
Chapter 241 - Battle Between Best Friends

Chapter 241 - Battle Between Best Friends

As originally planned, Kazane and her companions immediately left Deidona City without spending the night after they procured some interesting information at the Adventurers Guild. Then in a place a little away from the highway, Kazane set up the Cottage they had decided to stay at that day, but it was the Barnes siblings" first time staying the night there, so they were astonished.

Actually, they had seen the Cottage itself in front of Blue Rifon Fort and at Deer South"s university. However, the building at that time wasn"t the square building with a mirrored outward appearance it was now, and it was the first time the siblings had actually entered to stay the night.

Also, even though the living environment of the Cottage was better than an inn from the start, their policy was to purposely stay at city inns, since that was the true charm of traveling, it increased the opportunities to taste local specialty products, etc.

If they were going to stay long term, having a base inside a city was also good. But they concluded that currently, expressly staying at an inn wasn"t necessary if they were only going to stay for one night, since that meant Tatsuo would have to stay hidden.

Then the Barnes siblings were sunk by the multi-hit combo of meal, bath, toilet with warm water bidet, and Indestructible Futon. It was a road that anyone who entered the White Party had to travel.

◎ Near Deidona City, In Front of the Cottage, Meadow, Early Morning

「Nn, you want to go straight to Dolmu City?」

「Yeah. I don"t think it"s our fault, but we are one of the causes, so leaving it alone for even a little bit wouldn"t feel right.」

Although they were having an easygoing conversation, sparks were flying between Yumika and Kazane. That wasn"t a figurative expression; they were appearing as Yumika"s spear violently clashed against Kazane"s tonfas and greaves.

As a matter of fact, Kazane had been partic.i.p.ating in daily training with Jinrai and Yumika"s group as much as possible ever since she returned to the East Dragon Village.

That was because she had exhaustively read the Tonfa Primer (Volume One) and felt that actually performing the techniques over and over again was necessary to develop her『Kick Devil』Skill.

Because of her special right to level up and raise her Status as a player, Kazane was able to clear the fundamental hurdle of basic physical strength. But the value of experience when it came to combat techniques was obvious from the results of Yumika"s daily training. Manga, games, and light novels had stories about some kind of extreme impetus causing a power up, but the real girl Kazane understood that such steady training was the shortest path to becoming the strongest. Therefore, she did early morning training.

「If I remember correctly, you guys defeated the Earth Core Dragon that the meat they possessed came from.」

「Yeah, that"s so.」

Yumika spoke with plenty of leeway, but Kazane"s voice was slightly lacking such composure.

「Well, I heard the stolen Childstone was obtained in the same battle, though... sa!」

Three thrusts came from Yumika. Kazane saw that coming and repelled two with the tonfas on her arms, then kicked up the third blow.

「Alright, I"ve won!!」

「Yeah, sorry.」

With the gap from striking the spear upward, Kazane plunged in!... the moment it seemed like that, Kazane said「Gobuu」as she was thrown to the ground and had a spear thrust before her.

「Luring, luring. The technique『Weeping Willow』was born for the times when a foe plunges in. Understand?」

The『Weeping Willow』technique Yumika mentioned was a technique that read the opponent"s tempo and evaded with slight movements, and Kazane had heard that due to the movement of the spear"s center of gravity, the user"s movements deviated from a normal human being"s and would take an opponent by surprise.

And Kazane was struck by the suppression spear technique『Topple』that used the spear that was outside the opponent"s perception immediately after that dodge to knock them down with full strength. That was Yumika"s forte.

「Muu. I can"t win.」

Kazane said sullenly as she rose. She was currently losing every match. Yumika, on the other hand, still had leeway, and she had two transformations on top of that.

「Well, a ring battle like this is different. There"s no reason you should be able to beat me with only melee techniques, right?」

「Well, that"s true.」

Kazane had no choice but to agree with Yumika"s words. Kazane wasn"t currently using any particular spells or Active Skills. Yumika"s spear also had the range advantage against her tonfas and kicks. There were both kick and tonfa techniques to close the range difference, but Kazane hadn"t learned them yet.

「Angus-san used his tonfas more dexterously. He didn"t just use them for blows and defending like you.」

Tonfa user Angus. Kazane remembered that Yumika was defeated by Angus. She didn"t use any transformations, but it seemed Yumika was inferior to Angus in a plain match.

「By the way, how did Yumika lose?」

「Nn, he held his tonfa by the long end and used the grip like a scythe to restrain my spear. I received a kicked immediately after, so that was the end? Also, he rotated his tonfas when he blocked and jumped in with the gaps created. Honestly, it was also partly because I wasn"t used to it. It felt like he specialized in using his tonfas to defend and kicks to attack.」

Contrary to his personality, it seemed Angus" tonfa usage was extremely orthodox.

「Nuu. The Tonfa Primer: Volume One I received only had kicking techniques. Techniques like that would be difficult without receiving the last volume.」

Then Kazane groaned. Kazane"s tonfa user vocabulary was too lacking.

「But I guess it"s coming into shape, and making a combo pattern has also been decided?」

「That Skill was called『Kick Devil』? Your attacks were gradually getting heavier.」

「Yeah. Each time the combo continues, my attack power increases. And for the finishing blow」

So saying, she looked at the ring on her left hand"s ring finger.

「The deadly technique from me and Husband"s cooperative work of love. It was finally completed yesterday.」

Kazane kissed the ring while saying so.

「Love... well, whatever. That should certainly work well. Rather, that was dangerous for me.」

Yumika once received that attack in a previous mock battle. If that hit, she could certainly lose in a single blow.

「But, how should I say it... it was like something from a JRPG, wasn"t it?」

「Something like that is normal for summoning techniques in older games, right?」

While the two people were conversing like that, another training was being performed behind them.


「Haha, run, Yuuko-nee.」

「Ahーgrandfather is acting wildly?」

「I don"t know. Recently, he"s always been like this.」

「Even though I can finally use my sword to a certain extent, he"s scampering about.」

「Aiming at him when he"s so fast is hard, right?」

It was a mock battle of the Cat Knight vs Naoki and his pleasant friends. The main force on Naoki"s side were the Flame Power and Lyle. Naoki and Tatsuyoshi-kun Normal were rearguard escorts.

However, Lyle wasn"t able to keep up with Yuuko-nee"s speed, and there was too much difference in skill with the Flame Power alone. Naturally, Emily"s arrows didn"t hit with that speed, and while it seemed Naoki had mastered his magic sword to a certain extent, as might be expected, he couldn"t use his magic sword"s『Fire Breath』ability against a companion. And his swordsmanship hadn"t improved yet.

Therefore, the rear guard that should be protected was naturally quickly attacked. With an opponent that fast, they would be destroyed individually if all members didn"t gather together to fight, but Yuuko-nee and Jinrai would occasionally split up and separate their party, and they couldn"t do anything about it.

「They"re being played with, huh.」

「That"s right.」

Kazane and Yumika said while taking a break and drinking tea from the Item Box. It was early in the morning, so Tatsuo and Louise were still sleeping.

「Ah, which reminds me, the plan is to go straight to Dolmu after this?」

「Yeah, if we start this morning and run all night, I think we"ll be able to manage somehow, right?」

「Well, at this point I don"t think moving at night would be dangerous.」

Night monsters had wild natures, and fighting in the dark was disadvantageous.... such common sense didn"t really apply to Hippomaru-kun.

「It may have been subjugated already, but I want to go right away in case we can do something.」

「I also want to get to Dolmu as early as possible.」

Jinrai joined Kazane and Yumika"s conversation from behind.

「Eh, is the special training fine?」

After Kazane"s question, Jinrai looked at the state of the battle still going on behind him

「I"ve left it to Yuuko-nee. The current Yuuko-nee can probably handle that by herself.」

and said that. Kazane muttered「Yuuko-nee is my partner, though.」She had recently been scared that Yuuko-nee would be stolen away by Jinrai.

「Well, anyway. Since we heard the Dragon Knights had to withdraw, I"m worried.」

They heard half a month ago that Hyvern"s army would form a subjugation unit. And the story they heard at the tavern yesterday was that the force was actually a.s.sembled and tried to subjugate it but were forced to withdraw. Then the adventurers were called.

「Was it because the Demon Wolf Fenrir Imitator was that strong, or was there a pack so large they had to withdraw?.... well, that might be a little impossible.」

So saying, Jinrai laughed his own words down. Kazane and the others had been surrounded by many dragons recently, but they were one of the strongest species. No matter how far it may have evolved, a Kobold based species should be no match for Adult dragons.

「Dragons have strong scents. My vote is that they were run away from.」

Jinrai nodded after Kazane"s words. Wolf and dog species were particularly excellent at distinguishing scents.

「I want to at least check the current situation.」

Even a dragon species could be killed by a Kobold Blue"s poison if its scales were pa.s.sed through. Worst case scenarios had to be kept in mind when fighting such monsters.

「Yeah. Well then, shall we quickly go to Dolmu? Well, with the Thunder Chariot, we won"t get tired even if we go fast.」

After discussion with Jinrai, the party decided to rush at full speed to Dolmu City. And they arrived the next morning.

Also, it seemed travelers witnessed purple lightning running around in the middle of the night, and more points were added to the distribution map of the rare monster『Crawling Lightning』.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

t.i.tle: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Draghorn Tonfa (Incomplete) x2, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Eating Ogre King"s Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Acc.u.mulator, White Magic Acc.u.mulator, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring

Level : 33

Health: 135

Magic Power: 260+420

Strength: 57+20

Agility: 52+14

Endurance: 33

Wisdom : 65

Dexterity : 41

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior"s Memory』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog"s Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv3』『Rush』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『St.u.r.dier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Fabricated Coercion』『Stone Minotaur』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『s.p.a.ce Expansion』『Pseudo-silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』

Kazane:「Jinrai-san is doing things energetically.」

Yumika:「He"s been getting stronger, so he"s unmanageable.」

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