it should be cold, but a warm gentle indoor breeze was flowing. This seemed to be due to the installation of a magical tool that could also do air conditioning.

「Even in Tsuvara, there"s no carriage this splendid. Right, grandpa?」

『That"s right. Well, that"s mostly the case for its outward appearance as well.』

Tiara and Mefirus said to each other. The leveled up Thunder Chariot had changed into a more streamlined shape, and the wheels had become bigger. Hippomaru-kun also had an even more fiendish design than before. Its entire body was strengthened from using materials from the Beared Dragon, and it now had a jet black mane. Also, the Black Rock Dragon horns now jutted out like a naval ram for battle thanks to Suza.

That jet black battle carriage was in perfect form today as well.

「But anyway, Kazane decided go back to traveling.」

Tatsuo was fully enjoying the softness and had immediately fallen asleep, and Louise beside him was watching over him with warm eyes as she addressed Kazane.

「N? Did you think I would stay?」

「Well. I thought there was about a 30% chance?」

Louise so replied to Kazane"s question.

「G.o.d Dragon Emperor Nagsama. His race is different, but in the good men ranking I think he"s top cla.s.s.」

「Well, it"s my Husband.」

Kazane laughed. She was happy, just like she was being praised.

「Moreover, there"s also Tatsuo-kun. I was thinking that staying and becoming Empress-sama was also an option.」

After Louise"s words, Kazane said「Well...」

「I thought Tatsuo was an even greater reason to continue traveling now.」

Kazane looked at Tatuso with eyes full of affection as she talked.

「Even among dragons, this child is a dreadfully rare species.」

It wasn"t to the same level as the previous Rainbow Heart, but Tatuso glittered. It was a radiance that moved people"s hearts. However, it was also a radiance that tempted people"s hearts.

「He also has his position as Husband"s child, and when he grows up, it might be especially difficult to go outside. When I thought that, and with Husband"s approval as well, the wide world... I wanted to show it to him, you know?」

After Kazane"s words, Louise laughed. She thought that seemed just like their Leader and nodded.

「I underestimated you.」

「Do as you like.」

Louise honestly thought it was praiseworthy, and Shorty was However, everyone there had gentle smiles.

Then the city started becoming visible ahead of the carriage.

Drums City. Because of their shortcut, they didn"t visit on the way there, but it was a hot spring town considered deeply intimate with dragons.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

t.i.tle: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Draghorn Tonfa (Incomplete) x2, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Eating Ogre King"s Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Acc.u.mulator, White Magic Acc.u.mulator, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring

Level : 33

Health: 135

Magic Power: 260+420

Strength: 57+20

Agility: 52+14

Endurance: 33

Wisdom : 65

Dexterity : 41

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior"s Memory』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog"s Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv3』『Rush』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『St.u.r.dier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Fabricated Coercion』『Stone Minotaur』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『s.p.a.ce Expansion』『Pseudo-silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』

Yumika:「By the way, I"m level 36. I think Naoki is 32?」

Kazane:「Yumika is a warrior Job, so you level a little faster, right?」

Yumika:「It"s not just that. It"s also because I never miss my daily training.」

Kazane:「Naoki is... well, maybe 3 years of normal living is like that?」

Yumika:「To be honest, we fight too much, don"t we? Even by this world"s standards.」

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